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  • Yes my good man it was. :) If you do decide to write it, just do either of those.

    Again, sorry for spiking up the blood pressure, man. :(

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Was that the chapter with a younger Emily in the car with Gren? That waz a pretty cool chapter :P I MAY write it, but some sparring on thin air has calmed me down. Plus, it wouldn't be very long...

  • Probably won't write it now :P

    Meh, I've got it come with Alex the troll... Poor Jayne :'(

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Yes my good man it was. If you do decide to write it, just do either of those. Again, sorry for spiking up the blood pressure, man.

  • Keep your suspicions, however things might not turn out the way you think they will. Well, I guess I'm basically saying is "Don't hate Wakefield yet." or something like that XD The ring has specific powers that WILL help him with certain things, once and if he gets it.

    I wanted to created a strong friendship between the two; Sophie is the same maid (if you can remember) that Tim and Harmony see when visiting Belinda.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Knew something was suspicious about Wakefield. I'm guessing that ring is what he was looking for in the previous chap? This would explain hi

  • I shall do as you say. I never though Wakefield to be a BAD guy...just someone needing guidance and that extra help.coughBelindacough

    I do recall Sophie from Tim and Harm's visit; at 1st I was a bit suspicious but then said 'pie, no...not everyone is bad!' lol

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Keep your suspicions, however things might not turn out the way you think they will. Well, I guess I'm basically saying is "Don't hate Wakef

  • These are way too awesome! I have to agree with Dragon because these are really good! :D

  • I may include Hans in more stuff, although I don't really remember what he's like lol! I will refrence her health in later cases, as even Luke is worried about her recovery. Yeah that sounds like something he'd do! XD

    Don't worry there will be more cases Luke isn't out of the spotlight yet! I will probably do one more case then start a more main story with a new OC, and have Ella and Catherine stay behind for a bit or in some way be incorporated in that story. :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Awww Hans. What a trooper. Hopefully Alice receives all the help she can get. Although I do agree with Hman's previous comment. The shadow

  • Few ever will. XP

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I will never understand BigbyxHuff n' Puffs XP

  • No worries about it, man! It's not important to the story, just background detail.

    That you're pleased is very important, what with them being your characters here. Appreciate the trust. :)

    We totally owe her own! Maybe even with a random candle in it, like on birthday cakes. XP

    pudding_pie posted: »

    You know what, now that you mention it and reading Dragon's comment, it IS the same Witch. Gees, pie. lol Glad that has been addressed, so I

  • Actually, I'm okay at Heists, it was more that a friend and I were holding up a store - as you do - and, through the coincidental placement of my hands and his head, my character did pound him over the head so hard that my friend fell to the ground, dead, leaving me to deal with the cops. XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Track record? O.o

  • edited March 2015

    Put the answer to the first question in a reply to Hazza; as for the second, I'm not that bad. XD Though there was once this guy who wouldn't leave me alone, so I stepped out of my car and fired a homing missile at him before he drove off. He just wouldn't quit hasslin' me. :3

    Yeah, what Haz said: what track record? Are you referring to the bad sport thing? :O

  • LOL XP

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Actually, I'm okay at Heists, it was more that a friend and I were holding up a store - as you do - and, through the coincidental placement

  • These are so fun to see. XD Great job, Emmy! Must be fun to play with the characters, such as the Porgies, if you do! :D

  • Gren awoke to the sound of chimes outside his bedroom door. The sun was poking over the tops of the mountains. Emily was fast asleep, her body curled against the sheets, hair scattered on her pillow and body wrapped in blankets. Gren carefully, so not to disturb her rest, slipped on his slippers, boxers and robe. The noise grew louder, the further Gren walked down the hall.

    The sound reminded him of the wind chimes Lyla and Georgie had along the gutters of their home. When the wind blew through the metal pipes, they clanked together and created such a soothing tune. There were nights the pair would sit in the front porch and listen to the music; the Crickets added their portion, the wind passing the blades of grass and the ocassional mooing of a cow or two in the fields.

    The music caused Gren to beam, as he passes the children's bedrooms. Taking a peek inside, all four were still asleep. The music did not seem to be bothering them. Before Gren took another step, a gust of a misty cool puff pins against his back. Gren turns around; although he could not see her, he was aware of Vivian in the home and every so often, she voiced her presence. Gren laughs, continuing to walk towards the living room.

    "Morning Viv." Gren flips the light on. "Gotta' keep up, if you wanna follow me."

    Gren watched Vivian pull forward, spin around the couches and head for the kitchen. Gren scanned the area but immediatly followed the frigid mist. The music grew vehement the closer he got to the kitchen. There was an ominous glow beside the stove and at first, he assumed it was Vivian. Upon further inspection, Gren was astonished to see it was the exact same Koi Fish he encountered years back. His mother had taken the animal's shape once more and found herself in their home.

    The chimes ceased the moment she noticed her son. Calla turns; the whiskers near her gaping mouth flow like a sheet in the gale, fins pressing along the golds and yellows and her entire body representing the sun's rays as it cast over the sleeping world below. She continued to float in the air like a plastic bag caught in an up draft.

    "Mom..." Gren was nearly drawn to tears. " it really you?"

    "Yes, my Grendel but I do not have much time. I'm here to deliver a message. A warning."

    "A warning for what?"

    "You my son. You and all the ones that you love. You will be tested beyond anything you've encountered in your previous life. The strength you posses-how you handle it all-will determine the others in time."

    Gren walks towards his mother, unsure of her message. "What the fuck do you mean-"

    "Language, Grendel. You may be an adult but those choice of words have gotten you into more trouble then you needed. I unfortuantly can not tell you more, for it could change your paths and the fates as well. Know that the time for judgement is before us and you will be tested beyond your comprehension. You and those you love..."

    "Is me family in danger, mom?" Gren tries to hold the urge to throw something at his mother. "ARE they in danger?"

    "Only if they allow themselves to be-"


    "The evil has not been defeated, my child. It roams the Earth, consuming everything in its path. You have the tools, the capability to finally stop it. But you can not do it alone, Grendel. You must listen very carefully, for I can only give you hints. The five elements, my son; the capacity
    of love, dedication and truth. Guidance. Faithfulness. Family."

    "What the hell are you mumbling 'bout over there-ARE my family and friends in danger!?"

