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  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned
    edited March 2015

    LOL I did notice that! I just loved the dramatic Robert but Lays makes everything better! :D

    Anytime! If you didn't notice already, he's holding up a bag of Lay's. XD

  • I loved the moment where you showed Lyla and Emily, then with Georgie and Gren. It's awesome seeing how things changed within a matter of time. I always get so sad when you mention Emily's past but that is a part of her. Luckily, she's changed for the better. :3 Great start! Can't wait for more!

    "From this day forward, you shall not walk alone. My heart will be your shelter and my arms will be your home."

    ^^^^FREAKING loved this! <3 <3

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The Wedding part 1 "From this day forward, you shall not walk alone. My heart will be your shelter and my arms will be your home." The

  • "It's a damn shame your mother wasn't here to see this."

    "But she is, dad." Gren points to the bow, tucked and peeking through the Ivy plants. "She's right there. Watching us all."

    Alt text

    UGH! I'm crying right now, pie! I'm coming over later and slapping you! XD XD jk jk But that was very sweet and touching. :3

    "Is she here yet, Grendel?" Blossom tugs on the tail of Gren's jacket. "Is Emily here yet? I want to see how pretty she is."

    I found this too damn precious!!!!

    The qauds, sitting in a little red Wagon, was pulled by Bella, Jersey and Katie's oldest daughter

    I lied. This is precious, too. :3

    DAWWW! ALL our OC's are there, too! How neat is that! :D :D

    "I, Emily Caitylnn Porgie, take you Grendel, as my husband. For better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health till death do us part."

    "Now, do you Grendel, take Emily to always cherish until your dying days?"

    "I do."

    "And do you, Emily, take Grendel to always cherish and love until your dying days?"

    "I do."

    YAAAAAAAY!!!! OMG! I'm so happy right now! I'm so pleased to know that Gren and Emily found love and happiness with one another! Seeing Emily happy and in love has been one of the best pieces you've worked on. She went from one to another and changed for the best. BTW, seeing Georgie walk her down the aisle. I loved it.

    That image, too. They all look so happy....:D

    Great work, dude! Can't wait for the next!!!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Wedding Day part 2 "Your love is like the river, peaceful and deep. Your soul is like a secret, that I never could keep. When I look into

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned
    edited March 2015

    Damn! Johann be hooking the Gremily wedding up! I'll take some of that Lamb, thank you. XD Gren hates Raspberries?! XD I had no idea but its funny how they can joke like that and still have a good time. think its cute. :3 I love, love, love that picture of them! Gren and Emily have so much passion and love between them and it shows.

    I loved those speeches made by Robert and Georgie. :3 And all the oc's with their gifts. Freaking Nick and Katie with the flowers.! XD XD

    She took a minute to gather their children; Gren held Chloe, while Emily grasped tightly to Seraphina and Liam. Viviana held her father's jacket and floated beside her parents.

    R.I.P JJWolf 'He was a good man...died of diabates thanks to pudding_pie's story.' XD jk jk But how freaking cute are they!!!!

    "You're a lucky man, Grendel. Take care of this one..." Nick's grasp on Gren's hand becomes tight. "Or so help me, I'll rip the other one off. Got it?"

    DAMN, @HazzatheMan Nick is going to cut Gren if he hurts Emily! See him and Georgie with Crowd control teaming up! XD XD

    Into the night, the couple carry on as husband and wife. How sweet is was indeed.

    :3 <3 <3

    That epilouge, too. At first I thought that this was THE END and was going to get mad because there is so much you have not covered but read the last part and can't wait!!! I loved this wedding!!! GREMILY!

