Lady Margaery

edited March 2015 in Game Of Thrones

God, she was being such a butt this episode. It's nice that we to see a side of her we didn't really get to in the show, but still.

I was loyal to her all the way and she was still being a butt to me. Can you imagine her buttery level towards Mira now that she lost her chance to be Queen? Next episode is gonna be fun.

What did you guys think of her this episode?


  • I hate her any way.

  • edited March 2015

    Well, I am glad I left that sinking ship of loyalty at the start of ep 3 then.

  • edited March 2015

    Well most of us already knew what was going to happen at the wedding and as soon as Margaery started acting really rude towards Mira for talking to Tyrion I just sort of gave up on trying to stay on her good side, she wasn't going to be able to help me with my problem anyway because in her eyes while The Forresters are getting their lives ruined, her marriage to Joffrey was more important. Not sorry one bit I talked to Tyrion, at least I got the letter (not that it'll do much good now but still it's nice to have something I guess) Besides I'm not going to braid her hair when Mira's brother and father had just been murdered...Srsly Margaery you cray.

  • I'm done with her now.

  • Margaery drives me nuts in this game. I understand her not wanting to jeopardize her power as Queen, but Mira's family is being destroyed. People she loves are being killed and might be wiped off the map. I SO wanted to choose the option "you'd do the same" but decided against it. My Mira will do what it takes for her family, and the fact that Margaery is acting like it's nothing and that her useless "favors" were enough is kind of maddening. She could at least attempt to understand what's at stake and why Mira might strike out on her own if she doesn't get help. In no world would loyalty to her come before saving loved ones, and I would think she at least would understand that.

    I stopped trying to be loyal to her this episode. I figured that she was never going to help in any real way so I'm doing things on my own now.

  • Better change that avatar or else you'll look like the biggest poser.

    I'm done with her now.

  • lmao i love her in the show

    Better change that avatar or else you'll look like the biggest poser.

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