    "I'm sorry, Grendel. I can not say anything more then this. You must take what I've gven you, piece them together and create your own path. Your own methods to defeating and protecting what is your own. You will be challenged. Emotions will rise and thoughts will follow but I assure
    you, all will be answered. All will explain. Your family is stronger then you think, my son..."

    "WAIT!" The Koi Fish slowly vanishes into the light. "WAIT, no-MOM come back! MOM!"

    "Daddy, who are you speaking to?" Chloe walks into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes. "I heard you screaming."

    Gren looks around. His mother was gone; the cool air of Vivian was standing beside him, causing the Fern to sway against the currents. Gren picks up his daughter and clutches the tiny child. The words of his mother remianing in his head. What did it all mean? Was his family in danger or did this have to do with more then just the Grendel family? Patting his daughter's back, Gren kisses Chloe on the head.

    "Nothing, baby. It was....nothing. HEY-want me to make you some hashbrowns and eggs?"

    "Yes please."

    Gren places Chloe on the ground, grabs a large skillet and oil. Adding the thick, golden liquid, his mind danced between certain possibilities until he came upon one. His brother, Robert.

    "I'm a Barbie Girl, in a Barbie World! Wrapped in plastic, its fantastic-" He taps the wheel and sings. "You can brush my hair, undress me anywhere-Come on Robert, let's go party. Uh uh uh!"

    Robert heads up the dirt path, heading towards his brother's home. Chewing on a double burger and trying to dip his fries, he nearly rides into a fence. Robert laughs, flips the fence off and carries on. The music plays until he pulls up to the house. The quads notice their uncle's truck and in a group, run to greet him. Robert takes the leftover food and places it into the bag. Covered in grease, cheese and ketchup, Robert hands Liam the food and all four pick like Vultures to a carcass.

    "Hey, hey, hey." Robert extends his arms out. "What, no love for your ol' uncle Robert?"

    Cheeks stuffed with food, all four of the kids embrace Robert; Viviana leaves a greasy kiss on his forehead, while Liam nearly spits out his food trying to speak. Robert pats them on the head and is greeted by Emily. She wipes her hands on her apron, walks down the steps and smiles. Her long ebony hair blowing in the wind, twirling along her swan-like neck and shoulders. She wore a light yellow dress that seemed to fit the tones of her pale skin. Robert caught himself glaring at the beautiful Porgie woman with reverence.

    "Well, if its isn't Robert Grendel." Emily attentively pats Robert's face. "Nice ta' see ya'. So, did ya' bring those little scavangers your leftova's again?"

    "Hope you don't mind." Robert lifts all four in his arms. "I don't want to waste it and I KNOW these little tapworms would love to eat it, huh you four?"

    Emily chuckles. "Well, don't spoil ya' appetite and ova' eat, ya' four. Go on-stay 'round the house and do not go down ta' the creek." Emily looks at Robert. "Would ya' like some coffee, Robert?"

    "I'd love some. Gren here?"

    "He's in the garage fixin' up the Blender. Damn thing broke last night."

    Laughing, Robert places the kids on the ground. Viviana flies off with the bag, munching on the remaining fries. The other three chase her down as the three head to the backyard. As Emily makes a fresh pot of coffee, Robert wanders towards the garage to find his brother. He found Gren pulling apart the Blender and trying to find the cause of the burned wire. Robert laughs. Rather then buy a new one, Gren always insisted on fixing them, even if it only guaranteed another six months of life. His hands were covered in oil, once white teeshirt layered with stains and even the jeans had several spots of grease. Gren picked up the familiar smell of Robert's cologne, looks up and smiles. His brother looked rather dashing in a red plaid shirt, dark jeans and black converse. His hair remained the same, however, Gren noticed a touch of gray near the middle. Age and time was finally catching up to his brother.

    "Hey Robert." Gren tosses the screwdriver to the side and cleans his hands. "I'm sorry. Forgot you were coming by for a visit..."

    After the morning he had, it was true; Gren's mind wiped the memory of his brother's visit and remained on the message his mother was trying to explain. Was she right? Was his family and friends in danger and if so, from what? She claimed the evil had not been 'defeated' yet. WAS Mary Smith a threat to this town and his family afterall? Should he be concerned? Or had he yet to encounter it?

    "I can tell." Robert adjusts his shirt. "You look like shit. Pardon my French but...have you been having dreams again?"

    "No." Gren did not hesitate. "I'm not having those fuckin' dreams again, Robert."

    Gren knew Robert could detect the lies in his words but his brother knew better then to agrivate Gren and proceed to ask any further questions. To Gren, no was no. The end. Robert left it at that. Sticking his hands in his pockets, he eyes the broken appliance. Wires stuck out in random places. A shattered piece sat on the corner of the work bench. It had a drak, black tint to the corners, indicating burns.

    "You MIGHT need a new one, bro. Don't think you can save this one."

    "Watch me." Gren bumps into Robert, continuing to laugh. "I fixed that washing machine, remember? Was like new when I was done."

    "Yeah only lasted, what-not even another year before it finally took a shit on you?"

    "Ah but I STILL saved it, Robert. Admit it."

    Emily enters the garage through the back door. In her hand, two cups with steaming hot coffee. Two scoops for Gren, six for Robert. Emily was still astounded that Robert did not develop some sort of health disability because of his intake of sugar. The brothers thanked Emily and watched her head back to the house and complete the daily chores. Robert took out his pack of cigarettes and handed one to Gren. The two shared a brief, silent moment. They watched the quads tumble through the grass and mounds of flowers. Liam and Chloe chased one another up a tree, while Viviana and Seraphina ran around the base, playing tag.

    From the distance, the Grendel brothers could see Mr. Sunflower; in his arms, a large whicker basket of freshly picked Apples and Berries. The moment Seraphina got wind of the flower Fable, she left her siblings behind and ran towards the beaming man. Gren smiled, watching Sunflower gather Seraphina in his arms and spin around. The air was full of laughter, as the other children joined.

    "Hear anything from dad?"

    Gren was a bit taken back by Robert's question. "Whoa....where did that come from?"

    "Just making conversation with you, Gren. I know dad has been speaking to you a lot more lately."

    "Is that an issue, Robert? He IS my father, too."

    "Never said there was a problem, Gren. Like I said...just small conversations."

    Gren continued. "Yeah. He, uh, is coming by later tonight. Want's to see the kids. He's not doing very well, Robert. Rosie was over there the other day and said he could barely stand and-"

    "That's his problem, Gren. Not our's. He refuses help. I've had myself AND RJ over there and all he did was avoid talking about his condition and what that meant for you and I."