    I can't wait for the following:

    • The quads and their part in fabletown
    • MAYBE more Gremily babies?
    • Emily's connection to the bow and what that means for her in the future
    • Robert and Gren-I know Thomas is dying slowly and Robert is currently under the spell of Carla. I'm assuming that was her, so how will that play out in the future between the brothers?
    • More Peter and Ethan, especially Ethan; want to see where he and Michelle end up and WhY he looked so much like Georgie in that last picture of the 3 siblings.
    • Hades and his TRUE motives for Viviana
    • Vivian and Nick. XD I ship these two so hard. <3 (crosses fingers for ghost baby(s) :D)

    I loved this so much, pie. Congrats to my little brother (Robert to Gren) and his new bride. :D

    EDIT: I couldn't help myself. This is Gren on their honeymoon:

    Alt text
    XD XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Wedding Day part 3 ~They feasted~ Johann the Butcher prepared and offered the meats and various other tasty treats for the wedding and

  • Alt text

    Excellent work, perhaphs we will see something on Gremily's... honeymoon?

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Wedding Day part 3 ~They feasted~ Johann the Butcher prepared and offered the meats and various other tasty treats for the wedding and

  • edited March 2015

    Oh my gosh, yes! My Fayde would definitely give gifts like that to a lucky girl like Emily. :) And the way you made her play with those chairs in the previous part, definitely something she would also do. :D

    Tez too, man, this was just awesome of you describing he and Gren being buddies throughout. :)))

    Anyway, congrats Emily P.! I wish you the best from here on out - Tez, Rose, and Fayde say the same as well!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Wedding Day part 3 ~They feasted~ Johann the Butcher prepared and offered the meats and various other tasty treats for the wedding and

  • Oh man, this chapter is beautiful!!!

    Lyla and Emily, Gren and Georgie :')

    I love it so much!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The Wedding part 1 "From this day forward, you shall not walk alone. My heart will be your shelter and my arms will be your home." The

  • IT FINALLY HAPPENED!!!!! XD XD XD XD XD So happy right now :'D

    Although, where is Bigby? Please don't tell me he's dead! :O

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Wedding Day part 2 "Your love is like the river, peaceful and deep. Your soul is like a secret, that I never could keep. When I look into

  • Yes; Gren and Emily are FINALLY married, after she swore it would never happen. ;)

    And sadly, yes. In MY story, Bigby is dead. :( Trying to keep with the comic and what not.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    IT FINALLY HAPPENED!!!!! XD XD XD XD XD So happy right now :'D Although, where is Bigby? Please don't tell me he's dead! :O

  • Looks at the bottom gif

    You're sick, dude. XD XD

    JJwolf posted: »

    Damn! Johann be hooking the Gremily wedding up! I'll take some of that Lamb, thank you. XD Gren hates Raspberries?! XD I had no idea but its

  • YAY! I was so worried about fayde; T man and Rose I pretty much nailed down but Fayde is still brand new and judging by how you speak about her, she means the world and I'd hate to mess up! :D Awesome to know I got her pretty much to your standards. :D

    Gremily appreciate the many well wishes on their continuing journey in Fabletown. :)

    Oh my gosh, yes! My Fayde would definitely give gifts like that to a lucky girl like Emily. And the way you made her play with those chairs

  • Awesome, man! I was entertained by that gif, btw. XD XD

    Ah yes, the honeymoon. Well, that is for Gremily to know and us to use our imaginations....;)

    MasterStone posted: »

    Excellent work, perhaphs we will see something on Gremily's... honeymoon?

  • Oh man, lovely... just fookin' lovely XD

    I am interested in the back-story you gave Nick though: He started a family? That time in Maryland? (Definitely gotta elaborate what happened in Maryland!)

    Nick catching the flowers was... odd. BUT still hilarious :P

    Mr and Mrs. Grendel is finally a thing, and I cannot wait for whatever comes next!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Wedding Day part 3 ~They feasted~ Johann the Butcher prepared and offered the meats and various other tasty treats for the wedding and

  • But Bigby..... Oh now I'm sad again :'(

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Yes; Gren and Emily are FINALLY married, after she swore it would never happen. And sadly, yes. In MY story, Bigby is dead. Trying to keep with the comic and what not.

