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  • You did draw their 'honeymoon' night. XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Looks at the bottom gif You're sick, dude. XD XD

  • Nick won't let the Wendigo get the upper hand like that again, I'm sure; Etan will hopefully figure out the ruse and get Nick back in. :D Lyla and Georgie's meeting was brilliant. XD And that Mindy sure is disconcerting! Hopefully there won't be more bloodshed during the dance! Maybe the Wendigo will show of his moves. XP

    MasterStone posted: »

    Handle it themselves, right... The next day, the teens decided that it was best to handle this situation themselves instead of getting ot

  • Nick isn't perfect :P

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Nick won't let the Wendigo get the upper hand like that again, I'm sure; Etan will hopefully figure out the ruse and get Nick back in. Lyla

  • I would like to see that!!!!

    ... Calm down Hazza, calm down...

    JJwolf posted: »

    You did draw their 'honeymoon' night. XD

  • I'm getting there :) Gotta take the antibiotics and such, and I should be good to go!

    I think since I've read a book recently (Clockwork Angel, lol) that dealt with Victorian times, it came to me a little easier than it might have prior to reading that book series, and so it kind of just flew out of me, XD It's really fun to write that way, I enjoy it a lot.

    I tried to get little details like that in XD Heck, she probably doesn't even realize that Dickens is essentially the Mundy that 'created' her; She's got very little knowledge of the world at all, and all it contains.

    Sophie was inspired by another Sophie from that book I mentioned, so there just had to be a Sophie in my story XD And she's a riot, too XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Sorry to hear you've been ill! Sounds like you're on the mend at least. There's great detail of period features in this chapter, which r

  • Yeah :( Poor Belinda, she's gone through a lot. Glad you loved the chapter!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Interesting chapter. Sad when you fear going to sleep, not knowing if you'll wake up the next day or not....I loved this chapter. I grow mor

  • edited March 2015

    I feel like every time I come on, it's been ten years XD Super busy schedule's do that, I suppose! Gonna read Pie's Gremily Wedding ASAP, I saw the post and fangirled just knowing he wrote it <3 I figure I'll write something up real quick, because I'm in the writing mood ^-^ Kind of going with the flow, where ever my mind wants to take me. For now, it's Belinda's backstory. I want to connect this with what is going on in the present day, so that's almost like on pause, and in the end I think (I hope) it all gets resolved in such a way that's memorable and touching to all of you. So, here I go!

    Belinda had been captured once, in the Homelands. She remembered waking up that one morning in a cage of sorts, with the gruff noises of trolls and monsters talking nearby. Others were in there too, bound by the hands with ropes and chains. She would have screamed, had she not been so shocked she couldn't move. Escaping that situation was hard. She almost couldn't believe she'd done it, even now.

    She tied Mr. Wakefield up. Well, sort of. She was never good at tying knots. And he was heavy. Very, very, heavy. She sort of regretted giving Sophie the day off after trying to heave Mr. Wakefield's body from the kitchen to the spare bedroom, down the hall. It was times like these that she tried to remind herself of her endurance, which had sky rocketed upward after years of living in a corrupt world and the need to survive to see another day. There were days where she was bone-thin, barely able to move without feeling death on her shoulders. Those were the worst days.

    She shook her head of her thoughts. She couldn't figure out why her mind wandered to those times; it was things she'd rather not revisit, ever again. She sighed with relief when she noticed Sophie's blow hadn't broken his skull or made him bleed. A large lump formed on the side of his head, right where his hairline started. She almost had to stifle a laugh, because the combination of seeing such a massive bump on such a capable man entertained her. He could have blocked Sophie! He had the power to do so, so why didn't he?

    "" His voice came out slurred and slightly belligerent.

    "I am not your mother," Belinda said firmly. She only had him halfway to where she wanted him, stuck in between doorways and laying across the polished wood floors.

    He opened his eyes then, in a panic. "Not my mother?....Oh, for God's-" He shrugged her hands off of his body, pushing her away lightly and with a snap. "Get off of me!"

    "Excuse me?" Belinda shouted at him in retaliation. "You broke into my flat! You don't get to use that tone of voice with me!"

    "You hit me with a-....No, that was Sophie, wasn't it?" The sudden realization dawned over his face, and he rubbed it with his massive calloused hands. Belinda stared down at him with curiosity, watching him run his fingers through his dark brown hair. The same dark brown hair as someone she knew...

    "I need to get out of here, she's going to call Rutley-"

    "Why were you here in the first place?" Belinda demanded. She felt a small pit of anger rise in her. Why was he here? What did he want? She feared the worst.

    "I was-..." He paused, staring up at her face. "I....I was looking for something."

    "Really?" Belinda found that hard to believe. "You know, Mr. Wakefield, I had my ideas about you, but now I see your true intentions! Why were you thrown out of Fabletown? What did you do-"

    "Stop!" He said, rubbing his temples sourly. "I can only take so much with this pounding headache."

    "You wouldn't have it if-" Belinda was cut short and silenced so quickly, it knocked the breath out of her. He was standing, almost instantly, with his strong hand covering her mouth completely. Even though her nose was still exposed, she found it hard to draw any breaths, shocked that any man would find it appropriate to do such a thing.

    "When I lift my hand, will you give me the decency of a mere five minutes to recuperate and figure out the answers to all your petty questions?"

    Slowly and reluctantly, Belinda nodded.

    "Thank you." He lifted his hand. She stayed silently. Mr. Wakefield looked into the room he stood near, a little office space with a small cot in the corner and an empty white vanity dresser. The morning light streamed in, revealing the dust particles blowing around carelessly in the air.

    He stepped in, his shoes making an echo off the walls. Belinda stared from the hall, studied how tall Mr. Wakefield was, and how strong her was. She could see that even the waistcoat he wore seemed to tight, pulling at the seams. It almost looked like the same one from their first meeting, but she noticed it was a few shades lighter and made of thicker wool.

    "Aren't you hot?" She asked innocently, noticing the amount of heat the heaters were pumping in again.

    He looked at her, but with out anger this time. His head only nodded slightly, and he began to shrug the jacket off carefully. She took it from her hands and observed his undershirt, her cheeks blushing a little too much. It was white, and nearly see through, exposing a shadow of a chiseled stomach and bulging from his thick biceps.

    "Thank you," He said, much more cordially than before. She held on to the jacket, watching him stare at things on the walls. Some picture frames of people Belinda never met adorned them, and she noticed some of them covered up a whole or other unappealing sights.

    "This one," He said, after a moment of staring. "Do you see it?"

