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  • when Nick returns, he and Chloe will have to have a shadow duel. XD XD

    Hey not a problem, man. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Nick has a very similar power to Chloe actually, it will be revealed soon enough in my story... Oh ok, sorry dude :P

  • Returns?

    Nick doesn't create shadows... I don't wanna spoil the power cuz I think it's gonna be a cool reveal :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    when Nick returns, he and Chloe will have to have a shadow duel. XD XD Hey not a problem, man.

  • @pudding_pie Dude, I was looking back through the Fanart thread and saw some of your older pics, and I have a big question:

    What happened to Carla and Rosie Posie? Gren's family as you put it...

  • edited March 2015

    Belinda had hit him. Well, slapped may have been a more accurate word for it. The sound made a vibrating crackling noise, like thunder hitting an old dry tree.

    "I don't even know where Paris is!" She snapped. "How far away are we from Fabletown? A few blocks?"

    "Try a few countries and an ocean, darling." He said smoothly, leaning against the banister of a staircase. They were in a small hallway between floors. Looking up the staircase, there was another long hall, and looking down it there was a door that presumably led to outside.

    She quickly tossed open the nearest window, sticking her frayed head out into the cold air. Nothing was familiar here. "-What is this place? What have you done?" She was getting ready to hit him again, but his hands were quicker than hers. He caught her wrists and held her back easily.

    "Relax," He said in a semi-soothing tone of voice. "We're somewhere new, it is true. But I know where we are, and that is all that matters."

    "Traitor!" She spat at him, trying to kick her legs at him. The dress was limiting her significantly. "I can't believe I trusted you-"

    "Oh, come on now. Don't you think you're being-"

    "No! Stop! Bring me back you- you-"

    "Kidnapper?" He mused with a smug smile. "You came willingly."

    "Let go of me," She growled in a low tone. He released his hands and put them mildly in the air, as if to back off cautiously.

    "You want to go home then?" He said, sticking his hands on his hips with annoyance. "Like I said, you came-"

    "Yes, willingly, I know," She hissed. "But now I want to go willingly. How was I to know you would bring me to such a....such an odd location?"

    Mr. Wakefield drew out a long sigh. "I brought you here for a reason, and you have no idea what it even is. So please, let me at least tell you before you go on making rash decisions."

    Belinda huffed. She would have made another comment, but after all of this arguing, she realized it would probably produce more arguing, and arguing with Mr. Wakefield seemed hopeless. "Just tell me, please."

    "Alright." He stepped off the banister, and started up the stairs. She followed reluctantly, bunching her skirt in her fists so she didn't trip up the stairs. The hall was carpeted and lead to an open doorway at the end. In that room sat a sofa and a wood desk, and a wall of books.

    "I'm listening," She said impatiently. Ignoring her, Mr. Wakefield gestured to the couch and then took a seat behind the desk. Belinda watched as he opened a drawer, shuffled through it, and produced a thick envelope.

    "What is that?" She pointed.

    "This is my file," He replied. "Well, it's not on me, per say. It's on my cases."

    "Cases?" She narrowed her eyes.

    "I'm a detective."

    She laughed a sarcastic and loud laugh.

    "I'm serious."

    "And so am I," She replied, unable to wipe the amused look on her face. "If you were any decent detective, you'd at least dress for the part. You have finesse to your style."

    "Well, just because the fairytales-"

    "Fairytales are all true," She cut him off.

    Mr. Wakefield took a deep breath and rubbed his neck. "You know, you're kind of getting on my nerves."

    Belinda didn't say anything. She figured she might as well hear him out. She had had enough of mocking him.

    "I'm independent, however," He continued. "I used to be employed by Fabletown, but..." He paused, as if hesitant to tell her why. "That's not relevant though. I've been investigating a peculiar case for some time now."

    "And it involves me?" She looked at him, her eyebrow arched.

    He nodded, softly. "Well," He corrected himself. "Well sort of. Loosely."

    "Mm." She pressed her lips together. "Is there any other reason for me to be here?"

    "Well yes," He said. "I need some help from you."

    "You want me to find....whatever it is you were looking for, don't you?"

    "It's in the treasury, I'm absolutely sure of it," He said, as if she knew what he was talking about.

    "What does 'it' look like?"