  • I just mentioned the family thing because we all know about Lyra. A little shoutout to her. :) And the short story to Maryland is this: they got drunk, stole a fishing boat and crashed into a light house. While the cops searched for the drunk Fables, Nick jacked someone's bike, they made their getaway but not before stopping to grab some lobster po-boys for the road. XD XD

    Nick was doing it to piss Katie off because he knew SHE'S be the one to fight the crowd to get them. (Although she's married lol)

    YES! I love saying that now. Mr. & Mrs. Grendel. :3 I have A LOT planned for these two and then some.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh man, lovely... just fookin' lovely XD I am interested in the back-story you gave Nick though: He started a family? That time in Maryla

  • I know. It was a tough call for me. I have an idea for Bigby, too, considering I still have to cover Peter and what not. ;)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    But Bigby..... Oh now I'm sad again

  • Snow without Bigby.... Is like humans without oxygen :(

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I know. It was a tough call for me. I have an idea for Bigby, too, considering I still have to cover Peter and what not.

  • edited March 2015

    Oh yeah I forgot my precious Lyra :P I would've thought Mary would've mentioned Nick or said something to him though...

    Nick jacking a bike sounds like him :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I just mentioned the family thing because we all know about Lyra. A little shoutout to her. And the short story to Maryland is this: they g

  • I still have ways to go with the story; Nick is going to show up again because the quads will be older in the upcoming chaps and he'll make a visit to help Gren and I'll go from there. I wanted to focus on Gremily for these chaps. :3

    Love it! Happy you approve. :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh yeah I forgot my precious Lyra :P I would've thought Mary would've mentioned Nick or said something to him though... Nick jacking a bike sounds like him :P

  • Of course :)

    It's difficult to show Nick's fun side cuz in my current story, Nick has to be serious. But he can be wild and funny when he wants to be as well XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I still have ways to go with the story; Nick is going to show up again because the quads will be older in the upcoming chaps and he'll make

  • edited March 2015

    Well, if I am to be completely honest, I gave you a free pass on Fayde concerning the way you made her talk. But even so, I understand if you were puzzled in that regard since I haven't posted anything about her in the past few weeks.

    Anyway, IF you write dialogue for Fayde again, make her talk whole words next time - instead of having her say things like "ya 'ear me" or "I 'ad to come." She has an Irish accent, yeah, but it isn't THAT heavy. XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    YAY! I was so worried about fayde; T man and Rose I pretty much nailed down but Fayde is still brand new and judging by how you speak about

  • Oh man this was really cool! :D Awesome to see Makoto and Celeste made it! :) The part where Emily and Celeste would do roller rink competitions made me laugh way more than it should have! XD

    I can't wait to read more of the adventures these two and their kids will have! :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Wedding Day part 3 ~They feasted~ Johann the Butcher prepared and offered the meats and various other tasty treats for the wedding and

  • Sorry to hear you've been ill! Sounds like you're on the mend at least. :)

    There's great detail of period features in this chapter, which really conjures an atmosphere! Belinda seems to have landed on her feet; though how things might develop with Mr. Wakefield could change that.

    It's curious to think of Belinda reading a Charles Dicken's book when her character is inspired by a character from Charles Dicken's book - nice touch. XD

    And I like Sophie - she seems friendly and yet has proven to be more than capable of knocking a man out with crockery.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    So, this is the THIRD time I've attempted to write this chapter....the first time, I was feeling so sick that I had to lay down, and ended u

  • And you know, as I wrote this and hit the part with Fayde, I told myself 'I don't think she speaks with a very heavy accent. I don't remember....' lol I should have gone with my gut. :P OR, asked the creator himself but I'll know for future chaps that Fayde has regular dialouge. :D Imagination got the better of me. XD XD

    Well, if I am to be completely honest, I gave you a free pass on Fayde concerning the way you made her talk. But even so, I understand if yo

  • Great drawings, dude! :D Not sure I fully understand Robert's quote, but the tear in his eye and triumphant clutching of chips looks good regardless. XD Harmony and Tim look truly earnest; and Makoto's hair look just right, while Death's question is preiceless. :P And Nick has the sure, steely glint! :D

    Surprise @JJwolf, @EMMYPESS, @Tetra, and @HazzatheMan! Your long-awaited pictures are finally here! I hope you guys like 'em as usual, if no

  • The deer and it's two babies appear from time to time. Can't remember the time when they first appeared, but it'd be nice to think it's the same mother or perhaps the mother is one of the children from before, and they're living their lives alongside the Porgies. Oh, man, this wedding is making me damn sentimental. XD That scene with Emily and Lyla, and then the one with Gren, Georgie and Robert coming in at the end are very touching. :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The Wedding part 1 "From this day forward, you shall not walk alone. My heart will be your shelter and my arms will be your home." The

  • Gren and Dixa used to spend Thursday nights playing pool and drinking Beers until the other gave up or passed out.