    She nodded her head. It was a painting of a rose, framed in pink and about as large as Belinda's head. His fingers rasped the edges, as if he were afraid to so much as touch it. As if he was about to be caught touching it, and put into jail. Belinda came closer, standing beside him as he lifted carefully, the veins in his neck and forehead bulging ever so slightly. This single moment proved to be agonizing for both parties.

    It came off the wall, and he set it down with on hand on the nearest surface. On the wall behind the painting was nothing. It was just the wall.

    "What in Heaven's name...?" Belinda started, but couldn't even finish the sentence. She didn't know what to say.

    "It's not there anymore..." His voice was hoarse. "Belind-...I mean, Miss Cratchit. It's not there."

    "What is not there?" She crossed her arms and watched him pace a little, across the rug and to the wall-length windows. He threw them open desperately, stepping on to the faux-balconies.

    "What's not there?" She repeated. "Mr. Wakefield?"

    "Come with me," He told her. He was facing her now, in the window sill. He had his hand extended forward, pleading for Belinda's acceptance. "Please."

    "I don't..." But her actions were quicker than her words. Their hands met and he pulled her toward him and they were suddenly falling, down three stories. She screamed but the scream cut short, because they weren't falling anymore. In fact, they were somewhere completely different. It was another apartment, in another place. Belinda felt Mr. Wakefield's arms release her; He'd been holding her tightly, though she could not remember when he'd done that. She felt slightly exposed, realizing her shawl had been lost in the transaction. She shivered slightly, her eyes wandering over her surroundings.

    "Where are we?" She asked, so softly that she thought nobody could hear her.

    "Paris," Mr. Wakefield replied.

    That's all for now! I hope you liked it, and I wonder what you guys think is happening! Mr. Wakefield is still very mysterious. Belinda has no idea what she's just gotten herself into. Is the Mundane world really that different from the Homelands? You'll find out, eventually! -muahahaha- lol, Jk XD

  • 1st off, knowing you're fangirling for the Gremily wedding makes me fangirl right beside you. :3 lol Adore my Gremily and I'm so freaking happy you and the others do, too.

    Anyways, Belinda is a fiesty one. Although Wakefield is twice her stature, she seemed to have taken care of that fairly easy. :D Although, her moments of thinking back to the homelands is a sad one and no wonder she has a hard time sleeping at night. The poor dear. :(

    Hmmm. I wonder what Wakefield was looking for...and I THINK I just figured something out towards the end. They were in England; now, they ended up in Paris AND in another apartment. I THINK I know what just happened but I won't say anything, in case I spoil something. :D

    Glad to hear everything is great on your side of the globe. Hope you are feeling better, try not to overwhelm yourself (easier said than done, I know, right? XD) and everything else in your life is sweeter than the candy store you work for. XD (Terrible, pie...just....go sit down) XD

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I feel like every time I come on, it's been ten years XD Super busy schedule's do that, I suppose! Gonna read Pie's Gremily Wedding ASAP, I

  • The curse

    Taken from the page of Peter Porgie's diary

    Once upon a time...yeah, that sounds about right but it appears these stories always begin with those three little words, huh? Ah but, its not how you begin the story that matters. Its the people within the words. Their lives and what it means to truly means to have your story 'told.' All the years I've lived in this town, surrounded by images that only stories have ever been able to paint, things never stay the ;same', makes this world just a bit more exciting.

    My story is no different; boy losses self, boy finds trouble, finds help and is given a second chance. Falls in love, marrys and is the proud father to a little girl and another on the way. Boring, right? Maybe. But its HOW I got here that may seem a bit more interesting and how it
    brought an entire family together and what would lay before us all. How one person's actions can make the difference in the lives of others and not know it just yet....

    My father's name is Georgie Porgie. Yes, THAT Georgie. You know, the one that kissed the girls and....forget about it. He hates that fucking song. I do, too. Anyways, when my father was born, he was the final child born into a family with six older siblings. You see, though, he was cursed; a Witch sought out the expecting parents, brought a knife made out of pure gold and warned them the new born baby boy must have all his fingers and toes pricked by the blade, for if they did not listen to her words, he would live a life of grief, sorrow and anger.

    His parents sadly did not take the witch's words to heart and when he was born, my father was doomed until the day he died. Little did they know the curse would also affect the family; his mother became a depressed mess, his siblings bickered and fought and the father did unspeakable things to my father for years to follow. For nearly five years, my father was tourmented, denied food, locked away and raped time and time again by the hands of his own father. His mother ignored the cries for help and tried to pretend nothing was happening. Only one of my father's siblings tried to save him but as punishment, that brother was beaten beyond recognition and sadly, the help stopped.

    One night, after my father was raped once more, he found the knife. The knife that was meant to end the curse lingering over his head. My father was going to murder his own that night; plunge the blade deep into his heart, gut him like the Pig he was and finally rid what caused him pain for years. Before he could, the monster awoke and chased after my father in the dark. See. Monsters DO exist in the dark...reason why my father hates to be alone, sleep in the dark or anything related to the darkness. He can't. He'll fall into a panic so severe, I can recall one time my mother had to comfort him for almost an hour because he stumbled into a dark room....

    He ran for what seemed like hours until he came upon a Weeping Willow. He hid that knife in the roots of the tree. He'd return for it and end the wretched man's life that caused him the most pain. Time went on, however and soon my father had forgotten all about the knife; his father was hung for another crime and his mother fell ill well into the night. She handed her youngest son to a wealthy man and as a promise to a dying mother, Georgie was carefully watched over by this man. My father, however, never lived an easy life, even away from the shadows of his past. It only grew worse in time.

    That silly song-you know, the one that's attatched to his name? Well, I'll keep the story short and to the point: this bitch-excuse me, GIRL-lost her damn mind one day and made a rumor that he tried to rape and kiss her behind her home. Well, the boys (cops, her father, brothers)
    came after my father, so of course he ran away. Since that day, that song followed him. He kissed the girls and made them cry...

    During the exile from the Homelands, my father left with the clothes on his back, the only two friends he had in this world and that knife. The same one he had hidden in the roots of the tree. He claims when he found it, they were entangled and as he tore it away, something magical happend. The knife seemed to have 'shocked' him and glowed for a few seconds. Fast forward a few centuries, one strip club later and many drugs, my father stabbed a drunk fellow named Grendel; I'm sure you've all heard his story and where he stands in my family.

    I'll get to that in a few but as my father stabbed Gren, something else occured. It secretly connected the two. Created an invisible link that nothing could seperate. No, not for my father and Gren but WHO my father would produce years down the road.

    Fast forward a few years to my father's second chance at life with my mother. Yup. you heard right-Georgie Porgie broke HIS curse by listening to Hope, taking a different path and loving the one woman that could see past all his faults and love him unconditionally. Now, where does that leave us kids? See, the curse was passed down to us; the Witch never specified what the curse meant for Georgie, should he ever produce offspring. Each one of his kids now carried the curse in their own way.

