Dont things seem to be going a little.... too well?

edited March 2015 in Game Of Thrones

This series is great an all, but being a fan of Game Of Thrones.. I cant help but feel that Telltale is making the game feel a little... non-game of thronesy... and more telltale way of thinking... Game Of Thrones has always been a series about.. realism... heroes wont win simply for being heroes and will mostly end up dead, scarred or crippled and lose anyway cause they're fighting a stronger power..

the problem is, everything feels too... convinent. That guy just so happend to get sent to the wall for Gared to get revenge and survive without a scratch (and also take on three guys at once that attack him one at a time without a scratch, untill the guy stabbed him in the back of the leg.. but that wound didnt hinder him at all)

Or the fact that rodrik can ignore multiple warnings from a guy in control of his house with no conquences...

game of thrones has always been about concequence and I cant help but feel cause of telltales kinda limited programming that they cant properly replicate this.. of course, a game of thrones game should have a playthrough where you can survive perfectly by playing the GAME right, but not being able to survive outright no matter what you do.. y'know?

... think Heavy Rain.. main characters could die essentially at any point in that game, leading to a different ending... telltale should of aimed for it to be... more like that. y'know? PoV's being stripped for being careless or foolhardy...


  • edited March 2015

    The concequence wont happen right away.

    Example. Walking Dead. Strangers Car.

  • edited March 2015

    It's funny, because I was thinking the exact opposite.

    Mira is being suspected of murder and is losing Margaery's support, with Tyrion's arrest she basically has lost everything that could've helped her family, so far.

    Asher struggles to even stay alive, and going by the next episode preview manages to piss of Daenerys.

    Whitehills are everywhere at Ironrath and ever since Gryff's arrival they're feeling confident enough to wreck the place even under Rodrick's nose, even going as far as taking control of the keep.

    Gared will now be branded as a deserter, earning the privilege of being allowed to die at anyone's hands.

    Finally, Ryon is still captive and we will go to Highpoint soon, right in the wolves' den.

    Ah, let's not forget the fact that one of the very few person that you thought you could trust at Ironrath could be a traitor.

    Things going a little too well ? I have to laugh at this being "well"...

  • "It's funny, because I was thinking the exact opposite."

    Yep. I thought the whole episode was one disastrous decision after another! I was audibly sweating by the end of it.

    Plus, on Gared, not only is he likely to be branded a traitor for breaking his oath, but he's going to be fraternising with a wildling while doing it! If the Night's Watch could decapitate him twice, they would!

    Byakuren posted: »

    It's funny, because I was thinking the exact opposite. Mira is being suspected of murder and is losing Margaery's support, with Tyrion's

  • Gared was mostly so mad all the time cause the man who killed his family got away, he finally got retribution for that. While yes, he'll be branded a traitor, it's clear he'll have some form of plot armour untill he finds the north grove, only till then will he be vulnerable for death.

    On Mira's side however you could literally do any stupid/bad decision you wish and just get what is essentially a slap on the wrist. "oh I'm sending you home" .. cause yeah, THAT'S bad for Mira's health as a whole. King's Landing is meant to be full of dangers, Liars and Cheats that will kill anyone to get in a better position.. Mira is getting let off... reallllly easily.

    Asher, while yes, is struggling to stay alive, he is facing anything any protagonist would face, a struggle. He's survived without a scratch so far, which is pretty remarkable considering game of thrones..

    Rodrik is probably my most major complaint. You can disrespect white hill soldiers, punch one in the face, defy gryff and what do they do? be afraid of a single cripple, despite outnumbering him. Nearly everyone in GoT is a person who'd take advantage of that and just stab rodrik in the throat right then and there.

    It seems to me, we'll get a very good ending no matter how much we screw up.. personally I think Telltale should of left something like this till they've better developed themselves to go on a game like Heavy Rain's levels atleast.. cause it all seems very limited and non consequential..

    Byakuren posted: »

    It's funny, because I was thinking the exact opposite. Mira is being suspected of murder and is losing Margaery's support, with Tyrion's

  • edited March 2015

    C'mon, according to the Game of Thrones TV show (as well as A Song of Ice and Fire novels) standarts, the Forresters would have died in the very beginning, right after the Red Wedding... So I'm just glad they're alive and we can be into this amazing story.

