The most satisfying scene in ep3 !spoilers!
Yup, I'm talking about the death scene of Britt.
The moment I saw that ugly mofo he was a dead man. That fight really was great and it ended just like I wanted. With a badass kick! HE brought that on himself...
I really wanted him to suffer some more but I didn't want to miss the awesomeness of kicking him off the wall. I don't regret it at all, even though Finn saw that, this is the first decision in a telltale game that I actually don't regret! At least one enemy is down... (I can only hope this doesn't mean that Gared won't have any unfinished business when he finds the North Grove and they would just kill him off)
How did you finish him off? I'm curious
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Let him die by his own wounds. Would have kicked him off, but like I said earlier in the episode, he wasn't worth it.
Made him suffer, like he made Gared's dad suffer.
After all, Britt said it himself:
"Seemed only fair he should feel what it's like near the end."
I kicked him from the wall because I wanted to get rid of the body.
I walked away because I thought I would be in way more trouble if he died and surprise he died anyway and I will be sentenced to death after only 2 days at the Nights Watch. I will defs play again and kick him off the wall.
I put my sword inside his chest and kind wiggled his insides around a little bit
Tried to be the bigger man but Britt wouldn't have any of it. He received a football sized kick to the chest for his trouble and a nice one-liner from Gared. To be honest...Gared has been the biggest badass so far, and it feels like he is only getting warmed up.
I didn't kick him purely because of that. He dies from blood loss, he didn't prove shit or made me mad - I let him attack first, and wounded for many times to really feel the joy of bleeding. And I chose to show, that was my decision, not freaking accident, not bloody vengeance, He started to attack me, I fucking **finished **it.
Going to desert anyway, so it'll let them think twice about coming to get me. Gared not going to attack you, but if you attack him, you'll die. Same to all Forresters: Mira killed her attacker too, Gryff will be dying soon, and Lady Margeary... well, Mira did keep that knife.
Walked away, I didn't want to fight him since I promised Jon Snow, but he forced me into a fight, and even after that, I wouldn't kill him. But if it makes up for it, as Rodrik, I was a complete badass.
I kicked him off the wall because it was just too badass to resist
Lady Maergary wont die. lol. She is mega-canon
So what? Mira won't die too, but it doesn't mean she can't suffer. And believe me, my Mira knows how to play this game and how to make her 'queen' suffer...
For me it was the opposite. As Gared I was as badass as possible, but as Rodrik I obeyed but it wasn't easy. (I defended my man but I stayed down)
Unfortunately Finn saw that. I wonder if he'll tell that to Frostfinger or not.
You still kick him off the Wall if you make him suffer.
I didn't know that
But I'm perfectly fine with my decision. (I'd like to see it though.)
best part was hearing him scream as he falls off the wall and it just made gared 100x more badass but i'm curious what exactly does gared do to him if you choose to kill him the other way? is it just a few stabs or something?
That was a really epic scene. I tried soooo hard not to skewer him every chance I got. I just let him bleed to death.
I got up every single time, I'm not going to let the Whitehills walk over me. I will not let myself be Rodrik the Ruined, we must stand up for ourselves.
Kicked him off the Wall. My thinking was it could be passed off as an accident. Then Finn showed up. Damn.
You can't reason with him and I don't think violence can solve the situation. They sent him there to make trouble. So I just let him think he's in charge and hope Gwyn wasn't lying.
That scene is nothing compared to the one where you keep standing up and piss of the whitehill. He gets such a boyish voice, all Jofrey like
Oh shit, it didn't happen in my playthrough. I'll check that out later
He definitely deserved it after all the horrible things he was saying about murdering Gared's family, the guy was a monster but not the good kind like Gared.
It was incredibly satisfying. You say that finishing him off "isn't a mercy that he deserves", and you stab him through the gut and wiggle the sword around using the press X mini game. Then you kick him off the Wall as he's screaming anyways.
Do it. When he screamed like a girl "I am the lord" and then Rodrick says "I am the only lord of this house" I just came. Multiple times
I decided not to kill him because I wanted to stay true to my word and I thought that he wasn't worth it.
Kicked him off the wall so one down one to go