Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • edited March 2015

    Is there an alternate ending? After completing Episode 2, my save now says "Main campus - With Warren". The title makes it sound like there could be another ending.

  • Click on ep 1 or season pass in the store or library then choose add-ons you should find it that way. ep 2 isnt listed separately under "all games" for some reason even though all the resident evil revelations eps are listed individually

    I don't see it on PSN yet. :c

  • Sigh still no sign. I think it's cuz I live in Canada. US gets the stuff before us usually. v_v

    Click on ep 1 or season pass in the store or library then choose add-ons you should find it that way. ep 2 isnt listed separately under "all games" for some reason even though all the resident evil revelations eps are listed individually

  • Look for it under add-ons under ep1 or season pass in psn

    samsamich13 posted: »

    Is anyone else having issues with the PSN download of episode 2? It hasn't popped up on the console website or the pc website. Help?

  • Can't believe they actually took the time to make a page xD

    So people that played the leaked episode, was it different? Because I watched like a minute of the leaked ep on YouTube and I thought max

  • I guess so because you could say no to going out with Warren so you might be able to end with Chloe, I could never turn down cutie-pie Warren though but I did feel guilty when he said he was going to phone brooke and blow her off, that girls going to hate my max by the end of this I know it.

    Im guna replay and see

  • Are we allowed to know about EP 2 leak now? All the playthroughs of the leak are gone on Youtube, what was is it about was it different?

  • I actually blew him off in my playthrough, and still got that ending, I don't know, the fact it specifies that you're with Warren, makes it seem like there is an alternate ending. It's not like the save file says "Lighthouse - With Chloe", after completing episode 1.

    I guess so because you could say no to going out with Warren so you might be able to end with Chloe, I could never turn down cutie-pie Warre

  • I live in the US and ep 2 isn't up for me either.

    Sigh still no sign. I think it's cuz I live in Canada. US gets the stuff before us usually. v_v

  • Oh. Okay, nvm what I said then. I guess some stores are slow.

    MosesARose posted: »

    I live in the US and ep 2 isn't up for me either.

  • Fuck this game. FUCK DAMMIT.



  • edited March 2015

    I've just finished playing the 2nd episode. I must say, while the second part of it was excellent, the first part was far too slow and boring. While the overall story is really good and interesting, I didn't like most of the writing in the dialogues, which were made worse by the bad voice acting. Anyway, the soundtrack is probably the best one I've ever heard in any game or movie. Really, good job for that.

  • edited March 2015

    Now, I felt bad, really really bad for what happened to Kate. Don't tell me that I can't save her... God, this is depressing. I mean, A Zombie Apocalyptic game with a 11 years old girl surviving on her own can be depressing, but a real life situation, where you can't save your friend? God I feel so awful right now.

    Anyway, there are lots to talk about Episode 2. I really see where DONTNOD goes with their direction. Creating a rewind ability and making a choice, I felt more impact than... coughTelltaleGamescough. I felt more curious on my previous Episode's choices and tomorrow, I'll gonna "rewind" my whole gameplay! Hell, Life is Stange choices are more vast than any Telltale Games out here today.

    The character development, I'm totally shipping Max and Chloe! Strangely, the ending made me question Chloe's heart towards Max. Victoria and Nathan is a total assholes. I'm glad that Victoria's "minion" isn't that bad, I felt sorry for them even more. But, when the ending rolls out, I saw Victoria in her room crying. Is she blaming herself for what happened to Kate? And why the fuck does Nathan smiling at her like a creep when she open her door? Why does the Principal talk to Jefferson like they're arguing something? Can we even trust David Madsen? TOO MUCH CONSPIRACY RIGHT NOW. Kate,... I don't wanna talk about her, it hits me bad when I can't held her hand when she jumped...

    Now, voice acting, I thought it was okay. Not too cheesy, not too overdramatic. I'm cool.

    The plot, if anyone saw RWJ's webisode, "Riley Rewind", yeah... they literally stuffed some of the plots into this episode.

    Soundtrack, once again, A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Nothing else.

  • Ikr you see those freaking play buttons pls flag spoilerus maximus

    Could you stop posting leaked shit please. Or at least spoiler tag it.

  • You can save Kate, so as long as you make the right choices when you talk to her.

    Even if you make past decisions (taking a photo instead of intervening, telling her not to go to the police, etc.) that upsets her, as long as you don't upset her you can stop her from committing suicide.

  • edited March 2015

    I yelled "Fuck yes!" when I saved Kate from commiting a suicide! :D This episode was really amazing and the choices, oh the choices are really hard in this game.

    Im also very glad to see that my choices fucking matter! The last time I had that feeling was when I played Heavy Rain.

  • Wait what?! I can save her?? TELL ME. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I DON'T WANT HER TO DIE...

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    You can save Kate, so as long as you make the right choices when you talk to her. Even if you make past decisions (taking a photo instead

  • How damn it, how can I save her??? ;-;

  • edited March 2015


    Damn, I thought Episode 2 was powerful as hell.. I thought Kate's scene was one of those scenes you only see once in awhile and really stick to you.