    He paused again. His hand slipped into the file and he sifted through dozens of reports and papers. She saw a photo- and actual photo - sitting in between one of the pages. Those were rare and far in between. Her eyes shot from the papers to his face, full of creases from strained concentration and thought. His eyes were so blue...

    "Here we go," He said to himself, pulling another photo out. "It this. It's...a bit of a blurry picture."

    Belinda's stomach flipped. She knew what that was. "You want me to get the Ring of Dispel?"

    "You know it?" He looked slightly surprised, as if he was expecting to explain it all to her.

    "How could I not...?" She drew breathlessly. "I...I've used it before."

    "How? How is that even...?"

    "It was stolen," She replied. "I had it for a short kept me safe in the homelands. I can't believe it's ended up here..."

    Unexpectedly, Mr. Wakefield took Belinda's hands from across the table. She jumped in her seat slightly, but didn't pull away. He was much warmer than she was, and his fingers were rough with years of work. She slowly lifted her head to look into his eyes, which were blazing with a passionate fire. Whether is was for the ring or something else, Belinda couldn't tell.

    " manage?" He asked slowly. "To, retrieve it for me? I will only use it as long as I need it. You will get it back, surely."

    "I can," She replied. "On one condition."

    "Anything," His voice strained and his lips trembled slightly.

    "Call me Belinda, from now on."

    She took joy in the red shade that came upon his cheeks. "If I shall call you Belinda, then you must call me by my first name. Jonathan."

    "I think we've got a deal, Jonathan."

    Jonathan winked. "Then we've got a deal, Belinda."

    The sound of her name had never before enchanted Belinda so much. She stared at him in awe, not realizing her jaw had hung ajar slightly. She just wasn't used to the sound of it, especially in the mouth of such a strange man, a man who had so much mystery, yet so much charm and genuine kindness behind him that she wanted to melt in her chair. They sat a minute too long, their hands still clasped, before she stood up and stretched her toes a bit.

    "I'll take you home, now," He said after that moment of unspoken bliss.

    There's another chapter :) Literally so tired right now T.T Had work, and then me and my Dad went shopping for a few hours. Fun, but exhausting. Gotta get a project done and then go to bed. Peace.

  • Wow, that was some time ago. XD

    I'll explain Carla. That slut....oh, excuse me....anyways, Carla married Gren. WHY, well, I'll be covering that in this current story I'm making but it has to do with power....make a long story short, she and Gren were 'together' and 'had' 3 kids. Rosie being one of them. YEARS down the line, the kids are all grown and moved on. Carla finally drops the ball on Gren that she's been lying to him. Neither of the kids are his. None. She also states she never loved him. Played the part, as she likes to put it.... They immediatly seperate, sending Gren into a terrible depression and Carla being a bitch that no one can stand; these horrible events eventually bring both Gren and Emily together, were our current story is now. :)

    The two boys want nothing to do with Gren. Rosie, however, still considers Gren her 'father'; she will play a big part in my current story as well. :) Carla is currently with the biological father of the kids and has become estranged to her family, sisters and all. Hope that answers your questions. :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    @pudding_pie Dude, I was looking back through the Fanart thread and saw some of your older pics, and I have a big question: What happened to Carla and Rosie Posie? Gren's family as you put it...

  • When he comes to visit Emily again, he and Chloe will have a little shadow war but I'll wait and see what your power is for him. :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Returns? Nick doesn't create shadows... I don't wanna spoil the power cuz I think it's gonna be a cool reveal

  • Case One: The Lost Child Part: Six

    Luke opened the door to the directors office. There was blood. Lots of it. On the walls, ceiling, window, you name it it was there. And then....he saw the kid...and hans....the kid had cuts bruises and was on the ground with a pool of blood. Hans was leaned up against the wall missing an arm and an eye, blood still flowing. Witnessing this...Luke fell to his knees...he started to tear up and started slamming his fist on the ground, with each hit the ground started to break.

    "Why....WHY!!!" He screamed.

    "I told you this was an option." Cheshire purred.

    "I know but-" He was interrupted

    "You thought you could save them?" A woman's voice was heard down the hall

    Luke looked up surprised to see Alice, who looked normal. He got up, his hair flaming red.

    "What was the point?" He asked

    "The point of what? Dragging you and the wolf around? Its quite simple really. I was bored and wanted to have a bit of fun!" She said in an excited voice.

    "It's funny. I always knew you were weird. But I didn't know you were this fucked up. To go this far." Luke said walking towards her.

