I dont think Finn really killed someone

So after playing episode 3, I feel like Finn lied, and didnt actually kill someone. It feels more like its a tough guy act, like when he and Garred are walking to take their vows, he says hes scared that he will die and just be forgotten, and then calls Garred the closest thing he's had to a friend. This already makes me think he is just doing a tough guy act, but based on his reaction to Garred killing Britt by looking scared and running away from him, it makes me really think he didnt even kill someone to get himself at the wall.


  • That is an interesting idea.

    If Garred offers an olive branch and makes friends with Finn before the oath scene, Finn will become very friendly, very quickly (Almost desperately so?). It is entirely possibly that a frighted and lonesome Finn adopted his brutish persona as a survival mechanism. This reminds me of Hot Pie, who was initially aggressive to Arya, and boasted that he had kicked a man to death. In reality Hot Pie had done no such thing and was just acting tough.

  • Good Theory, like Glenn said. Although killing someone does not make you a tough guy. He could have been a big softy before and then circumstances could have led him to killing someone and he might have adopted the tough guy routine after hearing about how rough the night's watch is.

  • I definitely trust him more than Cotter now, at least that

  • When Jon asked if I trusted any brothers, it didn't give the option to trust both of them, I ended up fumbling for an answer in saying I trusted no one even though it was the opposite of true. But as the episode went on I trust Cotter less. He stole the map to satisfy his own curiosity even though I've pretty much vouched for him since the beginning. Finn can be brutal, but at least there's a sense of honesty about how upfront he is. I like that I was able to work things out with him...kind of, before the whole murder witness part

  • Yea, Finn is simple. Even if he does end up hating you, you kind of know exactly the type of thing he'd do. Cotter is super wily and could be a great ally or an awful enemy. Especially if he really is a wildling, "hey, let's go out North where you know no one and have no terrain knowledge to escape me."

    When Jon asked if I trusted any brothers, it didn't give the option to trust both of them, I ended up fumbling for an answer in saying I tru

  • Imagine if it turns out that he was a thief as well, after all.

  • Finn's alright really, just a bit misunderstood.

  • Yeah good idea. He acts surprised when you killed Britt. i IMAGINE'd cotter to be like "Nice kill man"

  • edited March 2015

    Cotter the potato lover intends to seek Gared's help to escape, after that he simply can abandon or even try to kill Tuttle to ensure his secret die with him. I'm not even going to mention he stole the map of his so called "friend". That's why I started to trust Finn.

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