Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • It would be noticed if we were in the same room :P

    I do plan on meeting everyone on here someday... Starting with Lupine as he already lives in England :P

    JJwolf posted: »

    I love these guys, man! It would be fun having you two in the same room. lol

  • Case One: The Lost Child. Finale

    Luke left the factory. The sun was shining and happy, trees although not normal, we're brought back. The factory collapsed behind Luke. He looked back and wondered if Alice would try and run, but that didn't matter to him now. The town was in sight, but it seemed deserted. So how did Hans and the kid get locked here? The Cheshire cat appeared.

    "So you stopped her mental attack, thanks to the kid of course." He said

    "Yeah and you had given up hope." Luke said

    "Not even I can tell what Alice will do. I'm just here to guide you, plus I feel a....connection to you for some reason." The cat smiled.

    "Don't even think about it cat." Luke laughed "You're staying here."

    The cat chuckled "I see...It'll be sad to see you go." He purred.

    "Even though you're an asshole, you're a funny one." Luke said

    "And you're a fool, but I don't say it out loud." He said

    "You just did." Luke sighed

    "Whoops." He smiled

    "I hate you." Luke said slinging his suit coat over his shoulder and smiled. "But I like you."

    "Like-wise" He purred

    The two entered the town. When they did all the houses dissapeared, leaving only one. When they entered the house it was completely empty. Only a trap door that led underground. The Cheshire cat and Luke went down the trap door where they were led to what looked to have been a dungeon. It appeared that Hans and their kid were not the only ones taken prisoner.

    "HELP US!!! PLEASE! IF NOT US SAVE OUR KIDS!!!" A man yelled. "The nightmares. The terror, just make it stop....I can't take it anymore!"

    "There's....more people?" Luke said

    "Yes. Any original people from Wonderland stayed here. They never got a chance to flee to or from the homelands." Cheshire said

    "Well let's go! We gotta save them all!" Luke said rushing trying to pull open the gates.

    The room went dark. When the lights came on Luke had been put in an arena. Alice walked from the shadows. Her body moved as if she were a program glitching. Smiling and a lift of her finger her shadow had risen behind her. With crimson eyes but no smile, sent chills down Luke's spine, it began to take form of a cloaked body with a scythe. Luke's hair turned yellow and electricity began to run through his hands.

    "This shadow is your future" She smiled

    "How am I supposed to know that!? You make shit up as you go!" Luke said

    "This I wouldn't lie about. But they never listen." Alice said snapping her fingers. The shadow began to shape shift again but more of a blob like figure.

    "Why...why did you have to do this to these people! From what everyone told me when you were younger you were a nice girl." Luke asked wanting an explanation

    "A fire burned down my house. Nobody would believe me that I didn't do it. They wanted to kill me, said I was wretched." She grew a maniacle smile threw her hand forward "They weren't lieing!!!" She sent the shadow after Luke.

    Luke back stepped and threw his fist forward, pushing the shadow back it screamed in pain. It counter attacked with lines of darkness, Luke used his agility to swiftly dodge them and attack again. Alice came up from behind and grabbed him giving the shadow the chance to attack him. The shadow pierced his left shoulder, blood began to spill but it infused with the darkness without Luke knowing. He shook off Alice and punched her away. He turned to the shadow again charging again but without his other arm his whole body was off sync. The shadow easily dodged and hit him back where he fell on the ground. His sight began to wander...Alice walked over and smiled.

    "Done already?" She said in dissapointment slamming her foot on his chest. He wailed in pain, spitting up blood. "I thought you'd put up a fight, you have made it this far." She smiled. "In truth I don't need you. I've already made you mine!" She laughed.

    She picked him up and thrusted him on the wall. He started to lose consciousness.

    "Oh no no no. Looks like you need a wake up call." Alice whispered in his ear and signaled the shadow who stabbed his right shoulder causing the same problem with the left. He was fully awake now and made eye contact. Without the use of his arms this fight would become a lot more difficult. He kicked her off and regained balance.