    It's like she moved in an instant right in front of him. She kissed him and lifted his chin. "Don't lie Luke. You have a strong desire to let Death run rampant through the town. I've been inside your mind, I know what makes you angry, sad, happy. So come with me, let's have some fun." She smiled seductively.

    Luke grabbed her by the throat. Flames bursting from his hands, it started to burn her throat and moved it's way down her body, not touching her clothes but her skin. This scared Alice, as fire had burned down her house and killed her family.

    "You're wrong. I'm not like you, I wish to help people not cause whatever the hell this is! You slept with a man and created life, to torture them!?" His grip got stronger. "It's not right!" He yelled.

    Alice started to scream in fear. Even in her own world that she controlled, she was full of fear.

    "Mister please let her go." A little boys voice was heard.

    Luke dropped Alice who was slumped against the desk and turned around. The kid had gotten up. He didn't have any of the wounds that had been inflicted on him. Luke fell once more and hugged the kid. But his hands went right through.

    "My dad and I are not really here. Mommy did this to try and hurt you and break you. We're okay sir, daddy said mommy is just sick. But she kept getting worse." He explained.

    "I know kid. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that to your mom." Luke said

    "You want to help, I can tell." He smiled. "But she's not wrong. There is something within you calling."

    Luke was shocked to hear this but ignored it. He turned to Alice who's burn marks were gone.

    "Where are they?" He asked.

    " the town outside the factory...." She said in fear. "Go get them and leave. I don't want to see you again after that." Alice said.

    "I don't want to see you either. But you committed a crime, and you must pay for it. Plus you need help." Luke said.

    She didn't answer. Luke got up. The room had gone back to normal, the factory had been polished. When he looked outside the sun was shining. Hans and the kid looked perfectly fine.

    This is a start. Luke thought to himself...walking outside the factory.

    That's it! But before I end this part, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone here right quick. Thinking back on what Pie said yesterday he made me realize something. That something is that I'm not alone, I have friends I can talk to now. Friends that I didn't have for a while. So I just wanted to say how awesome you guys are for your kindness, and to say thank you for accepting me. Any other questions or comments let me know everyone!

  • It won't be fair, let's leave it at that until I reveal the power...

    It's a Black Magic power that Nick learns near the end of the story

    pudding_pie posted: »

    When he comes to visit Emily again, he and Chloe will have a little shadow war but I'll wait and see what your power is for him.

  • So who is their biological Father?

    And shit dude! I never saw that coming :O

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Wow, that was some time ago. XD I'll explain Carla. That slut....oh, excuse me....anyways, Carla married Gren. WHY, well, I'll be coverin

  • Great chapter dude!! Can't wait for the next one :D

    You're not alone dude, we're all friends here!

    Tetra posted: »

    Case One: The Lost Child Part: Six Luke opened the door to the directors office. There was blood. Lots of it. On the walls, ceiling, wind

  • The biological father is a Grendel named Joey. He too will be introduced in my story and will tie into what Carla has done and so forth.

    Yeah. That was hard on the family. Gren sadly knew this but was so afraid to be alone, he'd do anything.....

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So who is their biological Father? And shit dude! I never saw that coming :O

  • edited March 2015

    Damn Tetra! The way you described Hans' condition! Man! These guys ain't playing around, are they? Nice chap, man! This Alice is (hate to ay this BUT) a freaking bad ass! :D

    Hey man, glad I could help. :) Like I've told JJ and the others-if you ever need to chat or get something off your chest, I and the others would be more than willing to help. I may not answer right away but I'll be there. :) Hope everything is going great, though,

    Tetra posted: »

    Case One: The Lost Child Part: Six Luke opened the door to the directors office. There was blood. Lots of it. On the walls, ceiling, wind

  • Thanks Hazza! :)

    It's an awesome feeling knowing this. :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Great chapter dude!! Can't wait for the next one You're not alone dude, we're all friends here!

