Who is the money going to? (Ep. 3)

Hey guys! In episode 3 we get Gwyn telli Rodrik that her father has "been sending a great deal of money to King's Landing". Who do you think is receiving it, and for what?

My suspicions go to Littlefinger, and the money is for him to spy on Mira, and eliminate her.

The only thing that goes against this theory, that I can find anyways, is that the Whitehill envoys at KL seemed to be genuinely surprised about finding her there and moreso about her taking the deal from them. Being Whitehill men, they should know about her (as in "get that deal before the forrester bitch does").

Does anybody else have other ideas?


  • edited March 2015

    I think Tom is a Varys agent, and he has been sent by Varys to do exactly the opposite that Littlefinger is trying to do.

    I believe Varys wants the Forresters to remain the providers of Ironwood to the realm, as they are clearly the best, if not the only family in the seven kingdoms that know how to maintain a steady flow of Ironwood without ruining it forever, like the Whitehills did.

    I believe that Varys is doing this for this reason (making sure his chosen King/Queen has their Ironwood in the future) AND he is also doing it because he knows that by helping the Forresters, in secret, he will have an ally, and even better, he might have a secret ally.

    As to the decree. I honestly think that a decree that has been signed and sealed by a traitor of the realm can be most easily nullified. I think Tom wants it burned because it WILL be used against Mira if she is caught with it because it is proof that she has been dealing with a traitor, a kingslayer and a kinslayer.

  • Lord Andros or (more likely) Lord Morgryn.

  • I think that they hired Damien to kill Mira, and steal her correspondences with the remaining Forresters at Ironrath. I think either Morgryn or Andros convinced him to get her out of the Whitehills way. Most likely Morgryn, i think.

    Which, if true, means that he knows that she is supposed to have been murdered, and obviously was not. So, now he thinks, okay if i can't kill her maybe i can use her until she gets herself killed or arrested, or i can arrange something else.

    I am also very suspicious of the coal boy though. But i don't know about the Varys angle, it doesn't appear that he is really involved in the events of the game so maybe Tom works for someone less conspicuous? Im not sure.

  • Damien was in the same room as they made the deal, so it's possible that the Whitehill men approached and hired him.

    Tom was sent to keep you alive, whether good or bad .. would be a clever strike if your behavior against him decides if he will/ won't betray his master for your safety. Possibilities :D

  • edited March 2015

    I was thinking Damien was a Littlefinger agent, but that's also a great idea. I wrote a longer explanation in a reply above.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I think that they hired Damien to kill Mira, and steal her correspondences with the remaining Forresters at Ironrath. I think either Morgryn

  • Lol yes, when we get more chapters maybe we can pull strings and see what are the consequences later on :-)

    Dalek93 posted: »

    Damien was in the same room as they made the deal, so it's possible that the Whitehill men approached and hired him. Tom was sent to keep

  • Wait... What if Whitehill sent the gold to Kings Landing to hire that guard to attack and kill Mira? And then look through her room for all the letters about whats going on at Ironrath!!! That would explain just about everything involving the traitor, considering lady Forrester had told Mira basically EVERYTHING about whats going on. Even Asher. Ludd might be lying about the traitor, thats a big possibility in ny mind. So many possibilities!

  • But Gwyn already knew about the plan the council just made in the Ironwood Grove. That only just happened. And Lady Forrester wouldn't have written to Mira about that anyway.

    E2Saint posted: »

    Wait... What if Whitehill sent the gold to Kings Landing to hire that guard to attack and kill Mira? And then look through her room for all

  • There are only so many players in King's Landing, that the money could have gone to.

    Cersei - to ensure her support regarding Ironwood, but seems unlikely

    Margaery - No obvious reason, probably not her. The Tyrell's don't need more money anyway.

    Tyrion - to ensure his support regarding Ironwood

    Lord Morgryn or Lord Andros - to secure the Ironwood deal. They are/were working for him after all.

    Tom - to spy on Mira, although I don't know why Tom wouldn't just take the money and run

    Damien - to kill Mira, although I don't know why he'd still be sending money, if Damien is dead

    But all of those are pretty basic and not much of a twist. Assuming Telltale want the reveal to be a surprise, I'm going to suggest Ludd Whitehill's spy in King's Landing is ... his bastard daughter, Sera Flowers.

  • edited March 2015

    Ah yes! The bastard daughter! Thanks for mentioning that. It reminded me of another theory I imagined (that I have not thought out completely and mostly because there is nothing to base it on) where she is Littlefinger's bastard child. Weird that I got reminded of this on this particular thread.

    Her being Whitehill's bastard sounds pretty awesome :-)

    There are only so many players in King's Landing, that the money could have gone to. Cersei - to ensure her support regarding Ironwood, b

  • My suspicions go to Littlefinger, and the money is for him to spy on Mira, and eliminate her.

    Littlefinger isn't in King's Landing anymore, he's on his way to the Eyrie with Sansa. I don't think he has anything to do with it.

  • No, you are right. Good point. His entire entourage of schemers is. He was running around the map on several occasions, with Renly/ Tyrells, with Lysa etc, he could even have visited the Whitehills at some point. But the point you make makes it much harder for it to be true indeed.

    My suspicions go to Littlefinger, and the money is for him to spy on Mira, and eliminate her. Littlefinger isn't in King's Landing anymore, he's on his way to the Eyrie with Sansa. I don't think he has anything to do with it.

  • I think it is Lord Morgryn.

  • That is true. But anything is possible at this point.

    But Gwyn already knew about the plan the council just made in the Ironwood Grove. That only just happened. And Lady Forrester wouldn't have written to Mira about that anyway.

  • An additional reason he might feel generous towards House Forrester is that they have ties to Targaryen loyalists.

    I think Tom is a Varys agent, and he has been sent by Varys to do exactly the opposite that Littlefinger is trying to do. I believe Varys

  • This is my theory too. They tried to kill Mira. Who else would want to?

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I think that they hired Damien to kill Mira, and steal her correspondences with the remaining Forresters at Ironrath. I think either Morgryn

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