    "Means for you and I? Are you STILL on that fuckin' Alpha bullshit? I told you, dad and Isaiah, I don't want it. It's YOURS, Robert. Have it-dad dies, you take it. Boom-the end. I'm done talking about this."

    "Fine." Robert tosses the burning end to the ground, stomping it out with his shoe. "But your actions that day said otherwise, Gren..."

    Gren knew what day his brother spoke of. Sunflower and the kids headed their way to the house; both left the conversation end as so but it would have to be addressed another time. Gren honestly wanted nothing to do with anything related to his past but perhaps his brother was right. Maybe this is what his mother spoke of. Warned him of. Emily joins Sunflower and the kids; Robert said not another word, as he too joined the group.

    Things changed. Maybe Gren did, too.

    Any questions, you know the drill. MIGHT do another chapter later if I have the time. Going to San Fran this weekend; the misses is packing all our things for the trip and I can't wait to take little Emily there and see where we'll be staying for awhile! :D :D And can I tell you guys,'s freaking HOT today! No beuno for the guy pale as a sheet. XD

  • I stepped out of my car and fired a homing missile at him before he drove off.

    Danm, Noir! XD XD

    Alt text

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Put the answer to the first question in a reply to Hazza; as for the second, I'm not that bad. XD Though there was once this guy who wouldn'

  • The friendliness Belinda is showing to Sophie is very heart-warming; Belinda could easily let Sophie go about her usual ways as a maid but a friendship is much better for them both. Interesting development with Sophie being Jonathan's sister - whatever Jonathan is capable of it must be quite troublesome if his own sister would react with such open resentment. It's like a proper Victorian novel! :D

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Belinda sat snugly on the divan that adorned her office with a mixture of anxiety and doubt. Mr Wakefield....Jonathan....She barely knew him

  • Sad that the Chesire Cat died. :( It would have been unlikely but I'd hoped he might reappear at some point in the future; given that Luke met him inside Alice's mind that probably wouldn't have been possible anyway. And anyway, he sacrificed himself for everyone else, which is courageous! :D

    When Alice said that the shadow was Luke's future, was she referring to his becoming death?

    This has been a great case, Tetra! Congratulations! :D

    You make shit up as you go!" Luke said

    Some days this is exactly how I write. XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Case One: The Lost Child. Finale Luke left the factory. The sun was shining and happy, trees although not normal, we're brought back. The

  • Nice chapter dude :)

    Robert and that song... Man that has made my day!!! XD

    For once I actually know of everything that has happened in the past with regards to this chapter :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Gren awoke to the sound of chimes outside his bedroom door. The sun was poking over the tops of the mountains. Emily was fast asleep, her bo

  • Freakin' totally XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I stepped out of my car and fired a homing missile at him before he drove off. Danm, Noir! XD XD

  • YES! First one to comment!!! XD

    In your face JJ, IN YOUR FACE!!! (I'm sorry dude, I love you)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Nice chapter dude Robert and that song... Man that has made my day!!! XD For once I actually know of everything that has happened in the past with regards to this chapter :P

  • I'm a Barbie Girl, in a Barbie World! Wrapped in plastic, its fantastic-" He taps the wheel and sings. "You can brush my hair, undress me anywhere-Come on Robert, let's go party. Uh uh uh!"

    Click here


    pudding_pie posted: »

    Gren awoke to the sound of chimes outside his bedroom door. The sun was poking over the tops of the mountains. Emily was fast asleep, her bo

  • Bill Clinton...

    "I did not, have sex, with that woman, Miss Lewinski"

    MasterStone posted: »

    I'm a Barbie Girl, in a Barbie World! Wrapped in plastic, its fantastic-" He taps the wheel and sings. "You can brush my hair, undress me an

  • LMAO Are we in a competition that I had no idea was going on? >:) (Spins in chair; pets fluffy white cat and chuckles)

    Nah but I love you back, bro. :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    YES! First one to comment!!! XD In your face JJ, IN YOUR FACE!!! (I'm sorry dude, I love you)

  • Yesterday I got my comment in 2 minutes after you when I thought I got it in before you :P

    Bro, love doesn't come close XD

    JJwolf posted: »

    LMAO Are we in a competition that I had no idea was going on? (Spins in chair; pets fluffy white cat and chuckles) Nah but I love you back, bro.

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned
    edited March 2015

    "I'm a Barbie Girl, in a Barbie World! Wrapped in plastic, its fantastic-" He taps the wheel and sings. "You can brush my hair, undress me anywhere-Come on Robert, let's go party. Uh uh uh!"

    I know you are very busy but can you please, please, PLEASE draw this? LMAO What the sad part is, Robert would so be singing to this

    I loved this chapter; you are really answering a lot of my previous questions and having me wonder just what in the hell is going on. I KNOW Mary and Carla can not be the only threat; I'm beginning to think Hades is not such a 'bad' guy and will be helping the Grendel family in more ways then one. The quads, too. You mentioned you have yet to truly show their powers and what they can do. Not to mention Emily: she has the bow not that once belonged to Calla. Calla keeps showing herself and 'warning' Gren about his family. That they are stronger then he thinks and love will find a way, etc, etc....

    UGH! I want to know just WHAT is going on; I'm curious about Ethan, too and just HOW his curse plays out. I recall Peter mentioning his has been 'quiet' but he has a feeling its not that easy.....I have an idea that is has to do with Michelle but I'll wait and see. Plus, that asshole ex of her's. >:( I hope he gets what is coming to him....right, pie?

    That conversation with Robert and Gren, he talking about the day he tossed his arm into the fire?

    Loves this! Can't wait for more!!

    EDIT: OH and San Fran this weekend!!!! :D :D How exciting, bro! I'm so proud of you!! Love you 3 so much!!!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Gren awoke to the sound of chimes outside his bedroom door. The sun was poking over the tops of the mountains. Emily was fast asleep, her bo

  • Why did I put Robert in Bill's place, while Peter became Gren? XD XD

    MasterStone posted: »

    I'm a Barbie Girl, in a Barbie World! Wrapped in plastic, its fantastic-" He taps the wheel and sings. "You can brush my hair, undress me an

  • What Cheshire did was very courageous indeed. Hey it's Alice's mind, it's up to her what happens ;)

    For the most part yes, and this was just the start of it! :)

    Thanks Lupine! :D There will be more cases to come! And since I've seem to be getting sick, I'll have time to think of something for the next case!

