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  • Thanks! :D

    Yeah, it's like an arch-enemy but love/hate relationship all in one. 'It's complicated' just wouldn't cover it :P

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I love the wording you use!! It really paints a picture Bigby and those cigarette cartons... Arch-enemies for life! Look forward to more, dude!

  • Track record? O.o

    LupineNoir posted: »

    If I had GTA for it, I'd be there in a flash. BUT, it might be a good thing I don't have it, going by my track record. XD

  • Dang! I love the sims you've made will the OC's so far! Nick looks really neat, while I'm loving the way you designed Jayne and Lyra is just a cutie! I'ma jack that Dino from her, though. XD JK JK

  • edited March 2015

    Your Nick and Jayne drawings may have competition dude :P

    You take Lyra's Dino... You can figure out what happens next XD

    Nah, you can have the Dino...

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Dang! I love the sims you've made will the OC's so far! Nick looks really neat, while I'm loving the way you designed Jayne and Lyra is just a cutie! I'ma jack that Dino from her, though. XD JK JK

  • edited March 2015

    Good going! Was going to write her name but it clashes with Faye's too much so I left it out; so I'm glad you remembered. :D Well, he might have time travelled, but he doesn't necessarily have the ability to time travel. Which is unhelpfully vague but it's going to be explained in a chapter or two. The reference to Charlotte was very deliberate as I wanted to show recognition to Emmy's excellent time traveller, not least as she is the first! If anyone's going to, it'll be Mary. XD

    EDIT: Fayde! Not Faye! Sorry, man!

    Ah-ha! I remember the witch Weasel was talking about! Who would've known Weasel would've had the ability to time travel? (like EMMY P.'s Ch

  • I will never understand BigbyxHuff n' Puffs XP

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Thanks! Yeah, it's like an arch-enemy but love/hate relationship all in one. 'It's complicated' just wouldn't cover it :P

  • That's Weasel :P it was a reference to the Halloween tale, as Weasel has travelled from a few weeks after that; but that'll be explained in a few chapters time. At the risk of a flying bottle my way also, you're right that he could do with a break. XD

    Weasel's immediate interest in Peter is also due to what happened shortly before he ended up travelling; it'll be covered soon :D (though I apologise for giving that annoying answer twice!). Didn't want to make you sad! If there's ever anything you're not happy about then please let me know and I'll change it; glad you liked the explanation, however. Filling someone in on over one a hundred years alone would be a lot - at a guess - so the intricacies can stay well out of it for now. XD

    Super pleased the words are working and you enjoyed it. :) Things have started with Weasel but Dixa (and a couple of other characters) will have key roles, so I'm trying to balance it out more than in the past. Glad it wasn't too subtle a reference! Emmy's time travelling is excellent and I might not have done this if she hadn't first, so I'm indebted to her really. XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Leave it to Percy to piss off a witch. LOL Love Bigby's reaction. So cool and calm, this guy is. Smoking his cigarette and doing what the Sh

  • edited March 2015

    You know what, now that you mention it and reading Dragon's comment, it IS the same Witch. Gees, pie. lol Glad that has been addressed, so I'm not like 'UH...DAFUQ....'

    I'm actually rather pleased so far. If I do see anything, I'll make sure to let you know. Like I stated before to you, I fully trust ya' with Peter, Lyla and the others you may use. :3 I do appreciate the little semi-explanation inregards to Peter but I do agree with Bigby; to avoid complications, it would be best to avoid that conversation.

    I'm prepared for you to throw in in various directions but I still love your stories and can't wait to read more. Well, we owe miss Char one large chocolate cupcake with pink frosting for her time travelling abilitites. :D Weasel is in for one hell of a ride. XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    That's Weasel :P it was a reference to the Halloween tale, as Weasel has travelled from a few weeks after that; but that'll be explained in

  • Viviana stood stiff, her heels digging into the warm sand kissed by the afternoon's rays. The bag of seashells clinging against her chest. The noise of the waves crashing against the banks and rows of sharp rocks. The gulls continued their ear piercings cries against the skies, flapped their wings and continued on their way. Her breathing slowed to a steady pace. Viviana's emerald eyes glaring at the man wearing all black; the ash continued to swirl around his legs, as he took very slow and firm steps.

    His boots crushed the sand below. The demon flapped furiously beside the man's head. It did not say a single word, although his smile made the young girl nervous and apprehensive. It always did, when the creature flashed his crooked fangs and said not a single word. The man, however, continues to extend out his fingers.