  • Alice really likes to mess with your head, although what Luke did to her she'll have a comeback ;) Thanks Pie! I do have to agree with you there, making her badass wasn't even intentional XD

    I know now that I can ask for help from my friends when I need it. If anything is wrong or I just want to talk I know I can talk to you guys. When I finally realized this I just smiled and felt like I could cry XD it's the greatest thing to have, having friends who have your back. Thank you Pie :) After yesterday, today has been a ton better. I feel like I can actually accomplish somethin!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Damn Tetra! The way you described Hans' condition! Man! These guys ain't playing around, are they? Nice chap, man! This Alice is (hate to ay

  • I love taking characters that had one side but down the road, you make them into a whole different person.! It works for this story! Luke just better watch himself. XD

    -virtual hug- Well, I'm glad my words did help you out. I don't like to see or hear people feeling so down on themselves. :) I'm just happy to know you're alright, man. Smile and know you're not alone, man. :D

    Tetra posted: »

    Alice really likes to mess with your head, although what Luke did to her she'll have a comeback Thanks Pie! I do have to agree with you the

  • It really is something! He'll have to if he wants to survive! XD

    -virtual hugs back- It's a strange but welcoming feeling to know this! You're a great man, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise man :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I love taking characters that had one side but down the road, you make them into a whole different person.! It works for this story! Luke ju

  • Poor Gren :(

    Although that name Joey... WAY too many Friends jokes have just rushed through my head because that name! XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The biological father is a Grendel named Joey. He too will be introduced in my story and will tie into what Carla has done and so forth. Yeah. That was hard on the family. Gren sadly knew this but was so afraid to be alone, he'd do anything.....

  • That's good! :)

    It does make writing descriptive bits easier if you've already been there/seen pictures/ imagined it from somewhere else; it's excellent that you've found a way you enjoy so much!

    Those details are very good additions. XD Wonder if she'd ever meet any of the characters from A Tale of Two Cities; definitely not saying she will in your story, I just mean that perhaps they'd be from the same world or something. Not sure, but it's curious to think about. XD

    Sophie's tend to be that way. XD

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I'm getting there Gotta take the antibiotics and such, and I should be good to go! I think since I've read a book recently (Clockwork An

  • Yeah but he's surely not going to let that Wendigo attack go, is he? :P

    Guess we'll have to wait and see because it's up to Stone. XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Nick isn't perfect :P

  • No he won't forget it, and he'll be all ready for a round 2 :P

    BUT, it's up to Stone XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Yeah but he's surely not going to let that Wendigo attack go, is he? :P Guess we'll have to wait and see because it's up to Stone. XD

  • This is a great summary of many things that have happened and gives a handy place to check if in need of double-checking something! And I really enjoyed hearing it from Peter's perspective, and seeing a few of his thoughts on things. Interesting to imagine how everyone else would write these things and other events too.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The curse Taken from the page of Peter Porgie's diary Once upon a time...yeah, that sounds about right but it appears these stories al

  • Really enjoying this story! I keep saying it but I'm going to say it again: you've really captured the weirdness of Wonderland. Takes a good imagination to do so. That Alice is suffering from something and isn't just outright malevolent is a good idea, too.

    This place wouldn't be the same without you, Tetra. :) We're all here and, as Pie says, we can help each other. It's pretty wonderful that everyone here is so friendly, really. ^_^

    Tetra posted: »

    Case One: The Lost Child Part: Six Luke opened the door to the directors office. There was blood. Lots of it. On the walls, ceiling, wind

  • Alt text

    Always welcomed!

    Tetra posted: »

    Case One: The Lost Child Part: Six Luke opened the door to the directors office. There was blood. Lots of it. On the walls, ceiling, wind

  • Good to know you like it Lupine! Glad you like the ideas too! :)

    Thanks Lupine :) it really is awesome how everyone here is really nice and friendly! :D

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Really enjoying this story! I keep saying it but I'm going to say it again: you've really captured the weirdness of Wonderland. Takes a good

  • I swear I've seen that thing before, is that from invader zim? XD

    Thanks Master! :D

    MasterStone posted: »

    Always welcomed!

  • Chapter Twoin which we learn of Bigby's troubles with Tuesdays

    “It had been 1883 last time I left my apartment. I'd only gone back to get my hat.”

    In the Sheriffs' Office, Mr. Weasel finishes his account of events; Bigby stops writing and puts down the pencil he's been using onto his desktop, proceeding to eye Mr. Weasel with suspicion, who sits on the other side of the desk. Then, Bigby looks back down at his notes and eyes them suspiciously. And finally, the Sheriff opens a right-hand drawer and takes out a packet of cigarettes which he begins to unwrap, struggles to unwrap ('Damn cellophane!'), loses his patience to unwrap; and so bites into them, spits out the cardboard and yanks one of the sticks out with his teeth, lips wrapping steadfastly around it as he strikes a match and lights the cigarette.