    Katie and Penelope's curse was simple: cast their brother (me) out into the shadows and create a mini war between us and the family. Tear us apart. Cause me to lose all hope, turn to the dark side and seek out revenge. The end for those two but with a little help from above and the meaning of 'family', my sisters avoided the consequences of their curse and broke that bond. We have never been closer since that night...

    Now, my brother Junior was the only lucky child to avoid the curse, simply because of WHO he was connected to and the reason behind their love. Bloody Mary snatched him up before he turned a month old. Left an enormous mark on his back that would forever keep them as one. As he aged, their love grew; he used to sneak mirrors into his room and hold conversations for hours. Our father tried keeping them apart but noticed immediatly it did more damage than good. Years later, they married and had a family. Mary had a period where she wondered if Junior really loved her and if she made a mistake taking away his innocence. My brother did the only thing he knew HOW to do: sacrifice. He took Bloody Mary's place in the mirror for all eternity and proved to her there were no regrets and their love has and always will be there. Pretty cool having 'BloodyPorgie' as your brother.

    My curse nearly caused the demise of Fabletown and handing power over to the wrong people. Anger and hurt will make anyone do some pretty stupid things. Luckily, mine was handled and I've never looked back. I'm pleased with my current life. My twin brother Ethan, however, has not shown his curse yet. Both my mother and father are hoping it skipped him, too, like it did to Junior. So far, nothing has changed. I too hope this is the case but something in my heart and spirit is telling me otherwise. God....I hope I'm wrong...

    Now, my sister Emily. She got the worse curse of them all. To become the next Georgie Porgie. This included the drugs, sex, lies, abuse and the club. She was not the same person I knew and grew up with. She was vile. Full of rage, hate and deception. She even took on how my father spoke, his demenour and the tattoos that covered his body. She wore the exact outfit and topped it off with the Bowler hat. She had become what our father used to be and soon, the town knew of it. We watched Emily slowly fade into nothing. A bitter human being with so much hate. We almost lost Emily until Gren saved her. Yes, the same Grendel I mentioned earlier. Like my father, she got a second chance...

    That knife-remember the knife my father had hidden in the tree roots-yeah, that knife? Well, according to Gren's father, that tree was Gren's mother; to save her son's life after that whole Beowulf thing, she was turned into a Weeping Willow and Gren was spared. Well, she felt my father's presence on the knife. My sister Emily. His mother could SENSE the huge plan for both her son and Emily. This is why it glowed-she blessed that item and when my father stabbed Gren with it, that's how she felt Emily and connected them before either of use were born. If my father had refused the help, not taken that chance, so many lives would have be affected.

    Now, Gren and my sister Emily had a bond the second he held her, according to my mother. They were very close. As Emily aged, her love went from a caring friend to the desire and need to be more to Grendel. From what my sister has said, she had sex with a guy at eighteen but never slept with another man after that; reason why she began sleeping with women because she felt 'strange' knowing the man was not Gren but couldn't explain WHY until many years later.

    I'm also certain you know Emily has a guardian angel, right? Oh, yeah-her name is vivian. Yup. The very same. She had a part in guiding my sister down the path and towards Gren. I speak for myself and my family when we say we're forever in debt to Vivian, for she saved my sister and showed her there was a way to change her fate and follow the path we all knew she was capable of taking. Emily and Gren took the chance, held hands and walked down that road together. See, funny thing about fates: they tell you bits; how YOU piece them, determines your life and the outcome to follow. My sister and parents only knew this: the next Georgie Porgie of Fabletown.

    That screams 'bad', right? Well, they forgot the good that came out of it. The second chance. Learning from your mistakes and making something new, even after you've fallen plenty of times. They recently married and together, they have four beautiful babies. Three girls and one boy. Its been nice seeing Emily smile, hear her laugh and be the person we all knew she could be.

    And before I forget, she has this really neat new gift, too. Guess that bow she got when she was a kid was special; belonged to Gren's mother, who was an Echantress. Very powerful witch, my sister explained. Did you know she was able to enter the super natural world to obtain problems and situations for her tribe back at the Homelands? Pretty neat, if you ask me. Emily said the bow is now connected to her. Grows these Ivy looking vines and leaves when she holds and weilds the damn thing. WHAT she can do with it, Emily is still testing out the kinks.

    Now, doesn't that sound better than my tale of love, children and becoming the Sheriff of Fabletown? Once upon a time, a young man raised of grief and hate, walked forever alone in the dark. He did terrible things. Lived a horrible life and left a path of destruction with each step he took, every breath he made and every word he spoke. His heart was black, soul cold as ice and mind lost in the darkness. Until he got a second chance. This man looked into the eyes of his future wife, mother to his children and from that moment, was all he could see. They became one, had us kids and here we all are, years later. Each of us, the Porgie kids, have taken a different journey down their own paths but in the end, we have all combined and ventured on. My father blamed himself for the curse but to be honest, none of us hate him. We've learned. Grown together.

    And I think that requires a 'and they all lived happily ever after.' Yeah. I like that. They lived Happily ever after.

    Any questions, you know the drill. :3 Just a brief explanation about the 'curse' Georgie was born with and how each kid had it. Peter said it better than I ever could. :D Will continue more on the tales of Gremily and her brothers Peter and Ethan. Right now....homework time. XD XD

  • This was really cool and also really depressing lol. Cool because I never really knew where Georgies curse came from but it's also really sad now that I know this knowledge XP

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The curse Taken from the page of Peter Porgie's diary Once upon a time...yeah, that sounds about right but it appears these stories al

  • Case One: The Lost Child Part Five

    "HELP ME!!!" Luke heard a cry coming from the factory. Without any hesitation he ran in.

    When he walked inside the factory it was grey and disgusting. Blood stained the walls, cockroaches roamed on the ground picking apart body parts that lie on the ground. The P.A. Speakers came on...

    "A good worker static is a great worker static a dead worker is an awful worker static that will be replaced-" The recording was cut off by a little boys voice.

    "Hello sir? Are you real?" He sounded terrified.

    "Yes I am. Where are you?" Luke asked

    "I'm...I'm in the directors office....where the Hare used to work....Daddy got mommy upset and she sent us in this factory! You have to help us!" The boy started to cry

    "It's okay kid I'm on my way!" Luke shouted

    The P.A. speaker cut off.

    Luke cursed under his breath and started running. Where? He didn't know but he had to help this kid and Hans!

    Back in Fabletown

    "Hey Snow, where did Alice and Hans go after Luke and I got done talking to them?" Bigby asked

    "Bigby what are you talking about? We all thought you were joking around, Alice nor Hans was at your office this morning." Snow said

    "Well then where did I find this-" He searched his pockets for the notes but couldn't find them. "Where did they? I know I had them on me!" Bigby said.

