Episode 3 Release Date Discussion- PC/Mac/PSN US Mar 24 - Xbox 360/One/PSN EU Mar 25 - iOS Mar 26



  • We are ready.

  • edited March 2015

    I think there's a fair - good chance it'll be released this Tuesday, yes. Especially if you take into account the fact that we've had teaser trailers a week before and then the proper trailer a day before release. As there's been no mention of it being a teaser, I'm assuming they're just having the proper trailer this time for episode 3.

    Of course, it's not certain, but yeah . . . I think there's a good chance it'll come out this Tuesday.

    So the 24th is a possibility? Oh shit! Your right Tales From The Borderlands Episode 2 Game of Thrones Episode 3

  • Time for me to leave the forum in order to avoid discussion about the trailer. And even if I wanted to watch the trailer, I can't. China blocks Facebook and Youtube.

    See you guys after Episode 3 gets released. :)

  • China blocks youtube and facebook? WTF

    Time for me to leave the forum in order to avoid discussion about the trailer. And even if I wanted to watch the trailer, I can't. China blocks Facebook and Youtube. See you guys after Episode 3 gets released.

  • My spring break started at 20th :3

    I hope not, but mainly for selfish reasons. If the episode launches on April 1st on the Xbox version I'll be able to enjoy it on my first day of spring break :P

  • If you have VPN, you could get on YouTube

    p.s. China blocks twitter as well

    Time for me to leave the forum in order to avoid discussion about the trailer. And even if I wanted to watch the trailer, I can't. China blocks Facebook and Youtube. See you guys after Episode 3 gets released.

  • China doesn't fuck around... gee talk about extremism..

    DiverseGnu posted: »

    If you have VPN, you could get on YouTube p.s. China blocks twitter as well

  • edited March 2015

    It's a communist government, what can you expect from it, they censor anything that they think could be a threat to their government. I remember when Metallica played in China, the government told them they couldn't play certain songs because of the song's message. The government literally asked for the band's catalogue, listened to it, and said what songs they could and could not play.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    China doesn't fuck around... gee talk about extremism..

  • My body is ready Telltale. Bring it on!

  • makes me grateful to live where I currently am no offence intended to anyone.

    It's a communist government, what can you expect from it, they censor anything that they think could be a threat to their government. I reme

  • Oh, you're right, I didn't even notice that. Thanks for the correction!

    Rob_K posted: »

    There is a cd key added 4 days ago. Didn't the Borderlands episode have a key added a week or so before release, which didn't state what it

  • edited March 2015

    In Iran these websites are blocked : Facebook , Twitter , Youtube and all other social networks !(Except Instagram)

    And thousands of other websites including DC Comics , HBO , Showtime , NBC , BBC , Fox News , Steam Community(the actual steam got unblocked a couple o' months ago) . So yeah , enjoy wherever you're living and be thankful for the freedom you have .

    P.S : Not to mention Scarlett Johansson's wikipedia page :)))))

    Legendary12 posted: »

    China blocks youtube and facebook? WTF

  • They blocked her wikipedia page? Can't have middle eastern men lusting after our sexy white women right?

    Arrowtic posted: »

    In Iran these websites are blocked : Facebook , Twitter , Youtube and all other social networks !(Except Instagram) And thousands of othe

  • God, I wish I be like you sensei.

    ArthurV posted: »

    Our video genius Shaun Finney showed me the trailer yesterday. It's pretty damn awesome...

  • Trailer in 17 hours! I hope they will release the episode this tuesday! :D

  • Me too! They said that it would release this month, and the 31st of March is the last Tuesday and the last day of March, so their statement wouldn't be entirely true. I hope it is this Tuesday too!

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    Trailer in 17 hours! I hope they will release the episode this tuesday!

  • edited March 2015

    Trailer tomorrow... the hype keeps getting bigger :D

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    I still hope for a March 31st release rather than a March 24th one though.

  • Whoa! This is great news! It's been a while since I had been on here and just recently finished both episodes of Got and Borderlands, which left me very satisfied and, as usual, craving for more. Really pumped up for the trailer!

    Hopefully this means that the Borderlands episode will also come out a bit sooner than expected:).