    'Tuesdays. What is it with the weird things happening on Tuesdays?' Bigby wonders internally. On this very day last week Briar Rose reported an old man wandering about Fabletown in what appeared to be a state of great confusion, for example. He was crying out peculiar words. When the man was brought into the office no one knew him, but he would only speak in Latin, which didn't help; they put him in the drunk tank and the next morning he'd vanished.
    And then there was the Tuesday from two weeks ago, and the one before that, but Bigby realises he's getting side-tracked.

    “Mr. Weasel,” he begins, using the tone he has when digging around for an obscure answer, “have you been under any high levels of stress lately?”

    On the well-worn visitor's chair sits Mr. Weasel, who briefly considers the question before replying calmly, “Not particularly high levels, though I've had one or two things on my mind”. Perhaps he would be in a more frantic state after his unexpected travel through the temporal realm if it not for the cool breeze wafting through an open window, which makes him feel very comfortable on this sunny day.

    “Okay.” Bigby isn't too confident about the theory he's come up with, but sometimes you've just got to put these ideas out there. Who knows? You might strike lucky first time. “Is it possible you've had, maybe, a sort of mental breakdown? Perhaps whatever it is you've had on your mind has exacerbated some pre-existing condition and now you think you've travelled through time?”

    “And this condition has caused me to lose all memory of the past hundred and odd years to default back to the nineteenth century? No, I don't think so.” (Which Mr. Weasel could honestly say even if he has had a breakdown, because how can he know any different if such a breakdown is what he's had? He won't remember! But, Mr. Weasel thinks that's probably just splitting hairs so he keeps quiet.)

    “I was just putting it out there,” responds Bigby, tapping his cigarette into a black ashtray, well aware of the same truth Mr. Weasel has just been considering and yet also refraining from mentioning it for similar reasons.

    The thing is, the man in front of Bigby looks like Mr. Weasel when glamoured, sounds like him, acts like him, smells like him (for everyone has their own scent which Bigby's infallible olfactory department can identify). Given that the possibility this affair has been brought about by a sort of mental-incident seems unlikely, Bigby decides that there are three most-plausible possibilities:

    1. Mr. Weasel has been enchanted.
    2. It is someone posing as Mr. Weasel – in which case asking for the imposter to remove the glamour should reveal them. Or,
    3. Mr. Weasel really has travelled through time. On balance, this was probably the worst, because it meant oh-so-many complications.

    With these theories in mind, Bigby renews his questioning (and smoking).

    “Have you pissed off any witches lately?” Witches, Bigby knows, can be awfully vindictive when riled, and erasing someone's memory by a hundred or so years seems like just the sort of thing one of them might do. Most likely, the witch wouldn't have erased the memory of themselves in Mr. Weasel's mind, though – they can be egotistical like that, and very canny.

    “Um, yes. I suppose, so.” Answers Weasel.

    'Aha!' Sounds Bigby's internal triumph, sure he's onto something. “Who was the witch?”

    “Can't say as I ever did get her name, actually.”

    “Okay. And what did you do?”

    “Killed her. Though, it wasn't just me,” is the surprisingly flippant reply.

    Well, killing a witch would undoubtedly piss them off, but how can the witch do anything if she's dead? Unless it was one of those dastardly death-hexes. Bigby enquires further.

    “Who was with you?”

    “Cindy, Dixa, and Flycatcher. It was only about a month ago, at Halloween, but, I suppose it might be a bit longer ago for you to recall.”

    Bigby casts his mind back as a burly fisherman would a net into the sea of memory, aiming to catch a recollection that will remind him of the events Mr. Weasel is referring to. Something gets caught. “Was that to do with Beast's brother?”

    “Yes, that's the one!”

    “My memory's fuzzy; nothing like this happened to anyone else involved in that. I've distinct memories of yourself for the past hundred years, mind, so I can't be totally certain it's not to do with the witch.” With a scowl, Bigby decides to move on to Theory Number Two. “Could you remove your glamour, please.”

    Mr. Weasel is surprised by such a question seemingly out of the blue. “What? Why?”

    “Please just remove it.”

    “Not unless you give me a good reason! The younger you would never do this! Well, actually --”

    “Glamour off! Now!” Bigby doesn't need to raise his voice particularly high to get the point across, and ever so compliantly Mr. Weasel replies:

    “Oh, very well then,” and removes his glamour.