  • She deserves to live ;_; You go back and save her now! >:(

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    How damn it, how can I save her??? ;-;

  • edited March 2015

    I'm not too sure, but basically pick the following dialogue options. These should help save Kate:

    • If you did take a picture instead of intervening, admit that you were scared.
    • If you didn't pick-up the phone when she called you, say that it was in silent mode.
    • If you told her not to go to the police, say that you're gathering proof.
    • Tell her to be strong.
    • Mention her father or her sisters.
    • If she mentions God had put her on the roof, quote Matthew 11:28.
    • Say that Nathan is involved.
    • Get rid of as many offensive messages directed to Kate as possible, including the web video link.
    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    Wait what?! I can save her?? TELL ME. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I DON'T WANT HER TO DIE...


    finlander posted: »

    She deserves to live ;_; You go back and save her now! >:(

  • I SAVED HER!!! MY GOD I FEEL BETTER. This episode is a very powerful one. I expect more in Episode 3.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    I'm not too sure, but basically pick the following dialogue options. These should help save Kate: * If you did take a picture instead o

  • I can tell you guys one thing; DONTNOD has made a powerful and emotional episode for this one. I expect more powerful and more emotional in Episode 3. =D

  • edited March 2015

    Everyone's playing Episode 2 and I'm sitting here still waiting for PSN to release it....

    Alt text

  • What? I played it on my ps4 :D

    Everyone's playing Episode 2 and I'm sitting here still waiting for PSN to release it....

  • I own it on the PS3. They forgot about me. ;-;

    finlander posted: »

    What? I played it on my ps4

  • edited March 2015

    I'm proud of you bro

    Alt text

    Mat_Den96 posted: »


  • Try testing your connection. Just did that myself and the episode popped up.

    I own it on the PS3. They forgot about me. ;-;

  • Well what are you waiting for? Go to the game main menu, then go to " Downloadable content "! I'm on PS3 too and I downloaded it yesterday.

    I own it on the PS3. They forgot about me. ;-;

  • Well the connection on GTA Online was incredibly laggy when I played it earlier. And there was network errors. I guess connection is messed up. I would test it but I dunno how. I own a ps3 without internet and my brother is one who does have internet on his and he's on it mostly. Hmm well I'll give it try. Thanks.

    MosesARose posted: »

    Try testing your connection. Just did that myself and the episode popped up.

  • edited March 2015

    Alt text




    I got it! Downloading it now! THANK YOU EVERYONE!

    Alt text

    Well what are you waiting for? Go to the game main menu, then go to " Downloadable content "! I'm on PS3 too and I downloaded it yesterday.

  • So how is it without spoiling me? Better than episode 1 in your opinion?

  • Did anyone else tell chloe to shoot the bumper of the car above the bottles? Woops...

  • Saw the footage. Was expecting the bullet to hit Chloe's stomach, and with Max rolling her eyes and saying "Not again...better rewind!".

  • Max should have rewound and then been like "you literally just killed yourself, ditch the gun bitch!" But instead she doesn't say FA about it

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    Saw the footage. Was expecting the bullet to hit Chloe's stomach, and with Max rolling her eyes and saying "Not again...better rewind!".

  • Well diferent ending you do not see the other ending of ep2,leaked.If you want i can send you in pm.

    Are we allowed to know about EP 2 leak now? All the playthroughs of the leak are gone on Youtube, what was is it about was it different?

  • edited March 2015

    So played episode 2. Mixed thoughts again though better than episode 1

    The dialgoue was better done, lip syncing was worse but not the end of the world.

    Max was pretty likeable and some of the more minor characters as well.

    Vic and Nathan continue to be so mean its almost ridiculous, why is anyone even remotley friendly with them, dont regret being rude and aggressive at every oppurtunity.

    Chloe too continues to be insufferable, I feel bad for her mother. Shooting guns, owing drug dealers, shes just trouble. Also the grief she kept giving me, YOU SMOKED THE WEED you hella druggie.

    Still no annoyance surpasses Kate. Why is she burdening max with all this and giving her all this shit when she is the only one being nice to her. I dont buy that she was totally innocent in that video, she went there knowing the kind of people in attendance. I said I'd go to the police with you, supported you and you still want to be selfish and off yourself? Ugh. I got her off the roof but I'm honestly still pissed off with her. Its terrible what she tries to do but she needs a more sharp wake up about it not more pity.

    So the choices were

    • Told her to go to the police

    • Ignored the call

    • Tried to shoot the guy

    • Didnt mess up the railway tracks

    • Saved Kate

    • Got Nathan suspended

  • That episode was so stale, predictable, and written poorly.

  • I have to admit the suicide scene was weird. Kate's responses were determinant sure but just odd.


    "no i want to die"


    Chole's desperation was much better acted in the train scene, though that scene was pretty badly scripted

    MosesARose posted: »

    That episode was so stale, predictable, and written poorly.

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