I don't see how meeting Daenerys will work out for Asher

I am just thinking about this. Why would Daenerys let Asher take 100 of her swords away to fight in Westeros? Her ultimate goal is to go take over Westeros and it's traitorous lords (of which the Forresters were) I just don't see why she would help Asher at all. Even if he can help her find her dragon. That is hardly worth 100 good swords when you are in the middle of sacking a city.

And if it end up being Asher steals away the men fro her that would just be overkill. Now The Lost Legion and Daenerys forces chasing them across the country side....


  • Even though Daenerys will effectively have the deadliest army on earth when she finally gets there, she has no firm House allies. And the Forresters happen to the best artisans of some of the best (and fire-proof) armor/weaponry in Westeros. Gambling 100 men in exchange for having Ironwood supplies at the ready when she lands seems like a decent bet to me. She has enough money to get other mercenaries to sack slave cities, it's not like Asher is asking for her Unsullied.

  • edited March 2015

    That's actually pretty clever.

    So many people ask Ironwood from Forresters that I don't even

    RykaStar posted: »

    Even though Daenerys will effectively have the deadliest army on earth when she finally gets there, she has no firm House allies. And the Fo

  • The Forresters didn't fought against the Targaryens, they fought with the Starks (technically the Glovers but you know what i mean). Daenerys is smart enough to understand that people should not be punished for being loyal to their overlords. And Daenerys would be even smarter to consider than having a lord (In their minds Rodrik is dead and Asher is the rightful lord) loyal to her that can give her ironwood for her Queen's Landing would be a welcome advantage.

  • It's the only reason they not been wiped off the map:P

    I bet Daenerys would like rewarding a family where the mother comes from a house of Targaeryn loyalists, too.

    Crips posted: »

    That's actually pretty clever. So many people ask Ironwood from Forresters that I don't even

  • Daenerys is smart enough to understand that people should not be punished for being loyal to their overlords.

    No she isnt

    Daenerys would be even smarter to consider than having a lord (In their minds Rodrik is dead and Asher is the rightful lord) loyal to her that can give her ironwood for her Queen's Landing would be a welcome advantage.

    But she isnt.

    Asher has hurt her precious dragons thats all miss dyebrows cares about

    Drakonys posted: »

    The Forresters didn't fought against the Targaryens, they fought with the Starks (technically the Glovers but you know what i mean). Daenery

  • Though if Mira manages the contract with the Iron Throne it could create problems further down the road.

    RykaStar posted: »

    Even though Daenerys will effectively have the deadliest army on earth when she finally gets there, she has no firm House allies. And the Fo

  • Exactly. Lady Forrester's father's house was punished and they lost everything for the Targaryans. Time to pay your debt, Daenerys! :)

    RykaStar posted: »

    It's the only reason they not been wiped off the map:P I bet Daenerys would like rewarding a family where the mother comes from a house of Targaeryn loyalists, too.

  • edited March 2015

    She hates the Baratheons, the Starks and the Lannisters (And the Arryns and Tullys but mostly the three former) all the lords of those houses betrayed the Targaryens from their own accord. She didn't hate Jorah Mormont even though his father surely fought beside the Starks she never even questioned him on his loyalty to her. (Until...you know.)

    Daenerys is smart enough to understand that people should not be punished for being loyal to their overlords. No she isnt Daen

  • Daenerys is smart enough to understand that people should not be punished for being loyal to their overlords


    Drakonys posted: »

    The Forresters didn't fought against the Targaryens, they fought with the Starks (technically the Glovers but you know what i mean). Daenery

  • Jorah betrayed her directly by giving information on her. He wasn't punished because of his family loyalties during the War of the Usurper.

    Green613 posted: »

    Daenerys is smart enough to understand that people should not be punished for being loyal to their overlords COUGH Jorah COUGH

  • Im not a game of thrones expert, but they could easily make a deal of, 100 of your men and peace with the Foresters for your Dragon

  • the Usurper.

    ugh this is the thing that annoys me the most about Dany. There was no usurping the guy was a lunatic who burned people, which funnily enough continues to run in the family

    Drakonys posted: »

    Jorah betrayed her directly by giving information on her. He wasn't punished because of his family loyalties during the War of the Usurper.

  • I think it could decide much. Offering Ironwood/Forrester support could definitely be something that Malcom suggests.
    And we know where her lost dragon is/was. She's (getting) mad, but the dragon is really the bargaining chip.

  • edited March 2015

    In the tv-universe it's a matter of day's until the city falls. Asher could have his swords afterwards.

    And if it end up being Asher steals away the men fro her that would just be overkill. Now The Lost Legion and Daenerys forces chasing them across the country side....

    Sure. she would lift the siege of meeren and rather command her army to follow asher.

  • edited March 2015

    Mama Forrester's house, house Branfield, had previously been loyal to the Targaryens. That's why they got butchered and wiped off the map along with them.

    If Asher's smart,he might use that little fact in his favor. Tell her how they had been allies in the past, how they got butchered along with the Targaryens. Promise her the Forrester's allegiance for when she invades Westeros, even if just a bluff.

    And if she does invade Westeros in the future, and ends up winning the Game of Thrones as some people speculate, the Forresters might be looked favorably upon by her.

  • "and ends up winning the Game of Thrones"
    Pshht, please. We all know Hodor will take the win. He practicly has it in the bag already.

    Pride posted: »

    Mama Forrester's house, house Branfield, had previously been loyal to the Targaryens. That's why they got butchered and wiped off the map al

  • If Elissa is from a Targaryen-loyal family, isn't Malcolm, as her brother, too?

