Maester Ortengryn is shady as fuck

Seriously, he's the only person on the Council I suspect at this point.


  • We know next to nothing about him, other than he's the maester. It bothers me.

  • Also he just says shady stuff - even back when he was mending Gared's leg I felt like he was asking a lot of weird questions.

    Pride posted: »

    We know next to nothing about him, other than he's the maester. It bothers me.

  • Never trust a man who looks at your dick while sleeping.

  • I dunno, I can't really suspect him for some reason. Seems too obvious. And he does leap to Rodrik's defense when Gryff is hitting him.

    Duncan is my suspect, I reckon. Royland is more the type to punch you in the face than stab you in the back.

  • I mentioned this on another thread but this one is perfect. He gave me the creeps when he was holding a serrated blade (for amputation) during the leg surgery.

  • He is. But i really want to like him, though. I also highly suspect him being the one who opened the gate for the soldiers in episode 1

  • The Whitehill's might have some sort of a plan, and it would need Rodrick to be alive, making him tell him to stop, which he then does

    I dunno, I can't really suspect him for some reason. Seems too obvious. And he does leap to Rodrik's defense when Gryff is hitting him. Duncan is my suspect, I reckon. Royland is more the type to punch you in the face than stab you in the back.

  • How would you know he just, LOOKED?

    Alt text

    Never trust a man who looks at your dick while sleeping.

  • The gate is just a plot hole. They never mention it in the next two episodes. And that part plays out the same if you lock the soldiers out or let them in.

    Dalek93 posted: »

    He is. But i really want to like him, though. I also highly suspect him being the one who opened the gate for the soldiers in episode 1

  • YES. I was so suspicious during that scene because my injuries definitely wouldn't require that kind of knife. Maybe he was trying to really cripple Rodrik? I don't know, but that's why I refused the milk of the poppy.

    I mentioned this on another thread but this one is perfect. He gave me the creeps when he was holding a serrated blade (for amputation) during the leg surgery.

  • You know, he did say he checked to make sure Rodrik was very much ...ehem... a man still, in terms of lineage.

    wink wink

    How would you know he just, LOOKED?

  • I'm not sure who the traitor is. I highly, highly doubt it's Royland, since he hates the Whitehills so much. I think it's either Lady Forrester or Maester Ortengryn. I'm leaning towards the Maester.

  • He was kinda quick to give our iron wood away in episode 1. But just don't know how much I can trust him yet. Hopefully we'll get a chance to learn a little more about him next episode.

  • He lay dying in a cart full of other rotting bodies for like a week. There would be plenty of dead and rotted flesh in those wounds that needed to be cut out.

    imlarroca posted: »

    YES. I was so suspicious during that scene because my injuries definitely wouldn't require that kind of knife. Maybe he was trying to really cripple Rodrik? I don't know, but that's why I refused the milk of the poppy.

  • Alt text

    Pride posted: »

    You know, he did say he checked to make sure Rodrik was very much ...ehem... a man still, in terms of lineage. wink wink

  • With a GIGANTIC serrated blade???

    unseenclass posted: »

    He lay dying in a cart full of other rotting bodies for like a week. There would be plenty of dead and rotted flesh in those wounds that needed to be cut out.

  • Lol exactly... I also refused the milk of the poppy and let his mother in and stay for the same reason.

    imlarroca posted: »

    With a GIGANTIC serrated blade???

  • I'm fairly convinced he's the red herring. Telltale's made him a bit of an oddball who often suggests avoiding conflict and not causing trouble, which usually ties into appeasing the Whitehills.

    When Episode 1 came out I wondered why he wasn't present when Ethan died, then again in Episode 2 at the funeral, but he feels way too obvious to me. Granted, predictable isn't always bad and it could just mean those who suspect him are good at deduction. I don't think casual players really think about him enough to suspect him.

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