    "Maybe you need to lie down, The Crooked Man must've really gotten under your skin huh?" Snow said

    "I-Snow please this isn't something I would lie or joke about." Bigby said

    "Just take tonight off and think about it okay? Also what happened to Luke?" She asked

    "He went to investigate Alices house one more time. He hasn't called or anything?" Bigby asked

    "Well if you say he went there to investigate why don't you go back and look with him?" Snow said

    "Well we got a lead that-" Bigby stopped when it finally hit him. He left Snows office in a hurry and headed back to Alices house.

    Back in "Wonderland"

    Luke had been climbing stairs for what seemed like ages. All the dead workers piled up and strewn about the floors was awful, then again this place was no paradise. The more he climbed the more and more the walls got red. The Cheshire cat began to appear and follow him.

    "Is it really worth the trouble?" He purred

    "Is what worth it?" Luke asked panting and running upstairs.

    "Trying to figure this all out what if they're already dead and she ends up driving you insane?" He said

    "Then so be it. I'll risk everything to help them. They're people who got played a shitty hand, does that mean I should condemn them? To not help because of it? That's not how it works for me. If I can help I'll always help that person no matter who they are, even Alice. I won't stop until I save them." Luke said

    "That's very admirable...but even then...not everyone can be saved..." He purred

    Luke grunted and ignored the cat and kept going. When he reached the top he found a bridge to a big door that read The Directors Office...He was almost there. He ran to the door and opened it. What he found....was truly...truly....mad....

    That's it! I really do apologize for not posting in forever, by tomorrow I should be a bit more active. I just lost a lot of motivation to do anything with these past 2 weeks. But anyways, any questions or comments let me know and I'll answer them to my best abilities! :)

  • Yeah I have a question.... How ya been man? XP

    Very good chapter, nice touch with Bigby being the eye of the storm when everyone else is clueless!

    Luke will try his damndest won't he?

    Tetra posted: »

    Case One: The Lost Child Part Five "HELP ME!!!" Luke heard a cry coming from the factory. Without any hesitation he ran in. When he wa

  • God, pie. I literally had to stop when you mentioned Georgie's past again. Because his parents refused to stop the curse, all were doomed. God, I'm glad his father was hung but not for what he did to Georgie. Say, whatever did happen to Ben? And that girl; the BG you gave for Georgie is wonderful and could easily fit into his song and story.

    Plus, how you connected Gren and Georgie's story together with the knife and Gren's mother sensing Emily. I think that is too neat. :) Love how you mentioned each of the kids' curse. Why is Peter cursed, though? Biologically, he's NOT Georgie's child....and I forget Junior was born with the 'good' side. Poor Emily. She got it the worse I think, although Ethan...hmmmm...

    I loved this, pie. GREAT look into the family. This explains a lot. :D

    And I think that requires a 'and they all lived happily ever after.' Yeah. I like that. They lived Happily ever after.

    Well said, Peter. Well said. :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The curse Taken from the page of Peter Porgie's diary Once upon a time...yeah, that sounds about right but it appears these stories al

  • I've been better XD

    Thanks Hazza!

    Nothing will stand in his way. Even Death ;)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Yeah I have a question.... How ya been man? XP Very good chapter, nice touch with Bigby being the eye of the storm when everyone else is clueless! Luke will try his damndest won't he?

  • Great chapter! Freaking creepy ass kids in the factory...Luke sure has himself in quite the pickle here! LOVE how you're portraying the Chesire cat, too. :D

    Hope all is alright on your section of the globe. :) If ya' ever need someone to talk to, myself and the others would be more than willing to help out the best we can. :)

    Tetra posted: »

    Case One: The Lost Child Part Five "HELP ME!!!" Luke heard a cry coming from the factory. Without any hesitation he ran in. When he wa

  • Oh, you know it! I still haven't gotten the time today to read it, so I will as soon as I can. So cute <3

    Belinda IS! Wakefield is a massive(ly handsome) man but Belinda is a capable woman. Her opening thoughts of the Homelands each chapter is to bring a little foresight on what she's dealt with in the past compared to what she deals with now. I try to connect it as best as I can. It's always sad :(

    ;) I know what you mean. We'll find out more next chapter.

    Yep! It gets a tiny bit overwhelming at times, but generally everything is good. And that wasn't terrible! XD I would have made a worse pun than that, lol.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    1st off, knowing you're fangirling for the Gremily wedding makes me fangirl right beside you. lol Adore my Gremily and I'm so freaking happ

  • Thanks Pie! :D Cheshire cat is definitely my favorite to write! :)

    Things could be better but I'm trying man I really am! It's just when my parents give me lecture or anything like that, it makes me feel like an absolute failure and just fall into a small state of depression. I don't really know why I do that but it's a thing I guess lol. I appreciate it Pie and everyone here :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Great chapter! Freaking creepy ass kids in the factory...Luke sure has himself in quite the pickle here! LOVE how you're portraying the Ches

  • edited March 2015

    So everyone, do you remember a little while ago I told you about that author who stole some of my work for his own?

    Well he messaged me not even a few hours ago, and this is the first message since December last year:

    I apologise for all that and I don't know what came over me... I read your story and loved it and when I write mine I struggled and don't why I did this... I am truly as deeply sorry for what I did and I have changed around those parts and I think I'll just delete them and write my own version again.. I really can't apologise enough I'm just a stupid person who can't write and shouldn't have started in the first place so I'm deleting my stories and my account on this so I'll never be a bother to you again. You're the best author I know and I think I should quit while I'm ahead. I've quit writing in wattpad also and I think I'm just a washed up and terrible writer trying to achieve something but that achievement is nothing more than a mistake

    I'm sorry again a and you know now it'll never occur anymore since I'm finished...

    As for your act two story it's superb, brilliant and outstanding keep it up your the best writer and author ever

    Yeah he apologises and I messaged him back saying he doesn't need to give up writing, he just needs to get better at it.

  • I can add to this with a small amount of pity. He actually did change the part of mine he took on Wattpad so it isn't a direct rip anymore...

    Poor guy though, I actually feel bad for him cuz his Wattpad post actually mimics this message: He is suffering quite a bout of writer's block, so bad that he wants to stop writing altogether!

