Do the TPS/Tales Skins Inadvertently Reveal the Identity of The Stranger...

...Or is TT/Gearbox messing with us?

Evidence - All the heads are named after their respective Tales character:

  • Athena is Vallory's Violence
  • Wilhelm is Bossanova's Bluster
  • Nisha is Fiona's Fury
  • Timothy is Rhys' Rage - coughSaveTimothycough
  • Aurelia is Yvette's Regret

And Claptrap's is Mini Bossa...

Wait, what?!

Also, this is a picture of Clappy's skin:

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Now, I haven't played as Claptrap before, but I'm fairly certain that weird screen on the top of his back isn't normally there, and is exclusive to this skin.

Is it just me or does the character on the screen look a lot like Bossanova?

Is... Is The Stranger Bossanova? O_O

I've only had the chance to view this online, so if anyone out there has downloaded the skins and can get a better look, let me know!

(I think it's also worth pointing out that Claptrap's is the only name that doesn't have alliteration/rhyme so maybe it was a placeholder and isn't accurate?)

Youtube Video of all the Skins

EDIT: Yeah, disregard the 'screen' bit, as @SCR4P-TP kindly pointed out it's a class mod (and I'm an idiot):

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  • Side note: Handsome Rhys is all sorts of terrifying uncanny valley realness!

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    I feel like this is going to be Rhys in a few years when he decides to really emulate his hero and get a chin implant (if said hero hasn't killed him by then, of course)...

  • "Doppelganger"

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  • Doubt it considering he kinda got crushed

  • In all fairness, it is his class.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • Yeah, sorry, I just couldn´t pass the up the opportunity to post that. :D

    In all fairness, it is his class.

  • You raise a good point. Never saw a body, though...

    I should also go on record as saying I really, really, really hope it's not him.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Doubt it considering he kinda got crushed

  • It was totally on point - I may or may not have giggled. ^_^

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yeah, sorry, I just couldn´t pass the up the opportunity to post that.

  • Alt text

    It was totally on point - I may or may not have giggled. ^_^

  • Eh... no.

    Bossanova is an idiot. A squeaky voiced idiot only concerned with irrelevant bandit activities. He has NO real agenda.

    The Stranger is more intelligent and is not a moron.

    Bossanova sustained fatal injuries in the raceway, so it's incredibly unlikely.

    The Stranger's identity seems like it will be a focal point of the overall story, so I don't see how it turning out to be Bossanova will really give it any impact at all.

  • probably ain't a body left lol

    You raise a good point. Never saw a body, though... I should also go on record as saying I really, really, really hope it's not him.

  • I completely agree with literally everything you've said, and would be genuinely disappointed if it turned out to be him (however unlikely) - but what are people's thoughts on the name/skin itself?

    (Not necessarily asking you, Trent, just trying to guide the conversation to those things, rather than all the reasons why it couldn't/shouldn't be Bossanova, which I already agree with - I would have never put his name forward if it wasn't for these weird things with the skins).

    Trentest0 posted: »

    Eh... no. Bossanova is an idiot. A squeaky voiced idiot only concerned with irrelevant bandit activities. He has NO real agenda. The S

  • The skin looks pretty kewl

    I completely agree with literally everything you've said, and would be genuinely disappointed if it turned out to be him (however unlikely)

  • edited March 2015

    For a second I thought you were one of those crazy people that think it's claptrap, lol. That would be a rather scary plot twist...

    But yeah I dont think its Bossanova. I'm not even sure if it's someone we know at all.

  • Wait, people seriously thought The Stranger was Claptrap? SERIOUSLY? That... I... I just... I just can't...

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    For a second I thought you were one of those crazy people that think it's claptrap, lol. That would be a rather scary plot twist... But yeah I dont think its Bossanova. I'm not even sure if it's someone we know at all.

  • Yes, that's a thing. I dont know how they think that would work tho.

    Also, the "screen" on the back of Claptrap is not part of the skin but a class mod.

    Wait, people seriously thought The Stranger was Claptrap? SERIOUSLY? That... I... I just... I just can't...

  • Yeah, I'm more or less like that, only that currently my left eye is orange, not blue.

