Tell me "Where do whores go?" In TTGs game of thrones?

edited March 2015 in Game Of Thrones

IS THIS EVEN WESTEROS? WHERE ARE ALL THE BROTHELS TTG? <---- (edit: sarcasm if you didn't know it when you first read it.)

But on a serious note do you think we will start seeing episodes with nude-y brothel scenes like on the HBO show? Or will TTG keep it PG 13 for all the underage kids that get shot down by gamestop clerks when they try to buy a rated M game yet but still get a hold of the game anyway via download.

EDIT: I dont really want to see a whore house Im just poking fun at how we see them all the time in the show and in the book.


  • edited March 2015

    Why is everyone so desperate to go to a brothel in this game? On a seriousness note, who knows but i have a feeling telltale don't want to go down that path. But they did with the Wolf Among Us so I might be wrong

  • I don't see Rodrik, Gared, or Mira entering a brothel for any plausible reason.

    Asher is most likely.

  • Asher and Beshka were talking about getting some whores after they ransomed that fat naked guy. They would be the best bet you have i think.

    But in all seriousness, i'm glad there isn't so much gratuitous sex and naked chicks. The TV show has way too much IMO, especially for how much of the actual storylines they leave out. The story is better than that.

    Also if they're going to show a million naked women, it would be nice to see some more naked dudes too.

  • edited March 2015

    Yeah, 'cause I really want ten minutes of a two hour episode wasted in a brothel rather than having actual story.


  • OMG it all makes sense now! The Northern Grove is actually a brothel for V.I.P. Forresters. Mystery solved, your welcome internet.

  • I think it would just be funny if telltale ads nudity if people say it isnt game of thrones without it

  • Now we know why Gregor said tell only Duncan and not Elissa XD

    DoubleJump posted: »

    OMG it all makes sense now! The Northern Grove is actually a brothel for V.I.P. Forresters. Mystery solved, your welcome internet.

  • edited March 2015

    I could see Asher and co. going to one to find this Croft guy, but that's about it. The only real reason a brothel could get into a game like this is if there was someone in there we needed to talk to. Like Georgie at the pudding and pie for example.

    Walker99 posted: »

    Why is everyone so desperate to go to a brothel in this game? On a seriousness note, who knows but i have a feeling telltale don't want to go down that path. But they did with the Wolf Among Us so I might be wrong

  • I would have to agree with you.

    I could see Asher and co. going to one to find this Croft guy, but that's about it. The only real reason a brothel could get into a game like this is if there was someone in there we needed to talk to. Like Georgie at the pudding and pie for example.

  • Perverted poster is perverted.

  • Why don't we just have a scene where characters are naked for no reason as they have a regular conversation. That way we can please the "passionate" Game of Thrones fanbase and still have a regular conversation with the good old Forrester's....who are...Naked...Hmmmm

    Alt text

  • Im not perverted Im just poking fun at how many whore houses we see in the TV show and book.

    sunfell posted: »

    Perverted poster is perverted.

  • A lot of shit actually goes down in the tv show and book when ever they go to a brothel and sex can actually tell you things that you never knew about a character. George RR martin even expresses when characters are just blindly asexual they're not complete characters, everyone has their own kind of passion. It also becomes a big part of westeros with the spread of grey scale disease, etc and it shows you a part of the culture which can be considered as problematic. Its like displaying Rome before the fall.

    Why don't we just have a scene where characters are naked for no reason as they have a regular conversation. That way we can please the "pas

  • Even though the sex, nudity, and brothels add to the environment and world that Game of Thrones is, I don't care if it is part of the game. I care more about the story and would rather have a 2 hour episode focus on that rather than random brothel scenes just to appease the Game of Thrones fans who want to see that.

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