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  • Leave it to Percy to piss off a witch. LOL Love Bigby's reaction. So cool and calm, this guy is. Smoking his cigarette and doing what the Sheriff does best. I noticed he's not too thrilled with the current layout of the part-time sheriffs in town. He needs a break, though. XD Although, a flying bottle heading my way will be a very appropriate answer, should he hear me say this....XD XD Will be interesting to see Peter and Emmy's version of Mary working side by side.

    Weasel is indeed quite the conversation starter in this, although taking a trip into time would make anyone full of them. His questions about Peter's biological makeup really made me sad for a brief moment but I enjoyed your explanation. Plus, Bigby made a good point there, what with the time travel and all. lol

    Like I've stated before, the words you use to describe the situations and characters really does paint an image and leaves the readers questioning and wanting more. I truly enjoyed this chapter and love where all of this is heading so far. Knowing Dixa will make an apperance makes me sit back, twidle my thumbs and wait in anticipation. :D Also, neat little ending there, inregards to Emmy's character Charlotte. :3

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Chapter Two – in which we learn of Bigby's troubles with Tuesdays “It had been 1883 last time I left my apartment. I'd only gone back to

  • I just figured why not lol.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Dan needs to wait for Ella and Marcelo. No bueno going in alone. Poor Ashlyn! She's going to freak the f*** out when she comes to and sees w

  • Well well, Robert just ruined Whitney Houston for me :P

    Loved this chapter dude, keep em' coming!!

    I say wait for the others, Nick will be fine! XD

    MasterStone posted: »

    Dance Party Night has fallen, the sounds of teenagers ravaging through the hall dressed in their 80's costume. The Mundy tunes blasting f

  • Folker Territory. Somewhere beyond Fabletown....

    Things changed rapidly within years with the folker community. The lives that remained in the city limits were given another chance in redeeming themselves. Those willing to fully cooperate and create a safe and welcoming enviroment were allowed to stay in the walls. Sadly, not very many were open minded and quickly welcoming to the new changes and laws at hand. Many still believed in their rules pertaining to Folkers, Fables, mundys and Halfers alike; each group was in their own seperate category and should remain as such.

    Mixing needed to remain prohibited. The leaders in charge of the new Folker community, however, saw things differently and those who were outvoted were sent out into the shadows of the mundane world to fend for themselves. All help was cut off. Their names wiped from books and memories of the ones that remained.

    Katie Leeds, daughter of Georgie Porgie and Lyla Smith, controlled the shattered remaines of the Folker community and tried to rebuild the ruins and crumbled lives of her past. Her grandfather, Alpha and once long time member of the Wolf Council, John Smith, carefully walked beside his granddaughter and watched in silence the technique and order she brought to the community. Jurisdiction returned and Katie ruled the once fragile lands with an iron fist, respectable voice and caring mind. As her second in command, Malcom, John's long time friend and loyal member, assisted Katie with the final preperations and the voice of reasoning, should trouble be brought upon them.

    Now, after the years for silently suffering alone, the Folker community rose from the ashes like a Phoenix. The city thrived within. The rules had been set and forever rang in the halls of justice. All were welcome to this lento developing lands. Katie, along with Malcom and a team of ten, were in command of the city and those that dwelled inside.

    That morning, though, would begin differently. Katie, wearing a simple black dress with a plunging neck line, walks down the marble halls lit by torches and candlelight. The marble quickly turns into stone as she walks down further into the depths of the building. Behind her, Malcom follows
    and scans the area around. He sniffs the air, angrily looking in the dark, hoping to find them. She could not have worked alone. Katie remained focused on the task before her. This was impossible. No one was able to escape the prison walls she created beneath the Council center before. She must have had help. An outside lead. But who? Katie too sniffed the air, hoping to pick up a scent. The pair approached the cells and noticed the lock picked. No sign of forced entry or struggle. It was as if she vanished into air and returned to the world outside the stone walls.