    And? As the fluorescent green momentarily dazzles, the figure of Mr. Weasel sitting in the well-worn visitor's chair disappears, and from Bigby's position what now becomes visible is simply the wooden back of the well-worn visitor's chair. This is a crucial moment – depending on just who has unglamoured in the office Bigby may have to act quickly, and so he springs up and looms over the desk to intimidate whatever is now there. Which would be a weasel.

    In a voice with a higher pitch than normal, yet carrying traces of a gravely counter-tone (which is just how weasels sound), Mr. Weasel wonders, “Are you satisfied, Sheriff?”

    In one way, yes, Bigby is satisfied; in many other ways, no, and he is now very disconcerted. Still standing, he deliberates quickly on whether there could be a Theory Number 2.5, or whether Theory Number 3 could be pushed back to Number 4, and a much more sensible and less hassling explanation could be the cause of this affair, other than time-travel.


    Bigby huffs. Then slumps back down into his seat and puffs. Lastly, he puts his hand onto his head and shakes it a little. 'Tuesdays. Why does it always have to be Tuesdays?'

    “Do you mind if I change back now?” Says a voice from somewhere on the other side of the desk.

    Bigby stops his existential questioning and replies, “Yeah, sure.” He removes his hand from his face to once more see the green glow.

    When it has dispersed and Mr. Weasel is in glamoured form, he sits there waiting for Bigby's next question. He isn't in a rush to get anywhere, because given how many years have passed from where Weasel was earlier in the morning and the current time, the rush would be late by over a century. He did have a date planned which he'd really rather not miss, but given the reception he'd got from Cinderella this morning he figured it must go quite well. Or have gone quite well. 'Must decide on appropriate terminology for this new turn in life,' Weasel decides.

    “I'm going to have to let Peter and Mary know about this,” Bigby remarks begrudgingly.

    “Peter and Mary?”

    “Yeah, the other Sheriffs – Peter Porgie and Bloody Mary.”

    “Oh,” says Weasel, who's until now viewed Bigby to be something of The One And Only Sheriff for life. “Is Peter a grandson of Lyla and Georgie? Lyla's just given birth to wonderful quadruplets, back in my time. And I've a passing familiarity with Mary.”

    “No, he's Lyla's and, erm, Georgie's. They have another son, Ethan – who's deputy Mayor – and he and Peter are a couple of years younger than Emily, Katie, Penelope, and Junior.” Bigby's decision to leave out the biological actuality of Peter's genes makes him feel uncomfortable, as if not telling it all to the unknowing Mr. Weasel is a denial of his son; but, Bigby is happy to think of Georgie as being Peter's father as much as himself. And, given the mystery of what's occurred to Weasel, the full picture of contemporary Fabletown might best remain known only to contemporary Mr. Weasel. “Anyway, Peter's full-time Sheriff while Mary and I are part-time; Fabletown's always seeing new citizens and there are more Mundies than ever before wandering around the place. Too much for one person.” Though secretly, deep down, Bigby missed being the Lone Sheriff of a fledgling community. How times change.

    “Indeed,” agrees Mr. Weasel, who really shouldn't be agreeing at all given that he's no real idea as to the state of things Bigby is referring to.

    “You've got a lot to catch up on, Percy. Congratulations,” says Bigby without much enthusiasm, enthusiasm that might be present if he knew of the future accomplishments of his great-great granddaughter. “You're a time-traveller.”

    There we go! Any questions, feel free to ask. :)

  • Invader Zim <3

    Tetra posted: »

    I swear I've seen that thing before, is that from invader zim? XD Thanks Master!

  • Let it never be said that you cannot write human stories! The mess of emotions - of love - and the things people say; as well as the little actions people do that are inconsequential yet still a part of life. It all paints a vivid picture and makes for a great read. :)

    Sorry to hear things have been bumpy! We're all here for you, dude. :)

    JJwolf posted: »

    Robert could not recall the last time he and Rose hung out like this. It was nice having her around that afternoon to comfort him. All the t

  • You know, I think I will. :P

    @JJwolf JJ, if you have the chance to answer, I was wondering what Robert's quote meant with air being free and a bag of chips. Just curious. :D

    I just wrote what JJ gave me for Robert's quote, same with everyone else's. Ask JJ if you want further clarification? :P

