For those who made these choices...

I saved Malcolm, and I was curious as to what happened to him if you decide to save Beshka. I know Beshka got away with only a burnt arm, but does Malcolm share a similar fate or actually meet his demise?

Also, for those of you who burned the Ironwood Decree, why? I don't particularly understand what reason there is behind discarding the document.


  • edited March 2015

    I saved Beshka and Malcolm got his back and a bit of his arm burnt.

    Alt text

  • edited March 2015

    Also, for those of you who burned the Ironwood Decree, why? I don't particularly understand what reason there is behind discarding the document.

    It's just too dangerous. When I realized they might search Mira's room and find the bloody knife, I almost freaked out. Then I realized that decree was among the only proof for an involvement with Tyrion.

    Just imagine they really search Mira's room, and find a bloody knife (right after an important guard goes missing, most likely dead), one guard even saw me, and then find a royal decree signed by Tyrion Lannister himself.

    Bye, bye, head.

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    Is the knife kept in the room or you inventory if you kept it? I'm also curious what the differences are if you didn't make a deal with Tyrion.

    Also, for those of you who burned the Ironwood Decree, why? I don't particularly understand what reason there is behind discarding the docum

  • Now that I think about it, what good does it do us to keep it? The entire time I was convinced that it would be a saving grace, but considering Tyrion no longer has any power, it's more harmful that in is helpful. I kept the knife, and I kept the decree, and I stole both the key and seal from Margery. If anybody searches Mira or her room, I'm totally fucked.

    Also, for those of you who burned the Ironwood Decree, why? I don't particularly understand what reason there is behind discarding the docum

  • The only good that it could've done was to make a deal with that one lord in the wedding, that one that wanted the contract to profit from all the Ironwood trades.

    But again, since it's from Tyrion I fail to see how it could be profitable.

    Now that I think about it, what good does it do us to keep it? The entire time I was convinced that it would be a saving grace, but consider

  • if they find the royal decree they will frame you as part of Tyrions treason. I mean what reason could he have to issue it? So Mira must be part of the conspiracy.

  • When you'll escape King's Landing or really will enter The Game of politics, all those things will be useful.

    Now that I think about it, what good does it do us to keep it? The entire time I was convinced that it would be a saving grace, but consider

  • If it's not signed by him, or we can remove his signature and make it Margaery... and FORGE WITH HER FUCKING STOLEN SEAL do you understand what we'll get? Official crown-signed-and-queen-stamped save for you family!

    Davissons posted: »

    The only good that it could've done was to make a deal with that one lord in the wedding, that one that wanted the contract to profit from all the Ironwood trades. But again, since it's from Tyrion I fail to see how it could be profitable.

  • I burned it for the exact same reason the ehh, what's his name, the potential ally, mentioned. With the decree gone, perhaps there are some new deals to be made. Of course I'm still wondering if the decree could still have been useful in the long term, but alas.

  • Margery isn't queen.

    Gapaot posted: »

    If it's not signed by him, or we can remove his signature and make it Margaery... and FORGE WITH HER FUCKING STOLEN SEAL do you understand what we'll get? Official crown-signed-and-queen-stamped save for you family!

  • I don't know if it's still in the inventory. But my guess is on room, because Mira freaks out when she remembers the knife.

    HiroVoid posted: »

    Is the knife kept in the room or you inventory if you kept it? I'm also curious what the differences are if you didn't make a deal with Tyrion.

  • No. If you keep the knife at the end of episode 2, it doesn't show up in Mira's inventory

    HiroVoid posted: »

    Is the knife kept in the room or you inventory if you kept it? I'm also curious what the differences are if you didn't make a deal with Tyrion.

  • I saved Beshka because Fuck you Malcolm. you may be family, but that "family" banned me in this shithole full of sand and manticores while Beshka got my back for four years non-stop. If I have to choose again, I'll choose Beshka everytime, even if malcolm dies. I don't dislike him, but he can't really expect me to hug him and tell him i missed Ironrath

    Also I burned the decree for various reasons. One: i'ts the only remaining proof of Mira's involvment with Tyrion. Without it, there's only what people says, and words are wind. Second: Coal boy could be our only real ally in there, but i don't trust him enough yet. By burning the decree, i put myself on the high ground. If he rats me out, he can't show the decree as a proof, and the word of a handmaiden weights more than the word of a coal boy. Third: The guard recognised me. And it's more than clear he's coming to question Mira about Damien's disappearance. I figured that if he found the decree, he would've linked me to Tyrion someway, or at least tell Cersei about the decree.