    I can't help but feel sorry for the guy, sure he used my stuff, but he apologised and changed it.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So everyone, do you remember a little while ago I told you about that author who stole some of my work for his own? Well he messaged me n

  • I just wrote what JJ gave me for Robert's quote, same with everyone else's. Ask JJ if you want further clarification? :P

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Great drawings, dude! Not sure I fully understand Robert's quote, but the tear in his eye and triumphant clutching of chips looks good rega

  • At least he finally came clean and told you he was wrong and messaged you. People rarely get that closure...I can see the pity and feel bad for this guy but in the end, he was still in the wrong. Glad to know the issue has been resolved. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So everyone, do you remember a little while ago I told you about that author who stole some of my work for his own? Well he messaged me n

  • That was sort of depressing. Nothing else I can really say or do except hope that he'll look back on this as a lesson of some sorts.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So everyone, do you remember a little while ago I told you about that author who stole some of my work for his own? Well he messaged me n

  • Yeah I forgave him. We're on speaking terms but I've told him I'm not gonna read his Wattpad stories anymore...

    pudding_pie posted: »

    At least he finally came clean and told you he was wrong and messaged you. People rarely get that closure...I can see the pity and feel bad for this guy but in the end, he was still in the wrong. Glad to know the issue has been resolved.

  • He's going through a phase of changing everything he copied now, then he's gonna get back on track...

    That was sort of depressing. Nothing else I can really say or do except hope that he'll look back on this as a lesson of some sorts.

  • Good to see the issue is solved. Who knows what was going through that persons head when they did this. But it's still wrong, good thing he learned.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So everyone, do you remember a little while ago I told you about that author who stole some of my work for his own? Well he messaged me n

  • I hope he learned, I'm not the only person he copied from either, he copied an ENTIRE chapter from someone else and just changed the character names :/

    Tetra posted: »

    Good to see the issue is solved. Who knows what was going through that persons head when they did this. But it's still wrong, good thing he learned.

  • Dang...hopefully he apologized to everyone else.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I hope he learned, I'm not the only person he copied from either, he copied an ENTIRE chapter from someone else and just changed the character names

  • Maybe he did, but that's not my problem :)

    Tetra posted: »

    Dang...hopefully he apologized to everyone else.

  • Robert could not recall the last time he and Rose hung out like this. It was nice having her around that afternoon to comfort him. All the thoughts and images for Lyla slowly seeped back into his mind, where they'd remain until another time. He wanted to forget and for once, have a good time. Like he used to.

    Typical Rose, she orders takeout and has it delieverd to the apartment. They feasted on a buffet of Chinese food: Fresh Spring rolls with peanut sauce, Orange chicken, Pork Chow mein, Pot stickers, fried rice and a steamed vegetable dish. Sitting on his bed, plates full of food, the old friends caught up within a matter of minutes.

    Rose looks at a picture of RJ sitting on Robert's desk. "He's getting so big, Robby. Looks just like you. So handsome."

    "He is my mini-me." Robert slurps up his noodles. "He has such a bright and charming personality. He's in Football right now and is rather intelligent when it comes to his school work. Did NOT get that from me..."

    "Thank God, considering you can't even boil a pot of water or make your way across the room without bumping into something."

    Robert chuckles, twisting the cap of his soda off and taking a large drink. Rose continued to smile at the beast. It was a damn shame things could not work between the two. They got along so well. For years, Robert did consider Rose a dear friend and was always there, should she need his help. Years, emotions and the past got in the way, sadly, forcing the two to part for some time.

    Rose seemed to be thinking the exact same thing. She remained focused on Robert and watched him devour a second plate of food.

    "You look good, Robby."

    To be honest, he was waiting for that comment. "Thanks, Rose. You too...."

    "I missed you. Miss hanging out. Being silly and just having some fun. Our Friday night 'stupid movie' marathon."

    Robert easily remembered those Friday nights. Those were their better days. Like always, they ordered food and picked up a movie that was either terrible or cheesy. Rose always found the most interesting movies to watch. One night, Rose brought over a really terrible late eighties movie called 'Hell comes to Frogtown.' Robert nearly died laughing and Rose knew every line, which made it more of a show when she mocked the characters.

    The pair normally watched about four or five movies before calling it a night. Sometimes, Rose would spend the night with Robert. It was nice for the most part. Robert did not have to sleep alone and although they knew their places, the company was a wonderful change of scenery for the both of them. Nightcaps like this led to a late breakfast, followed by a Saturday afternoon filled with either video games, long walks in Central Park or taking a road trip for the day. One time, Robert drove all the way to Maine to show Rose the miles of forests and his old stomping grounds before returning to Fabletown.

    Robert smiled, digging his fork deeper into the noodles. Those were good times. Eventually, though, all good must come to an end. Before long, emotions were involved. Rose had fallen in love with Robert and although he cared for Rose, love was not the word he's describe Rose in the same sentence. Several times during sex, she let it 'slip', hoping in the momeny of passion, Robert would say it. He never did.

    This led to arguments. Fights. Long days and nights of not speaking; they went so far as two months without saying a word before Rose finally called Robert to apologies. His love for Lyla remained the main reason they could have never been a couple. The marking was still present on his arm and it bothered Rose secretly knowing he was holding onto a woman he could never have. Robert spoke about Lyla as if they were married, living together and had three or four kids together.

    Rose became jealous. She wanted Robert to speak about her the way he did with Lyla; describe her was 'elegant', 'stunning' and a wonderful 'lover.' Rose tried to break the bond between them one night. Did everything she could but it backfired on the young red haired woman, causing her and Robert's friendship to end.

    That was three years ago. Robert heard bits of Rose around the city but not enough to seek her out. Now, here she was, three years later and in his apartment.

    "Yeah." Robert takes a bite from his chicken. "Me too, Rose. Me too...."

    "How are things between you and Lyla?"

    "They're fine. We have an agreement when it comes to RJ and when he spends the time with us."

    "Good good." Rose seemed a bit disappointed with this answer. "So...I see you still have that marking."

    "Yes." Robert covers it with his other hand. "You know why I'm keeping this-"

    "Does it REALLY matter, Robby? Not like you two are a couple. She's fuckin' ol' Georgie Porgie and-"

    "I know, Rose." Like a kick in the groin. "I see them every other four days."

    "Then WHY hold on to her, Robby? Don't you see what its doing to you. What it did to US-"

    "US, Rose?" Robert cleans his mouth and stands up. "There was never a US, Rose. We were friends. You know this."

    "I wanted MORE, Robert and you know this! I had feelings for you! You're a very attractive man with a wonderful personality and I wanted to BE a part of your world but you refused to let me the fuck in!"

    Robert could hear the anger and hurt in Rose's words. He felt awful for doing so but Rose knew where the pair stood. She contiuned to seek out what was never there.