    Like this a lot; seems just the thing they'd both do. :)

    Having so many of our Fables there, the chatting, the crying; the vows! Wonderful! :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Wedding Day part 2 "Your love is like the river, peaceful and deep. Your soul is like a secret, that I never could keep. When I look into

  • Who'd have thought, say, 10 months ago, of all the characters you've created and the adventures they'd go on, and that things would wind up here with Emily and Gren getting married? It's been a great ride and seeing these two come together feels somehow special.

    He was complete, as was she.

    What a wonderful pair. :D And what great appearances from everyone's characters! Dixa's and Percy's gifts are just the sort of thing they'd give! Brilliant writing for a fantastic wedding, Pie! :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Wedding Day part 3 ~They feasted~ Johann the Butcher prepared and offered the meats and various other tasty treats for the wedding and

  • In MY story, Bigby is dead. :( Trying to keep with the comic and what not.

    Yep, should not have been curious about this conversation. XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Yes; Gren and Emily are FINALLY married, after she swore it would never happen. And sadly, yes. In MY story, Bigby is dead. Trying to keep with the comic and what not.

  • Oh. and Nick has 2 facial scars as well:

    • A defined scar over his right eye
    • A crow's feet-shaped scar on his left cheek

    Ah, okay, a few details I have overlooked here and there. Now I know. :P No prob! I'll be sure to give him long hair and the proper facial features next time. XD

  • I like to think that Nick would be like a second Father to the Porgie girls :D

    He has a fondness for them (which will come through in my next story) But Nick is very good at threats... and following through with them :P

    JJwolf posted: »

    Damn! Johann be hooking the Gremily wedding up! I'll take some of that Lamb, thank you. XD Gren hates Raspberries?! XD I had no idea but its

  • Handle it themselves, right...

    The next day, the teens decided that it was best to handle this situation themselves instead of getting others involved and preventing further bloodshed. Though, that was highly inevitable since the Wendigo took the shape of the Warden that night and is out for Ashlyn's. The school dance is tonight, and there is bound to be more trouble in the wake of the Wendigo's wrath. Luckily, Ella has a plan to combat this menace, but first she have to deal which coach Nick..

    “ELLA, DAN!” Ella turns around and see's the pissed off Scotsman standing in the doorway to the field. He knows about Rasputin, but does he know about what happened last night? The two take their time, casually walking over towards Nick. Once there, Nick tells the two to cut the bullshit immediately. He want's to know what happened to his star Fable. “I don't know what the hell you kids been up to, but IF I recall there were seven of you there last night, including the Warden. So how the HELL did a puma get into the slow and claw up Rasputin like that?” Ella and Dan look at each other after Nicks assumption.

    “Uhh, well Nick... He smells like raw meat... so that could explain the puma's lurking around the school at night..” Dan shakes his head in agreement to Ella's statement. Nick places his palm onto his face in disbelief. “There aren't any Mundy animals around here... Just go to class and get ready for practice. You kids will finally put a gray hair on my head..”. After the bell rings, Nick stops by his office for another shot of coffee and once he arrives, the door is halfway opened.

    He's suspicious, very suspicious since the door was locked the last time he visited... five minutes ago after speaking with Dan and Ella. He carefully enters the room with caution, he takes a look around, and nothing or no one is there. However he did noticed his ravaged paperwork, or files that has been tampered with. After cursing up a storm, the Warden appears in the doorway of Nick's office. “Something wrong.... Nick?” The Warden looking at Nick with this blank and dead face. Nick turns around and immediately ask the Warden if he broken into his office.