    Also, fuck Maergery. I did what i did to protect my fucking family, i don't care if that cunt doesn't want me to.

  • I burned the decree. I saved Malcolm, cause he is family, and plus he was in a lot more trouble. I burned the decree because her family needs that money, so I hope in episode four, I can find the guy who gave the offer.

  • More trouble? :D The reason I saved Beshka was because a fookin' DRAGON was about to eat her!

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    I burned the decree. I saved Malcolm, cause he is family, and plus he was in a lot more trouble. I burned the decree because her family needs that money, so I hope in episode four, I can find the guy who gave the offer.

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    With MustacheGuy's wording, I'm going with room then.

    Endrik posted: »

    No. If you keep the knife at the end of episode 2, it doesn't show up in Mira's inventory

  • My situation was basically, with the knife, I felt it wouldn't be very useful (except if I wanted to stab someone else) and it seemed foolish to keep it on you. The decree on the other hand, took a long time to make, and I felt burning it would be a waste of the effort it took to create it in the first place. I feel that a story decision later down the line would use it in some way.

    Also, Mira wanted that decree to help her family, so burning it seems like she's spitting in the face of her family.

  • I thought the whole reason to go get the royal decree was to prove that it was no longer amongst Tyrion's possessions meaning there is no longer a paper trail linking Mira and Tyrion. How is Mira going to prove to what's-his-face that she obtained the document if she burns it before showing it to him?

    Davissons posted: »

    The only good that it could've done was to make a deal with that one lord in the wedding, that one that wanted the contract to profit from all the Ironwood trades. But again, since it's from Tyrion I fail to see how it could be profitable.

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    I'm pretty sure he just doesn't want to get involved with you if you're under suspicion due to the letter. If you tell him you'll get it, you say something like 'What if I make it disappear?'

    I thought the whole reason to go get the royal decree was to prove that it was no longer amongst Tyrion's possessions meaning there is no lo

  • I got rid of the knife. I was like...They can't take fingerprints back in the day! And if they find that knife with me..That will raise all sorts of questions! I chucked it and chucked it far! If I need a weapon at some point, surely I can get another knife. Although if it comes down to fight I'm not sure how well I'm fairing anyways. Speed is my asset.

    I did take the seal and did forge a letter. Even if my brother could have secured the marriage on his own, I'm here to help my family. I know it was a betrayal to Margery; but, she was unwilling to help me. For me my whole family is at stake.

    I couldn't burn the decree. That could help my family later down the line. My Mira always puts family first no matter how much trouble ti causes her.

    I chose to save Bekka because one, she was facing down a dragon and two she was there for me when my family turned its back on me. My brothers and sisters can't be blamed for what happened. And I'm not saying I hate my uncle. I actually like him. But Bekka is someone I know I can depend on. She's been protecting me for years; and, when all this insanity happened she still stood by my side. I know she's someone I can count on. My uncle hasn't earned that level of loyalty.

    Also I feel you PowerfulStache. I might not have taken the knife but with the seal, keys, and decree I'm screwed if anyone searches my room.

  • Well it's not a sure thing, but he did say something like "if you get rid of it we MIGHT talk again"

    If the wrong person finds it in the meantime then Mira can end up in a bad spot, so I get the rationale behind burning it. It's the notion that it's worthless to keep around that I don't understand.

    HiroVoid posted: »

    I'm pretty sure he just doesn't want to get involved with you if you're under suspicion due to the letter. If you tell him you'll get it, you say something like 'What if I make it disappear?'

  • What if the lord that Mira talked to at the wedding had a part in trying to have her killed? He was one of Whitehill's merchant lords that were in the throne room when Tyrion brought her in there to talk. Yea the decree would show a link to Tyrion that Cersei already knows about, but not necessarily to Joffery's murder. The lord at the wedding has every reason to want that decree destroyed if he's still working for Lord Whitehill, and there's no evidence to say he isn't. Forming an alliance with her would require secret meetings which would give him a chance to kill her himself, AFTER she destroyed the decree that secured ironwood from House Forrester. Oh well. I don't trust him in the slightest and I kept the decree.

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