Still hate Finn?

edited March 2015 in Game Of Thrones

So, what do you guys think about him this episode?

I'm kinda starting to like him, it seems like he's just being a bully because he's massively insecure. He says Gared is the closest thing to a friend he had.

I kinda wanna bring him along when Gared and Cotter make a run for it. Have the three stooges stick together.

What do you guys think?Do you still hate him?



  • I don't know about him now. He said he was some badass killer or tried to be, then when he saw what I did with Britt, he ran off like a wimp. I was hoping he'd high five me or something, He better not snitch.

  • I also really started to like Finn in this episode, it was nice to see him as more than a typical bully, I'm liking what they did with him in this episode.

  • Yeah, he's seems like the douche friend, but still a friend.

    I'm also insecure about things too.

  • I don't know why but I have the feeling he won't speak about what I did to Britt. It might be total bullshit, but I just have this strong feeling x) But people will find out about the missing bastard eventually.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I didn't like him much in episode 2 but after our conversation in episode 3 i started to like him, he seemed scared and was just trying to come across like a tough guy.

    There seemed to be some heavy foreshadowing when frostfinger was handing out jobs and i have a feeling we might need to make some tough decisions in the next episode.

  • I'm starting to like him. I hope there's an option to have him come with us, he'd be useful to have around.

  • If you rat out cotter its actually a pretty big change to begin with, Finn's a lot more positive and cotter's kind of a twat. The walk to the tree is pretty decent too, more personal stuff comes up with cotter

  • I like him with Gared and Cotter as a trio, they work well together. Hope Finn joins the other two on the journey to the North Grove.

    As a previous poster said though, I'm not sure where he gets off ratting out people for murder, considering he did the exact same thing for a far pettier reason.

  • I like Finn alot now, he may no longer be "The bloody arse."

  • I still don't really trust Finn, he got friendly WAY to quickly. Still don't trust them, though.

  • I'm not sure how to feel about him right now. He's an asshole, but there seems to be some hope for him. He has a good side to him, and I wouldn't put it past him to change his ways and become a good man.

  • He's off my shit-list but I still don't trust him 100% yet. And I'm definitely not buying the cold blooded killer story after seeing him run off like a frightened little girl.

  • I would never trust anyone at the Wall. You fight with each other. You depend on each other out in the wild. But you never trust any of them.

  • Trust no one, except Jon Snow of course, because he knows nothing.

  • I have a strange soft spot for Finn that I can't explain, even if he is a major twat most of the time.

  • Exactly. I was just starting to like him, then he ran off like a little b**** after the fight with Britt (which I did my damndest to avoid) and that made me raise an eyebrow. I'm not so sure anymore.

    I don't know about him now. He said he was some badass killer or tried to be, then when he saw what I did with Britt, he ran off like a wimp. I was hoping he'd high five me or something, He better not snitch.

  • Yeah i like him, will be disappointed if we cannot see some more of him

  • He's an asshole, but after the beginning of Episode 3 he's the asshole I want next to me in a fight the most. I'd say that he and my Gared are friends, but friends of the insulting each other/fistfighting type, not the laid back bro thing I've got with Mr. Potato Fucker.

  • He's alright, but I still think he's a bit of an asshole at times.

  • I actually really like Finn more so than Cotter when Jon asked me to recommend a brother I said I trusted Finn. Don't get me wrong I really like Cotter as well he's interesting.

  • I said the same, it was mostly because he's not that smart and he can hold himself in a fight, seems like the kind of person that might become loyal to you if you fight together, besides I like Cotter but thieves are always hiding something and cannot ever be trusted, of course he was hidng something and he still is as he refused to tell me his real motives for wanting to find the North Grove, I'll take him as an ally for now but I would prefer if I could bring Finn along too.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I actually really like Finn more so than Cotter when Jon asked me to recommend a brother I said I trusted Finn. Don't get me wrong I really like Cotter as well he's interesting.

  • I was so pissed when he took the map I called him a thief in anger... still love him though. XD

    kaleion posted: »

    I said the same, it was mostly because he's not that smart and he can hold himself in a fight, seems like the kind of person that might beco

  • Yeah, I love thieves too, I relate to them a lot same reason I prefer Fiona over Rhys in TFTB, I don't really want to fight with Cotter but it seems like such an obvious inevitable betrayal, what a shame.

  • edited March 2015

    Finn's cool and all but it's weird as fuck how he went from wanting to rip out and feast on Gared/Cotter's guts out to becoming BFFs in less than a day.

