Episode 3 Release Date Discussion- PC/Mac/PSN US Mar 24 - Xbox 360/One/PSN EU Mar 25 - iOS Mar 26



  • manutd678 posted: »

    Ok so this is the first time I am actually playing a telltale game. I purchased a season pass about a month ago when first two episodes were

  • Game of Thrones "Passion of the Rodrik", episode three of six is good but I have to agree with JamesDalton1995. TftB is better.

  • thanks I can see episode 3 download now

    stitch123 posted: »

    Try this: http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/93176/i-can-t-download-the-3rd-episode Worked for me.

  • edited March 2015

    Great, so i played the first two episodes at a friend and got hooked.
    Today I took some time off, buy myself the game through steam and then I find out that I can't even play the 3rd episode yet ?!?!?!

  • This is ridiculous!

    DiverseGnu posted: »

    I think they release the Steam version at least at 10 am PST

  • It isn't Telltale's fault, you know? Steam isn't theirs and we need to wait... like 3-4 more hours from the moment when I wrote this post.

    Ariels123 posted: »

    Great, so i played the first two episodes at a friend and got hooked. Today I took some time off, buy myself the game through steam and then I find out that I can't even play the 3rd episode yet ?!?!?! Ridiculous.

  • You might want to calm down.

    It'll be released in 2 - 3 hrs.

    Ariels123 posted: »

    Great, so i played the first two episodes at a friend and got hooked. Today I took some time off, buy myself the game through steam and then I find out that I can't even play the 3rd episode yet ?!?!?! Ridiculous.

  • You think waiting for the Steam marketplace to update sucks, try being a PlayStation 4 owner. I live on the west coast and I'm betting the PS4 marketplace won't have GoT's episode 3 available til sometime after 1p.m, that's around the time episode 2 of Tales from the borderlands became available.

  • It's March 24. Where's episode three?!

  • they usual come out around 3-4 pm EST so calm ur horses lmao

  • What do you add to this discussion? seriously

    Ehh Tales From The Borderlands is still better. Runs away arms flailing

  • Damn it, I really wanted to play the game before lunch. :(

    they usual come out around 3-4 pm EST so calm ur horses lmao

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It's now out on Steam, if it doesn't start downloading automatically try restarting Steam.

  • Downloading it now, I am so excited. :DDDD

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It's now out on Steam, if it doesn't start downloading automatically try restarting Steam.

  • Hey ozzy. I did that thimng you said, move the files. But now, in my screen i dont have a "my choices" tab. but it still has my save file and still has the option to rewind the previous episodes. did i fuck up?

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It's now out on Steam, if it doesn't start downloading automatically try restarting Steam.

  • I understand it is not telltale's fault. Yet it did annoy me, hence my comment above ;-)

    Steam finally updated, going to play now. Cheers!

    Rob_K posted: »

    You might want to calm down. It'll be released in 2 - 3 hrs.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Try restarting your game or wait for TelltaleMike to post a update in this thread.

    If you have the game on Steam you don't need to do this.

    Hey ozzy. I did that thimng you said, move the files. But now, in my screen i dont have a "my choices" tab. but it still has my save file and still has the option to rewind the previous episodes. did i fuck up?

  • Yo! When will the us psn have episode 3?

  • Srsly. I woulda called in to work if it was ready at 7 a.m.

    DiverseGnu posted: »

    Damn it, I really wanted to play the game before lunch.

  • I was able to download from ps4 store it's out!

  • Its there right now!!

    Sejborg posted: »

    Yo! When will the us psn have episode 3?

  • It is.

    2DLee posted: »

    I was able to download from ps4 store it's out!

  • Perfect 8-)

    DarkStar34 posted: »

    Its there right now!!

  • Perfect 8-)

    DarkStar34 posted: »

    Its there right now!!

  • edited March 2015

    So, did you stood up to that shithead Gryff or..? Honestly, that part was nerve-raking but I did.

  • edited March 2015

    I did. It was a tough decision though.

    I was really scared about what Gryff could do when he had Ser Royland (I ordered to attack him), but he didn't do anything, he didn't dare, I think he is a coward deep inside, but he tries to show strength in front of his men.

    He is really desperate when you stand up again and again and again. I believe he is kinda scared of Rodrik and the loyalty he is able to inspire to his people.

  • I was really dissatisfied and disappointed with the Purple Wedding. We spent all the time with a lame, boring character than what could have been a great and interesting in game event

  • I felt like the episode was rather weak, to be honest. Tensions got high with Britt and Gryff at times, but other than that, it wasn't a very intense experience for me.

  • I still don't see it in PSN.

    Sejborg posted: »

    Perfect 8-)

  • Oh, how his voice trembled everytime I got up. xD You're right, he's a coward and I enjoyed seeing him quiver in front of the confidence Rodrick has even though he can't bitchslap Gryff right now (bc of the wounds and all)

  • Hm, weird. I thought it was their best episode yet. It left me so hyped for ep 4

  • Ep.3 out on X1 search Game of throne in store

  • dunno from where you are, but that's the case for the European XBL too =)

    Ep.3 out on X1 search Game of throne in store

  • I'm in the U.S. but check anyways.

    Dalek93 posted: »

    dunno from where you are, but that's the case for the European XBL too

  • edited March 2015

    I felt the ending was very out of place and lackluster and it just didn't get me excited for the next episode like Episodes 1 and 2's endings and I feel there wasn't much interesting dialogue. I was disappointed in Asher's segment and didn't really care about Mira's. I just wasn't on edge like the other episodes and at times just wished the episode would end.

    Timcanpy posted: »

    Hm, weird. I thought it was their best episode yet. It left me so hyped for ep 4

  • Had no idea episode 3 came out today. Just finished tftbl ep 2 earlier today and now get to play this. I feel like a kid on Christmas :)

  • I kind of get what you mean with the Mira and Asher parts, Mira's felt like filler (but sort of necessary to move the plot along) and Asher's was too short. And I think the ending was pretty good, it's just that the ending to both of the previous episodes were so damn awesome that this was a let down. However, I thought that Gared and Rodrik's parts were both fantastic, and they were enough to make me think that this was the best so far.

    I felt the ending was very out of place and lackluster and it just didn't get me excited for the next episode like Episodes 1 and 2's ending

  • Still not released yet on 360?

  • edited March 2015


  • It;s out for PS4, but still not for PS3 :( (Europe)

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