Finn will leave with Gared and Cotter?!
Watch carefuly at 50 second mark. Watch those clothes?
Remember them?
Its Finn on the far left with John Snow in middle and Gared far right.
Does that mean Finn wont snitch and will leave with Gared?
Can someone confirm, by getting screenshots of clothing worn by John, Gared, Cotter and Finn in episode 3 so we can compare with video?
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It's a "next time on" teaser. They're never perfectly accurate.
Don't they all kinda wear the same? ... But I can imagine that Finn would go with them. His character was so well developed, would be a shame to just lose him. I admit that I would enjoy his company and would feel much safer than being only with Cotter, who'll steal my map the moment I'll fall asleep... But If Finn turns out to be a snitch then good riddance...
Finn wears that unique gambeson, different from anyone in nights watch.

There are other Night's Watch members who wear the same:

Maybe it'll depend on how well you befriend him? Similar to the end of season one of the walking dead? Perhaps your choices could make a difference here? That'd be great.
Oh, for some reason I only remember them all with their fancy feather shoulders when they took their vows. LOL