    Marcelo one his way to the next class kisses his date for the dance goodbye then goes off to class, English class with one the most cherished teachers at FableTown High, Mr. Weasel. There in the class with him is Robert and Franklin, Ashyln's boyfriend. As everyone get settled in, Franklin turns to Robert and asked about what happened to last night. Robert looks at Marcelo who shakes his head signifying Robert to not spill a word. “Uh, it was...boring! Until Ell and the Warden got into and then I break danced onto-” Mr. Weasel interrupts Robert and remind him that it's a quiz time, a surprised quiz.. which he forgot to study for..

    Ashlyn arrived a few minutes late. She asked Lyla to walk with here to class, in case something goes down. On their while walking past the main office, Lyla bumps into a new student, with a bald shaving head, English accent, even wearing a hat after being asked to take it of several times. “Ey! Watch were de fook yer goin- Oh..” The boy turns to Lyla, then both her and the boy lock eyes. Lyla begins to blush while the boy stares into her eyes. “You... must be new here...” Lyla continuing to blush, the the boy took out a lollipop and put in his mouth and began to slowly look Lyla up in down.

    “Yeah, I'm new.. You want one these, toots.?” Lyla nodded and took one of the Lollipops and slowly placed it over her lips then finally into her mouth, rolling it. The boy asked “What's yer name, toots..” Then Lyla rolled her eyes in a playful matter as her named rolled off of her tongue, she asked the boy what his name was too. “You can call me... Porgie.” They both smiled and Ashyln took Lyla that she see her later then went on her way.

    Walking to her locker the ghost girl Mindy once again appears before her. “What do you want Mindy! Why don't you just leave me alone!” The ghost girl began to playful walk towards Ashlyn, then the dead girls face went from a wicked smile to a melancholy. “He wanted me to make his bride, his lover.. He introduced to the hunger.. I loved it... I was addicted to it. It consumed me Ashlyn”. Mindy took a seat next to Ashlyn who questioned why it, the Wendigo was doing this. Mindy went on and continue to explain.

    “I don't know were it came from, all I remember how it seduced me. How it made me eat... things. It turned me into a cannibal, and before I could change.. I took my own life. Now he want's you Ashlyn... he want's your heart.” Mindy slowly placed her hand over Ashlyn's chest. She see's the tragic future, and begins scream in horror. “No... no! So many bodies... so many people dead!” Ashyln begins to show her wolfly features and begins to roar. Franklin hears this and rushes to her aid, confronting her and holding her tightly as he tries to calm her down.

    Nick's enter with the Warden continued. He asked the Warden again why he broke into his office and the Warden was silent and unresponsive. “Hey, SPARKLY NERD! I'M TALKING TO YOU!” Nick, pissed off was in the Warden's face demanding an explanation. The Warden grabbed Nick by his neck and slammed him onto the desk. Laying there, Nick surprised by the newly strength by lays there thinking to himself what the hell just happened. He blacks out for a moment, then the Warden reveals his true form, the Wendigo and prepares to kill Nick so he can assume his form.

    Just as the wicked creature began to run his sharp claw down Nick's neck, he is uppercut into the ceiling then comes flying down. Nick get's up releasing what this thing is and knows not to hesitate in killing this thing. “Puma my ass, Rasputin was attacked by you, you smelly fuck! You wounded my star player and RUINED my chance of winning the Fable Leagues.. Therefore, YOU MUST DIE!” Nick attempts the beat the Wendigo to death put it blinds him with some kind of magic and exits the room.

    Nick struggling to regains his vision accidentally trips onto papers. The sound of the Scotsman alert Tez who comes to Nick's aid. “Um, is everything okay here...?” Tez cautiously walking into the room. Nick, looks at the ceiling were he uppercut-ted the Wendigo into and then looks at Tez. “So you heard the sound of a 200 pound Scotsman falling to the ground but not the sound of the Scotsman manhandling a Wendigo..?”