  • That's correct.

    Dalek93 posted: »

    If Elissa is from a Targaryen-loyal family, isn't Malcolm, as her brother, too?

  • Maybe she'd like having the Forresters controlling the north later when she's in the iron throne?

    But I cant see her liking Asher at all anyway. I cant see how he's gonna win her over.

  • edited March 2015

    He's going to charm her with Asher grin.

    SpiderPig posted: »

    Maybe she'd like having the Forresters controlling the north later when she's in the iron throne? But I cant see her liking Asher at all anyway. I cant see how he's gonna win her over.

  • With information on her dragon in hand, and the last of a line that served the Targaryens by his side (Malcolm) if you play it right as Asher I'm sure a deal could be made.

    Having the last member of the Branfield's with you, who's lot in life ended because of their loyalty to the Targaryens, likely won't hurt you. Asher himself is descended from said "loyal House".

  • Did she actually know that though? Wasn't it implied that Viserys painted a false image of the situation of Westeros in her head, since all she knows of Robert's Rebellion is mainly from him? And when she asked Barristan about Aerys, he refused to tell her (or something like that).

    the Usurper. ugh this is the thing that annoys me the most about Dany. There was no usurping the guy was a lunatic who burned people, which funnily enough continues to run in the family

  • Yeeeaaaah..... that's not gonna happen. :P

    Pipas posted: »

    He's going to charm her with Asher grin.

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator
    edited March 2015

    Pretty much. It's still one of her noticable flaws with her negative views of Starks and Baratheons for the same reason. Obviously, it's a flaw that'll be fixed at some point when she's in Westeros if not sooner.

    Did she actually know that though? Wasn't it implied that Viserys painted a false image of the situation of Westeros in her head, since all

  • edited March 2015

    It's not like Asher is alone. Malcolm seems like someone who'd know how to talk to her, in addition to his ties to the Targaryens.

    SpiderPig posted: »

    Yeeeaaaah..... that's not gonna happen. :P

  • Jorrah and Barristan offered to tell her, but told her she wont like the truth. Then she told them not to tell her.

    Did she actually know that though? Wasn't it implied that Viserys painted a false image of the situation of Westeros in her head, since all

  • Very true. Although, why would she thinks that was enough? I'm thinking its more important for her to find something redeeming in Asher himself than his uncle.

    Pride posted: »

    It's not like Asher is alone. Malcolm seems like someone who'd know how to talk to her, in addition to his ties to the Targaryens.

  • edited March 2015

    Oh shoot, I have completely forgotten that Malcom's family were Targaryen loyalists. I hope it would play a role in the upcoming episode and it seems that Malcom is indeed meant to be in Essos

    With information on her dragon in hand, and the last of a line that served the Targaryens by his side (Malcolm) if you play it right as Ashe

  • Clearly he's going to offer her half of the Forrester Ironwood

  • edited March 2015

    I don't believe Croft when I give her the Asher grin she will give me the army and have sex dreams about Asher.

  • What do you mean with 'your dragon'?

    It is Daenery's dragon. And we don't exactly have it ready at hand either. We don't even know where Drogon is.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Im not a game of thrones expert, but they could easily make a deal of, 100 of your men and peace with the Foresters for your Dragon

  • Do you even realize what you have done ?! Now they'll rewrite everything . Another 4 months :(

    RykaStar posted: »

    Even though Daenerys will effectively have the deadliest army on earth when she finally gets there, she has no firm House allies. And the Fo

  • lol ! I can't help but imagine 10k unsullied soldiers following Asher through Essos :))

    P.S : It took a lot of self control not to make a NUTS pun :D

    In the tv-universe it's a matter of day's until the city falls. Asher could have his swords afterwards. And if it end up being Asher s

  • edited March 2015

    In the book, after sending Jorah away, Barristan did eventually tell her about 'Mad' King Aerys, I believe.
    But at this point in the story, she doesn't know yet.

    Did she actually know that though? Wasn't it implied that Viserys painted a false image of the situation of Westeros in her head, since all

  • Just thought of this but maybe if he promises her the ironwood and the Norths support when she goes to Westeros, she would help him. Its a long shot but she knows she has no allies in westeros and eventually will realize her army isnt strong enough To take it over. Only thing is though, Dany really doesnt think about Westeros as much as the crappy slave cities shes working with. So that might be the downfall. Its not until the end of Book 5 where she finally wakes up and seems to be finally thinking about westeros. Now what if later in the series you end up picking either Danys or Stannis' side?? That would be wicked awesome. But id pick Stannis obviously.... Danys not very bright

  • I ment your dragon as in Dan's. Give info on it for the 100 men

    What do you mean with 'your dragon'? It is Daenery's dragon. And we don't exactly have it ready at hand either. We don't even know where Drogon is.

  • You're all forgetting daenerys isnt even intelligent...

    VicMasina posted: »

    Exactly. Lady Forrester's father's house was punished and they lost everything for the Targaryans. Time to pay your debt, Daenerys!

  • I will be disappointed if he won't bang her.

    Prefferably bang and kill her afterwards. That's all Danny is good for anyway.

    1. Dany pays her debt considering House Branfield (Lady Forrester and Malcolm's house) were loyal to the Targaryens during Robert's Rebellion
    2. Asher gives information on Drogon
    3. And maybe the biggest one - House Forrester summons themselves and their allies for Dany when she (finally) decides to head to Westeros, along with supplying her army with Ironwood.

    It'll work out pretty well for both of them if Asher plays his cards correctly

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