    "I TOLD you this, Rose, before we even made the decision to mess around and-"

    "And I also fuckin' told you that if WE were not going to be more, we needed to stop and-"

    "And I DID that, Rose!" Robert walked out; Rose soon followed the man into the kitchen. "I told you long before you made the decision to 'take care' of things, that we couldn't fool around because your emotions were getting involved and-"

    "No, Robert!" Rose knocks a bottle to the ground, causing it to break. "YOU have no fuckin' idea the shit I went through! Watching you waste your fuckin' time, playing pretend with a woman that obviously moved on! I begged you to take that shit and-"

    "No!" Robert pulls his arm back. "Leave this..."

    "WHY, Robby!?" Her pleas. They shattered his heart like the bottle on the floor. "WHY in God's holy name would you keep that shit!? She does not love you, Robby! You need to move on!"

    Robert knew she was right. There was something the matter with a man that held onto a woman who clearly moved on. Married. Continued to have children with her new mate. Rose's green eyes were drowning in tears; she pressed herself against Robert's chest and played with his hair. Pinning it behind his ears, she cups his face, leans in and plants a kiss on his lips.

    Robert lifts Rose up from the ground, carries her to the dining table and throws the red haired woman on the top. Removing his tee shirt, all of Rose's words flashed before his mind. Watching Rose remove her clothes, Robert wondered if she was right. Since day one about the silly mark he refused to let go of. He lost a wonderful relationship with Rose because of it. Left many women. None were as good as his past but was it worth losing it all? He had his son.

    Robert vigorously kisses Rose, pressing her bare back against the cool top of the table. She wraps her legs against Robert's hips and feels his bare chest against her own. Bucking his hips, Rose clings onto the only man she had in a long time that understood her. Respected. Loved...

    Robert's phone rang loudly, causing the Fable to tumble out of bed and land on the floor. The time was two in the afternoon. Soon, he would have to dress and head to RJ's school, pick him up and take to practice. In his true form, the beast grunts, picks at a patch of dry skin and looks over. Rose, fast asleep, became lost and entwined in the sheets.

    He did not want to disturb her rest; Robert takes this opportunity to clean up their leftovers, take a shower and get ready to leave. As Robert combs his hair, he begins to think about what Rose said. Her words and the feelings behind ever one of them. Robert places a small amount of gel to his mane of black and heads for the front door. Taking a piece of paper, he scribbles a note to Rose.

    Placing it beside his pillow, Robert gently kisses her forehead. Rose moves for a second but rolls over and continues to sleep. Robert grabs his keys and heads down the stairs. He waves to a young couple, holds the door open for an elderly woman and wanders down the street, trying to hail a cab down. As one pulled up beside him, Robert noticed the marking.

    Perhaps Rose was right for once. Maybe she was right. But Robert, taking a seat in the back, could not understand how such a beautiful thing could be so bad....

    Any questions or comments, leave them below. :D Will catch up to the other story. There has been a lot going on right now and its causing me to lose track of time, life and forget about the world outside my door. I was in a depressing state for a few days but I'm alright now. :) Getting a lot of help, plus, having pie around makes my life easier. Without him, I don't know....

  • "Viviana, no! That's cheating!"

    A little girl in a purple dress drifts down the hall, flies past several rooms and continues until she nears her destination. Behind her, three more children her age; one little girl in Grendel form, a little boy climbing on the walls and another little girl extending her fingers, calling to the shadows. With a twist and both eyes shut, several dark shadows emerge from the ground and walls. Viviana notices the minons of her sister and
    skims the air. Another blonde, this time a woman, tries to keep up to the four eager and lively children.

    "Kids, no!" The woman nearly collides into a nearby table. "WAIT! No! They're still sleeping! Little neonates!"

    The four siblings continued racing towards the end of the hall. The little boy comes to the conclusion that despite their agility and quick steps, his sister would still win this race towards their parent's bedroom. He had one final attempt to pull and without a single word, leaps into the air and changes into a Grendel himself. Palm aimed at his sister, the little girl already knew what was coming. The blue circled his finger tips and sparkled along his claws.

    With a heavy push, tosses a glowing ball surrounded by crystals at his sister. The floating girl tries to dodge the ball but failed, as it wrapped around her ankles and weighing her down like a sinking rock. She struggled to free herself but it was no use. The blue entwines her legs, creates a clear shackle and holds the little girl in place.

    "HEY! Liam! No fair! No-"

    Her brother Liam, still in Grendel form, jumps up, clings to the wall once more and smiles. "Hey, you can't play by the rules, guess we'll invent them along the way, huh sis?'

    Viviana points to her other sister, now ridding a wave of shadows. "CHLOE! Hurry! You can still make it!"

    "No fair, Viviana!" Liam continues to climb, leaving a sticky trail behind him. "No help!"

    "I thought if we can't play by the RULES, we can invent them as we go?" Viviana sticks out her tongue. "I'm using Chloe's help!"

    "Well, fine!" Liam looks at his third sister. "SERAPHINA! You know what to do...."

    Winking, the other Grendel creature stops in the middle of the floor. The woman with the blonde hair and purple dress finally manages to catch up, only to watch Seraphina hold out her arms. Knowing what was next, she does her best to stop the little girl's powers. But with Seraphina, you had to be really fast on your toes. Within mere seconds, vines began to sprout from the floors, walls and nearby rooms. These vines, however, seemed dried and dead; they crumbled along the walls, floor boards and doors, heading for Viviana and Chloe. A blue like substance left a trail of glitter and desrtruction; any houehold plants unfortuante to be in the way, wilted and dies within seconds against the unknown blue as it touched their roots.

    Chloe lifts her fingers and directs the shadows at the blue trail. Light and dark fought, as Viviana and Liam race towards their parent's room. While the brother and sister continue their ongoing competition, the sisters remain behind and try to hold the other off. Seraphina, now dangling in the air by a shadow's hand, looks over at the woman in purple.

    "Hello, Vivian." Seraphina waves. "Up here...."

    "Jesus Christ, Seraphina!" Vivian gasps, covering her mouth. "CHLOE! You put your sister down this instant!"

    "Vivian, we HAVE to stop Liam! We just HAVE to and-"

    "This is ridiculous!" Vivian pulls a vile from her black boot. "I hate doing this to you kids..."

    "No, no, no, no!" Both girls shake their heads and hands. "Vivian, we'll be good! We'll-"

    Vivian opens the vile's top, throws it down and disappears into a golden cloud of dust. The vines scurry along the walls, while the shadows shield their eyes from the light. They immediatly vanish; Seraphina drops from the sky like an Apple from the branch and lands beside her sister. Vivian ascends from the gold clouds, wearing a white robe, enormous wings and weilding a gold staff. She aims it at the girls and before either could speak, pulls back and releases a long rope. It rings around the girls' torsos, pulling them close. The rope tightens, leaving the girls on the floor. Both struggle against Vivian's virtuous crook. The item glows in her hands, as she floats past the girls and heads for the other siblings.