    "I'm not done yet, you have a lot to explain!" Luke said

    In truth Luke knew he was done. There was no chance he could fight back. But he charged anyway, he kicked the shadow back but it retaliated quickly. It pushed Luke back and sent a bolt of darkness straight at his heart. He closed his eyes, but nothing happened. He heard a cats screech. He opened his eyes and the Cheshire cat was on the took the blow for him. Luke ran over as quickly as he could. It didn't look good, there was a chunk of his body missing and blood easily began to flow...there was no chance in saving him. For Luke it wouldn't matter, this isn't reality to him. But to the cat...this was it this was his reality. The cat smiled.

    "You're...right cough this is my reality. But you also said this isn't reality for you...try and break this fake" Was all the Cheshire cat could say.

    "NO!!! Cat, can't do can't that!" Luke said tearing up trying to grasp for breath to grasp for words. Before he could the Cheshire cats body faded. With that he came to a realization, he could break this. He just had to try.

    His wounds began to heal. The room began to crumble. He gained feeling in his arms, flames began to course around his arms. Alice begun to panic, the shadow that was once scary and big was not there anymore.

    "No more's over...just...stop okay? Let's go back, let's fix things and then get you help. So your husband and child don't have to live in fear anymore, or anyone else here has to." He said

    Alice nodded. She knew she was beat, and she didn't want to go through her nightmare again. There was a bright light....

    In Fabletown...

    Bigby rushed into Alices and Hans' house.

    "Luke? Luke you here!" He yelled

    Luke woke up in what seemed to be a bed. In the other room was Alice, Hans, and the kid.

    "I'm up here Bigby!" Luke yelled.

    "What happened? Where have you been?" Bigby asked

    "It's a long story...I'll tell you at the office. But first we need to get Alice to jail and get Swineheart to help her." Luke said

    Bigby didn't argue, he looked in the other room and saw Hans and the kid comforting Alice who was crying and sobbing.

    "It's okay Alice, you'll come back healthy and a better person." Hans said kissing her forehead.

    "Yeah mom, all you need is a little bit of help!" The kid smiled hugging her.

    Luke had walked outside. The moon was normal and so were the streets...but...he wanted to hear and see his cat last time....but it was impossible he was gone...he sacrificed himself to save everyone in wonderland, and to help close this case. Luke smiled and with tears running down his face.

    "Thank you, Cheshire Cat." He said. And began walking with Bigby to the woodlands.

    That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know! :D

  • A fitting end to a madness-inducing case!

    Though I wonder if Luke's encounter with that shadow had any 'permanent' effects on him :P

    So what now dude? Another case perhaps? :)

    Tetra posted: »

    Case One: The Lost Child. Finale Luke left the factory. The sun was shining and happy, trees although not normal, we're brought back. The

  • I don't know really XD I'm contemplating that or a new story, I have an idea of what I'd want it to be like but I don't know if I want to go through with it yet :p

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    A fitting end to a madness-inducing case! Though I wonder if Luke's encounter with that shadow had any 'permanent' effects on him :P So what now dude? Another case perhaps?

  • Don't mean to split hairs but this was Case One... I'd like to see Luke do Detective work again :)

    Tetra posted: »

    I don't know really XD I'm contemplating that or a new story, I have an idea of what I'd want it to be like but I don't know if I want to go through with it yet

  • He will most definitely do more case work! There will be way more where that came from man! XD I don't know I'll have to think about it!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Don't mean to split hairs but this was Case One... I'd like to see Luke do Detective work again

  • Fuck, all this time I thought you had an Xbox 1 too. Oh well. :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    No, man! I have playstation four! I WAS going to get an Xbox 1; I just have the 360 at home.

  • That sucks, you and pie should definitely get one! Totally worth it in my opinion.

    JJwolf posted: »

    Oh man! I don't have an Xbox 1! @pudding_pie I know you do, dude! Answer the pleas of our leader! He needs assistance! XD

  • Oh boo, oh well. XP It's alright, Tetra!

