Episode 3 Release Date Discussion- PC/Mac/PSN US Mar 24 - Xbox 360/One/PSN EU Mar 25 - iOS Mar 26



  • i agree with sh4ark the game is over done even for it being from borderlands and yes i have played all the dam borderlands games.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Game of Thrones "Passion of the Rodrik", episode three of six is good but I have to agree with JamesDalton1995. TftB is better.

  • I just played it.. This episode was so much a mindfuck for me.. so much consequences and rivaling choices. I lost my shit multiple times..

    Holy fuck applauses to telltale

  • I can see it on the psn store on ps3 eu but it won't let me download. Anyone else having this problem? So frustrating!

  • I have an Amazon gift card I need to use up .... trying to buy it but it's not there. Should have been there Yesterday! What's up with those bastards?

  • I don't even see it on the store, neither from PS3, nor from my browser.

    I can see it on the psn store on ps3 eu but it won't let me download. Anyone else having this problem? So frustrating!

  • I played the first 2 and don't get me wrong they were great. The only thing I ha e a complaint about is Gareds story hasn't really advanced yet but from the trailer its going to.

  • Love the name.. I would like to let you know what I think after I play it.

    I kind of get what you mean with the Mira and Asher parts, Mira's felt like filler (but sort of necessary to move the plot along) and Asher'

  • wat

    screw that game its funny yes but has a horrible horrible story.

  • It's on there if you go into the Easter sale dlc section, but when you click download it say cannot download at this time

    Amire posted: »

    I don't even see it on the store, neither from PS3, nor from my browser.

  • I have the same issue (ps3 EU). The in-game episode page showed there was a new episode. I "purchased it" (for free, since I had the season pass), but it didn't download afterwards. Restarting the game made the episode info change to "coming soon". It also does not show in the PSN store. I guess they release it later tonight or tomorrow (or in the worst case scenario it is bugged). If there is a EU ps3 player who was able to download it, please inform us :)

    It's on there if you go into the Easter sale dlc section, but when you click download it say cannot download at this time

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I can't offer technical advice but recommend posting in the PS3 support forum and hopefully a Telltale staff member can offer some advice. It's still early in their time zone so it might take a while for them to help.

    Pydron posted: »

    I have the same issue (ps3 EU). The in-game episode page showed there was a new episode. I "purchased it" (for free, since I had the season

  • Thanks, I did not even know there was a specific ps3 support forum. It appears many (if not all) have the same issue. I guess we have to be patient for now :).

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I can't offer technical advice but recommend posting in the PS3 support forum and hopefully a Telltale staff member can offer some advice. It's still early in their time zone so it might take a while for them to help.

  • Aaaaaaww balls.

    I just checked in here to see if there was any news on the third episode. And its OUT! Wow!

    Happy happy happy. Throw myself on the ps3 and...... what? 1 and 2...... but but... where's 3?


  • WOW.. nice trick sony/telltale.. the in game shop told me episode 3 is avaible now, purchased it, they took my money but there's no download.. after I bought it the in game shop tells me episode 3 is coming soon..

    this is ps3 EU..

    I really hope its just the store that hasn't fully updated yet and that I dont have to spend another 4.99

  • That really sucks!

    Also waiting. And waiting.

    iLLone posted: »

    WOW.. nice trick sony/telltale.. the in game shop told me episode 3 is avaible now, purchased it, they took my money but there's no download

  • edited March 2015

    This guy is so badass!

    Alt text

    My favorite character!

  • I'm getting annoyed.

    If anyone get some news or something about it being downloadable on ps3 EU, please give a shout!

  • edited March 2015

    man its so annoying.. where in EU are you guys from? is the store update a 100% trough for you? cause here in germany the whole store is not loading properly but it seems like everything besides GOT is up..

    checked in game again.. atleast its telling me "purchased but not downloaded" again.. guess we have to wait again..

    "when you play the waiting game, you either win or you get tired of waiting and get spoilered cause most people already know what happens in episode 3" ...

  • I am so pissed with Telltale right now. I had to pay twice for my collector's Edition DVD because my adress got scrambled because of them changing their site and the delivery adredss wasn't confirmed in the confirmation mail - support (or however you may call that what answered my mail after three support tickets and over a month of waiting time) told me that this is my problem. I cannot find anything with this terrible forum software and after download problems of nearly EVERY stupid episode of every telltale game since TWD now this happens with GoT again. Could not download Ep2 without problems and now - after several people have already finished Episode 3 - it is still showing ep3 as "coming soon". Yes, it is a support question but I couldn't find a thread for this either because of this terrible search machine. I already deleted the savegamefolder and managed to download the episode but then I had no choices anymore. So I copied my savefiles into the new folder and the episode was gone again. Every time Telltale screws up the downloading of an episode. Never had those problems when you could download the episodes seperately from the storepage but Telltale changed it in the most terrible way ever: you have to start the program and download within it - oh, and you cannot even close the window OR focus on other prgrams because then the downloading stops. There was a time when I really wanted to support Telltale for them being a small team with great programs and nice people. I am not so sure about that anymore. If it wasn't for the well told storys (yes, that is something they still can do) I would have left Telltale a time ago.