    I think we all do this sometimes Lupine XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Sad that the Chesire Cat died. It would have been unlikely but I'd hoped he might reappear at some point in the future; given that Luke met

  • Trouble Below 1

    Deep down under the school laid a ancient dungeon were a small empire of the cannibalistic Wedigo's thrived under for centuries. About one hundred of the vile creatures resided there including their leader, the Wendigo who has interest in Ashlyn. It is unknown how long the dungeon been down there, the school is only several years old and Etan only been principal for only two years. The architectural resembles something from the Victorian era, it's all so strange... Maybe there is more to these creatures...

    Somewhere in the dungeon, Etan and Nick are locked away in a cage prison halfway beaten, but their injuries healing. Nick continues to scream at the nearby Wendigo keeping guard. “LET ME OUT YOU SMELLY FUCKERS! I'LL TEAR YOU A NEW ONE!” Etan tells Nick to calm down while he tries to get a signal for his cellphone. He get's up and walks around aiming his phone at a hole in the roof. “A signal at last, I have to make this count.” He begins to dial and patiently waits for an answer.




    Tez answers the phone while the sound of Music is planning in the background. Etan begins yelling in the phone and moves the phone away from his ear so he doesn't go deaf. “Wait, hold on. You both been what? Where? Should I bring back or...” The with Etan is cut off, and then Tez hangs up his cellphone. He calls over Rose and takes her hand as he guide her out of the gymnasium. “Tez, we can't leave. What about about the-” Tez point's to Mr. Weasel who is on the dance floor schooling the students, letting Rose know that they're in good hands, hopefully.

    Marcelo and Ella arrived to Dan's location. Ella made a quick change in wardrobe, changing out of her costume in something more... combative. Dan looked at her as she put away a hunting knife, asking if she'd plan on going Rambo on something. She replied, “Of course I am, not everyday you get to tangle with Wendigo's.. Let's go boys.” Ella lead Dan and Marcelo down into the dungeon, as they got closer and closer, they could hear moans and roars. They were ready for what was waiting for them,. in the dark below.

    They quietly made it down the broken stairway and hugged the way as they make their towards towards a corridor. Ella peaks through and see's two Wendigo speaking of some kind of 'ritual' involving the school and Ashlyn. The Wendigo's depart from each other and go their own way's. “What the hell? Ritual? We need to find Ashlyn now and fast.” Ella as see moves forward. Marcelo also insisted that we deal with the Wendigo's while they were at it. Though it wouldn't be a simple task.

    Carefully navigating through the corridors and dark catacombs, they heard the sound of Nick yelling. It echoes throughout the whole place. Ella immediately recognize his voice. “Nick is down here too.... This we guys!” The trio followed the voice of Nick's outburst leading them to a much larger room with bloody skeletons and half eaten corpses. They smell of it all was insufferable, causing Marcelo to exhale smoke from his nostrils. Dan looks over and see's Nick and Etan fighting off a group of Wendigo's.

    Ella, using her powers removes the hunting knife from her waist and throws it directly into a Wendigo's skull, seemingly killing it and leaving only three left. A much larger one, a medium sized one and a human sized Wendigo. Marcelo turned into his dragon and takled the larger Wendigo into another room while Dan and Ella dealt with the human one themselves. That only left the medium sized Wendigo, who decided to solo Etan and Nick.

    “You fools, we will dine upon your flesh and then pick our teeth with your bones!” It threw a powerful at Nick but is dodged by the Scotsman. Nick kicks it in the balls but it seemingly has no effective. He then tries alternative methods, throwing boulders, and other debris. “ETAN, HELP!”. The Wendigo ready his claws to dig into Nick, but Etan jumps on it's back and big to bite into it's neck with his fangs.
    It struggles to get him off of him and gets close to grabbing him but Etan continues to hold on allowing Nick to transform into his Harbringer form. “Nick, finish him! Quickly!”

    Nick fires some kind of magical ball into the Wendigo chest leaving a giant hole and barely missing Etan in the process. Nick returns to normal as the Wendigo falls to it's knee's and begins to deteriorate. The flesh begins to turn to mulk, it's eyeballs pop out and the remainder of it turns to flames. Nick takes a breath while Etan wipe his mouth while saying “Three down, ninety seven to go..”. Nick then look's at him asking how they hell he know exactly how many of these things are down. He replies, “I don't just making a guess... but wouldn't it be something if I were actual right?!”.

    Elsewhere, Tez with rose flying on his back entered the dungeon at last. Rose tell Tez the sight is kinda romantic, then Tez point at the massive amount of skeletons causing Rose to reconsider that comment.
    Using his dragon ability, Tez sense the presence of another dragon that was recently here, Marcelo. Tez is going in the right direction. He flies through the catacombs and come to the scene of a recent battle. He returns to human and walks over towards the remains of the dead Wendigo's and examines it. “Etan wasn't lying, were dealing Wendigo's and not ordinary ones either..” He hears the sound of fighting in further back and proceeds onward...

  • I liked the chapter dude! XD

    But Nick seemed kinda out of character in this one... He got caught?

    Throwing the boulders was a bit odd considering everything else Nick can do, although his Harbinger form was awesome!!!

    Looking forward to more XD

    MasterStone posted: »

    Trouble Below 1 Deep down under the school laid a ancient dungeon were a small empire of the cannibalistic Wedigo's thrived under for cen

  • Both him and Etan got caught on purpose and locked up, temporary. It was part of the plan in order to be lead to the source.. We'll learn more about that later.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I liked the chapter dude! XD But Nick seemed kinda out of character in this one... He got caught? Throwing the boulders was a bit odd

  • Ahh ok :D

    MasterStone posted: »

    Both him and Etan got caught on purpose and locked up, temporary. It was part of the plan in order to be lead to the source.. We'll learn more about that later.

  • Since Belinda comes from a fairly poor background, it only seemed fitting that she'd develop a different sort of friendship with her maid; It runs deeper than the occasional "Hey, how are you doing?" you know? I always planned on making Sophie and Jonathan siblings, as I thought it would make sense. And, I'm so glad you said it's like a proper Victorian novel :D! I really appreciate it!