    "Fuck." Katie rubs her head. "How could this have happened-how could Mary have escaped and we not know about this? Who found the cell empty, Malcom?"

    "Chris did, Katie. He came down here with her usual morning meal and found the cell as so."

    "And neither of those fools noticed anything suspicious? Unusual sounds? People-ANYTHING?!"

    "No, my mistress. No one saw anything like that take place. I've sent the troops out and began combing the streets of the Folker community. No word has gotten back to me."

    "She's not HERE in the Folker community, Malcom." Katie begins walking up the stairs again. "No. Call back the troops and guards. I need to send them in a different direction."

    "Where is she going, Katie?" Malcom quickly follows. "Where could Mary be going?"

    Katie swallows back the lump growing in her throat. She felt helpless and wanted to cry. But that was weakness and she had a job to do. Katie did now answer Malcom right away; she immediatly exits the chambers, enters her office and scans the many files of the members and civilians in the city. Malcom carefully examines Katie finger through some papers until she pulls out a stack with the thickness of a common dictionary.


    "Mary is heading to Fabletown." Katie holds up several papers. "She's going to finish what she had started years ago. But this time....she's not alone...."

    Downtown New York; 11:15am

    "You're a fool, Mary."

    Mary Smith, daughter to John and sister to Lyla, leans against the brick wall. Her sister, Carla, paces back and forth before her. The red haired smokes a cigar, leaving a trail of heavy and thick smoke behind her. Mary attempts to swat the smell away but fails. It circles her face, leaving the young woman in a coughing fit.

    "You are mistaking yet again, Carla." Mary glares at her sister. "For it's YOU that is the fool. You broke into the Folker cells to release me. They will find out it was you, come searching and we'll be in a far worse situation than where we were before."

    Carla chuckles a very ominous laugh. "Oh foolish, silly sister of mine. We were raised around those pathetic mongrels. I know how to worm my way into the system and keep the tracks clean. They'll never suspect a damn thing. You're also forgetting I spent some time in that wretched Business Office of Fabletown. I have every bit of information we'll need to make this complete and get back what was truly meant to be ours."

    "I'm wanted, Carla." Mary pushes off the brick walls. "I wanted no part in this. YOU'RE the one determined to snatch it all back. I've done my part-"

    "-WHICH, you failed miserably. You couldn't even get rid of Peter and Ethan properly. You're a messy person, Mary. Let WAY too many clues behind. You need to keep it clean, my dear sister. Clean."

    "What is your 'wonderful' plan then, Carla? I'm sure Katherine and Malcom have contacted dad and they'll send a warning out all over not only the Folkers but Fabletown as well...before you know it, EVERYONE will catch wind...especially Lyla and-"

    "Don't worry your pretty little head off, Mary." Carla tosses the cigar to the ground. "I assure you all is going according to plan. I have my weapon dormant until I need him. My other unknown soilder, bless her sweet yet pathetic heart, has no idea she is being used as pawn to this devious plan. The boys have their parts and will play it out soon. I just want what is mine, Mary. I promise, you'll get your reward, should you follow the plan correctly."

    "And what if this fails, Carla? Decimus couldn't stop them. Romulus and Remus almost had Peter until Katie and the others foiled their plot. Fuck-Peter and Ethan figured out what my intentions were and Echidna could not bring the power to their side and she HAD Pandora's Box and-"

    "Clean." Carla flashes a wicked smile. "You have to keep it clean. Ducks in a row and all your resources lined up. You all got sloppy. TRUST me, Mary...this will work." Carla walks towards the end of the alleyway and looks around the city. "As God as my holy witness, I will bring down this town, restore power where it once was and take back what should have been mine. Emily will be no more....I will not allow another Porgie snot-nosed brat to stand in my way again...."