  • Oh Bigby. How you make me laugh XD Mr.Weasel is in a bit of trouble, although how would anyone believe you time traveled :p

    Awesome work Lupine! Can't waiting to read more! :D

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Chapter Two – in which we learn of Bigby's troubles with Tuesdays “It had been 1883 last time I left my apartment. I'd only gone back to

  • I knew it! It's been years since I've seen that show. But it stayed in the back of my head since most girls I see wear those shirts with that guy on there :p

    MasterStone posted: »

    Invader Zim

  • Dance Party

    Night has fallen, the sounds of teenagers ravaging through the hall dressed in their 80's costume. The Mundy tunes blasting from the speaker in the gymnasium, and the giant disco ball in the ceiling flashing vigorously. The Party goer's began to pour into the gym and the party begins. Our heroes arrive on time, they know what is going to go down tonight. They know the Wendigo will be there for Ashyln.

    Ella along with Dan are keeping an look out for the Wendigo, while Ashlyn remain close with Franklin who was recently informed of what happened the other night. Marcelo is setting on the bleacher with his date watching the doorway for the Wendigo. His date urges him to join her on the dance floor, but he stalls. He begins to get a bad feeling.. After a few minutes of further stalling, he eventually goes down to the dance floor, and before he can catch a glimpse the Warden or the Wendigo enters the room dressed as a 80's style rock star. He peeks in, and leave back out.

    On the other side of the room, Lyla and her new boyfriend who calls himself 'Porgie' are getting some serious attention. The duo are pulling of some ridiculously dance moves leaving their audience. Then after a minute of their awesomeness, Robert who is dressed like Rick James trips over a power cord causing the music and lights to go off. “Oh... sorry, sorry. I'll fix it... hold on. Almost... there!”. Everything comes back on and Robert proceeds to grab the microphone as if he were about to sing.

    Ella asked Dan again if he remembered the 'plan'. He nodded his head and asked if it was necessary for Robert to sing because he found his singing to be very, disturbing. “We need to create a distraction, and so far Robert getting everyone's attention while we deal with the Wendigo works, for now. Once we get it were we wanted, we're gonna kill it.” Ella as she continued to star at the doorway. Dan then noticed that Marcelo is off of his patrol, and he informs Ella and asked her what to do next. She looks at Dan and told him that “I wasn't expecting this plan to be perfect. As long as we keep Ashlyn safe... Hey... where's Ella?”.

    “Ashlyn? Ashyln?” Franklin as she see's Ashlyn walking towards the doorway. He tries to stop her but get's no response. It is like she's in some kind of trance. He look's into her eyes and see's a dead white color, resembling they eyes of a Wendigo. He continues to get through to her, she looks him dead in the eyes and with a deep and demonic tone, “He want's me for his bride. He introduced me to the hunger and now... I must comply...” She punches him hard in the stomach and he tumbles to the ground, attracting everyone's attention. Everyone begins to stare at the two, and then the see the Warden staring directly at Ashlyn with his pearly white eyes.

    Ella immediately signals Robert to cue the distraction, and he waste no time.. He clears his throat, grabs the microphone in with all the power in his voice he begins singing..

    If I should stay...

    I would only be in your way.....

    So I'll go but I know...

    I'll think of you every step of the way....

    And I... will always love you, ooh....

    Will always love you...


    My darling, you...


    Bittersweet memories –

    That is all I'm taking with me.

    So good-bye...

    Please don't cry

    We both know I'm not what you, you need...

    AND I..................... WILL ALWAYS LOVE, YOU.......!

    YOU...., OOH …...!

    Everyone turns to Robert and begs him to halt his horrendous singing and spare their ear from their suffering. This distraction aloud them to confront the Wendigo once again. It picks up Lyla and carries her away. Ella whistles signaling Marcelo and Dan to go after them. They begin to lose track of the Wendigo and decides to split up, hoping to find it individually.

    The Wendigo carrying Ashlyn on his shoulder stop at a dead end of a hallway. He begins to place his clawed hand of the wall and it begins to shake. He opened a secret passageway leader underground the building. Before he enters. He senses Etan's and Nick's presence. It turns around no at all surprised to see the two. Licking it's lips with it's grotesque tongue it begins to speak to the two. “I was wondering when you would catch on. I knew you weren't that of fool, wolf.” Etan takes off his glasses and places them into his coat pocket. He then takes off his coat and careful place it on the ground.