    "Hello, Viviana." The man finally speaks. "My, look at you, out here all alone. Mommy and daddy must really trust you to be out here all by yourself. But you're a BIG girl and big girls don't need supervision, huh?"

    The girl did not move her lips to answer the man's question. Nor did she scream or try to flee. His fingers made it half way to her head before a sheild of gold developed, causing the man's finger's to burn and smoke. He pulled back, noticing the ribbon around her neck. Viviana again did not speak; the ribbon did that most of the time and without another word, she continued down her path and searched for shells. The man, however, continued to follow her. The demon grabs his cloak and yanks back.

    "Sire, you can't do that! The ribbon-it's getting stronger by the day. Look at your hands..."

    The man looks down. All but his thumb are a coal black and smoldering. "Ah yes. The power of the guardian Vivian. It is indeed something wonderous. But still-one can not admire the beauty that is being kepy locked away."

    Viviana looks back and notices the man, standing beside some broken fence posts. She beams. "Would you like to walk with me, Hades? There are some really pretty shells over there."

    Hades walks behind the blonde girl; her short hair cut bounces with each step she takes, as Viviana runs to an empty section of the beach and pulls up several shells. The demon looks back; he could see tiny dots heading towards Viviana's location and immediatly knew it was the girl's parents.

    "Sir, we need to go! The Grendels-"

    Hades looks back and cocks a smile. "Oh yes. Emily and Gren. What a lovely couple, don't you think Valeo? Such caring a loving parents you have, Viviana."

    "Are you leaving?"

    "Unfortuantly, dear, I must be going." Hades opens a portal before the crashing waves. "But do not brood, my child, for I shall return soon to visit you."

    Viviana waves to the two figures, as they disappear into the portal of darkness and return to the Underworld. "Bye bye, Mr. Hades!"

    No fear. No hesitation. Viviana continues collecting seashells; she hears her mother's cries and with a gentle answer, calls out and waves. Emily nearly trips over a pile of washed up seaweed. Gren, in his true form, charges in her direction with a wide smile and glistening eyes. He scoops Emily up, carries the young woman to the child and embraces Viviana. The little girl chuckles as her father's rough tongue presses against her face. Emily plants kisses all over the little girl's head and rocks the child back and forth.

    "Hi mommy! Hi daddy! Look at all the pretty shells I found! I got-"

    "OH my baby! Don't ya' EVA' leave without tellin' us where ya' be goin'! Do ya' unda'stand, love!?"

    "I'm fine, mommy." Viviana points to her ribbon. "See? It protects me and-"

    "Was he here?" Gren scans the area. "Viviana, you need to tell mommy and daddy the truth. WAS he here?"

    "Yeah, he was here, daddy. He and that funny flying bird thing, too. He was going to help me find seashells but they had to go back home."

    Emily collects her daughter and heads back to the car. Gren slowly changes back into man, although his senses continue to pick up the faint aroma of ash and fire. He glares around one last time and follows his wife and daughter. Viviana, eager to show off her collection, begins pulling
    shells out and showing off to her mother. She was extremly proud to show off a Sand Dollar she found still whole.

    "This one is my favorite, mommy."

    Emily kisses the top of Viviana's head. "Did ya' know, that if ya' crack open a Sand Dollar, there are five Dove-like structures inside? They say, ya' throw those back inside and fa' each one ya' throw back, ya' get a wish."

    Viviana clutches her shell. "But I don't WANT to crack this one open, mommy..."

    Emily giggles. "Ya' don't hafta' do it, love. Just a little story ta' ya' shell there."

    Viviana cuddles closer to her mother's chest, as Emily and Gren reach the others.

    Ethan and Michelle stayed at Emily and Gren's home for the evening. With help, Erica was given a bath. For awhile, Erica thought she was still at the beach. Michelle tried her hardest not to shed a tear when her daughter said this. Some days it was alright. Others, it was difficult knowing her daughter would never be the same again. Luckily, she had Ethan. Peter and Holly, too, remained at Emily's home. Lily, along with the quads, got a bath. Holly chuckled when she washed her daughter's hair.

    "Did you leave ANY sand at the beach, Lily Faith or did you bring it all home with you?"

    Like a true Porgie, Lily returns with a comment. "I left some for the Turtles, mommy."

    After their baths, the children all played in the living room. Emily made a simple baked Chicken, mashed potato and baby corn meal for the children and the others. Sitting outside, Katie needed to address the huge, pink Elephant in the room.

    "We need to talk about Mary's escape and what the plan is for Fabletown...."

