Real real face of a t*****r

edited March 2015 in Game Of Thrones

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And here is why I think that is the case:

  1. She was present at all the important meetings
  2. During the "forrest planning" in ep.3 she is the only character who has the "She will remember that", and Gwyn references that during your meeting
  3. When told that you had one of Whitehills tell you their plans, she seems way to eager to know if you learned anything else.
  4. She previously already went behind your back and contacted the Whitehills.
  5. She and Ludd obviously had a common past together
  6. She has been trough this before, and her family fought back and was destroyed. She could be spying to prevent that from happening

Why would she do that?
Well as said before, to prevent the Forresters from going down the same path as her own family. She might believe that there is no hope in militarily opposing the Whitehills, thus she compromits all the Forrester plans in order to prevent such an occurence.


  • edited March 2015

    I have wondered about this myself. I am still inclined to pointing the finger at the Maester though.

    I will play the devil's advocate and poke at some of your points, if you don't mind.

    Here goes:

    1. So were all of the other Council members
    2. Not quite sure what you mean she will remember, but if it is regarding the option of not saving her youngest child, the "she will remember that" isn't so strange. You are, afterall, telling her you won't save her baby (coming from the firstborn or not, that's gotta sting, even if you know he's right).
    3. I'd be damn curious too. If she hadn't asked about more information, then that would be strange.
    4. She contacted the Whitehills to request the presence of her son during the funeral, nothing too horrible. Duncan for example, also went behind your back by sending Gared to the Wall without your permission.
    5. Yes, either that or Lord Whitehill has always had a major crush on her, similar to what Littlefinger once felt for Catelyn.
    6. How is her spying working out for her so far? True, they are mostly all still alive, and they still have a roof over their heads, but regardless of this, Gwyn tells us her father is planning to strike against them soon. And worse she says "You may think you have nothing more to lose".
  • The mother is just too much of a twist, why would she endanger her family especilly when the plan was to save Ryon

  • I don't know what to think, but why would she agree with Rodrik to bring Ryon back home, and then tell our plans to the Whitehills?

  • Yeah, but there is really 0 motive on why she would give whitehills info on her house

  • She may have contacted the Whitehills for a request that Ryon attend the funeral, but I don't think Lord Whitehill would be dumb enough to just outright say who his inside man is.

  • I would also like to add that she asked Rodrik to kill the whole Whitehill family, even the babies. Why would she say that and then spy for them?

    1. You wouldnt be that curious, unless you know there is more to find out. "Hey mom I just found out the plans of our enemy"
      "Oh thats wonderfull, but tell me did you find out anything else?"
      I mean come on, if that isnt suspicious to the bone then I dont know what is.

    I have wondered about this myself. I am still inclined to pointing the finger at the Maester though. I will play the devil's advocate and

  • Because she believes they cant pull it off, and would only result in death of her child/ren
    And even if they pull it off and save Ryon, is Whitehill just going to accept that and stay in his castle?
    Or will he come over with an army?

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    I don't know what to think, but why would she agree with Rodrik to bring Ryon back home, and then tell our plans to the Whitehills?

  • Except that if you choose to save Ryon during the meeting someone leaks the plan anyway. She's the person pushing for that the most because Ryon is her top pirority. She'd never endanger a plan to rescue him from the Whitehills.

  • Sorry, I can't agree with you.

    My son tells me he had a meeting with a member of the family who is threatening to ruin my own, he says this family member is sympathetic to our struggle and has shared 'this' information with us. I hear him out, and then ask him if he found out anything else. I would ask this. Some things are lost through miscommunication, forgetfulness etc. He did not tell her everything he found out if I remember correctly, so she was right in asking.

    If anything I found it stranger that the late (late) Lord Forrester told Gared to tell Duncan about the North Grove, and not his own wife, and that she asked Gared if he told him anything else as he died, other than that he loved me.

    Hrulj posted: »

    * You wouldnt be that curious, unless you know there is more to find out. "Hey mom I just found out the plans of our enemy" "Oh thats wonde

  • I was about to mention this too.