  • It just sucks that I'm making the most logical choices for GoT and to see them not have all that much of a difference from someone who's just foolhardy and doing it to be a "badass" or something...

    rcarass1 posted: »

    "It's funny, because I was thinking the exact opposite." Yep. I thought the whole episode was one disastrous decision after another! I wa

  • Gared is dead already. where would he go after he found the north grove? All honorable Lords in the North would execute him as a deserter and Bolton and his bannermen would execute him for murder, high treason or whatever.

    His only hope would be to go to Essos and become a sellsword. Maybe he could change with Asher.

    stevean2 posted: »

    Gared was mostly so mad all the time cause the man who killed his family got away, he finally got retribution for that. While yes, he'll be

  • In fact things went down even too far in my opinion. In the GoT book universe all male members of the house would be dead by now - except of Asher who would stay abroad. Lady Forrester would be dead too and Talia would kept by the whitehills to be married with Griff or somebody else to claim Ironrath. In the tv-series they all would be dead probably. They sit far too deep in the sh*t to dig them out by themselfs.

    Byakuren posted: »

    It's funny, because I was thinking the exact opposite. Mira is being suspected of murder and is losing Margaery's support, with Tyrion's

  • edited March 2015

    I can understand that frustration. But, we've got 3 episodes to go. That's a lot of time for stuff to turn sour and then get very bad. The longer we're left feeling like maybe things aren't going so bad, the bigger the shock will be when we find out just how bad things might turn out.

    It's true that events don't turn out very differently even if you try to approach them from opposite mindsets/personalities, but, if you try to approach the story as a single string of events (coloured by your choices), it's fair that the people in the world might take the same actions in reaction to your characters' different personalities. If you play a headstrong Rodrik, the Whitehills might be particularly hostile to him in response. However, if you play a deferring, diplomatic Rodrik, those same kinds of people might still treat him in a similarly horrible way because they think he can be easily walked over and therefore is no threat even if they abuse him and his House.

    stevean2 posted: »

    It just sucks that I'm making the most logical choices for GoT and to see them not have all that much of a difference from someone who's just foolhardy and doing it to be a "badass" or something...

  • If the Night's Watch could decapitate him twice, they would!

    Sew it back on just to hack it back off?

    rcarass1 posted: »

    "It's funny, because I was thinking the exact opposite." Yep. I thought the whole episode was one disastrous decision after another! I wa

  • I mean.. to be fair, Telltale could of pulled this off much better if they ran it by The Walking Dead S1 development, in that you actually had concquence.. characters died if you didn't pick them or do something right.. yet telltale took this logic of "they'll live no matter your choice till we choose what episode they die in" kinda thing.. I mean, you could of had Beshka or Malcom die in that cave y'know? and it'd of been logical.. I mean cmon. Beshka survives by jumping behind a tiny rock and the dragon just gives up? and Malcom somehow fights off three soldiers? not very game of thronesy at all....

    I have hope telltale will improve things.. but I have to also not give too much hope too, y'know?

    rcarass1 posted: »

    I can understand that frustration. But, we've got 3 episodes to go. That's a lot of time for stuff to turn sour and then get very bad. The l

  • edited March 2015

    With Roose Bolton as Warden of the North, redundant policy like that wouldn't surprise me!


    flcinusa posted: »

    If the Night's Watch could decapitate him twice, they would! Sew it back on just to hack it back off?

  • edited March 2015

    I know what you mean and can't help responding a similar way sometimes.

    I think the devs perhaps bound their own hands together a little by having so many protagonist characters focused on all at once. It seems like it makes a lot more supporting characters indispensable in order to carry on all these related stories simultaneously. They'd have been a lot freer to bump people off if they'd kept the focus on 1 or 2 characters, but then they wouldn't have been able to show off as much of the Known World all at once.

    I'm sure things will start to come to a head in the last two chapters though. It's just taking a while for all the pieces to fall into place.

    stevean2 posted: »

    I mean.. to be fair, Telltale could of pulled this off much better if they ran it by The Walking Dead S1 development, in that you actually h

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