    "There is nuthin' ta' discuss, Katie. She is YOUR concern and-"

    "JUST my concern, Emily?" Katie leans on the table, eyeing her sister with distraught. "Last time I checked, you ARE a Porgie, too. She went after several Fables, Halfers and even our brother. Do you-"

    Emily takes a sip from her coffee cup and glances at Gren. He too was not disporting the idea of Mary Smith wandering the city streets again. But he, like Emily, could not overthink certain situations anymore when it came to Fabletown. They had a family to raise and certain boundaries came with the territory. Neither wanted to look for any form of danger that could harm their own.

    "I'm fookin' aware of woot she was tryin' ta' do, Katie. But ya' need ta' unda'stand somethin', too. I have my OWN family ta' deal with. Ya' be the one who took ova' woot papa did years ago. Ya' and Malcom are head leaders ta' that place and she was in ya' custody when it happened. I wouldn't be too worried 'bout woot she'll be doin'. If it were up ta' me, I'd keep a low profile and watch. Just wait and see woot happens in the next few days, weeks, months before ya' act out. We don't need this town worried fa' no fookin' reason. Think we're all tired of fightin', Katie...."

    "I agree with what you say, Emily." Katie leans back into her seat. "I'm aware we, meaning THIS family alone, have grown weary of the battles and wars that have gone on. Fabletown, too, has suffered tremendously at the losses over the years and we have slowly begun to rebuild. However, I will not rest easy knowing a killer walks these streets freely and nothing is getting done about it. I'll take your idea into consideration. In the meantime, I'll warn the others. Stay close to home. Keep an eye of your surroundings."

    "I'm already two bloody steps ahead of ya', sis."

    "We'll head back to the Business Office and devise a plan of action, SHOULD Mary attack once more." Peter lights a cigarette. "To be honest, I agree with Emily on this one. I doubt Mary would be stupid enough to attack again."

    "That's NOT my main concern at the moment, Peter. Mary is intelligent but not enough to break FREE from those chambers. I built them so no prisoner was capable of escaping."

    "Looks like you failed on THAT part, sis." Peter exhales a cloud of smoke. "And besides, who in their right fucking mind would help Mary escape?"

    "She knows people." Katie looks at Malcom, who nods for his answer. "Malcom and I will search the chambers for clues. Until then, none of this is to be spoken of until necessery."

    "Great answer." Peter takes a long drink from his cup. "To be honest, I agree with Ems again. We'll look for her, catch and send her back to prison. If not, I know the Witching Well has been eager for donations-"

    Holly chuckles, patting Peter on his head. "Easy there, Wolfy. Let's just see what happens in the next few weeks."

    "Perfect." Emily stands up and grabs the pan of Chicken. "So, who would like ta' take home some leftovers?"

    The quads eagerly sat in Gren and Emily's bed. All four surrounding Gren, listened to him finish a tale. The tale of Beowulf. Emily leaned against the doorway and smiled. She was proud of her husband and his ability to let go of the past. Gren still remained mute to certain things but with patience, love and time, Emily waited and would be there to catch Gren, should he need her loving arms. When their children found out their father was the infamous monster of Beowulf, Seraphina begged and pleaded he tell them the story. This was number twelve within three weeks.

    "And with a mighty pull, the beast's arm was torn away from the bosy and Bewulf stood triumphantly over the hills and watched the creature wander back to the swamps, to lick his wounds in defeat."

    "But you were NOT defeated, daddy!" Liam leaps into Gren's lap and points at the image. "You were able to heal and defeat the odds!"

    "The odds." Gren giggles. "I like that every time you say that."

    Viviana and Chloe look at Gren's missing arm. "Then how come its missing, daddy, if it came back again?"

    Gren traces back to the afternoon he and Robert fought. The quads were still too young to recall such an inccident. It happened so fast. Like a dream Gren had to stop and rethink over and over, collecting the pieces unti it became a clear picture. He did not regret taking the arm and tossing the piece of flesh into the fire. The message was very clear; even to this day, Robert and Thomas knew what Grendel was trying to state. Neither brought that afternoon up but looking into their eyes, he knew the questions that swirled inside.

    Gren looks down at his daughters. "It did, baby girls but daddy had a boo-boo and lost it again."

    "Will it grow back?" Chloe pokes the crux of his arm. "Like the picture books?"

    "No baby." Gren hugs each of the kids. "It's gone for good this time. But its okay. Daddy is glad this silly old thing is gone."