    Tetra posted: »

    My Xbox 360 is at my house and on top of that I have a Playstation 4 when it comes to next gen! XP I'd help but it seems like I'll have to sit out on this one XD

  • A pity you sold GTA V - you're missing out on the fun (and frustrating) online heists dlc, man! XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I have no Xbox, I'm a PlayStation gamer... and I sold GTA V last year :P Sorry dude.

  • I never touched the online mode :P

    I finished the story with the Deathwish ending and then sold the game...

    A pity you sold GTA V - you're missing out on the fun (and frustrating) online heists dlc, man! XD

  • edited March 2015

    Ah-ha! I remember the witch Weasel was talking about! :D Who would've known Weasel would've had the ability to time travel? (like EMMY P.'s Charlotte, for instance) A fantastic read nevertheless, maybe you could have Sheriff Mary poke fun at Weasel in future chaps. XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Chapter Two – in which we learn of Bigby's troubles with Tuesdays “It had been 1883 last time I left my apartment. I'd only gone back to

  • Maybe it's for the best, by the time (and if) you get the game again, the online will (probably) be fully stabilized and (probably) fully operational.

    Basically, you should try the online if you ever get the game again is what I'm saying. All of the multiplayer dlc have been free so far!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I never touched the online mode :P I finished the story with the Deathwish ending and then sold the game...

  • Maybe... I already have enough new games to play :P

    If a story DLC gets released then I will buy the game again!

    Maybe it's for the best, by the time (and if) you get the game again, the online will (probably) be fully stabilized and (probably) fully op

  • edited March 2015

    I know. I don't mind JJ aswering certain questions but I don't want him speaking for me either...sorry about that, man. :( I'll eventually make my way over to the Xbox 1 side. XD Love me some GTA, though!

    Fuck, all this time I thought you had an Xbox 1 too. Oh well. :P

  • Let me know when you do, if you'd like!

    And same here, I'm still pretty addicted to its online (surprisingly).

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I know. I don't mind JJ aswering certain questions but I don't want him speaking for me either...sorry about that, man. I'll eventually make my way over to the Xbox 1 side. XD Love me some GTA, though!

  • I would have gotten an Xbox One if Persona 5, Blood borne, final fantasy type 0 and 15 were on it. :p

    Oh boo, oh well. XP It's alright, Tetra!

  • Hey no prob, man! :) I hear that online mode is the s***! :D

    Let me know when you do, if you'd like! And same here, I'm still pretty addicted to its online (surprisingly).

  • I know I'm two days late but it's great you're feeling better!

    And after reading this certain chapter, I'm hoping for Robby and Rose getting back together again - like a super-unbreakable bond/best friends for life type of thing!

    JJwolf posted: »

    Robert could not recall the last time he and Rose hung out like this. It was nice having her around that afternoon to comfort him. All the t

  • It is, apart from the fact that the online still suffers heavily from technical/server issues in a lot of cases. :( Which is mostly Rockstar's fault, mind you.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Hey no prob, man! I hear that online mode is the s***!

  • I don't know about Persona, but Bloodbourne and the new FF will probably be ported to the Xbox in a few years or so, I'm assuming. :P

    Tetra posted: »

    I would have gotten an Xbox One if Persona 5, Blood borne, final fantasy type 0 and 15 were on it.

  • Oh yeah BloodBorne... I pre-ordered that and I don't know why cuz I didn't like Dark Souls OR Demon Souls :P

    It comes out in 2 days...

    Tetra posted: »

    I would have gotten an Xbox One if Persona 5, Blood borne, final fantasy type 0 and 15 were on it.

  • edited March 2015

    Didn't they have to buy tons of servers on Day One??

    I heard they didn't have nearly enough!

    It is, apart from the fact that the online still suffers heavily from technical/server issues in a lot of cases. Which is mostly Rockstar's fault, mind you.

