Rodrik now has the advantage after ep3

Rodrik knows there is a traitor in his small council thanks to Gwen and even if there wasn't one, he now can easily figure out who it is or if they exist. All he has to do, is hold a small council meeting saying he changed his mind and wants to expel Griff/rescue Ryon and give somewhat possible methods of doing this. Then he can take each member aside and tell them something different well happen with the plan and that he thinks there is a traitor based on what Griff said to him and that he trusts only them. Whichever the plan that seems like it well fail or is intercepted by Griff/Ludd Whitehill is the plan that reveals the traitor. Then Rodrik can use that traitor to send misinformation to the Whitehills and wipe them out.

This is the first time I felt like the Forresters have the upper hand in anything....this is also why Gwen stated to Rodrik be careful what you do with this information. Killing the traitor is tempting but I know that it would be the key to gaining the upper hand with the Whitehills.


  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    How do you tell what plan was intercepted? Gwyn seems like she'll have a hard time hearing things/getting in touch again though it looks like we may be going to Highpoint next episode.

  • ahh Tyrion's old trick..I like it :)

  • edited March 2015

    Well...Rodrik could state that they will kill Griff and attack when he comes out of the great hall or is taking a dump with a few guards. Then he could tell another that he is going to storm the great hall at night while they sleep, rinse and repeat to everyone else with different times and locations. One of these Griff well respond by having more men with him then usual or attacking Rodrik beforehand and Griff stating something like "Thought you could kill me in the privy or while I slept?". Griff has a big mouth and he won't resist telling Rodrik that he knows somehow....

    HiroVoid posted: »

    How do you tell what plan was intercepted? Gwyn seems like she'll have a hard time hearing things/getting in touch again though it looks like we may be going to Highpoint next episode.

  • Alt text


  • I hope there will be an option like this in the next episodes, it would be cool.

  • First of all i hope that i survive long enough to make such decisions. It seems like i keep pissing more and more people off the longer i`ve been playing.

  • Stay down, be smart, don't let them suspect a thing... and feed them shit till they explode.

    ahh Tyrion's old trick..I like it

  • Haha welcome to the Game of Thrones.

    Dwainxx posted: »

    First of all i hope that i survive long enough to make such decisions. It seems like i keep pissing more and more people off the longer i`ve been playing.

  • edited March 2015

    Exactly what I was thinking. Was like "welp, Rodrik needs to go write some top sekret letters for each of his council members now." It doesn't even have to be something where Gwyn has to warn him. He could pretend like they are going to sabotage Whitehill Ironwood operations at four diff locations and see which one has troops sent to it, or something like that.

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