    Side note: Handsome Rhys is all sorts of terrifying uncanny valley realness! I feel like this is going to be Rhys in a few years

  • There is the chance that someone is using Bossanova's salvaged gear as the voice changer and such. Hell, under this idea, this person could have looked up to Bossanova and have some bizarre "get the REAL story" revenge plan in retaliation.

    Look at all the people obsessed with Jack, for gods sake!

    Trentest0 posted: »

    Eh... no. Bossanova is an idiot. A squeaky voiced idiot only concerned with irrelevant bandit activities. He has NO real agenda. The S

  • Am I the only one who still thinks the Stranger is nobody that we know.

  • Also, the "screen" on the back of Claptrap is not part of the skin but a class mod.

    Ah, thank you - I assumed as much, but my inner conspiracy theorist took over!

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Yes, that's a thing. I dont know how they think that would work tho. Also, the "screen" on the back of Claptrap is not part of the skin but a class mod.

  • Scooter has Bossanova's posters in his shop and is obsessed with the races... O_O

    Lack-Jaw posted: »

    There is the chance that someone is using Bossanova's salvaged gear as the voice changer and such. Hell, under this idea, this person could

  • Yeah, it's a definite possibility - but that would suck! (Well, only to people like me who've wasted waaay too much time trying to figure out who it is...)

    Am I the only one who still thinks the Stranger is nobody that we know.

  • But why would they keep him as a stranger if he's just a stranger? Okay, sure they could do that but that would be really anticlimactic.

    Am I the only one who still thinks the Stranger is nobody that we know.

  • Would put money on someone like Lilith or Mordecai. Otherwise, I don't think it's anyone.

    Yeah, it's a definite possibility - but that would suck! (Well, only to people like me who've wasted waaay too much time trying to figure out who it is...)

  • That's true, but, what are the odds of him or her just so happening to be somehow involved with Rhys, Fiona or previous Vault Hunters' lives?

    Pandora is a fairly large planet, one that is both ruthless and greedy. Just seems too specific for the stranger to somehow be another character. Like I said above, if I would guess anyone, I'd say Lilith or Mordecai. Maybe even Brick, but we'll see.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    But why would they keep him as a stranger if he's just a stranger? Okay, sure they could do that but that would be really anticlimactic.

  • I don't think it's that far of a stretch - It's not like they were kidnapped for some completely random reason - they want information on the Gortys core, so it's somebody that is somehow privy to that. We already know that other vault hunters are involved (most likely via Moxxi), then we've got Hyperion and August/Mallory's crew. I think there's more chance of it being someone we know than someone we don't solely because Gortys is supposedly a pretty big secret.

    Lilith's definitely on the top of my list, though. She's basically the leader now, and it's not the first time that she's concealed her identity.

    That's true, but, what are the odds of him or her just so happening to be somehow involved with Rhys, Fiona or previous Vault Hunters' lives

  • Yeah you have a good point there, maybe TTG is building his/her story up from scratch. But they still need to make his/her reveal to have some kind of an impact or it wouldn't be shocking at all to finally see his/her true identity.

    not like this:
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    That's true, but, what are the odds of him or her just so happening to be somehow involved with Rhys, Fiona or previous Vault Hunters' lives

  • Or they could do it like that, but then at the last second BAM:

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    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Yeah you have a good point there, maybe TTG is building his/her story up from scratch. But they still need to make his/her reveal to have some kind of an impact or it wouldn't be shocking at all to finally see his/her true identity. not like this:

  • HAHA oh god nooo!!

    Maybe it's safe to assume that TTG knows better than that. They are professional storytellers and they will make sure that this "Stranger" ends up being someone who makes perfect sense and makes all of us to think: "holy crap that was amazing reveal, I didn't see that coming" and then our hype never dies and our minds are blown all over the place.

    Or they could do it like that, but then at the last second BAM:

  • Yes - I have faith! ^_^

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    HAHA oh god nooo!! Maybe it's safe to assume that TTG knows better than that. They are professional storytellers and they will make sure

  • I'm only interested in the fact that Jack is Rhys and Nisha is Fiona. I consider it a win, even. 8U I haven't played TPS that much after finishing normal mode, since space-jumping makes me feel ill, but I do like the weapons that came with the upgrade.

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