    Anyway: Any ideas how I can download my Episode 3 without losing my choices? And please TelltaleMike don't tell me to open up a support ticket. I could drown you with them and I like to play the game this year and not the next when I will probably get an answer of your so called support (yes, I know that they have sooooo much to do and you apologise ... blablabla).

  • Sweden here. I have no idea if the store is updating as it should.
    Wonder if it's telltale or sony that's the problem.

    Good that your purchase seems to have been acknowledged at least.

    Maybe we just have to give up on it for today and hope for tomorrow.

    Hehe, yeah. I'm just staying in this thread and not looking in the forum at all, to avoid spoilers. I don't even watch the trailer before playing.

    iLLone posted: »

    man its so annoying.. where in EU are you guys from? is the store update a 100% trough for you? cause here in germany the whole store is not

  • just checked again, store update seems to be 100% finished but still no episode 3.. if its not there tommorow we gotta wait for next wednesday.. great..

    I'm avoiding spoilers too but some geniuses on here put spoilers in the topic titles.. smh

    I dont care whose fault it is.. I just hope its not episode 1 all over again.. some EU people had to wait 3 weeks for GOT & TFTBL.. myself included.. 3 weeks of telltale support telling us they're working on it but no news.. and sony only said ask the publisher..

    SpiderPig posted: »

    Sweden here. I have no idea if the store is updating as it should. Wonder if it's telltale or sony that's the problem. Good that your pu

  • Hrm, that's scary. 3 weeks. But I guess it wouldn't surprise me all that much.

    But the more these kind of things happen, the more I feel like waiting for all the episodes of a series to come out before playing. If fans aren't respected and taken seriously, then we'll probably drop out sooner or later.
    And noooo, that's not because this episode is one day late. It's because of every problem they've had so far.

    iLLone posted: »

    just checked again, store update seems to be 100% finished but still no episode 3.. if its not there tommorow we gotta wait for next wednesd

  • Yesterday it said the episode was coming soon.. today it was available for purchase so I brought it..

    It currently reads.purchased but not downloaded ..

    However when I press the download button it tells me to press the dowload button and goes back to the episode screen.. Wtf??

    Tbh I am getting sick of this.. the games are good but not worth this hassle and wait.. I might just start watching hannah on yogcast (who had episodes uploaded two days ago) and not buy anymore.. before I used to buy then watch her.. but with this quality of service its clear you dont care about your customers

  • edited March 2015

    Does anybody know at what time it comes out for android? Today is the 26th, but it's still saying coming soon...

  • I'm annoyed they don't bother giving us Kindle Fire users a release date or update on release dates. With Episode 2, just had to check for the new episode every day in the app till it came out, which ended up being about 3 weeks after Android.

  • My guess would be it would appear later in the day than earlier. Telltale is based in west coast US time.

    AlfMusic posted: »

    Does anybody know at what time it comes out for android? Today is the 26th, but it's still saying coming soon...

  • The same for me here playing on the PS3 in Europe. Yesterday it said it was downloaded but not installed.
    Tried again now this morning and then it went back instead to "Coming soon".
    I understand that shit happens but what annoys me the most is that Telltale can't be bothered to give us information.
    Really hope it comes out today, im so damn hyped to see whats going to happen.

  • I know how you feel... I'm a Kindle Fire user too :)

    I'm annoyed they don't bother giving us Kindle Fire users a release date or update on release dates. With Episode 2, just had to check for the new episode every day in the app till it came out, which ended up being about 3 weeks after Android.

  • It's a strange feeling trying to google something and not find it. NO information on what's happening with this episode and why its not working.

  • edited March 2015

    Haha, he's talking about his D


    Okay, I'll let myself out.

  • Yeah, I have the same problem. I paid for episode 3 yesterday and Im still not able to download it from the store, ps3 EU. I am pretty frustrated..

  • Well.

    Woke up today expecting to be able to download/install Episode 3 but nope. No trace of the episode itself is to be found on ps3 (psn) EU, though they went ahead and spoiled the ps4 users already. Anybody got to download or see the episode available both in-game or on PSN yet?

  • No, nothing. Pisses me off to no end. No news. Nothing.

    I'm just glad I'm not one of the poor souls who actually saw that you could download it in-game and did so, and then got a smack in the face that it was bullcrap.

    In-game it says that I can download it, but I'm thinking that it's no point yet.

    Well. Woke up today expecting to be able to download/install Episode 3 but nope. No trace of the episode itself is to be found on ps3 (ps

  • edited March 2015

    Well, it's still saying "coming soon" on Kindle Fire HDX...

  • edited March 2015

    Mac user here. It says "Coming Soon". Let's hope I don't have to do what I did the last time (reinstalling the game so I could download the episode)

  • It's at the store at last!! (PS3 EU). Let's download, quick!

  • NO? Really?!

    Hurry hurry hurry.


    Ahm... does it work? :)

    Amire posted: »

    It's at the store at last!! (PS3 EU). Let's download, quick!

  • It still isn't out for android...

  • edited March 2015

    Lucky you, I'm still waiting D: and I should have it since March 24th

    Amire posted: »

    It's at the store at last!! (PS3 EU). Let's download, quick!

  • Downloaded, installed and working on ps3 eu.

    Happy gaming ps3using Europeans! ;)

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