The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • At first I was a little doubtful on this, but it's actually fantastic! that thread is so funny! the only thing that I would want different is a link to this thread in the description.

    Updates to Whatever's On Your Mind Hey guys, just a quick heads up - You guys can still post pictures/videos/etc here in this thread, but

  • 2025 = Black Ops 2

    Black Ops. Two words plus 2 equals 4.

    Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 B.C.

    Julius is a Roman.

    The Romans had an enemy in Carthage.

    Carthage fought 3 Punic Wars with Rome.

    3 x the Number of released Game Of Thrones episode starting tomorrow equals 9.

    The Movie 9 was released in 2009.

    Obama was President in 2009.

    Obama is black.

    Martin Luther King is black.

    Martin Luther King has 3 names.

    3 sides of a triangle.

    Therefore, 2025 ~ Illuminati.

  • blushes

    Aww you smarty pants, you!

  • edited March 2015

    Sorry to hear that. My drug abuse is what caused mine. Thats kinda fucked up that your school didn't do anything about it. You should have reported them to the department. And forget the beauty queens, they probably have shitty ass lives.

    And least you're seeing someone about it, it's more than I can say. And you can vent or talk to me in a pm if you want but I'm not sure I would be the best person for it.

    By self medicate, I mean I smoke. It's the only thing that calms my anxiety right now. But I need to find something else soon because I'm supposed to go to Europe this year with some friends and I'm not sure how I'm going to cope if I end up going.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I don't know, it was the bullying from those stupid beauty queens that made me more closed in on myself. Not going there would've done me a

  • I have to wonder how many people actually got around to playing SegaSonic? That's definitely one of the more obscure games.

    Jennifer posted: »

    That reminds me of an animation from the Sega Sonic the Hedgehog arcade game. :P

  • There's been a lot of comments and controversy that I've heard in different podcast about this variant batgirl cover. I honestly was not thinking about the killing joke reference or sexual assault when I saw this but I can understand people being uncomfortable about it. I thought that the tears of her eyes were a bad look for a hero to have and maybe the lips and teeth should show more anger than outright fear.

    Alt text

  • When I first saw that, I didn't think much about it, because I thought that the Joker is known for things like this (at least I thought). Looking at this again it does seem kind of suggestive, in many different ways.

    pcharl01 posted: »

    There's been a lot of comments and controversy that I've heard in different podcast about this variant batgirl cover. I honestly was not th

  • Just got an ad for President Goodluck's of Nigeria pledge to create 2 million jobs a year, on a music video, 'Rio' - Duran Duran.

  • Good.....night i guess?

  • Nighty night :3

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Good.....night i guess?

  • :) thanks

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Nighty night

  • No problemo :3

    Lord_EAA posted: »


  • :)


    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    No problemo

  • Alt text

    Lord_EAA posted: »


  • edited March 2015

    Starting to get really tired of all the bs in the world.

  • edited March 2015

    don't worry were still here an most off us don't bs DLB so don't worry...sis? (female bro)

    Starting to get really tired of all the bs in the world.

  • Good morning lord :)

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Good.....night i guess?

  • I'm happy and pissed at my boxing last night

    The good

    It was so hard great workout and I got a chance to talk to my crush a bit more

    The Bad

    I was sparring doing good I was winning by a great margin in the fight it was the last ten seconds of the round the coach said , Suddenly my headgear fell over my eyes and I was completely blind so I called the coach to fix it, suddenly the guy I was fighting saw this ran in and punched me square in the nose and I got a nose-bleed and couldn't spare anymore because of it bleeding

    Alt text

    That's the headgear type which slipped down and covered my eyes ^

    Lucky it was minor and it stopped bleeding after twenty seconds with some tissue I was fine so I could just do the rest of the training there instead it was such a cheap shot by dat a-hole

    I did the training it was so hard I saw the girl I liked I've been talking to her a lot recently she seems like she really likes me so I tried to give her a hint I like her as well at the end of training

    Me: high five you did awesome in that training you survived

    girl: Thanks How are you so fast and fit!!( She means in that training I worked hard and was one of the best in training there the coach even asked me I'm I on something in terms of fitness XD I don't drink or smoke ever because I'm fully committed to sport so I'm good at sport and fitness stuff thankfully :)

    Me; pointed my glove up and down at her To try to get a body like that, that's why I come to every training

    XD She blushed really bad, giggled and smiled at me :)

    Alt text

  • Yea boy, get it.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm happy and pissed at my boxing last night The good It was so hard great workout and I got a chance to talk to my crush a bit more

  • Mark is gettin some puss tonight

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm happy and pissed at my boxing last night The good It was so hard great workout and I got a chance to talk to my crush a bit more

  • Lmao you pimp

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm happy and pissed at my boxing last night The good It was so hard great workout and I got a chance to talk to my crush a bit more

  • Don't tell her you want a body like hers... she might think you're gay!

    Go ask her out or something.. quickly now! Before it's too late!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm happy and pissed at my boxing last night The good It was so hard great workout and I got a chance to talk to my crush a bit more

  • While I understand, the presentation in this actually helps further characterize the Joker. In the Dark Knight Returns Part 2 film Joker raped a retired Catwoman. That and this shows Joker will do anything for a laugh.

    pcharl01 posted: »

    There's been a lot of comments and controversy that I've heard in different podcast about this variant batgirl cover. I honestly was not th

  • edited March 2015

    Swiggity swooty Mark is coming for that booty.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm happy and pissed at my boxing last night The good It was so hard great workout and I got a chance to talk to my crush a bit more

  • NEW - Whatever Makes You Laugh - New thread; share and look at funny pictures/memes/gifs/videos/comics/etc from across the web to your heart's content.

    Why did I just noticed this now? facepalm

  • manure?

    Starting to get really tired of all the bs in the world.

  • I'm about to play Life is Strange Episode 2.

    I will be keeping track of how many times "hella" is said, when people are pointlessly rude, and other general nonsensical words such as "wowsers" and "amazeballs".

  • It's supposed to show how terrified Barbara Gordon is of Joker due to him paralyzing her. Suggestive, yes, but it gets the point across.

    pcharl01 posted: »

    There's been a lot of comments and controversy that I've heard in different podcast about this variant batgirl cover. I honestly was not th

  • Morning Markbro :)

    oh btw.............its coming VERY soon (you know what)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Good morning lord

  • Drink every time Chloe says "chillax Max"

    I'm about to play Life is Strange Episode 2. I will be keeping track of how many times "hella" is said, when people are pointlessly rude, and other general nonsensical words such as "wowsers" and "amazeballs".

  • Oh God, it's out? I better get ready mentally.

    breathe in

    breathe out

    Ok, let's do thissssssss ,_,

    I'm about to play Life is Strange Episode 2. I will be keeping track of how many times "hella" is said, when people are pointlessly rude, and other general nonsensical words such as "wowsers" and "amazeballs".

  • Ya know... I really hate it when it says 8:39 am when it's really 11:39am. Every time I fix it goes 2 hours back later on.

  • fucking fuck dammit shit damn cock bugger FUCK LIFE IS STRANGE GOT SO FUCKING INTENSE SO DAMN QUICK.


  • where is the thread to look like what kind of TWD character you look? or should i just post here

  • Yeah, here's the link to it, but I'm completely sure you post it here too if you wanted.

    where is the thread to look like what kind of TWD character you look? or should i just post here

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