    Emily claps. All the kids look over, jump off the bed and run into her arms. "Alright. Bed time, ya' little hell raisers."

    Viviana grabs her sisters and carries each one in her hand. Liam leaps into the air, grabs his sister's leg and all four head to their rooms. After tucking each into their beds, lights out and dreams set to ON, the parents head back to their bedroom. Half way down the hall, however, Gren lifts
    Emily, pins her to the doorway and plants a rather affecionate kiss. Their tongues dance, eyes closed and hands become full of eachother's hair. Emily pants, as Gren's fingers slip behind her dress and unhooks her bra.

    "Gren-" Emily lowers her lips and presses them against Gren's ear. "The bedroom, love...we need ta'...bedroom-"

    Emily wraps her legs around Gren's waist and before long, the powerful beast hurls Emily into the air and carries her into the bedroom. Slamming the door shut and locking it, Emily reaches for the stereo and inserts their favorite slow jams CD. J Holiday's 'BED' played softly from the speakers. Within seconds the couple undress and become lost in a sea of sheets. Emily could feel the thundering beat of Gren's heart. Looking down, it was still a dream knowing he was happily married to the woman of his dreams.

    "Your not worried about Mary....are you, Ems?"

    "No, love. I'm not. I'm sure Mary won't do a fookin' damn thing ta' us...."

    "And Hades?" Gren strokes Emily's cheek. "I know he was there today. He's getting brave. Closer."

    "The ribbon will protect her. Vivian is here. Nuthin' will take our babies away, Gren. I know this. So do ya', too."

    "I do, Emily. I do."

    "I'm worried more 'bout the children and ya', Gren. Nuthin' else. When things begin ta' take place, then I'll say somethin'. Until then, just us...maybe more?"

    Gren looked confused. "More..."

    "Gren." Emily cups Gren's face. "I wanna have anotha' baby with ya'."

    "Emily...are you serious?"

    "Yes. Best thing I've eva' done was have a family with ya'. I want ta' have as many babies as I can give ya'...."

    The song played out their feelings at that moment. 'When I put my fingers through your hair, wrap me up in your legs and I'll love you til' your eyes roll back. I'm tryna' put you to bed, bed. Tryna' put you to bed, bed, bed.'

    "Yes." Gren kisses Emily one final time. "I want another baby with you...."

    Lost in passion, the couple continue into the late hours of the night; the sun peeked over the mountains and covered the world with a sea of light. The children would be up soon and another day would carry on. Both hoping for the best, as they turned over and held tightly until the children came knocking, preparing for the new day.

    Any question, you know drill. :3 Need a break from this BS. Going to San Fran this weekend to look for apartments. Looking forward to this new change! :D

  • Hey better late then never, dude. :D

    They are going to be BBF's after all this. Pie asked me if they were going to get together and no. I have other plans for Robert's love life. :3 Glad you're hoping the same thing, dude.

    I know I'm two days late but it's great you're feeling better! And after reading this certain chapter, I'm hoping for Robby and Rose getting back together again - like a super-unbreakable bond/best friends for life type of thing!


    Ahem....excuse me there. I loved the first half. Viviana seems t be 'meh' about Hades, like, she no longer fears him. And Hades, too. I THINK I know whats going on but I'll wait.

    The second half, too. That was interesting hearing Katie speak. I hope nothing too serious will happen and the third one, too. I always love their moments of passion. Love that song, too. :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Viviana stood stiff, her heels digging into the warm sand kissed by the afternoon's rays. The bag of seashells clinging against her chest. T

  • And my very first genuine emotion has been pulled forth by one of Pie's stories: Shock! Shock at Emily wanting more kids XD

    Damn woman, Gren don't have enough baby gravy for that :P

    Loved the chapter dude!

    Although what is the deal with Erica? And who is Holly married to?

    Plus you have just given me even more ideas for my current story... Like the supposedly inescapable prison :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Viviana stood stiff, her heels digging into the warm sand kissed by the afternoon's rays. The bag of seashells clinging against her chest. T

  • edited March 2015

    It's okay, I can't win 'em all I suppose. XP And you're not a scrub!

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I'm a scrub XD I just play PC games, however I do have a few Wiis in my house and an Xbox 360. Sorry man.