    LupineNoir posted: »

    The friendliness Belinda is showing to Sophie is very heart-warming; Belinda could easily let Sophie go about her usual ways as a maid but a

  • Oh, you don't even understand the half of it XD I've seen Emily Porgie and her siblings in the park while playing other families, socializing with each other even though they're all from entirely different stories. My Robert is very good friends with the Porgies so far XD I'm still debating on whether I should go as far as creating all of the spouses each Porgie has; I might do it for some of them (Mainly Emily, as she seems to be the 'hot' topic as of late.) but as for the rest of them, I might just pair them with other random sims XD Who knows? Maybe one of Harmony's cubs'll strike a romance with Pie's kids or even other OC's as I go along? The possibilities are endless XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    These are so fun to see. XD Great job, Emmy! Must be fun to play with the characters, such as the Porgies, if you do!

  • Thanks, man! Eventually I'll get around to your guys; I might need to ask a few more physical description questions, but otherwise I think I can get them done :) Probably this weekend!

    Tetra posted: »

    These are way too awesome! I have to agree with Dragon because these are really good!

  • No problem! Take your time get around to them when you can :) I'll probably be in bed sick so I should be able to answer fast! :p

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Thanks, man! Eventually I'll get around to your guys; I might need to ask a few more physical description questions, but otherwise I think I can get them done Probably this weekend!

  • edited March 2015

    Fayde is back! I also tried my best in explaining previous plot holes that may have been unexplained in past chapters, if you get what I'm saying. As always, feel free to ask questions and I will be willing to answer them with the best of my ability. So without further ado, enjoy like usual!

    Chapter 9: Explanations

    Minutes after an awkwardly quiet dinner...

    "Well, apart from the whole tension thing that happened before dinner - I gotta say this: those sandwiches and Jambalaya were the bomb, Nance! I don't know how you do it."

    "It's nothing, really. Just years of experience. Besides, I had help from our guest as well."

    Rose scoffs and elbows Nancy gently. "You're being too modest, Belle. Like, give us one of your recipes or something. I promise me and Tez won't share it with anyone outside these walls."

    Nancy grins. "Tempting, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline. Sorry, Rose."

    "Ah, at least I've tried. I'll see you in the living room then."

    "See ya there." Nancy eyed Rose cutting a slice of chocolate cake from the dessert plate on the kitchen counter. In response, Nancy smiled again and waited until she left. Sighing, she began to clean the dishes at the sink.

    "Gina, please. You heard what your mother said at the dinner table, she doesn't want you and your sisters to hear what Fayde has to say to us, and neither do I."

    "It isn't fair! How come we can't listen but Harmony can? Is it because she looks like a teenager? We all know she's really one year old, and that the rest of us are older than her."

    Harmony glares at Gina, putting her plate down on the coffee table in annoyance. "I'm actually two years old, thank you very much."

    "Whatever, it's still not fair!" Gina yells.

    "Alright, that does it. Time for all of you to go your rooms." John walked toward his daughters and proceeded to guide them to the staircase.

    Gina made a disappointed face, while Mary and Carla simply shrugged their shoulders. Lyla looked a little down, though the rest didn't seem to notice.

    "Just finish whatever cake and milk you four have left upstairs, please."

    John crossed his arms as he watched his daughters ascend up the stairs. When they finally reached the top, Gina looked down at her dad once more to show her disappointment. John gave her no comment back, knowing that saying anything further wouldn't have helped none. Meanwhile, Fayde, along with Rose and Tez, walk into the living room behind him. He soon turned to follow them.

    Gina sighed angrily and drank some milk from her cup. "This is uncool, our dad making us wait up here like this."

    Carla shrugged and took a bite of her cake. "Nothing we can do. Maybe it's for the best?"

    "The hell it is!" Gina almost spilled her milk on the carpet. "There's still more to that Fayde girl than she's letting on, I know it."

    "Swear." Lyla said, instantly looking down afterwards.

    Gina growled. "Quiet, Lyla. No one wants to hear from you."

    Mary put her drink and food down on the wooden floor, and surprisingly spoke up from her silence. "Hey, don't talk to Lil' Lyla like that!"

    "Yeah!" Carla stood by Mary's side.

    Gina didn't want to waste her time arguing, so she rolled her eyes and walked to her room, angrily slamming the door shut in the process.

    Mary rubbed her head. "Man, that was pretty scary. You alright, Carla? Lyla?"

    Carla replied. "I think so, Gina is a butthead sometimes."

    Mary almost laughs. "True that."

    Lyla sniffed as tears started to form in her eyes.

    "Hey, hey, Lyla? Why are you crying?" Mary knelt on her knees to make eye contact with her, while Carla did the same.

    "I can't believe Faydey lied, Rosey Red too! I thought they were the bestest of friends and now Daddy and Mommy are mad at each other again! Dragon Tez looked like he wasn't too happy either..."

    Mary wiped away Lyla's tears and hugged her tight. "It'll be okay, little sis. Mom and pop sometimes argue, this time isn't any different. And I'm sure Rose and this Fayde person didn't mean to lie. I'm also positive Dragon Tez will be happy again soon - you can count on it."

    Lyla beams. "You really think so?"

    Mary smiled. "I know so, little sis. Now c'mon, let's go play Battleship or somethin'."

    Carla looked at Mary. "What about Gina?"

    "I think we can play a game without her this time, right?"

    Carla gives an awkward thumbs up, while Lyla nods her head rapidly in agreement. After picking up their plates and cups, the two then tiptoe -as well as Mary herself- back to her bedroom to play a board game of sorts.

    All are now present in the living room, except for one...

    "Seems that everyone is here, except Nancy. Is your wife somewhere, John? And please tell me I got your name right."

    John glared at Fayde with his yellow wolf eyes, secretly hoping that suddenly doing so will scare her somehow, in some way.

    Fayde didn't flinch, so John responded coolly - as if his wife was already present. "Yeah, yeah, you've remembered my name correctly. Uh, I believe my Nancy is cleaning up in the bathroom right now - so she should be coming in a few minutes."

    "That's fine, I can wait."

    After a few moments, Nancy finally comes into the room. "I deeply apologize, Fayde. I was doing some household errands along with freshening up a bit in the bathroom."

    "It's all right. Now that everyone's here, I can explain myself more clearly. So, if you lot have any questions to ask, I should be able to answer."

    John and Nancy took a seat on the couch with Rose and Tez. Harmony, on the other hand, continues to enjoy her chocolate dessert on the recliner chair.

    Rose took a sip from her milk cup, and asked the first question. "What did you mean earlier by saying that you may have placed all of us in danger?"

