Coal Boy.

If anyone is wondering what happens if you did not save Tom at the end of episode 2, I will tell you. He is still alive, and he killed Damien anyway. I was surprised to see when I went to look at my previous choices that only 7.6% of people didn't kill Damien.

Also, Tom refuses to fuck off. No matter how horrible of a person you have been to him through the first 3 episodes. This kid is determined to be Mira's sidekick. He's just always appearing when I didn't ask for him and trying to help when I don't want him to. And then not even asking for anything. Really just want him to go away somewhere. Super suspicious.


  • Well, he did say Mira is needed to some people.

  • Yeah I want to know who he is working for. I mean in truth there is not anyone powerful enough that would care to help the Forresters. That Is kinda the whole point of the storyline so far....

  • I really want to know as well. It seems like a really Littlefinger thing to do, though. Support the small house that no one cares about just to cause a little chaos.

    unseenclass posted: »

    Yeah I want to know who he is working for. I mean in truth there is not anyone powerful enough that would care to help the Forresters. That Is kinda the whole point of the storyline so far....

  • Annoying brat. It seems he's the only coal boy in King's Landing. Where are his protectors? He's also a postman - touching letters with those dirty hands. Damn kid, take a shower!

  • It seems to me like you would have to actively try to be that dirty.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Annoying brat. It seems he's the only coal boy in King's Landing. Where are his protectors? He's also a postman - touching letters with those dirty hands. Damn kid, take a shower!

  • Yeah, I really don`t trust that boy.

  • I hated at the end when I did not burn the letter and he was like "What! But I just risked my life for that!" But I didn't ask for his help! He forced me to let him.... dumb kid.

  • Wait he was there for you when you didn't burn it? SO HE DID FINALLY FUCK OFF IN MY GAME HUZZAH!

    unseenclass posted: »

    I hated at the end when I did not burn the letter and he was like "What! But I just risked my life for that!" But I didn't ask for his help! He forced me to let him.... dumb kid.

  • I trust him. Tom, even if he is annoying, he is useful. He hasn't ratted out Mira yet, plus he SAVES MIRA'S FUCKING LIFE. Also, I am beginning to wonder about his age.

  • I don't trust him. I ran away in Episode 2 and he was pissed at me for doing it (I would be, too) but I told him to leave but oh no he killed Damien anyway and now it is my problem, too. I just don't understand why he keeps turning up suddenly. I think he is shady but I didn't get more options to leave him and I have no idea why he and his allies would want me alive. So Telltale forced me into buisness with Tom and into Buisness with Tyrion even tho I said to both no.

  • how did you do that'? I told him like 3 times to leave and that I never asked for his help.

    Wait he was there for you when you didn't burn it? SO HE DID FINALLY FUCK OFF IN MY GAME HUZZAH!

  • don't get me wrong I loved this episode! It was so intense and I doubted every decision I made. I just don't trust anyone. I ended up being a bitch to Sera as well because I feel like she is shady. I don't know....

    gwendog posted: »

    I don't trust him. I ran away in Episode 2 and he was pissed at me for doing it (I would be, too) but I told him to leave but oh no he kille

  • Coalboy is like a freaking ninja, he's got mad skills. The guy can fight, climb, sneak into rooms, lit stuff on fire, kill, etc.

  • I was a total douche to him in the first 2 episodes, went over to him in the gardens and was as rude as possible, was as much of a bitch as i could be at Tyrion's except I said its not worth your life thinking that would get him to eff off. Inside Tyrions place he tried guilt tripping me and ran off, but came back when the two guards entered. I kinda forgot what happened after that but I dont remember him being there when Mira has the option to burn the decree.

    gwendog posted: »

    how did you do that'? I told him like 3 times to leave and that I never asked for his help.

  • He could be a faceless man of Braavos.

  • edited March 2015

    I figure it's because someone has specifically tasked him with keeping Mira alive (and he's clearly more than just a coal boy). He even says as much if you ask him; that someone was interested in Mira being alive and safe. He's doing his job, regardless of whether or not you like him or ask him to. If you're nice to him, he personally likes you and that might be helpful down the line. If not, he doesn't feel any affection towards you but is doing his job anyways.

  • Still, I have no reason to believe anything he says is true. Even if he would actually tell me who he's working for, I might not believe that either.

    Rynna posted: »

    I figure it's because someone has specifically tasked him with keeping Mira alive (and he's clearly more than just a coal boy). He even says

  • Sure but it makes sense that he's working for someone that has interest in Mira. What other reason would he have to keep staying around and protecting you? If he wanted to kill you, he could have done it by now. He has no real dirt on Mira that isn't also dirt on him (killing the guard, for example) that he could use to gain anything. He wasn't around when you did anything else.

    Still, I have no reason to believe anything he says is true. Even if he would actually tell me who he's working for, I might not believe that either.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Eh, I like Tom. Though I feel sorry if you hate him and he's forced on you like Kenny was (though I didn't hate him, just disliked him).

  • Tom's been the one person I can consistently count on. Sera has been more friendly in this chapter if a bit high and might about Margerie's favor. But Margery has turned against me for trying to save my family's life. I thought I could count on her support and now I feel I've lost that entirely. Serra isn't trustworthy. Yes, the boy is suspicious but so far he's the only one who has always had my back. he warned me about the meeting with the queen. He saved my life. He helped me get that seal. I'm not saying he doesn't have motives. He certainly does. For whatever reason his employer wants me safe. But I'm grateful for his help and have always been kind to him as a result. In King's Landing it's at least best to act kind. Don't make any extra enemies!

  • That's what I'm thinking too. He's certainly got the skills for it, and he is everywhere you turn.

    He could be a faceless man of Braavos.

  • I think he works for Ludd Whitehill. Gwyn tells you he is sending a lot of gold to Kings Landing and planning to show the Forresters they still have a lot to lose. I think he is just trying to get Mira where he wants her before doing something horrible to brake the Forresters once and for all.

  • I've been putting alot of faith in Tom. I suspect he might work for Varys. Although i dont know if that would be a good thing or not...

  • I'm thinking the Whitehill gold is going to the dude from episode 2/3, the one who offers to ally with Mira at the wedding. He was working for the Whitehills in episode 2, and then all of a sudden wants to ally with Mira, and then strongly implies she should get rid of her deal with the crown.

    unseenclass posted: »

    I think he works for Ludd Whitehill. Gwyn tells you he is sending a lot of gold to Kings Landing and planning to show the Forresters they s

  • Varys is a possibility. But knowing who Varys truly serves, it seems odd to me. Littlefinger is still my guess.

    Terradus posted: »

    I've been putting alot of faith in Tom. I suspect he might work for Varys. Although i dont know if that would be a good thing or not...

  • I can only assume that he's been ordered by someone to look out for Mira, though he also seems to have a real loyalty to her, not just a job to do. I don't know, for all I know he could've been hired by Lord Forrester to look out for Mira, or maybe he has some connection with House Forrester which compels him to be loyal to Mira.

    I like Tom, but I'm a bit disappointed by the lack of choice- when you leave him being drowned by Damian, surely he's doomed to die? How he then manages to kill Damian is beyond me- it would've been more interesting if he'd been able to die at that point, and Mira had to negotiate King's Landing herself.

  • Yeah I wonder who he is working for. He seems to be a help so far. I just hope he doesn't have ulterior motives.

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