    Great Kills Park beach; 12:15pm

    It was not the prettiest beach Emily and Gren knew of but it was the only one where the kids could freely change, play in the water and not worry about mundy eyes. Last beach the family visited nearlt cost Emily Liam and her daughter Chloe. They paied a visit to Coney island; Liam was determined to conqure his fear of riding the Ferris Wheel, while Gren was dying for their infamous hotdogs. That was Emily's first mistake.

    Taking a terrified Grendel on something it was unsure of. As she rode beside her son, chewing on his nails and speaking to himself, Chloe insisted on making the ride a bit more 'enjoyable'. With a single twist, Chloe sent shadows beneath their seats and caused it to violently shake back and forth. Liam immediatly turns into a Grendel and tries to climb off the ride and towards safety. His calls of distress to Gren echoed, even through the loud noises of the rides and visitors. Gren answered. Mistake number two. He turns as well, charging through groups of screaming mundies. He climbs the Ferris wheel, trying to locate his transfixed son. Chloe's shadow figures were now chasing the other mundies and rocking their seats as well.

    As Emilysnatched up Chloe, Gren grabs his son and tries to comfort his son. Also did not help Seraphina reacting to her brother's calls. Vines were shooting left and right, tangling themselves along the ride and trying to reach her brother. Viviana felt the need to fly and help control her sister's shadow minions. It took thousands of spells, hundreds and thousands of Fabletown money and three months at the Farm before the city was contained, all minds swept clean and not a trace of the Grendel family at Coney island. Since that day, the family never returned. Peter offered a private location near Great Kills park. After some clean up, it was there for any Fables looking to escape reality and away from the noise of the city.

    Sitting on a blanket, Emily stretches out her legs and leans back. Covering her face with a large sunhat, she hears her children squeal and splash in the water. Not too far from the couple are Ethan, Peter and Michelle; Holly, placing a picnic basket beside her husband, watches their daughter Lily join the others and build sandcastles. Chloe, in Wolf form, chases after several seagulls. Lily joins in as well; Liam and Seraphina are content playing in both the water and sand, while Viviana collects seashells along the banks. Michelle carefully holds her daughter Erica, as the little girl points to the water. Ethan stands up and dusts himself off.

    "Wanna go in the water, kiddo?"

    "Wawa." Erica continues to point. "Wawa, Ethan. Wawa."

    "Got it, sweetie." Ethan carefully scoops Erica into his arms. "C'mon. Let's go get our feet wet."

    "Watch her head, Ethan." Concerned, Michelle stands up. "Just...please. Watch her-"

    "Oh he's fine." Holly grabs Michelle's hand. "Relax. Sit."

    Michelle returns to the blanket with Holly and Peter. She beams, watching Ethan handle Erica with diligence and endearment. The little girl reaches out her fingers and touches the cool water. Waves crash against Ethan and for a brief moment, the little girl is frightned but noticing Ethan's smile and roaring laughter, she too giggles and returns to her playful behavior.

    "He's good with her." Holly takes out the Mayo and Mustard for sandwiches.

    "He's always been good to Erica." Michelle sighs. "I only have him and Rosie and-"

    Peter huffs. "JUST Ethan and Rosie?" Peter pulls his sunglasses down. "Um, I'm sorry but-"

    Michelle chuckles. "You KNOW what I mean, Sheriff."

    Peter playfully pushes his assistant with his hands, stands up and looks for the Frisbee. He finds it, whistles at Gren and waves the red object.

    "Yo, swamp ass. Wanna play with me?"

    "How cute." Gren stands up. "Doggy wants to chase the Frisbee."

    Peter and Gren run towards the waves; Peter leaps onto Gren's back, waves the Frisbee in the air and laughs loudly. The kids notice their childish behavior and join in. Emily laughs, moves over to the others and takes a seat beside Holly. The radio plays *'Fat Bottomed Girls' *by Queen. Holly laughs loudly and glares at Emily.

    "Okay, GEORGIE."

    "Woot!?" Emily takes her bread and smears mustard on each side. "Don't ya' EVEN start with me, woman! I love this song! Me dad used ta' listen ta' it ALL the time."