  • Yeah, what Haz said: what track record? Are you referring to the bad sport thing? :O

    LupineNoir posted: »

    If I had GTA for it, I'd be there in a flash. BUT, it might be a good thing I don't have it, going by my track record. XD

  • You are getting to be a real professional when it comes to making these, Em! I need to make another picture of Fayde eventually since I really want you to make a Sim out of her now. :D

  • After reading this chapter, I feel nothing but hate for Mary and Carla now - especially Carla. Since the part I'm currently making for my story has the two as sweet as can be, being kids and all. :S Well, some good things in life turn sour when they grow up, I suppose. :(

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Folker Territory. Somewhere beyond Fabletown.... Things changed rapidly within years with the folker community. The lives that remained i

  • Ah man! I was hoping I could get my comment in before JJ :'(

    I was 2 minutes out!... T_T

    JJwolf posted: »

    GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! MORE BABIES!!!!!!! GREMILY BABIES!!!! Ahem....excuse me there. I loved the first half. Viviana seems t be 'meh' about

  • edited March 2015

    Yeah, I know. Emily wants more kids. Even I have a hard time That comment, though! XD XD

    Well, the deal with Erica is this: Michelle's ex (Erica's father) broke into their apartment one night and was hoping to teach Michelle a 'lesson' for leaving him. He had a baseball bat with him and, well....we all know what he was trying to do. Erica heard her mother's cries and like any child, goes to see what it is. She jumps inbetween her mother and her father, causing the bat to strike her instead. Erica suffered severe head trauma and now, has the mind of a four or five year old.

    Holly is married to Peter Porgie and have their daughter, Lily Faith. :3 And awesome, man that I gave you some ideas! :D Can't wait!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    And my very first genuine emotion has been pulled forth by one of Pie's stories: Shock! Shock at Emily wanting more kids XD Damn woman, G

  • edited March 2015

    Sadly, this was the case for the two sisters. I read your stories and think 'What happened to these two' but unfortuantly, some people just grow up into their own and these are the results. Speaking of your story, I'm looking forward to what T man and the others are up to! :D

    After reading this chapter, I feel nothing but hate for Mary and Carla now - especially Carla. Since the part I'm currently making for my st

  • edited March 2015

    ... Nick has a date with Erica's Father, what is his name? Quickly now my patience is running VERY low!!!

    I thought Peter wasn't married? :/ Oh well that's cool :P

    ....... I'm sorry but that Erica thing has really put me in a shit mood.....

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Yeah, I know. Emily wants more kids. Even I have a hard time That comment, though! XD XD Well, the deal with Erica is th

  • You'll love it, I think! I'm trying to explain more about Fayde so I can omit past plot-holes out of the way!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Sadly, this was the case for the two sisters. I read your stories and think 'What happened to these two' but unfortuantly, some people just

  • edited March 2015

    Well, with that being said...-sits back and waits- I love your character Fayde and knowing a full and detailed description is heading our way, I look forward. :)

    You'll love it, I think! I'm trying to explain more about Fayde so I can omit past plot-holes out of the way!

  • Erica's father's name has not been revealed but it willbe coming up, for he and Ethan will meet and 'exchange' some words.

    Yes; he and Holly married not too long ago. A little before Gren & Emily did. I skipped their wedding because I wanted to focus on Gremily and what is being written right now. Cover more of the quads and so forth. :3

    Oh man. I apologies, man. :( It was hard to write about. Trust me...

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    ... Nick has a date with Erica's Father, what is his name? Quickly now my patience is running VERY low!!! I thought Peter wasn't married? Oh well that's cool :P ....... I'm sorry but that Erica thing has really put me in a shit mood.....

  • Haha, thanks! And I'll make Fayde very soon; I was actually thinking of making her today but I don't think I'll have enough time today. This week, hopefully I can get her done :)

    You are getting to be a real professional when it comes to making these, Em! I need to make another picture of Fayde eventually since I really want you to make a Sim out of her now.

  • Our? Don't you mean my character?

    It's the autocorrect again on your phone, isn't it? XD XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Well, with that being said...-sits back and waits- I love your character Fayde and knowing a full and detailed description is heading our way, I look forward.

  • LMAO Emmy did that not too long ago. She was thrilled to be the 1st to comment. XD When I'm done posting, I always let him know because he eagerly waits for more. :3 I should stop doing that. Make HIM see for himself. lol

    Damn, thou. 2 min......XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ah man! I was hoping I could get my comment in before JJ I was 2 minutes out!... T_T


    UGH! LOL This thing...I hate autocorrect bs! XD XD

    Our? Don't you mean my character? It's the autocorrect again on your phone, isn't it? XD XD

  • Oh sweet, can't wait like always! I'm still going to make a pic of her regardless. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Haha, thanks! And I'll make Fayde very soon; I was actually thinking of making her today but I don't think I'll have enough time today. This week, hopefully I can get her done

  • Awww Hans. What a trooper. :3 Hopefully Alice receives all the help she can get. Although I do agree with Hman's previous comment. The shadow has me wondering the same thing. And Bigby. Bet he was chilling, with a cig, helping Luke out of that hell hole. XD

    Sad to see this end but it was wonderfully done and I look forward to your next story!