    Fayde sighed. "Yes, um, about that. Earlier today, before you and your friend saw me possessed by those shadows, it has come to my attention that I have a bounty on my head."

    "A bounty? Wha-"

    "I don't believe you were possessed," Tez interrupted Rose. "I think you were planning to kill me and my Rose in the first place. And the shadows that were engulfing the club, that was your doing."

    Fayde clenched her hands into a fist, her voice sounding almost agitated at the dragon's accusation. "If I wanted to kill you, I would've made sure you wouldn't have recovered. No, I was possessed, even your Rose believes me. Harmony too, I think."

    Tez crosses his arms and sighed, as Rose cuddled closer to him. "Go ahead."

    "Hmm, where was I?"

    "You were at the part with the bounty." Nancy jogged her memory.

    "Ah yes, the bounty. My, um, 'past' companion notified me of it, I probably got it when I left Ireland to come to America."

    "Why would you come here if there are people looking to put a bounty on your head?" John asked, trying to stay calm as possible - Nancy made sure of it.

    Fayde glared at the wolf. "If I had known, I would've thought twice not to come. But even so, I most likely would've came here anyway to visit an old friend of mine. Besides, petty things like bounties don't scare me."

    "Oh, it's Holly, right? I remember her saying that you two were best friends - back when she introduced you to me, Tezoth, and Woody. Huh, fat chance we would've been chasing you to the town's strip club moments later."

    "Aye, you've got it right, Rose. She is indeed my best friend. Perhaps my only friend in this country thus far. But that's another topic for another time, any other questions?"

    "Oh, oh, pick me!" Harmony raised her hand up high like she was a giddy student at a Mundy school. Fayde almost laughed and divided her complete attention to her. "Yes, Harmony?"

    "About what you said about your 'past' companion, who is he? Or she? Or it, in that matter?"

    "Yes, answer the girl who supposedly was visited by an Angel." John scoffed, while Nancy and Rose cringed at his rude remark.

    Nancy slaps John on the back of his head. "Stop it, for heaven's sake." John had no choice but to comply.

    "Well, Harm," Fayde clears her throat. "It's a he, and like I have mentioned before, I have had previous... relations with him."

    "Is he a Fable or..." Harmony continued along.

    "His origins are unknown to me, but what I do know is that he's a shadow demon. His name is Oomal, in case if any of you were going to ask his name."

    "Alright, alright, all of this is getting outrageous to hear now." John got up from the couch to look Fayde in the face. "Angels? Shadow demons? A 'Banshee' like yourself getting possessed by shadows? You expect us to believe that?" He looks at the others around the living room. "I hope I'm not the only one who's falling for this?

    Silence fills the room.

    Fayde smirks. "Hmmm. The others think otherwise, wolf."

    "I refuse to think so! Nancy, you're actually believing this?"

    "Quite, dear husband of mine. She has done nothing but act as a polite guest in our house in the woods. I, we, might as well treat her with the same politeness."

    John frowned at his wife's response. "Rose?"

    "Sorry John, but ever since you basically yelled at my niece for no legit reason at all, I'm on the redhead's side."

    He growled a little. "Tezoth?"

    "I'm going to have to agree with my Rose, and while I have my differences whether to trust this Irish woman or not - it was absolutely uncalled for you to yell at Harmony like that. Plus, if what she and Rose state is true, I have them to thank for saving my life."

    Fayde looks down and interlocks her hands together.

    Rose punches his shoulder. "DON'T forget the good doctor, Tezzy. And while your condition wasn't completely serious, it was good that he was here to check up on you."

    John scratches his head. "Indeed it was. Well, I have a gut feeling on where Harmony stands for Fayde. Seems I am outnumbered in 'public opinion' at the moment."

    Fayde smiles, being relieved that the wolf is letting is guard down. "Never hurts to try, but I understand where you're coming from for not trusting me though. Nonetheless, does anyone else have questions?"

    Everyone shakes their head except for Nance and Rose.

    "Just the one for me: Why were you going to the condemned strip club, exactly?"

    "I think I've got the last question in my standing: would you be willing to show us your Banshee self?"

    "Nancy, I would love to answer that, but I think it's something that I think would be appropriate for Tezoth and Rose to hear only. From what I gathered so far, they've been sent to follow me to find out my purpose."

    "Fair enough."

    "And Rose Red, for your curious nature: I do not wish to, as I fear that showing myself in my Banshee form would be quite uncomfortable-looking to some of you."

    "Alright, totally understandable."

    Fayde innocently slides her hands in her jean pockets. "I guess that's it then, thank you all for listening. Hopefully you all know where I stand now. I suppose you all could say I'm a magnet for all sorts of trouble, whenever I don't need it most."

    John sighs and steps away from Fayde. "If you don't mind, it's getting late, and I would like to get some sleep."

    Nancy looks at her watch. "Oh gosh, he's right. It's half past 9 and me and my husband need to be up bright and early tomorrow for our little trip to the Farm."

    "Jesus, THAT late already? Man, me and Tez need to get Fayde back to Fabletown pronto."

    "It'd be best. Let's go, Harmony."

    "Okay, Uncle Tez. Lemme finish my milk first."

    Nancy stops in front of her husband. She looks at Fayde and Harm. "Ahem, John, I think you have something else to do before you go to bed."

    "What?" He looks at the two.

    "You know... apologize."

    He rubbed his forehead. "Fine, I guess I have treated them both kind of unfairly this evening."

    "Yes you have, now go."

    He walks over to the Irish lady. "Fayde? I have something to say to you."

    Fayde looks at John puzzlingly. "Yes?"

    "I - I apologize. At first, I thought you had something devious planned for my family in your coming here. Regardless, you have treated my wife and children with the respect they deserve. I can't believe I'm saying this, but thank you. And welcome to America."

    "Wow, John. I am grateful, thank you."

    John smiled for the first time at her and nodded. He soon walked to the Zephyr. "And Harmony."

    Harmony looked at him and prepared herself for the worst. "Y-yeah?"

    "Come here and give me a hug, I shouldn't have acted that way towards you from before. Hopefully, you can forgive me."

    "Oh, Mr. Smith. I knew you wouldn't stay mad at me forever. Of course I'll give you a hug! And I do forgive you!"

    Harmony literally flies from her seat to hug John. The others couldn't help but say "awww" during their embrace. This was something that they all needed to experience this evening.