  • Guys- I found something. This is what the end of the episode is! Totally not fake! (It is fake, by the way.) You are playing as Gared, and you walk into Cotter's room, after you saw him steal a potato. He is pleasuring himself in various ways with the potato. Gared Screams: YOU SAID YOU DIDN'T FUCK POTATOS! To be continued.

  • edited March 2015

    Oh my God! Plot twist!

    By the way, curse you for spoilering us the ending of the episode!

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    Guys- I found something. This is what the end of the episode is! Totally not fake! (It is fake, by the way.) You are playing as Gared, and y

  • Gared: "I said I wanted Mashed Potatoes, but... this...!?!"

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    Guys- I found something. This is what the end of the episode is! Totally not fake! (It is fake, by the way.) You are playing as Gared, and y

  • edited March 2015

    Wow there sure are a lot of people playing Game of Thrones....I wonder If they are critics with review codes?

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    Or there just regular people playing either Episode 1 or 2...*just checked the Wolf Among Us database and saw the same amont in game.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    All this potato talk reminds me of this old animation that i saw on the internet years ago.


    I'm sure Cotter would love this :P

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It's like in the movie American Pie but with a potato instead of a pie ;).

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    Guys- I found something. This is what the end of the episode is! Totally not fake! (It is fake, by the way.) You are playing as Gared, and y

  • Not long now before the trailer is released! :D :D :D

  • I wonder how long I will hold out before breaking and watching the trailer. I'll shoot for 15 minutes, but I'm aiming high.

  • 1~2 mins

    I wonder how long I will hold out before breaking and watching the trailer. I'll shoot for 15 minutes, but I'm aiming high.

  • 3min max for me

    I wonder how long I will hold out before breaking and watching the trailer. I'll shoot for 15 minutes, but I'm aiming high.

  • I gotta go for 4 hours before being able to watch it :P

    I wonder how long I will hold out before breaking and watching the trailer. I'll shoot for 15 minutes, but I'm aiming high.

  • Alt text

    I wonder how long I will hold out before breaking and watching the trailer. I'll shoot for 15 minutes, but I'm aiming high.

  • So.. do you think the release date will be announced in the trailer? Like.. March 24? hint hint

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Telltale just tweeted this.

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    That tweet makes it look like they might announce release dates along with the trailer :)

  • M24

    There's still a chance.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Telltale just tweeted this. https://twitter.com/telltalegames/status/580028840623218688 That tweet makes it look like they might announce release dates along with the trailer

  • I think it will be M24.

    Untill we get the trailer and it says April 7th (yeah, I know they said it will be released this month, but we all know Telltale loves to troll with us)

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Telltale just tweeted this. https://twitter.com/telltalegames/status/580028840623218688 That tweet makes it look like they might announce release dates along with the trailer

  • edited March 2015

    .@GameOfThrones: A @TelltaleGames Series Ep 3 'The Sword in the Darkness'. Standby for launch trailer & release dates!

    launch trailer & release dates

    launch trailer


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    OzzyUK posted: »

    Telltale just tweeted this. https://twitter.com/telltalegames/status/580028840623218688 That tweet makes it look like they might announce release dates along with the trailer

  • DoItForPipasTelltale

    Pipas posted: »

    M24 There's still a chance.

  • how about we get a epic trailer, and then it just cuts out to black and says "episode 3, starting tonight" and everyoone loses their shit

  • edited March 2015

    @desd960 Page 8:

    i've seen a lot of coments saying that we might be able to have it on april and i dont get we this long... i think it usually take 1 or maximum 2 weeks after the australian clasification, so i'm in for march ending...


    lol looks like you will be right after all :)

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  • The launch trailer coming out today pretty much confirms 3/24 release. When they released the launch trailer for GoT ep.2 the actual episode came out a day later.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Telltale just tweeted this. https://twitter.com/telltalegames/status/580028840623218688 That tweet makes it look like they might announce release dates along with the trailer

  • Same week as Season 5 premiere. Makes sense.

    I think it will be M24. Untill we get the trailer and it says April 7th (yeah, I know they said it will be released this month, but we all know Telltale loves to troll with us)

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