Why is everyone trusting...

edited March 2015 in Game Of Thrones

...Lord Morgryn?

I noticed in a lot of threads here that people seem to be assuming that he is completely trustworthy. There are a lot of posts for example that say, "I had Mira destroy the decree, because that's what Morgryn wanted, and he won't discuss an alliance without it."

I suppose I was just surprised that people seem to be assuming that he is an ally just because he offered an alliance. He has known Whitehill connections and we were told that Whitehill is sending large amounts of money to King's Landing. What if he is Whitehill's man, bought and paid for? Also with a spy in the Forrester's Council, Lord Whitehill would know about Mira's plans. And the decree being destroyed does possibly benefit the Whitehills, as otherwise Mira might be able to get it send out before anyone was the wiser. The decree reaching the Boltons before a new Hand of the King settles in, might be enough to get Bolton to reign in the Whitehills and to buy the Forresters some time.

IMO the decision on what to do with the decree is a gamble either way. Burning it banks on the word of a guy who may be actively working against you, and keeping it risks damaging association to Tyrion.



  • He has a trusting face, and personality. Then again, so does Littlefinger.

  • He's charming. He helped us out and then basically did nothing but say he had a crush on us because we are so smart. I imagine most players take this at face value, and therefor believe him.

    That and he is loyal to money not family names. Get enough gold and he'd follow us. Which is refreshing in this world. In a world where pride, wrath, envy, and gluttony are the main sins of most of the people we see, meeting up with someone who's smart and greedy is a bit refreshing. As odd as that may sound.

  • But that's the thing...just because he says he's motivated by coin doesn't necessarily mean that is the case. Or even if true, that he could get a better deal with House Forrester. In conversation he can call Mira a handmaiden if she doesn't suspect that Tyrion had ulterior motives in his deal. Likewise it is possible that Morgryn has ulterior motives, and the deal he offered isn't genuine.

    To be clear I'm not saying that is the case, just that I think entering into any agreement with him should be with some deep reservations. He may turn out to be genuine. Or he might turn out to be Ludd Whitehill's man in King's Landing and is manipulating Mira from start to finish.

    He's charming. He helped us out and then basically did nothing but say he had a crush on us because we are so smart. I imagine most players

  • I don't trust him, he couldn't have laid it on thicker if he tried. But Mira doesn't exactly have a lot of options left to get the $$$$ House Forrester needs. If I were playing Mira as a self-preservationist, I'd ignore him. But since I'm playing her as hopelessly devoted to her family, she's going to just have to take the risk.

  • Oh no doubt, but I was simply answering the title of your topic. "Why is everyone trusting Lord Morgyn?". I think it's because of what I said, he is presented to us simply as a charming guy, who admires us for our brains, and is in it solely for money. Whether he actually is all that in the end doesn't matter, that's what people are seeing right now.

    I just think people are seeing him as a bit refreshing in this world. Usually the charming guy who wants cash is the big bad in many stories, but in this world of incest created mad kings, backstabbing politicians/nobles, and bastards who skin men alive.... well the charming guy who wants nothing but to become rich seems like a good friend to have in comparison.

    Scaeva posted: »

    But that's the thing...just because he says he's motivated by coin doesn't necessarily mean that is the case. Or even if true, that he could

  • I don't trust him per se, but I don't think he has an ulterior motive either. He is a broker, his goal is to make the most money possible. I didn't destroy the decree. I want to read it first. And talk a little more to the guy. If I decide to destroy it after all, it'll be better for the dude when he can actually witness the destruction. Why should he trust me that I destroyed the letter just because I said so? There were more reasons to keep that decree than to burn it right away. That being said, my Mira will PRETEND though as if she trusts everybody. She's one sly girl :)

  • I did trust him... Until the whole "head on a pike" thing

  • With Lord Tyrion down, destroying the decree seemed the wisest course in how I'm playing her. She doesn't exactly trust anyone, not even Tyrion (I'm trying to play this from her POV, not mine), and she doesn't exactly have a lot of cards to play by this point.

    Also, I find myself aiming toward a possible marriage alliance. The game was none-too-subtle in making sure we knew he was in play. I had ended up messing up my position as a handmaiden in misplaying the Tyrion situation (again, her POV, not mine), so I needed another option in case things continued to go south in that regard.

  • I don't trust him, I am just using him in order to help the Forresters.

  • This is Game of Thrones, I trust nobody.

  • You don't need to trust someone to make an alliance with them he could be useful whether you trust him or not just be careful what you tell him.

  • Why did that make you distrust him?

    ISantCpell posted: »

    I did trust him... Until the whole "head on a pike" thing

  • There's not much of a choice there, but I kept the decree and will use the hell out of him until we got a good deal going on.

  • Well, after seeing how the Whitehills literally destroyed the forests in the Episode 3 I'd take for granted that the Boltons would indeed care since they are destroying valueable resource. I don't understand why they don't send a letter to the Boltons asking for their help to solve the problems..
    I don't think they care about who cuts down the ironwood as long as they get it.. But if the Whitehills are destroying all of the ironwood forests then they really should take an interest in it.

  • I don't. He's slimy but he may have a way out..

  • He looks exactly like a double-faced snake. I know he's not trustworthy but now he's the only one who might be able to help.

  • Somebody explain for me, what exactly was in decree?

  • I don't trust him, and I have kind of been proven right.