    "Yeah, I know." Holly places her hand on her hip. "He SWORE this song was about him and your mother."

    Emily shudders. "Ah fa fook's sake, Holly! I don't need ta' hear THAT!"

    As the women made sandwiches for everyone, a silver Cadillac pulls up and parks near the pier. Emily notices the license plate and saw her sister step out of the vehicle. Emily knew something was wrong the second she saw Malcom with her. Covering the completed sandwiches, Emily heads towards the pair. She secretly prayed this was not business and the two simply wanted to escape the Council and get some air. Clear their minds. The look on her sister's face, however, sent that hope away before words were exchanged.

    "Woot is it, Katie? Malcom?"

    "I'll keep this brief, Emily but you and the others need to get back. I'm going to need Peter, Ethan, Michelle-"

    "Woot is goin' on, Katie?" Emily glowers. "Don't ya' fookin' lie ta' me, either...."

    "Mary has escaped prison with some unknown assistance and she's wandering the streets and we fear she'll be after anyone inregards to this family and beyond. We need to find her and quick before Fabeltown and all we know is destroyed below the heel of her shoe."

    Peter noticed Katie and Malcom and without a single word, rounds the children in a group and heads back to the sand. Gren looks around. One was missing. Viviana. Gren turns towards her direction. Emily follows. This causes the others to pack and take the children back to the cars. Ethan watches Gren and his sister run down the water and call out for Viviana.

    Little did the couple know Viviana was not alone. The little blonde girl, holding a bag with shells, stood before a tall, well built man. He wears all black; clouds of ash and fire surround his feet. Beside him, a demon flaps its wings and smiles.

    Any questions, you know the drill. :3

  • Yeah....that's my Robert for you guys. Stone, I just want to let you know you've done wonderful so far with all our OC's. Even though this is set in a high school enviroment, you managed to STILL keep them to their orginal personalities. With that being said, rock out with your Rick James outfit, sing to Whitney and Lyla and Georgie-keep being awesome, you two. <3

    Dan is is a heap of trouble, should he go alone but that would make it interesting, now with the Windego keeping Ash as hostage. Waiting for Nick to go kun fu on his ass, though. lol

    MasterStone posted: »

    Dance Party Night has fallen, the sounds of teenagers ravaging through the hall dressed in their 80's costume. The Mundy tunes blasting f

  • LOL I figured mine would be the head scratcher. Well, every time I buy a bag of chips, half of it is air. Well, the air around us is free. Why am I paying nearly four bucks for a bag of chips, that has half of it air? Robert always thought air was free. Then, he bought a bag of chips. xD

    Sorry! I should have been a BIT more detailed in that quote. lol

    LupineNoir posted: »

    You know, I think I will. :P @JJwolf JJ, if you have the chance to answer, I was wondering what Robert's quote meant with air being free and a bag of chips. Just curious.

  • Reading this chapter, I am instantly met with solid confusion due to my not reading this story from it's conception. All these names and referenced events... Man, I try my very best to make heads or tails of what is happening...

    Although with Mary and Carla's plan, all I could say afterwards is "Harbinger Nick to the rescue!" But, if Nick solved every problem then it wouldn't be a good story :P

    And who is this mystery man in front of Viviana???

    I await more, dude! XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Folker Territory. Somewhere beyond Fabletown.... Things changed rapidly within years with the folker community. The lives that remained i

  • Wow. So much was happening, its all beginning to make sense. I have an idea of what Carla is doing. Not sure WHY she needed mary but lately, the way things are going, I wouldn't put it past her to do something stupid. I have a feeling I KNOW who the pawn is. :( I hope I'm wrong. The ending to her answer, though.....

    I loved the scene when Emily went back and thought of coney island. Been there before. I liked it. :) anyways, that was too cute. I bet the Grendel family had a lot of explaining to do after that little inccident. XD Ethan and Michelle. <3 So, are they dating now? Because I'd love to see them together!! :D Him and Erica. That is too precious. Holly and Peter with their little Lily Faith. <3 <3

    "Yo, swamp ass. Wanna play with me?"