    Etan then sigh's and looks at Nick. “Let's kill this thing quickly and quietly. Matter of fact screw it, rip it to shreds.” Nick tackles the Wendigo and they both begin to tumble down the old stairway leading to a dungeon, an ancient dungeon. As Etan tries to help Ashlyn, his leg is grabbed by clawed hands. He begins to be pulled in, he struggles to resist, showing his wolfly features in the process. He hangs on for his dear life but is pulled in leaving behind a trail of his claw marks. A creature, perhaps another Wendigo, pick up the sleeping Ashlyn and slowly enters the passageway.. The secret door closes behind it.

    Elsewhere, Dan scent pics up something which lead him to the very hall where the Wendigo carried Ashlyn. “This is the place... but where..?” Dan begins to rub his hand on the wall and presses something, a switch. The hidden door begins to slower open, and as Dan answers his cell phone. “I think I found them, the hallway next to the library..” He then hangs up, deciding whether to enter the dungeon alone by himself, or wait for Marcelo and Ella to arrive first. The two choices echoed through skull as his heart began to pound like thunder.

    Enter alone?


    Wait for Ella and Marcelo?

    1. Mr. Weasel has been enchanted.

    2. It is someone posing as Mr. Weasel – in which case asking for the imposter to remove the glamour should reveal them. Or,
    3. Mr. Weasel really has travelled through time. On balance, this was probably the worst, because it meant oh-so-many complications.

    Option two reminds Muppets Most Wanted a bit.

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Chapter Two – in which we learn of Bigby's troubles with Tuesdays “It had been 1883 last time I left my apartment. I'd only gone back to

  • I love writing Bigby. XD Weasel is in a bit of a jam, but the next chapter brings in Dixa, so we'll be leaving Bigby and Weasel in the office for a while. :P

    Glad you're enjoying it! :D

    Tetra posted: »

    Oh Bigby. How you make me laugh XD Mr.Weasel is in a bit of trouble, although how would anyone believe you time traveled Awesome work Lupine! Can't waiting to read more!

  • Haven't seen the film but hopefully that's a good reference! :D

    MasterStone posted: »

    * Mr. Weasel has been enchanted. 2. It is someone posing as Mr. Weasel – in which case asking for the imposter to remove the glam

  • Not sure why, but, I'd actually like to see Robert performing that song. He could give it passion!

    Poor Ashyln! I'd say wait for Ella and Marcelo - it's no good if Dan goes in and no one else knows where the Wendigo/s are. That's my opinion, at least. XD

    MasterStone posted: »

    Dance Party Night has fallen, the sounds of teenagers ravaging through the hall dressed in their 80's costume. The Mundy tunes blasting f

  • Dan may be the man, but I think he should wait for Ella and Marcelo for a little back up and more firepower.

    This is really good! It's awesome to see Ella making plans and executing them! Haha, Georgie got Lyla! Take that Rasputin!

    MasterStone posted: »

    Dance Party Night has fallen, the sounds of teenagers ravaging through the hall dressed in their 80's costume. The Mundy tunes blasting f

  • I love the wording you use!! It really paints a picture :D

    Bigby and those cigarette cartons... Arch-enemies for life!

    Look forward to more, dude!

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Chapter Two – in which we learn of Bigby's troubles with Tuesdays “It had been 1883 last time I left my apartment. I'd only gone back to

  • I'd actually like to see Robert performing that song.

    Me too.^^^ I pictured it in my head and I swear, never laughed so hard in my life....

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Not sure why, but, I'd actually like to see Robert performing that song. He could give it passion! Poor Ashyln! I'd say wait for Ella and

  • Dan needs to wait for Ella and Marcelo. No bueno going in alone. Poor Ashlyn! She's going to freak the f*** out when she comes to and sees who and what has her.

    Lyla and her new boyfriend who calls himself 'Porgie'

    -Fangirls all over the place- Oh man! Take THAT, Rasputin! XD XD Plus, great on their dance moves, too. SO them. XD XD

    Robert who is dressed like Rick James

    Oh what all that is holy and pure. XD I loved this, too! I laughed so hard at this, too! I can picture him signing this song. No offense, @JJWolf but this SCREAMS Robert....just like he's screaming this

    Great! Can't wait for more!

    MasterStone posted: »

    Dance Party Night has fallen, the sounds of teenagers ravaging through the hall dressed in their 80's costume. The Mundy tunes blasting f

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