    "Now you two sit there and think about what you've done...Need to get to your brother and sister before-"

    It was too late; Liam and Viviana, continuing their battle, managed to get to the door. They impact into the door, break through and land at the foot of their parent's bed. The pair wrestle, still hoping to be the first to voice their idea for that morning. Emily, who pops up from under the sheets, quickly covers her body with the blanket. She finds her son and daughter, now in their true form, kicking and biting.

    "NO! Liam! Viviana! Stop this at once!"

    Gren peeks his head from under the sheets as well. He is shocked to see his children, looks over and notices the broken door. "Ah goddamnit you two! VIVIANA! LIAM!"

    Neither Liam nor Viviana pay much attention to their parents; they were consumed with one another and which child would rise to the top. Emily was nearly clawed in the face by Liam, still in Grendel form. Gren snatches Viviana inbetween his arms and grapples the three headed hell hound to the floor. Vivian floats into the bedroom. Chloe and Seraphina hop inside and watch thier father struggle to contain their sister. The blonde pup, teeth baring and foaming at the mouth, seeks to bite Gren in the arm. With just his right one intact, Gren found the rask even more
    difficult then before.

    "VIVIAN!" Gren looks up at the guardian. "DO IT!"

    As she did to the other girls, Vivian aims her crook at Viviana, blasts a rope of golden material and ties the girl against the bed post. For two minutes, the hound grips, yelps and growls until the purple ribbon returns around her neck, changing the pup back into her original form. Blinking
    her large, emerald eyes, Viviana looks at her father; Gren, sporting a pair of crooked blue boxers, rubs his neck and shoulder. Emily finally held Liam to her chest, strokes the boy's head and calms him down in time. He began to change back to his human form, still catching his breath
    and focused on his mother.

    Liam smiles. "I win...."

    Waffles. The morning started off as so because of Waffles. On Saturdays, the first kid up made the decision for the meal Emily would prepare for the family. At first, it did not matter; the kids were content with whatever was before them but over the last two years, things changed. Now, all four were determined to choose the meal. Why it was so important, neither Gren nor Emily could ever understand.

    "I'm getting ready to fuckin' end this 'tradition', Ems." Gren hands Emily the carton of eggs. "Did you see how fuckin' insane they were just now!?"

    "They are fine, love." Emily cracks the egg and adds to the hot pan. "Don't think too much into it. IF it gets too violent, I'll end it-"

    All four kids look over. "No!" Chloe was the first to speak. "Don't take special saturday mornings from us."

    "Well, ya' little taterkins need ta' stop thie fightin' EVERY Saturday morning, or else it will end."

    "I have an idea." Gren grabs the gallon of milk and leans on the table. "How about, the four of you compramise on Saturday mornings and all come to an agreement."

    Confused, Seraphina looks up. "What does 'compromise' mean, daddy?"

    "Well, baby girl, it means when EVERYONE agrees to something during the argument and you are all happy with the decision."

    Liam jumps in. "What if its a tie, daddy?"

    Emily, adding the cooked eggs to a plate, faces her family. "Draw straws."

    "Like, what Viviana does, mommy?"

    Emily giggles. "No, baby. Not with a pencil and paper. With actual straws. Woot ya' mommy and ya' uncles and aunts used ta' do when we were ya' age. Daddy will cut them and the rule is this: one with the longest stick will make the final decision."

    "I like that idea." Liam sips from his glass of milk before speaking. "Daddy, will you do that for us, please?"

    "I'd love to." Gren takes a seat between the quads. "In fact, I will do that when we're through with breakfast."

    "But the beach!" Viviana points to the calendar. "We are going to the beach today and-"

    "We are?" Gren cocks his eyebrow.

    "Yes...." Viviana was not sure how to answer this. "It says right there, beach and-"

    "I don't know now, lemon drop. You four were misbehaving this morning."

    All four of the kids sit quietly at the table. Emily brings each of them a plate with eggs and Waffles.

    "Mom, is dad being for real?"

    "Fa real, Liam? Ya' be hangin' 'round ya' uncle Robert fa' too long."

    "But...Liam started it-"

    Gren puts the paper down and looks at all four of his children. "You guys KNOW the rules. You each broke them today."

    "Are we going to be sent to the Farm, mommy?" Seraphina chewed on her thumb. "I don't want to go there. I like it here and-"

    "I told ya' four. Use ya' powers ONLY if ya' have ta'. Not to see who gets up first and picks the morning Farm though, my loves."

    "Sorry mommy. Sorry daddy." All four look at their parents. "We won't do it again..."

    Gren sighs. "You guys have one more chance, alright? If this happens again, no more saturday morning meal picks and you'll be grounded for a whole week. Sent to the Farm, NO Sunflower, playing outside or fishing. Got it?"

    All the kids nod; Liam reaches over, grabs the ketchup bottle and adds a decent amount on his eggs. They all looked at their parents. The four of them anxiously waited for their parent's next words. They were hoping it included the beach and their plans that afternoon. It was a bright and a sunny day; they were on summer vacation and Gren wanted to teach them, especially Seraphina and Liam, the proper techniques to swimming and using their fins, gils and webbed toes.

    "Are we still going to the beach?" Chloe was never afraid to poke the sleeping Bear. One of the reasons why the kids waited. Why Chloe was the speaker of the kids.

    Emily looks over. "Well...I don't know..."

    "PLEASE, please, please, please, please!" All four bounced in their seats. "Mommy, daddy, please!"

    "I don't know, loves...what do ya' think, daddy?"

    Gren strokes the hair under his lip. "Weeeeeell....hmmm...I don't know mommy-"

    "We'll be good! Promise! Scout's honor!"

    Gren chuckles. "Alright. BUT-you need to eat first and-"

    The quads lift their plates, shovel the remaning food into their mouths, leap from their seats and run towards their rooms. Viviana, holding her sister's hands, carries them with her. Liam is not too far behind; although he was missing his left hand like Gren, the boy was still quick. Laughing, Emily takes the plates, heads to the sink and turns the water on. She immediatly feels the rough, warm hand of Gren running along her neck and shoulders. Gren pulls some of her hair to the side and gently kisses her neck. Emily bites her lip, as she adds soap to the sponge. Gren reaches over and grabs the soaking wet object.

    "Emily, seriously? These can wait."

    "Gren, they need ta' get done before we leave and-"

    "WE can do this later. They are not going anywhere and-"

    Emily chuckles. "Ya' really goin' ta' pull this again on me?"

    "Yes." Gren pins Emily against the sink. "Yes I am, sweetie. We-"

    "EWWW, mommy! Daddy!" They look over and see Viviana with Chloe. "Yuck! you're kissing!"

