Episode 3 was LOOOOOOOOONG

Was it me, or was episode 3 like 3 hours or so? it seemed that long to me.. maybe cause it was my first time playing it, but it certinally felt longer than most telltale episodes, even quite longer than episode 1 of tales from the borderlands..


  • Took me almost 2 hours, the only way you'd get 3 hours is if you took a break or something, or have a broken watch :P

  • Yeah felt long to me as well, it took ages to download, or at least felt like it. xD
    I kinda expected it to end after every segment so that may have made it seem longer.

  • Felt about the same as the others to me. I don't go around looking at every dot in the game on my first run, though.

  • It took me like 2 hours to play, which is a good length, but it felt really long as well.

  • Ha me to. Every time it went to black to cut to another character I kept expecting it to end.

    WardenKing posted: »

    Yeah felt long to me as well, it took ages to download, or at least felt like it. xD I kinda expected it to end after every segment so that may have made it seem longer.

  • Which is good! this episode was great. :P

    WardenKing posted: »

    Yeah felt long to me as well, it took ages to download, or at least felt like it. xD I kinda expected it to end after every segment so that may have made it seem longer.

  • Maybe, but I think the fact that the episode had a lot of switching between characters and scenes contributed to it feeling lengthy :p

    stevean2 posted: »

    I think it's partly due to the fact that chapter 3 and 4 are super long :P i thought my achievements where glitched again

  • I think it's partly due to the fact that chapter 3 and 4 are super long :P i thought my achievements where glitched again

    Green613 posted: »

    Took me almost 2 hours, the only way you'd get 3 hours is if you took a break or something, or have a broken watch :P

  • Yeah, that to. ethier way... amazing episode!

    Green613 posted: »

    Maybe, but I think the fact that the episode had a lot of switching between characters and scenes contributed to it feeling lengthy

  • Took me about 2 hours and 10 minutes. It was about as long as Zer0 Sum.

  • About 1 hour fifty for me.

    Really appreciated the return of hub conversations, even if there was only one hub that's easily missable.

  • Took me 2 hours (same as the last 2). But still felt freaking longer than usual.

  • It was my shortest episode yet. Took 3 and a half hours with the other two, 2 and a half with this one

  • It took me two and half hours to beat it. It took me super long to download it, plus I was downloading Life is Strange Episode Two at the same time. It was pretty good.

  • How did you get 3 and a half hours with episode 1 and 2?! Leaving the game on to go to the store or do errands doesn't count.

    SanQae posted: »

    It was my shortest episode yet. Took 3 and a half hours with the other two, 2 and a half with this one

  • What? I finished it in less than 2 hours. And I don't ever rush things in a Telltale game (I even got stuck for a few seconds in the beginning with Asher, I didn't see the corpse).

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