    I mean, as soon as Tyrion is arrested he basically says 'Go die, I don't need you anymore'

  • That Forrester Ironwood is going to be delivered to the crown to rebuild their fleet.. Instead of purchasing it from the Whitehills.

    Sherlock221 posted: »

    Somebody explain for me, what exactly was in decree?

  • I didn't trust him and made that clear but somehow in the end he was still like, no time for alliance now and Mira was freaking out. I burnt the decree but I am still not sure about the situation. I mean why work together? It's our ironwood (not at the moment, it belongs like to 10 other people) but I don't see why they would work together. But he's kinda hot and flirty with Mira. but so was Damien...

  • edited March 2015

    I certainly do not trust him, I told him Mira would do fine on her own. My Mira is playing the game like a boss! xD
    You can not trust no one in King`s landing, or elsewhere for that matter. Kinda makes you understand how The Mad King felt, why he became mad. Everyone is scheeming, always backstabbing, backtalking...absolutely none to trust, makes one paranoid.

  • Definitely don't trust him, although whoever was his voice actor has a damn attractive voice. The moment he started talking after he saved Mira from the guard about his ruined shirt I was like, "Oh my god, we have another Baelish-type guy running around. Abort Mission Abort Mission."

  • I wonder if we'll just see Lord Morgryn involving the ironwood or are we going to see Lord Andros again. Andros isn't very smart and just makes demands and Morgryn is clearly having trouble controlling him I think if he gets the opportunity he'll abandon Andros.

  • You can't trust anyone in King's Landing.

    Simple math equation:

    King's Landing = Nest of vipers

    Do you trust vipers?

    Alt text

  • Technically, the nest of vipers can be found in Dorne :P
    But yeah, rule of thumb for this world: if it's breathing, it can't be trusted :)

    fallandir posted: »

    You can't trust anyone in King's Landing. Simple math equation: King's Landing = Nest of vipers Do you trust vipers?

  • True that. :>

    Technically, the nest of vipers can be found in Dorne :P But yeah, rule of thumb for this world: if it's breathing, it can't be trusted

  • It's not that I trust him, I just don't have many options left and he's one of last three people in King's Landing I haven't royally pissed off.

  • Because even if me burning the decree leads to him going "Hah, now only I can sell my Ironwood to the crown", heck, even if he uses my misfortune with Margeary to drag me off to Highpoint in the middle of the night, it's something. I'd rather have Mira stuck in a dungeon with Ryon than left out in the middle of King's Landing, having lost Margeary's protection while Cersei is going full-on Inquisitor on all of Tyrion's friends. Then again, maybe Morgryn will just shank me outright, but I doubt that would be an avoidable event anyway.

  • For the most part, I don't trust him. But a small part of me is willing to at least listen to what he has to say, because it could be something that Mira needs considering her deal with Tyrion is completely off.

  • I am going to work with him hopefully he is just greedy and does not like his partners but he could be working for anyone who wants to take advantage of our bad situation.

  • It's not that I trust him, i'm just keeping my options open in case he does end up useful. Everyone has a use somewhere and since I knew the deal with Tyrion wouldn't work out because of The Purple Wedding I needed a new partner.

    But I did burn the decree(even though i'll probably regret it). I didn't want evidence and with Tyrion as a "traitor" it would probably be voided anyway.

  • I trust noone in King's Landing. I'm willing to hear him out, though. Mira's position is weak, so I won't reject his potential alliance before I know what's on the table.

  • Errr, that wasn't him threatening you, that was him telling you what might happen if they catch you getting the decree

    ISantCpell posted: »

    I did trust him... Until the whole "head on a pike" thing

  • Why is everyone trusting him? Simple, he is voiced by Oliver Vaquer, the voice of Robert Lutece is Bioshock Infinite, also known as the more optimistic and nice of the two twins. Okay to be honest I don't know why everyone is trusting him, the moment I saw him I instantly thought the nice merchant is the really sneaky and horrible one, so I am really cautious about trusting him, but sadly he seems to be the best option to help the family so...

  • edited April 2015

    Yeah, I realized it was a warning. It's the way he said it that seemed, threatening. Also, considering the fact he's from House Whitehill, I was indifferent towards him.

    redmilo92 posted: »

    Errr, that wasn't him threatening you, that was him telling you what might happen if they catch you getting the decree

  • I don't trust him at all. He knows how to play the game, so I'm sure he'll screw me over.

  • I burnt the decree because I wanted to burn away any association with Tyrion Lannister. Piss on Morgryn and everyone else in that damn city.

    Then again, Cersei already knows about that association and I can't see her letting that go easily. So in hindsight I doubt that burning letter is going to magically wash away all suspicion. And if anything, perhaps Mira could have had it sent off? I don't know.

  • I didn't trust him at all- this is GOT, you trust no one

  • I wonder if he's married.

  • True, the letter isn't the only thing linking you to Tyrion. And I imagine that if the player pisses of Sera, she'll rat you out either way. But at the very least, Morgryn said he'd be able to help if the letter "disappeared". Sure he could have been lying, or just hoping to get advantage by robbing me of the power to sell Ironwood in competition to him, but it's the only graspable strand we're given, so I went for it.

    And heck, maybe Morgryn will just drag Mira off all creepy-like, Littlefinger style, or hand her off to Whitehill. At this point, even that might be a surer bet than hoping Margeary comes back around.

    Hoyzenburgh posted: »

    I burnt the decree because I wanted to burn away any association with Tyrion Lannister. Piss on Morgryn and everyone else in that damn city.

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