  • Oh god, Robert's singing. From the looks of it, Tez and Rose's ears were thankfully spared from the noise. XD

    MasterStone posted: »

    Dance Party Night has fallen, the sounds of teenagers ravaging through the hall dressed in their 80's costume. The Mundy tunes blasting f

  • I heard they may be doing another Gears of War game and against my better judgement I may try and find a cheap one later on and get that :p

    Yeah I can see those two being ported over, but the only thing Persona that the Xbox got was Arena 4 Ultimax which even then was a long shot, but miracles do happen!

    I don't know about Persona, but Bloodbourne and the new FF will probably be ported to the Xbox in a few years or so, I'm assuming. :P

  • Lol I absolutely love the souls series! Too many characters and time I've put into that game XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh yeah BloodBorne... I pre-ordered that and I don't know why cuz I didn't like Dark Souls OR Demon Souls :P It comes out in 2 days...

  • I think so, supposedly Rockstar "didn't predict" that a ton of players would play their online when it was first released either. It was an absolute mess for those who were trying to start the damn tutorial race.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Didn't they have to buy tons of servers on Day One?? I heard they didn't have nearly enough!

  • My friend raves about it...

    I only pre-ordered BloodBorne cuz it looks better :P

    Tetra posted: »

    Lol I absolutely love the souls series! Too many characters and time I've put into that game XD

  • Tutorial race?

    Meh, me and a friend got the game at the same time, wondering who was gonna play it first. Didn't expect a stupidly long installation process! XD

    I think so, supposedly Rockstar "didn't predict" that a ton of players would play their online when it was first released either. It was an absolute mess for those who were trying to start the damn tutorial race.

  • Yeah, in order to fully play the online you're required to do a few tutorial missions first. And the entirety of the multiplayer itself is oddly similar to that of an MMO.

    It's a big game with a lot of shit to do, of course the installation is going to be stupidly-long. XD Especially if you're installing it on previous-gen systems.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Tutorial race? Meh, me and a friend got the game at the same time, wondering who was gonna play it first. Didn't expect a stupidly long installation process! XD

  • I might have to agree with them on that. But for now, you can wait on it. XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Yeah I played it on PS3... The guys at my local GAME store know me and they were trying to get me to buy it again on PS4... Yeah no :P

  • Yeah I played it on PS3...

    The guys at my local GAME store know me and they were trying to get me to buy it again on PS4... Yeah no :P

    Yeah, in order to fully play the online you're required to do a few tutorial missions first. And the entirety of the multiplayer itself is o

  • I'm a scrub XD I just play PC games, however I do have a few Wiis in my house and an Xbox 360. Sorry man.

    Just a small favor I'd like to ask you all, me and my friend are having trouble finding legitimate players to help us with the heists in GTA

  • edited March 2015

    Alright! So it's that time again, where I present another batch of misfits and goodies; Today's OC's are none other than Hazzatheman's characters! It took fairly quickly to do (Less people=less straining hours XD) There are only minor flaws that I know of (ie: couldn't give Nick two eye colors or his scars, couldn't give Lyra her red streak of hair.) But I did as best as I could! Hopefully they're all good enough <3 Also, if there are any MEGA fixable flaws (Hazza, I'm asking you this btw lol), then don't be afraid to tell me outright. I can always go back in and fix them :) Or, at least try to.


    Alt text

    I hope I got the facial hair right, there were a few options as to what I thought he might have, but I picked this one above the others.

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    I tried to capture a 'gothic' look, as you said she had, so I put on some eye make-up, and you can't tell but there's lipstick on her lips that make her lips a few shades darker than they were.

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    (I couldn't decide which pic looked better, so I included both ^-^)

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    And last but not least, Lyra:

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    (Ignore what she's wearing in this first pic; I forgot to change her clothes to her everyday instead of swimwear before taking the shot.)

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    AND here's some pics of the house I moved them into in my town. It was pre-built, however I added a floor and repainted and furnished it myself.

    Alt text

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    Jayne, on the computer.

    Alt text

    Nick, getting something to read from the shelf.

    Alt text

    Lyra playing with some toys!