    Rose Red scoots over to Fayde and whispers to her. "You obviously aren't as bad as you seem to be, Fayde-leaf-clover. You really know how to make an impression for yourself - and still on your first day here apparently, wow."

    Fayde turned her head to the side to smile at Rose. "Yes, I guess I do. Don't I? Although, I wonder how we're going to get back to Fabletown without no car. Since Nancy was the one who drove you here, correct?"

    Rose grinned. "Oh, you're in for a surprise. Maybe a few more surprises after that. You're just going to have to see for yourself."

    END, of Chapter 9.

  • The ring had fit like a glove. It always had, as if it were meant to adorn Belinda's long slender fingers. She watched it shimmer, the magic practically rolling off of it as it activated.

    It was late at night. The sun had been down for hours, and everyone was generally sleeping in their beds. It was far too easy to slip out of her apartment and walk a few flights of stairs. She'd even guiltily passed the maids' quarters, where surely a sleeping Sophie lay dreaming. She wished she could have told Sophie she wouldn't do it, but there was far too much she wanted from Jonathan to refuse the task of retrieving the ring. There seemed to be more that he knew, that she should find out from him.

    And it didn't help that she loved to stare at his handsome face all of the time.

    Nearly tripping on the carpet, she snuck back down the hall, an eager bundle of nerves as she rounded a corner carefully.

    "Hey!" A voice called from behind. She tensed all over, frozen in her spot, unable to turn and see who it was, for fear something terrible might happen. She felt her blood pressure rise, her heart beating at a million miles a minute. Slowly though, she found the strength to turn and face her fate.

    It was Rutley. Shit.

    He held an oil lamp in one hand, which illuminated the space between them. She stared at his face, full of shapes and sharp angles caused by the distribution of candle light and torchlight. She gulped as quietly as she could, watching as he neared her slowly.

    "Do you know how late it is, Miss Cratchit?"

    She nodded, very slowly.

    "Where are you going, anyway?" His voice was fairly accusing and firm. It made her want to crawl into a ball and pretend he wasn't there, like a small child would.

    "I-I was...returning to my room," She replied. "I could not sleep, sir."

    He raised his brow, as if unable to believe her. "Right. So you've been wandering the halls?"

    "Yes, sir, I have," She replied, matter-of-fact-ly. "And why might you be up and about?"

    This caught him slightly off guard. "Well, I AM the leader of this community, no? I have a right to make sure all is well. Erm, why don't we just pretend this little encounter never happened, shall we?"

    "We shall," She said, carefully in his direction. It was in that moment that she noticed how frayed his suit seemed, and a glimmer of red...paint? was smeared against his neck haphazardly. No, that wasn't paint...

    "Goodnight, then," He said curtly. "Do try not to loose yourself in this establishment. There are many hallways with very few exits."

    "Will do, sir." And they parted. She exhaled blissfully, once out of his range. She re-entered her apartment as quickly as she could, her skirt nearly getting stuck in the frame. She wondered when Mr. Wakefield would pay his visit to her, and if he would be pleased to see the ring. She twisted it around her knuckle, growing fond of it's familiar feeling around her finger. She remembered the night it went missing, and how unhappy she'd been. After all, it was a gift from a dear old witch, one whose name she must have forgotten years ago. She wondered if that witch had made it out alive, and silently prayed the woman ended with a good fate. It was then that she heard a loud tapping against one of the bedroom windows.

    Her head jolted up, and she could see his face perfectly in the low light. He was clean shaven and smiling, his hand gripping the window frame like iron. She rushed over quickly, afraid of leaving him out there a moment too long. The windows opened with a whoosh, letting in all the cold of night into her room without mercy. She shivered violently as he jumped in and nearly tumbled across her floor.

    "Brrr," He said, still smiling. "It smells like a snowfall may blanket the earth again."

    Belinda closed the windows as soon as he moved away from them, and rubbed her bare arms vigorously. "I thought you were coming at dawn."

    "Dawn was too far away," He replied. "And, forgive me for saying this if it is deemed too inappropriate to you, but I couldn't bare waiting to see you until then."

    His eyes were a warm blue, something Belinda didn't think was possible. She got just a little too close for friendship as she stared up into his eyes and smiled herself. "I'm flattered, Jonathan."

    He smiled again, a brighter smile, as if he'd been anticipating the excitement of hearing his name in her mouth. "The pleasure is all mine, Belinda."

    She too, melted at the sound of it. They parted slightly, breaking off the brief fascination for one another.

    "So, did you get it?" His voice was curious, but less interested than Belinda would have hoped.

    "Well, yes, I did," She replied. She still fiddled with it around her hand, looking down at the intricate designs in the metal. She never realized how personal the item would feel to her, and all of the sudden she felt a stab of grief to let go of it so quickly.

    He took her hand carefully, as if it were made of delicate porcelain. She felt herself shiver, but not from the cold this time. Her nerves stood on end as he twisted her hand softly in his, staring directly at the only piece of jewelry she will have likely ever worn.

    "It's more fascinating up close," He breathed. "Surely, this will help me in my endeavors."

    "It's a masterpiece," She explained. "Created....just for....well, for me, really."

    Jonathan pulled it off gently, his warm fingers wrapping around it protectively. "I will take good care of it, do not worry."

    "I trust you," She said, which kind of shocked her. Did she trust him? And not only for the ring. Did she trust that he was who he says he is? Was Sophie right when she said to stay away?

    "I must be going, now," He said.

    "No!" Belinda half-begged. "I mean....stay for just a moment, won't you? I have...a few more questions."

    "Anything," He said with another smile. "Just make it swift, please? I do have other matters to attend to."

    She nodded. Flattening the wrinkles in her dress, she took an awkward deep breath and said what she wanted to say, in the best of terms she could. "Why are you banished from here?" She only knew the partial truth; The watered down version that Sophie gave her. She wanted to know every little detail, down to the date and the time of banishment. She wanted to know everything about Mr. Wakefield, and why he was so mysterious, and why he wanted to associate himself with anybody like Belinda.

    He sighed, his face turning down. "I can't talk about that at length today. Next time, though? Is there anything else you need to know before I depart?"

    Yes, there was something else. "When will I see you next, then?"

    He lightened up again. His smile began to warm her heart and she felt his hands clasp around hers again. She could feel the heat of the ring, now around his finger, warming her entire being up. He lifted her hand and planted the faintest kiss on the back of it. "Soon, darling. After the next snowfall."