    "Save my baby from Whitehill"
    "Hey Whitehill, look out, they are coming to save my baby from you"

    Makes no sense

    Rock114 posted: »

    Except that if you choose to save Ryon during the meeting someone leaks the plan anyway. She's the person pushing for that the most because Ryon is her top pirority. She'd never endanger a plan to rescue him from the Whitehills.

  • But why would she agree with Rodrik? If she thought that would be dangerous to get Ryon back home, why did she seem to agree with the plan?

    Hrulj posted: »

    Because she believes they cant pull it off, and would only result in death of her child/ren And even if they pull it off and save Ryon, is Whitehill just going to accept that and stay in his castle? Or will he come over with an army?

  • Why doesn't he come with a fucking army? By the time he's there Asher will have his sellsword army ready

    Hrulj posted: »

    Because she believes they cant pull it off, and would only result in death of her child/ren And even if they pull it off and save Ryon, is Whitehill just going to accept that and stay in his castle? Or will he come over with an army?

  • Because she knows the plan will not go trough because she will notify Lud. Why oppose something you know will never happen

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    But why would she agree with Rodrik? If she thought that would be dangerous to get Ryon back home, why did she seem to agree with the plan?

  • Because she is a spy out of fear for her own family, not out of love for Whitehills.

    I would also like to add that she asked Rodrik to kill the whole Whitehill family, even the babies. Why would she say that and then spy for them?

  • Again, I explained that above. How are you going to save him? With what army? And if you save him will Whitehills just forget about it, or will they march with the army?
    What about the Whitehill garrison? They will just greet you hapily when you bring a hostage back?
    She directs you to do that because that is more easily stopped, whereas you can start trouble with Whitehills at Ironrath right away.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Except that if you choose to save Ryon during the meeting someone leaks the plan anyway. She's the person pushing for that the most because Ryon is her top pirority. She'd never endanger a plan to rescue him from the Whitehills.

  • edited March 2015

    So you are saying she tells Rodrik he should save the boy because she doesn't believe saving the boy is possible? And to make sure it isn't possible, she tells Whitehill that they are planning on saving the boy, then Gwyn tells Rodrik they KNOW they want to save the boy, so then they DON'T save the boy (or else they'll get caught). Then nobody gets hurt, yet.

    You are saying her plan is to always tell the Whitehills every single plan, and THEN the Whitehills tell Rodrik "hey, we know your plan", and so Rodrik never does anything.

    I feel like I'm in Inception.

    How long do you think this will work for and what good do you think this will do in the end?

    Also, why call Asher, and then tell them Asher is coming (because they know about that too)?

    Hrulj posted: »

    Again, I explained that above. How are you going to save him? With what army? And if you save him will Whitehills just forget about it, or w

  • Next threat will be "Even more real face of a traitor", I hope this time it will be the Maester's face, cause he's... ehm, traitor.

  • Start it, you know you want to.

    I actually looked back at all weird Maester things in the 3 episodes (or those I deemed suspicious), but it's the end of the day, I'm on my couch eating snacks and I'm too lazy to write anything with the detail this subject requires. I'd just write "OMFG huge serrated blade! L2 surgery!".

    JohnKersky posted: »

    Next threat will be "Even more real face of a traitor", I hope this time it will be the Maester's face, cause he's... ehm, traitor.

  • And if she yells NOOOOOOOOO! when Rodrick suggests saving Ryon that would be totaly legit and not arouse suspicions :D?

    And yes, she is under stress and mentaly defeated. Thats just how women act under such situations, thinking of short term benefits for family as opposed to long term benefits.

    It will work for as long as Whitehill wants. She thinks she has a deal, but whitehill is just using her.
    She doesnt know that Asher will bring an army (And neither does Gwyin)
    As far as she knows its just her son returning, whom Ludd wants dead, so she told him in an attempt to get him to not do that.

    So you are saying she tells Rodrik he should save the boy because she doesn't believe saving the boy is possible? And to make sure it isn't

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