    I hope you liked them, man. Again, if there's anything remotely wrong that CAN be changed, let me know, and I'll try to update it and reupload the new pics. I did it for Emily Porgie (as she now wears dresses instead of her old attire.) though, Pie didn't exclusively ask for me to do that XD

  • EMMY, I absolutely love them!!!! XD

    Nick looks awesome, I now have a face to give him!!! You missed the tribal tattoo's on his arms (maybe) and in spite of the details you couldn't give him like scars and heterochromia, he looks really good :)

    Jayne I imagined with a 'sterner' face I guess. She is a beauty, but can pull that 'I'm not impressed' face in a flash. Either way she looks great!

    Lyra looks pretty good too (heterochromia like Nick isn't there but still), slightly different face to the one(s) I imagined, but you did a great job!

    I love the house you gave them as well.....

    EMMY, you should feel awesome right now, cuz that's how I feel about you right now!! Amazing, thank you so much!!

  • Belinda sat snugly on the divan that adorned her office with a mixture of anxiety and doubt. Mr Wakefield....Jonathan....She barely knew him. And he was a banished man. Could she really trust him? He was so gentle and kind...

    The door swung open, and it frightened Belinda severely. She jumped and let out a yelp, nearly falling from the divan and onto the floor.

    "Oh, Miss!" Sophie shouted. "I had no idea you were even home!"

    "Where else would I have gone, Sophie?" Belinda said, a little too defensively. She could see her words made her servant retract some.

    "I'm so sorry," Sophie began to say in a whisper. "So terribly sorry, Miss."

    Belinda waved Sophie's apologies away. "There's no need to apologize, it was an accident. But why are you here? I gave you the day off."

    "I was just..." She trailed off, standing straight up with her hands folded tightly together in front of her. "I was just making sure you were alright. I hadn't heard what happened to Jon- I mean, Mr. Wakefield."

    Raising her brow, Belinda looked away, unquestioningly. "Well, he's gone, I got rid of him."

    "That's good, Miss. Now, since I am here, would you like anything in particular?"

    "No, Sophie," Belinda sighed. "I can make my own supper tonight. I gave you off."

    "But you will be needing help to undress for the evening, no?"

    "I can untie the corset myself. Sophie-" Belinda stopped short, thinking of what to say. She stared at her servant wildly, examining the young girl before her. She was fair and pretty, despite the maid's cloths and plainness that she carried. And, she looked a lot like Mr. Wakefield. She let out another short breath, sitting back on the chair skeptically. "Call me Belinda, please?"

    "Oh, I couldn't, Miss. I am your servant, I must treat you with the most respect possible." Sophie insisted.

    "I'm serious though. Aren't we friends?" Belinda asked. To be honest, Sophie knew the most about Belinda, and was the friendliest toward her, too. She counted as a friend, right?

    Sophie hesitated. "I....Yes, I guess we could be friends. I've never-....Never been friends with any of my bosses before."

    "I'm hardly your boss," Belinda giggled. "And your hesitation is amusing. Have you ever had any fun with yourself? What have you done all day?"

    "I..." She sighed. "I helped other maids with their errands."

    "Sophie!" Belinda shouted with a smile. "You and I...we shall go to town tomorrow and go window-shopping."

    "I've never done that," She admitted softly. "Do you mean it?"

    "Mean what?" Belinda asked. "The shopping?"

    "No...the friendship?"

    "Why wouldn't I mean it?"

    She shrugs softly, a painful look on her otherwise nervous face. "I've just....been hurt before, by the people I cared for. I don't...."

    Belinda understood. "You don't want it to happen again."

    Sophie nodded. She stood there in the doorway quietly as Belinda stepped off the divan carefully. "Why don't you tell me about it?"

    "I don't know..." Sophie said, looking down at her feet. "You wouldn't be very interested."

    "I beg to differ," Belinda said. "I'm interested in all aspects of life. Sit, Sophie. I'll get some tea for us."