    Gren laughs. "It's what mommys and daddys do, lemon drop. You girls need anything or-"

    "Our bathing suits, mommy. We can't find them."

    "Hamper." Emily points to her bedroom. "Grab some towels, too."

    Gren looks back at Emily. She knew she'd been defeated. Although her pride was bruised and his ego grew ten times bigger within the last minute, Emily leans forward and kisses the tip of his nose.

    "Fine. Ya' win, love...."

    Vivian beams, claps and floats towards the couple. "Alright! See? Wasn't that easy? Now go on-shoo shoo. I'll take care of everything while you six are gone."

    Emily giggles. "We ain't gunna' come home ta' 'ghost' noises, eh Viv? Nick-or, should I say NICHOLAS-won't be here and-"

    Vivian, turning a bright red, continues to push the couple towards their bedroom. "ALRIGHT! Shoo shoo! GO! Have fun! Be safe! Love you! May God be with you! Wear sunscreen and all that fun stuff..."

    Gren and Emily continue to laugh, as they walked into their bedroom. All four kids, bags packed and eagerly waiting.

    Any questions, you know the drill. Speaking of beach, its hot today. Like, supid hot. XD Might take the misses and little Emily to the beach. Need to find the sun hat for her. Would hate to burn her sensitive skin. No bueno. XD

  • And just like that, Robert finds himself in a nother pickle. :P I'm not much for Rose Red now after the last few issues but no one should ever feel like they were never GOOD enough, you know? It was nice seeing them, uh, have a 'moment' there. XD Also, that movie IS stupid but a classic all on its own. lmao

    Plus, them and that damn Chinese. Now I want chinese food.

    Alt text

    -shakes fist- DAMN YOU ROBERT AND ROSE! XD XD

    Also, you know I'll be here for you no matter what. You'll get through this; you're a strong person with a heart of gold and a caring spirit. Don't ever let them win, you hear me? I got your back, just like everyone else here, too. :) You're among friends, Jacob. :)

    JJwolf posted: »

    Robert could not recall the last time he and Rose hung out like this. It was nice having her around that afternoon to comfort him. All the t

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned
    edited March 2015

    Alt text

    LOL That dude's face. Another meme war, eh pie? lmao No, this does not mean they'll get back together. Trust me, I have other plans for Robert but I wanted to still cover their relationship and how both feel.

    Thanks bro. -hug- Can't wait to see you later. :3 Could use it right now.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    And just like that, Robert finds himself in a nother pickle. :P I'm not much for Rose Red now after the last few issues but no one should ev

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned
    edited March 2015

    Alt text

    I HAD to, man! I just loved this! HER hair! -looks in mirror- Wish my hair was that good. XD XD Plus, Gren's stupid face. :P

    Anyways, before you come and get me, I'll add this. XD I loved this. At first, I was like 'Wait...what is going on' but remember you mentioned after the wedding, you'd fast forward to the quads being older! :D So, how old are they now? You stated they were on summber break. I'm assuming they are, what, like sixe or seven by now? Maybe....XD XD

    DAMN! Their powers have improved! So, Liam can shoot out this this unknow blue substance that creates a shackle like object? Seraphina's powers are bad ass! I see Chloe's has improved, too; looks like she does not need the ribbon pulled off her sister's neck to summon the shadows. :P I still love viviana's gift. Plus, Vivian, too! Her angel powers! GO Vivian! XD XD

    Emily, who pops up from under the sheets


    Gren peeks his head from under the sheets as well.

    OOOOHHH!!! XD XD lol jk

    Liam smiles. "I win...."

    Adore this kid so freaking much! I just want to kiss him and hug him! :D :D

    All for Waffles!? lmao Although, if I remember correctly, didn't the Porgie Clan quads do this, too? It wasn't Waffles but it was something sillimar to it. XD Well, they are Emily AND Gren's babies, so, I'm not surprised. And Vivian. LMAO I ship her and Nick so bad now. So, are they officially dating or is it still a 'secret?' lol

    I loved this! Can't wait for more Gremily, the quads, Ethan and Michelle ( and Peter, too!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    "Viviana, no! That's cheating!" A little girl in a purple dress drifts down the hall, flies past several rooms and continues until she ne

  • Yikes!!!!

    Please let whatever God exists be merciful and send me into Pie's realm of Porgie drawings when I die!

  • LMAO He's going to b so mad but its worth it! >:D Nah jk. He'll be FINE.

    Please let whatever God exists be merciful and send me into Pie's realm of Porgie drawings when I die!

    ^^^This. All this. Made my flipping day. :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Yikes!!!! Please let whatever God exists be merciful and send me into Pie's realm of Porgie drawings when I die!

  • Loved it all dude!

    The quads all have their powers (although what exactly are their powers?)

    And I thought Vivian was an invisible spirit?? :/

    pudding_pie posted: »

    "Viviana, no! That's cheating!" A little girl in a purple dress drifts down the hall, flies past several rooms and continues until she ne

  • I'd believe in any God if I knew the afterlife contained the Porgie girls! XD

    JJwolf posted: »

    LMAO He's going to b so mad but its worth it! >:D Nah jk. He'll be FINE. Please let whatever God exists be merciful and send me into Pie's realm of Porgie drawings when I die! ^^^This. All this. Made my flipping day.

  • I'm going to kick your butt,

  • Yup. I didn't want to drag on certain parts. Want to get to the main reason for everything and combine all the pieces. :3 Well, their powers:

    Viviana, as I've mentioned, has the purple ribbon around her neck. you pull this and she turns into a 3 headed hell hound. I'll explain more on that in later chaps. She can also float.

    Seraphina had the power to kill plants. Basically anything growing from the ground or plant based was screwed. She managed to control it after nearly killing Sunflower when she was a baby. Now, she summons, as the chapter states, vines but they are dead. Opposite power to what her grandmother Calla had....

    So far with Liam sends out a blue like liquid from his palm that takes on the shape of anything he wants. For example, the shackles that stopped Viviana from getting to Gren and Emily first. I'll explain more with him because I'm not finished describing his powers....

    Chloe can summon shadows like little warriors and make them do her bidding, as explained in the chapter. It is believed her powers are connected to her sister Viviana.

    Vivian IS invisible; she can leave little hints that she's around. The cold air. Mist. Outlines. Random falling objects. The kids KNOW of Vivian and can see her as well, too. Only one who can't is Gren and everyone else. They know she's there, though. :3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Loved it all dude! The quads all have their powers (although what exactly are their powers?) And I thought Vivian was an invisible spirit??

  • Nick has a very similar power to Chloe actually, it will be revealed soon enough in my story...

    Oh ok, sorry dude :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Yup. I didn't want to drag on certain parts. Want to get to the main reason for everything and combine all the pieces. Well, their powers:

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