    “Wait... what? Tez looking at hole in the ceiling then looking at Nick again, explain to him and Rose were busy. Nick gets up and grabs a bottle of whiskey with salt and tells Tez to join him, they have things.. to discuss.

    The Wendigo, now in the form of the Warden returns to the main office, requesting an audience with Principal Etan. The attendant sends the Warden into Etan's office who is filling out paperwork. “Ah, Warden fancy seeing you here this early. Something wrong? Etan asked while removing his reading glasses. The Warden took a seat in front of Etan and told him about the recent incident with Nick. “I have something to tell you, in regards to coach nick. He was drinking and attacked me violent, threw me into the ceiling in his office. It was horrible.” Etan looked at the Warden suspiciously and noticed the small drop of blood under the Warden's neck. He could smell it and had a hard time telling whether it was human. “Drunk... and attacked you... you say?” The Warden nodded and asked if action would be immediately taken. “Etan had no choice but to send Nick home for the day for breaking a serious rule, however... he began to notice something was off about the Warden. He just wasn't sure yet...

    The Dance Party is tonight and with Nick gone for the day, the students are left to deal with the Wendigo themselves... Can they protect Ashlyn from this beast pursuit or will they be another man down in the process?

  • Even I'm still beside myself that Emily Porgie is married and now Mrs. Grendel. :3 I'm honestly glad I took that chance and changed BOTH their stories for the better. :) They have a special place in my heart and my message since day 1: People can change and deserve second chances. :3 I have plenty more for these two to come.

    Glad you loved Dixa & Percy's gifts. Seemed like something they'd do. :)

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Who'd have thought, say, 10 months ago, of all the characters you've created and the adventures they'd go on, and that things would wind up

  • Lyla continuing to blush, the the boy took out a lollipop and put in his mouth and began to slowly look Lyla up in down.
    Lyla bumps into a new student, with a bald shaving head, English accent, even wearing a hat after being asked to take it of several times.

    OMG!! Hey, miss goody-two shoes, Lyla...looks like the bad boy has his eyes on you. ;) This is SOOOOO them. xD xD And Ash and Lyla are def the BFF's now of Fabletown high! :D

    AH ha! That sneaky Wendigo! I had a feeling this was its evil plan all along. Freakin' Nick left the kids alone but I have a feeling they'll make their way to the top like always! Can't wait for more, man! :D

    MasterStone posted: »

    Handle it themselves, right... The next day, the teens decided that it was best to handle this situation themselves instead of getting ot

  • Don't count Nick out just yet, and Resputin might have a problem with the new kid messing with Lyla..

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Lyla continuing to blush, the the boy took out a lollipop and put in his mouth and began to slowly look Lyla up in down. Lyla bumps into

  • That is ma boy NICK!!! XD

    Loving the vicious temperament you gave Nick in this chapter! I never actually thought to consider Nick's weight though: 6'3 and solid as a rock... Equals 200 pounds? Perhaps :P

    “So you heard the sound of a 200 pound Scotsman falling to the ground but not the sound of the Scotsman manhandling a Wendigo..?”

    That line was perfect! XD

    And a claw to the neck to kill Nick? Pfft, there is a very specific way to kill Nick: Damage his heart enough... If you think the Witching Well can kill Nick however, then you'd be making a VERY big mistake... I'll explain what happens if you want me to?

    So he got sent home, so what?! Looking forward to more, dude :)

    MasterStone posted: »

    Handle it themselves, right... The next day, the teens decided that it was best to handle this situation themselves instead of getting ot

  • Ah, I was close. Nick just needed to cool down for a while.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    That is ma boy NICK!!! XD Loving the vicious temperament you gave Nick in this chapter! I never actually thought to consider Nick's weigh

  • Ah, I was close


    MasterStone posted: »

    Ah, I was close. Nick just needed to cool down for a while.

  • How much does Nick weighs, was I did I come close to guessing right?

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ah, I was close Hmm?

  • Oh I have no freaking clue how much he weighs!! XP

    He's heavy cuz he's a big bastard, let's leave it at that shall we? :D

    MasterStone posted: »

    How much does Nick weighs, was I did I come close to guessing right?

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