    "Oh, that won't be necessary- I can make it!" She had to shout the last part, because Belinda was already half-way down the hallway.

    After a few excruciating minutes of telling Sophie she could sit down while the tea brewed, they made a comfortable spot of the sofa in the living room. The tea was sweet and tasty, a bit of spice mixed with berries and sugar. Night was dawning, the stars sparkling down from the sky as the sun dipped under the horizon. A cool breeze shifted in from one of the open windows, stirring a shudder in both women as they sat, semi-awkwardly across the the couches together.

    "So," Belinda said naturally. She was always told she was a born conversation starter by her father. It only took a few weeks to redeem that notion, after becoming comfortable with the new world and the people in it. "Talk to me, Sophie. Tell me what's on your mind."

    "Mr. Wakefield," She uttered softly, the tea cup sitting close to her lips. She seemed to be breathing in the scent it gave off.

    Ah, and the subject of Jonathan Wakefield is one not to be touched lightly. With his deep blue eyes and his tousled brown hair, the mention of his name was thrown at Belinda like a blow to the gut. She coughed on her tea mid-sip, wheezing it out while preventing herself from dying. "You...why was he on your mind?"

    "Why wasn't he?" She said sourly. She seemed to have an unaffected scorn on the man. Belinda desperately wondered what he'd done, but did not ask. It was something she wanted him to tell her. It didn't seem likely that he would though, so her next resort was probably going to end up through Sophie's conversation with her.

    "Did he do something to you?"

    Sophie sighed. "I don't think I'm comfortable talking this way. Miss Cratchit, would you like me to leave? It's late..."

    "No, Sophie. Stay, please. Tell me what's bothering you."

    "He...Well, I don't know if you know.... Jonathan is my brother."

    Another wave of shock- and partially relief- flooded Belinda's system, though she hadn't choked this time. She left her teacup on the coffee table accordingly. "You're brother? You mean...?"

    "Yes, and he's banned for here, for multiple reasons, Miss-...Belinda."

    "How so?"

    "He's got a...condition..." She seemed unwilling to give up what that condition was. "It's hindered our family, and the community, very greatly. If I might ask....why are you so interested in him? Where did you send him after I left?"

    Oh no. No, Belinda did not want to tell Sophie the truth. But now, after all that trouble, could she lie? She stared at Sophie, who had big brown eyes in contrast to Jonathan's blue ones. But their hair, it was the same dark shade of brown, and it waved similarly to his. Yes, she could see the resemblance now, after really studying Sophie's appearance. "I..."

    Sophie sighed. "I knew it."

    "Knew what?"

    "You let him go. Miss-"


    "Belinda, I told you he was no good! You should have let me take care of him!"

    "I couldn't let you," Belinda replied. "There's too much I want to know, and there's too much he knows that might help me. Plus-" She paused, knowing what he asked of her was something to be kept under lock and key. She looked at Sophie, who looked almost unsure if she should be mad at her boss.

    "It's not safe, even if he does have what you need. He's dangerous-" Sophie paused, taking a sip of her tea. "You can't let him near you."

    "Why? What's so wrong about him? He's completely normal! A gentleman!"

    "Belinda, you don't understand. There's a beast in him, something unable to contain itself. He's not unlike the Americans, they've got a wolf for a sheriff. But that monster can control himself. My brother....he's responsible for many deaths, both in the Homelands and here. He won't hesitate to snap a neck when it consumes him."

    "What is it though? A curse?"

    "A demon," She replied. "It haunts his body relentlessly. And strikes at random. There's....there's no cure to it. He will die a monster."

    Struck, Belinda held her cheek forlornly with one hand while the other held the hand of her tea cup. She stared at the floor, where the rug met the wood planks. What was she getting herself in to?

    "Was there....a mention of a ring to you?" Belinda asked Sophie. "At any point in time, did he ask you about a ring?"

    " know about the ring?" Sophie looked surprised. "I didn't think..."

    "He told me he needed me," Belinda replied. "I...went with him. He took me to Paris for most of the day."