    Tetra posted: »

    Case One: The Lost Child. Finale Luke left the factory. The sun was shining and happy, trees although not normal, we're brought back. The

  • I should stop doing that. Make HIM see for himself

    ... Agreed :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    LMAO Emmy did that not too long ago. She was thrilled to be the 1st to comment. XD When I'm done posting, I always let him know because he eagerly waits for more. I should stop doing that. Make HIM see for himself. lol Damn, thou. 2 min......XD

  • Knew something was suspicious about Wakefield. I'm guessing that ring is what he was looking for in the previous chap? This would explain his demon powers; I'm guessing this controls it but i could be wrong.

    Belinda and Sophie's encounters from the first part made me smile. Reminds me of my sister and her friends; talking, going shopping, speaking of random things that would make someone go, "uh huh....I see". lol It is good seeing Belinda be so open and caring. Her interest in Wakefield now has Sophie upset and fearful for her life. I wonder...

    Great little piece of writing here. Looking forward to more about Belinda and her trip in Paris with the mysterious Wakefield! :D

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Belinda sat snugly on the divan that adorned her office with a mixture of anxiety and doubt. Mr Wakefield....Jonathan....She barely knew him

  • edited March 2015

    (Cuz I'm still in a bad mood, don't take anything to heart)

    I don't expect words to be exchanged DUDE, I expect some fucking heads to be crushed under boots and burned to cinders afterwards!

    Skipping a wedding?! Damn man :O

    Well you already now what Jayne and Alex's relationship will be like...

    Ugh, I may have to write a personal one-shot now, nice bit of Nick torturing Mr.X (Erica's Father) will improve my mood. You need to understand me when it comes to that sort of thing... If I see it, heads are gonna roll and I don't give 2 shits what people say or do to TRY and stop me...

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Erica's father's name has not been revealed but it willbe coming up, for he and Ethan will meet and 'exchange' some words. Yes; he and Ho

  • Only 2 more weeks to go, and then I'll be an unemployed fool again XD We got some really good candy, I wish you guys could come and just buy some XD


    Aww man, I want candy now :(

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Belinda sat snugly on the divan that adorned her office with a mixture of anxiety and doubt. Mr Wakefield....Jonathan....She barely knew him

  • TRUST me...Ethan and Erica's father will do more than words. I don't want to give too much away. You'll like it. :)

    Yeah I know. Pie skipping a wedding but there is SO much I want to cover with Emily, Peter and Ethan.

    Ugh. Alex. I hope HE gets what's coming to him. If it makes you feel better, do it man! >:( I hate the bastard for what he did. TRUST me...he'll get his...

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    (Cuz I'm still in a bad mood, don't take anything to heart) I don't expect words to be exchanged DUDE, I expect some fucking heads to be

  • I WILL like it! XD

    This is probably why I stop writing for a bit, I plan WAY too far ahead :P

    I wonder if I should post it here? Might be too 'gory' :/

    I still want Nick to do something 'official' lol

    pudding_pie posted: »

    TRUST me...Ethan and Erica's father will do more than words. I don't want to give too much away. You'll like it. Yeah I know. Pie skippi

  • Yeah, the job I have is only seasonal. It's just until Easter.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Only 2 more weeks to go, and then I'll be an unemployed fool again XD We got some really good candy, I wish you guys could come and just buy some XD Unemployed? Aww man, I want candy now

  • Just warn the readers; either in bold or do the spoiler thing. I did that once for gremily and no one was bothered by it. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I WILL like it! XD This is probably why I stop writing for a bit, I plan WAY too far ahead :P I wonder if I should post it here? Might be too 'gory' I still want Nick to do something 'official' lol

  • Shame :/

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Yeah, the job I have is only seasonal. It's just until Easter.

  • Was that the chapter with a younger Emily in the car with Gren? That waz a pretty cool chapter :P

    I MAY write it, but some sparring on thin air has calmed me down. Plus, it wouldn't be very long...

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Just warn the readers; either in bold or do the spoiler thing. I did that once for gremily and no one was bothered by it.

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