My choices for episode 3 and reasonings
Saved Breskha over my uncle because she was up against a freaking dragon. Even if she is a badass, this is a yeah.
I defied Margaret because I thought the safety of my family and their livelyhood was far more important than pissing off Lady Margaret. Plus I thought she would understand. As Tyrion is far more powerful than her and it would be rude to refuse the request of a powerful man. Especially one that lady Margaret is the betrothed to marry.
After Britt explained all the horrible things he did to my sister and father, and refereed to my dad as a pig who bled OUT. I wanted to return the feelings. i thought this would create suitable drama and suit the tone of having vengeance cloud ones judgement and civic duties.
Lord Forester in my play through is charismatic, kind, brave, and prideful It was pride of standing up to Whitehills that made me keep coming back for more. I also wanted to inspire the people around me that we would not sit in the mud and be enslaved/mistreated by another group; granted i was scared he was going to kill my sister.
This ending I didn't really get. We went to so much trouble to get the letter, so why now would you be afraid to burn it ? I kept the letter as it was detrimental to my family safety, and could help in forging a new alliance. After all family is the most important seems to be a common theme being expressed and repeated throughout this game when it comes to Forresters.
I have a question, if you don't do the "alliance" with Tyrion in Episode 2, you still get that letter from Tyrion's chamber ? PD: Yes, my english is terrible, sorry
I'm sure you do, because Tyrion didn't need the alliance to help House Forrester, he did it for his own reasons, so I assume you would get the letter anyway.
So if you are loyal to Margaery its for nothing, she will still be mad at you for speaking with him and replace you with another person.
I think that's how it'll happen no matter what. I played it to walk with Tyrion, and later watched a gameplay on YouTube where someone didn't want to walk with Tyrion, but Margaery was still mad if I remember right
I pretty much made the same choices for the same reasons.
I saved Beskha because, well, dragon! And also because I didn't want to lose her loudly. Malcolm needs me, so he's stuck with me anyway wether he likes it or not hehe
I defied Margaery because at some point we have to stop thinking like a handmaiden of someone "higher up". Our life and our house are as much important as Margaery's, so I'm done with the selfish biatch. Viva la revolucion!
I spared Britt's life because I promised Jon Snow. Like a thousand times. I just can't seem to bring myself to betray him. He's one of my favorite characters in the book, dammit
And honestly, the only thing more important than the Forrester house is to protect the wall. Winter is coming! And what's behind the wall is worse than the Whitehills!
I kept the decree. Now that's a tough call. My reasoning is this: if I burn it, then I have no proof i actually had it to burn it in the first place, and he might not believe me. Now, if I want to, I can burn it in front of the merchant Lord. I also kept it in case we will be able to read it at some point and glean useful information. We could also bring it to the new master of coin and demand that he'll honor the decree, or if worse comes to worst, forge the signature. So I kept it purely because there are so many more options with it than without it. I can always destroy it later, but I can never get it back had I burned it.
Now to my favorite choice: I stood up to the ass Gryff!! Oh what satisfaction! I was scared he'd kill Talia or my mama, but I figured if one of them can die, they will eventually anyway. Telltale rule, lol. So I told myself to stand tall, Iron From Ice! And he knocked me down, I got up. He knocked me down, I got up. And it was EPIC! Not only did I scare the bastard, but earned the admiration of my family and my house, all my peeps who came because they lost their home to the Whitehill's ransacking witnessed my defiance and I earned their trust! And most importantly, I earned the respect of Gryff's men. I could see it in their faces! As I said, it was epic. Best choice ever, even if I get my butt kicked for it next episode, it was worth it
If you don't kill Britt and walk away, in the preview of episode 4 they said he is dead anyway. I didn't understand that, i didn't kill him either O.o
Maybe someone else kicked him off the wall. Or he was stupid and fell. Or he did it on purpose because he's suicidal. Or he did it to get us in trouble. I hope Finn saw him still alive when he surprised us and doesn't lie about it.