    Sophie seemed to deflate. She laid against the back of the couch, an empty tea cup in hand. She rubbed her temples with one hand, as if disappointed in Belinda's actions. "I can't believe he'd mix you in this..."

    "Sophie, what is 'this'? What's going on?" Belinda was desperate for solid answers, something she could grasp and know was true. "What is he planning?"

    "He's still a detective in his head. He's trying to do the world good, but since he cannot control himself, it's hard to do so. He wants the stupid ring....He thinks it might help control it."

    Belinda only nodded curtly. She thought back to when she possessed it, so many years ago. It was dispelled magic, allowing her to pass through bewitched regions on her way to the portal. It'd been taken though, stolen when she wasn't looking. To think, whoever DID take it was in this very establishment...

    "What do I do?" Belinda whispered solemnly. "What do I do?"

    "You stop seeing him," Sophie replied firmly. "Cut him off."

    But she couldn't do that, could she? Belinda was to encapsulated by him. He'd stolen a chunk of her heart, whether she would admit it or not. Sophie rose from her seat, thanked Belinda for the tea, and exited the apartment quietly. Belinda sat for a long time, alone in the living room as time ticked on. Soon, her tea was cold, and soon, it was nearing midnight, and she was still sitting there, not doing much of anything. She was still going to steal the ring, and she was probably also going to give it to Jonathan. He needed her.

    And she needed him.

    I'm tired, so I won't write too much of a blurb here. Hope you liked the chapter, I had off of work today ^-^ Only 2 more weeks to go, and then I'll be an unemployed fool again XD We got some really good candy, I wish you guys could come and just buy some XD Ah well, I'll just have to eat some for you all! Not too much, of course.

  • If I had GTA for it, I'd be there in a flash.

    BUT, it might be a good thing I don't have it, going by my track record. XD

    Just a small favor I'd like to ask you all, me and my friend are having trouble finding legitimate players to help us with the heists in GTA

  • :D I'm so happy you loved them!

    Nick was hard at first; I tried to shape his face, but it was giving me a hard time, so I had to play around a lot, Same for Jayne. There aren't many tattoos in the game, so I skipped that for now. Hopefully I can find some online somewhere and eventually add them. Same with the eyes, someone is bound to create eyes the way Nicks should be, and hopefully the same colors, too. If not, then I'd better learn how to recolor things on my own XD

    I tried to get a more serious look out of her, but it's hard with create-a-sim. They only ever smile and look funny XD So instead, I uploaded a lovely few shots of her smiling. I'll try to go in game and capture her angry-ish, maybe then it'll look more her style XD

    Glad you liked Lyra too :) She's a cutie!

    I have more pics of the inside, if you want my to PM you them. I tend to leave the extras JUST for the people I created them for; If you want to share them further, you're welcome to do so as well. I just don't want to clog the feed with a million sims pictures XD And thanks, I try my hardest, lol!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    EMMY, I absolutely love them!!!! XD Nick looks awesome, I now have a face to give him!!! You missed the tribal tattoo's on his arms (mayb

  • I still can't believe Nick though! Jayne I pictured easily cuz I have a friend's face for reference lol

    Lyra I imagined as just being Mary as a child with a few of Nick's features...

    But Nick's face was always changing in my head, I love the face you've given him. He's handsome for sure, with a slight devilishness to his features as well. He don't look Scottish lol, but I don't care! XD

    I would love for you to PM me the extras! Maybe I'll post ones I like on the thread :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I'm so happy you loved them! Nick was hard at first; I tried to shape his face, but it was giving me a hard time, so I had to play around

  • Ahhh! It's a good quote, and has a good reason behind it. :) If I'm honest, I wasn't sure if I was missing some reference, because 'chips' are 'crisps' over here, so there might have been something I wasn't realising, but what you say makes sense!

    JJwolf posted: »

    LOL I figured mine would be the head scratcher. Well, every time I buy a bag of chips, half of it is air. Well, the air around us is free. W

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