  • I think Finn is a really interesting character. I don't think he's anywhere near as tough as he makes out. It will be interesting to see how is character develops.

  • I never hated him, he always came across as a guy who while puts across this very macho hardman front considers loyalty and true friends to be very important, so for me it seemed to be only a matter of time before they came to be on better terms.

  • Now that he is my friend I like him less he made me laugh more last episode.

  • Well I'm glad Telltale gave us the option for us 3 to be buddies, which is what I wanted from episode 2. I'm sure there is going to be horrible things to come with the relationships between them, but my Gared can call these people friends/brothers with no hesitation for now.

  • Same here. I started to like him, kinda, and then in the end it looks like he's gonna rat us out! But maybe not... Maybe it's just as cliffhanger to make us believe that's what he's gonna do. Could turn out he's only running back to keep others from coming up and discovering us. I didn't kill Britt, as I promised Jon Snow. Seems like in the new episode he's dead anyway. So maybe Finn finishes him off...

    Exactly. I was just starting to like him, then he ran off like a little b**** after the fight with Britt (which I did my damndest to avoid) and that made me raise an eyebrow. I'm not so sure anymore.

  • To be fair that lord attacked Finn first so he killed in self defense, another example how life in Westeros is far from fair. It also doesn't bode well for Gared even if he didn't start the fight.

    ranger563 posted: »

    I like him with Gared and Cotter as a trio, they work well together. Hope Finn joins the other two on the journey to the North Grove. As

  • Yeah, I like him. Maybe he killed someone in the past? I don't care. He isn't like it anymore (I believe) and maybe that's why he ran off. But I really hate this little rat Cotter who stole from him (I regret protecting him) and even from Gared. I know he wants to go to the North Grove for power/money/whatever else and he can't be considered friend.

  • edited March 2015

    Hm, you raise an interesting point about Cotter.

    His loyalty obviously lies with the Wildlings. If the Wildlings are to march towards the Wall soon, Cotter may want to find the North Grove with Gared's help so that he can use it for his people's advantage later, maybe move up a few ranks within them.

    He figures, if whatever the North Grove possesses is strong enough to keep Gared's house from ruin, it may be used for the free folk's cause instead,gaining him Mance's favor in the process. And so he betrays Gared when they get there.

    GF1115 posted: »

    Yeah, I like him. Maybe he killed someone in the past? I don't care. He isn't like it anymore (I believe) and maybe that's why he ran off. B

  • I mentioned in an earlier thread that I trusted him more than Cotter, and that's definitely holding up now, especially since Cotter's a thief and a (future) oath-breaker.

  • Maybe Cotter betrayed him already. Could be him who rats Gared out regarding Britt.

    Pride posted: »

    Hm, you raise an interesting point about Cotter. His loyalty obviously lies with the Wildlings. If the Wildlings are to march towards the

  • John Snow says "Tell me this with Britt was an accident"
    So I guess he will help you make it look like it or something.
    I dont think we would have the accident being put forward if Finn just ran and ratted us out.

    VicMasina posted: »

    Same here. I started to like him, kinda, and then in the end it looks like he's gonna rat us out! But maybe not... Maybe it's just as cliffh

  • True. Unless he did, but Snow doesn't believe Finn. I hope Finn isn't a snitch. It looks like we have to make a run for it and flee the Nightwatch with Cotter. I'd feel waaaaay better if Finn would come with us and make sure Cotter doesn't murder and rob me of the map in my sleep...

    Hrulj posted: »

    John Snow says "Tell me this with Britt was an accident" So I guess he will help you make it look like it or something. I dont think we would have the accident being put forward if Finn just ran and ratted us out.

  • I am totally willing to accept Finn as a brother. One of the things I like most about the Night's Watch storyline is the welcoming and heartwarming bonds between unlikely people who accept each others as brothers.

  • After we had the talk on our way to say our vows and he said I was the closest thing he had as a friend I was like awww hell yeah Finn Finn Finn!
    I'm definitely attached to him.
    Although...the horrified look before he ran off after he saw a bloodied me and Britt might waver my choice. If he blabbed... >_>

  • I just find it dumb and silly how his character did a 180 in like 2 minutes xD

  • Finn just seemed to be one of the typical assholes who try to act like someone they're not, and I was happy in this episode we got to see a new side of him. Hopefully we can get to see a bit more of him this way to get to know his character better. So to answer your question, no. I don't hate him nor do I like him (yet).

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