    "How cute." Gren stands up. "Doggy wants to chase the Frisbee."


    I like that song, too! Did not know Georgie was a Queen fan!! I can see WHY that song is about him and Lyla,

    The little blonde girl, holding a bag with shells, stood before a tall, well built man. He wears all black; clouds of ash and fire surround his feet. Beside him, a demon flaps its wings and smiles.

    I was literally screaming at the screen when I read this! OH, I hope nothing serious will happen! We were getting so cute and junk!! Great work, man! Can't wait for more as usual!!!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Folker Territory. Somewhere beyond Fabletown.... Things changed rapidly within years with the folker community. The lives that remained i

  • I can help you out there, man. lol What are you confused about? (Hope that is alright, pie XD)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Reading this chapter, I am instantly met with solid confusion due to my not reading this story from it's conception. All these names and ref

  • edited March 2015

    Just a small favor I'd like to ask you all, me and my friend are having trouble finding legitimate players to help us with the heists in GTA V's online. In other words, if you have a mic and are interested to help us with our predicament, send me your Xbox gamertag so I can add you. You must also have GTA V on the Xbox 1 as well.

    P.S. - If you guys can't help, then no problem.

  • edited March 2015

    Uh, hey JJ... :/

    Uhh, people mostly, and events surrounding Carla. Also I thought it was just Lyla, Gina and Carla. Who's Mary? Where is Gina?

    Romulus and Remus? Echidna?

    Yeah, I'm super behind...

    JJwolf posted: »

    I can help you out there, man. lol What are you confused about? (Hope that is alright, pie XD)

  • Uh, hey JJ... :/

    Would you rather pie answer it, dude? I won't be offended! Trust me! XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Uh, hey JJ... Uhh, people mostly, and events surrounding Carla. Also I thought it was just Lyla, Gina and Carla. Who's Mary? Where is Gina? Romulus and Remus? Echidna? Yeah, I'm super behind...

  • No no, you can if you want!

    I was just like "This is different" :P

    JJwolf posted: »

    Uh, hey JJ... Would you rather pie answer it, dude? I won't be offended! Trust me! XD

  • Oh man! I don't have an Xbox 1! :( @pudding_pie I know you do, dude! Answer the pleas of our leader! He needs assistance! XD

    Just a small favor I'd like to ask you all, me and my friend are having trouble finding legitimate players to help us with the heists in GTA

  • He'll be on in a bit. He would personally like to answer your question. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    No no, you can if you want! I was just like "This is different" :P

  • edited March 2015

    I have no Xbox, I'm a PlayStation gamer... and I sold GTA V last year :P

    Sorry dude.

    Just a small favor I'd like to ask you all, me and my friend are having trouble finding legitimate players to help us with the heists in GTA

  • I seriously wish I could SHOW everyone the texts you send me! lol OMG.,...the way you made it sound, JJ! Sheesh!

    JJwolf posted: »

    He'll be on in a bit. He would personally like to answer your question.

  • I'll send you a PM; I'd hate to take up so much space with my answer alone. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Reading this chapter, I am instantly met with solid confusion due to my not reading this story from it's conception. All these names and ref

  • See now you've said that, I wanna know what he sent you :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I seriously wish I could SHOW everyone the texts you send me! lol OMG.,...the way you made it sound, JJ! Sheesh!

  • I figured :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I'll send you a PM; I'd hate to take up so much space with my answer alone.

  • It went like this: 'CHAD! Seriously! Get on the TTG site! Hman needs you asap!!!!'


    HazzatheMan posted: »

    See now you've said that, I wanna know what he sent you :P

  • Hman? For Christ's sake JJ!