    Her heart fluttered. She felt him let go, felt him pass her as he headed for the window. Another brief burst of air greeted her, tousled her hair in every which direction. From the window he jumped, and she ran quickly to watch him disappear before hitting the bottom. Her head reclined, and she looked up at the dark cloud forming above. It began to snow.

    Tired. I think that's all I'm really feeling right now. Hope you liked this chapter ^-^

  • Hey thanks, man.

    LOL It seems like a Robert song. Glad you are caught up and not too confused. If you ever are, just let me know. :3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Nice chapter dude Robert and that song... Man that has made my day!!! XD For once I actually know of everything that has happened in the past with regards to this chapter :P

  • I must say, you've saptured the Smith family perfectly. :3 The older girls and their treatment to Lyla. Typical older sibling behavior. And Gina, too. She and John bumped heads a lot; I can't recall if I mentioned this or not but I did smile at that part, especially with the cake and her glares. XD Lyla is too cute with her names for people. :3 Love it.

    Wow. I also learned quite a bit about Fayde. Seems like she found herself in a heap of trouble with thus shadow demon Oomal. Also, the idea of a 'bounty' over her head as well; my previous questions about the mysterious shadow at the club has been answered. :3 I'm curious to know more about this and their rocky relationship.

    Also, my Nancy. :) She's the pants wearing, Wolf controlling, house cleaning, southern cookin' machine. I'm pleased she kept her cool, even when John was about to blow a gasket. And can I say, he and harmony embracing at the end. DAWW! Pleased everyone is coming around to Fayde. She just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Also, glad to see T man and Rosey Red speaking and being their usual selves. :D

    This was well worth the wait. Awesome, man! Can't wait for more! :D

    Fayde is back! I also tried my best in explaining previous plot holes that may have been unexplained in past chapters, if you get what I'm s

  • edited March 2015

    Great to know I've 'saptured' the Smiths perfectly. XD XD Kidding of course. I know you trust me entirely in writing their dialogue now - which is good!

    Next chapter will be about Fayde and the gang finally going back to Fabletown. After about... 3 or 4 chapters of tenseness at the Smith Settlement.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I must say, you've saptured the Smith family perfectly. The older girls and their treatment to Lyla. Typical older sibling behavior. And Gi

  • So contemplated on whether starting another case or another story, and right now I have more of a story idea then another case idea. This story is going to follow Alice and her new friend that takes place about three weeks after the first case where Luke and Bigby had caught her in her tragic mental state. It will be told (for the most part) by the friends point of view rather than Alices, now I'm using the term friend because right now I'm not feeling really well, really lazy and I can't really think of a name for him sorry XP.

    Hard Times

    It had been three weeks since Luke and Bigby brought Alice to Swineheart who had placed her in a Fables Hospital. For the most part she was doing fine and making progress, but when she goes to sleep she sees....things. Unsettling nightmares that she doesn't know what triggered these things. She told the doctors about it but they aren't helping just causing more questions, which angered her. Hans and her little boy made weekly visits giving her motivation to keep getting better. This wasn't any regular hospital though, as the patients could wander around for the most part as long as there was a doctor in the hallway. When she looked out of the windows it was a sunny, clear day. She went to the main lobby when she noticed a man who was also looking out the window. She has never seen before. He had moderately lengthed brown hair, hazel eyes, he was lean but from the looks of it didn't have much muscle, he didn't have great posture as he leaned slightly back with his hands in his pockets. He had no expression on his face and looked like he was in a whole other world. This peaked her curious mind and decided to strike a conversation.

    "Excuse me sir, I don't think I've ever seen you here before. When did you get here?" She asked

    The man turned to her but gave no smile and stayed expressionless. "Since I was a child, my parents had left me here but I don't remember why they did so." He said

    "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Do they intend on letting you leave when you get better?" She asked

    He seemed to take interest in this question. "I don't know. They keep me here for testing."

    "Testing? What for?" Alice asked

    "I have no idea." He said returning his gaze to the window.

    There was silence between the two. Alice felt awkward, but the man seemed to have forgotten she was even there. Her stomach growled.The man turned around.

    "Do you want me to make you something?" He asked

    "Oh no its fine! I can just go and-" Alice was cut off by him walking away.

    Alice took a seat in the lobby and wondered if he was going to come back. Alice had an appointment soon and she didn't want to miss it but...for some reason she felt she needed to wait. Not too long after he came back with pancakes, omelets, toasted bread, and breakfast sausage. Alice was shocked.

    "You cooked all this for me!?" She said

    "You need to eat." He simply said

    She started to eat the food to find out that the taste was fantastic! He was like a five star chef!

    "This is absolutely delicious! Did you learn to do this all by yourself?" She asked

    "No there was a chef here, he taught me until he left." He said

    "Oh okay." She said

    A man's voice came from down the hall. "Alice? Alice where are you!? You're late for your appointment!"

    "Damn, I'm sorry I have to go!" Alice said.

    "I'll save it." He said "Quick, before you get in trouble." The man said

    Alice had a good appointment and was allowed free time after the appointment. But when she left the room, she wasn't in the hospital...The fields of wonderland had shown up. The sky was clear and the sun was happy, everything had gone back to its weird ways. All she could think of was the trouble she had caused, and how she even got there. She started to cry in the field, flashbacks of haunting images of Hans and their little boy roamed her mind. She felt a hand on her shoulder.

    "You okay?" A man's voice said

    She stood up and noticed she wasn't in her hospital garbs, rather she had a summer dress on. She turned around to see the man that had made her breakfast this morning was with her in wonderland.

    "I'm sorry this is all my fault." She said

    "No I've been here before." He said

    "You''ve been to wonderland?" She said

    "Yeah, I've been able to visit here of my own free will." He said

    This shocked Alice, she thought she was the only one who could go to wonderland.

    "We should get going, I hear someone's new here and we don't want to get caught by them." He said

    "What? Who?" She asked

    He saw armed forces in the distance he grabbed her hand and started running in the opposite direction. By the time they had stopped running it had become nighttime and the moon was the same as always.

    "You should sleep. We need to move in the morning." The man said

    "But I don't even know who you are!" She said

    "I'll tell you in the morning, get some rest." The man said, and before Alice could reply he was already out the door.

    Alice was confused but she was very tired. She closed her eyes and began to dream...

    That's it! Let me know what you think! Although depending on how sick I am, I may not be able to get to you until Saturday or Sunday! Hope you guys enjoyed! :D

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