How will this season of GOT end?

Well this is a very big thing to try and predict but I have check out my video to find out what I think will happen at the end of Season 1 to Rodrik, Asher, Mira, Elissa, Talia, Duncan and even Ryon anyways if you have the time or are interested in my ideas do check out my video DISCLAIMER: This isn't me trying to gain youtube fame I just thought I would share my thoughts with the Telltale Game of Thrones community any ways enjoy:


  • How will it end?

    Alt text

  • Yep that's about right :)

    Pipas posted: »

    How will it end?

  • All the playable characters will meet up (except Ethan) at the North Grove, obtain it's ultimate power, then they will storm the Whitehill stronghold and beat the crap out of Lord Whitehill.

  • My predictions -

    Forresters get free of the Whitehills (not without severe casualties of course)

    Rodrik will die, Mira will escape King's Landing, and Asher will become head of Ironrath.

    Gared talks to Stannis about the Forresters and the season ends with him agreeing to protect them if they swear fealty to him.

  • I posted this in a different topic, but it is relevant to this thread as well:

    Alright, a few thoughts of mine based on the trailer and what is to come:

    First, what if Duncan shows up at the Wall, because Ironrath has been destroyed? So this scenes with Gared and Duncan will take place at the end of Episode 3.

    Gryff Whitehill claims Ironrath and things get more and more tensioned. The Forresters lack the millitary strength to be a serious threat to the Whitehills, though they cannot live under the same roof (as Lady Forrester has already said twice). The first who will snap is Ser Royland, whose well known temper will get himself killed. In the emerging chaos Duncan will flee for the Wall to inform Gared that he must head for the North Grove. Gryff puts most of Ironrath to the torch. Rodrik will probably be killed as well. Lady Forrester will be another major loss to the family. Talia will become a hostage just like Ryon.

    This way the story can mostly focus on Gared (find the North Grove that may restore House Forrester to some of its former glory) and Asher (return to Westeros with a small army to attack the Whitehills and reclaim Ironrath). Besides that Mira may be of influence, though I find it difficult to predict her story. However, I think she will probably end up death as well (by episode 5 or 6).

    To me Asher and Gared are the most likely to survive, though Asher and Rodrik could swap places. Gared's story is important for the end game (North Grove) and Mira is just doing way too much dangerous stuff for a handmaiden (but she may linger around for a few more episodes so we get more of Tyrion, Cersei and Margaery). And I don't see Rodrik and Asher survive together (if Asher would return to Ironrath and Rodrik is still there, who would be the POV?).

    For now I think one POV character will die in episode 3, as episode showed us that it is difficult to really move the plot forward with four POV's at the same time. And although I really enjoyed E2, things have to start rolling a little faster to keep everyone at the edge of their seat. So if I had to bet, I would put my money on Rodrik not seeing the end of the coming episode.

    The Sword in the Darkness... maybe a reference to some upcoming assassination as well?

  • If Asher gets back and the Forresters win, I expect he'll seize control of Highpoint while Rodrik retains Ironrath. That way neither of them have to die.

  • Well hopefully this is the only season

  • How could you say that ;___;

    GoT is so hype bruh.

    Well hopefully this is the only season

  • edited March 2015

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    Well hopefully this is the only season

  • edited March 2015
    okay I'll admit that was a harsh comment. Really though I'm not a GoT fan. I just don't understand what the hell is happening. Too many characters for my memory. The worst part of it all, I hate the way they talk.

    Why is this text red?!?!

  • All the main characters die and then a secret ending where you can save House Forrester.

  • edited March 2015

    Unless the TV show changes a few important characters' arcs substantially (not unthinkable) we know two broad strokes; where the Forresters' loyalties will lie at the end, and that neither they nor the Whitehills will cease to exist (no matter how hard we might try). Beyond that, there's a lot of wiggle room for game-by-game variation.

    Hopefully the Forrester/Whitehill story will come to an end one way or another, and any future seasons will feature another cast of characters, in another part of Westeros. Not that I haven't been enjoying it. I just think this is a story they could wrap up in six episodes, and there are other opportunities in the franchise. I'd love something like the Dunk & Egg story done by Telltale. Completely blank slate, a dose of humour, and a much, much smaller scale.

  • If it has any semblance of a happy ending, I'll be pissed.
    The Forrester's better lose to the Whitehills dammit.

  • If they somehow bounce back from my terrible decision making, I'll certainly cry BS.

    Mariana238 posted: »

    If it has any semblance of a happy ending, I'll be pissed. The Forrester's better lose to the Whitehills dammit.

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