    Drama everywhere :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    It went like this: 'CHAD! Seriously! Get on the TTG site! Hman needs you asap!!!!' CHILL, JJ! XD XD

  • Why thank you. I was did my best to make sure everyone's OC was on point. I'm pleased with the results and also pleased that you enjoyed.

    JJwolf posted: »

    Yeah....that's my Robert for you guys. Stone, I just want to let you know you've done wonderful so far with all our OC's. Even though this i

  • PS4?! Dude, what's your name on there?? XD

    Tetra posted: »

    My Xbox 360 is at my house and on top of that I have a Playstation 4 when it comes to next gen! XP I'd help but it seems like I'll have to sit out on this one XD

  • Waiting for Nick to go kun fu on his ass, though

    After what happened last time, Nick won't be letting that Wendigo get away... I hope not at least, it's not my story :P

    JJwolf posted: »

    Yeah....that's my Robert for you guys. Stone, I just want to let you know you've done wonderful so far with all our OC's. Even though this i

  • My Xbox 360 is at my house and on top of that I have a Playstation 4 when it comes to next gen! XP I'd help but it seems like I'll have to sit out on this one XD

    Just a small favor I'd like to ask you all, me and my friend are having trouble finding legitimate players to help us with the heists in GTA

  • Yeah he refers to you as HMan through the texts. I'm going to kick his butt for this. All I will say. XD Drama queen, I swear! lol

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hman? For Christ's sake JJ! Drama everywhere :P

  • No, man! I have playstation four! :( I WAS going to get an Xbox 1; I just have the 360 at home. :(

    JJwolf posted: »

    Oh man! I don't have an Xbox 1! @pudding_pie I know you do, dude! Answer the pleas of our leader! He needs assistance! XD

  • I'd love it to be Tetra. But sadly it is Liquicide :p don't ask where it came from not even I know XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    PS4?! Dude, what's your name on there?? XD

  • Hman.... Good God...

    Why you gonna kick his butt? :/

    I was gonna be nice by just saying drama everywhere, but yeah, drama QUEEN XP

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Yeah he refers to you as HMan through the texts. I'm going to kick his butt for this. All I will say. XD Drama queen, I swear! lol

  • hazzaman5 at your service me lord :P

    Tetra posted: »

    I'd love it to be Tetra. But sadly it is Liquicide don't ask where it came from not even I know XD

  • Least it ain't 'Pman' like he used to call me. That just sounds...wrong. LMAO Kick his butt for making it seem like you were going to throw down or something. XD He knows it! LOL

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hman.... Good God... Why you gonna kick his butt? I was gonna be nice by just saying drama everywhere, but yeah, drama QUEEN XP

  • Waz ur username on PS4 dude?

    pudding_pie posted: »

    No, man! I have playstation four! I WAS going to get an Xbox 1; I just have the 360 at home.

  • Pman... lol

    Throw down? HOW exactly? You're over a thousand miles away from me, and I don't wanna put a soon-to-be-husband in the Hospital :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Least it ain't 'Pman' like he used to call me. That just sounds...wrong. LMAO Kick his butt for making it seem like you were going to throw down or something. XD He knows it! LOL

  • Hella wish it was puddingpie. Someone ACTUALLY claimed that. My I'll have to PM THAT, too! lol

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Waz ur username on PS4 dude?

  • Wow.

    PM it? Why?

    So what is your username? :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Hella wish it was puddingpie. Someone ACTUALLY claimed that. My I'll have to PM THAT, too! lol

  • NOT very appropriate...-looks around the room-

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Wow. PM it? Why? So what is your username?

  • See's username in PM

    That username is an ambitious one :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    NOT very appropriate...-looks around the room-

  • I love these guys, man! It would be fun having you two in the same room. lol

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Least it ain't 'Pman' like he used to call me. That just sounds...wrong. LMAO Kick his butt for making it seem like you were going to throw down or something. XD He knows it! LOL

  • Better than mine. lol cough

    pudding_pie posted: »

    NOT very appropriate...-looks around the room-

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