It's probably blasphemous to say...

But I'm preferring the game to the show right now... I really am!


  • edited March 2015

    It would've been blasphemous to say that you prefer the game to the books but preferring it to the show is fine.

  • I'm not caught up on the books. I have a couple of horses and dogs so doesn't leave me.much spare time. I have them on audible, but the voice acting is terrible :-/

  • I don't blame you. There's an element of choice and unpredictability in the game. The books are written already, so we know (or can find out, if we haven't finished them yet) what's going to happen. Also, we're playing through the eyes of one family, so our allegiance is already predetermined. Personally, I like that. I can root away for the Forresters without second-guessing myself. I feel incredibly invested in their story, in a similar way to the Starks, but I feel there's more hope for them than there was for the Starks because we get to make the choices. It's like a "choose your own adventure" version of Game of Thrones. I love that. Not to mention, the voice acting, writing, and art are all really good. I'm really enjoying the game right now too. I won't lie though, I can't wait for the season premiere of Game of Thrones. :-)

  • I've read the books, but my husband and I tried the audiobook for the first one (Game of Thrones) and I couldn't deal with the old British guy doing the voice of a 13 year old Daenerys. He sounded so ridiculous. Lol.

    ALIENANGIE posted: »

    I'm not caught up on the books. I have a couple of horses and dogs so doesn't leave me.much spare time. I have them on audible, but the voice acting is terrible :-/

  • Yeah, I have a lot of books on audible, and GoT is by far he hardest to listen to because of just how bad the guy is at reading the damned thing! I'm out the house from 7am to 11pm every day so it's the only chance I get to get stuck in a. Good book. Hoping if can find a different version somewhere :-(

    I've read the books, but my husband and I tried the audiobook for the first one (Game of Thrones) and I couldn't deal with the old British guy doing the voice of a 13 year old Daenerys. He sounded so ridiculous. Lol.

  • Lots of people said the same for the Walking Dead. I personally think it's a strong testament to the quality of Telltale's writing. :)

  • I really like the show and i'm excited for the new season , but I must admit that I'm more excited about the game, i'm always looking foward more for the next game episodes than for the season premiere. Can't wait for episode 4 =]

  • Yep,mi feel an affinity for the Forresters that I haven't for any characters yet other than the Starks. I just hope they don't meet the same fate, but I want more...6 episodes isn't enough. I want to know their story....well done Telltale!

    I don't blame you. There's an element of choice and unpredictability in the game. The books are written already, so we know (or can find out

  • is! Also amazing that some of these VAs have no other acting experience, they're all doing an amazing job

    Lots of people said the same for the Walking Dead. I personally think it's a strong testament to the quality of Telltale's writing.

  • I agree, But I know why I like it more. It is more focused then the show. I have to admit that I find almost all of the Danny storyline boring as heck. So watching the show I lose interest at some points. But in the game I am all in with the Forresters and it is nice to stick with them and not have to slog trough parts that I don't much care for. That's just me though.

  • Roy Dotrice is fantastic, but yes, Irish crone Daenerys does make me cringe.

    I've read the books, but my husband and I tried the audiobook for the first one (Game of Thrones) and I couldn't deal with the old British guy doing the voice of a 13 year old Daenerys. He sounded so ridiculous. Lol.

  • edited March 2015

    Exactly. The show is all over the place with people who's actions and goals are hardly connected to one another in the whole. Nothing happening at the Wall seems to effect the characters in the south, and Dany's actions in Essos doesn't effect anyone in Westeros.

    But in the game, it is all about the Forresters and trying to help the House. Gared searching for the North Grove, Asher bringing an army, Mira securing alliances, they all are to benefit House Forrester.

    unseenclass posted: »

    I agree, But I know why I like it more. It is more focused then the show. I have to admit that I find almost all of the Danny storyline b

  • I agree. I love the game more than the show already but the books still top them all (for me at least).

  • edited March 2015

    Not convinced that's true (vis a vis better than show = good writing) for the walking dead since about half of the fanbase seems to intensely dislike the show :P

    Lots of people said the same for the Walking Dead. I personally think it's a strong testament to the quality of Telltale's writing.

  • I always end up preffering Telltales characters and story to the canon characters and story

  • I definitely disagree, but to each his own.

  • Or people are just Bias :P

    Lots of people said the same for the Walking Dead. I personally think it's a strong testament to the quality of Telltale's writing.

  • Show>>>> Game>>>>> Books.

    Lingvort posted: »

    It would've been blasphemous to say that you prefer the game to the books but preferring it to the show is fine.

  • I don't prefer TT TWD to the show, I adore Lee, Kenny and Clementine. And preferred them as characters to some, like to Beth, and that crap watered down tv Tyreese and his annoying sister. But the show is brilliant...when it stays cannon, and doesn't go off on a tangent like with Grady.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Not convinced that's true (vis a vis better than show = good writing) for the walking dead since about half of the fanbase seems to intensely dislike the show :P

  • I hope the Forresters survive, I'd love a season 2 to this, but I'd want to stick with the family. I'm already so attached to these guys, more so than anyone in the show (except maybe Ned...)

  • edited March 2015

    Show <<<<< Game <<<<< Books.

    Had to fix that for ya.

    Show>>>> Game>>>>> Books.

  • Sorry but the show kicks the games butt.

    Lingvort posted: »

    Show <<<<< Game <<<<< Books. Had to fix that for ya.

  • Nah.

    Sorry but the show kicks the games butt.

  • Uh-uh.


  • The books are definitely not the worst out of the bunch. They started the whole thing.

    Show>>>> Game>>>>> Books.

  • Books >>>>> TV Show >>>>> Game

    Sorry folks.

  • Ya huh

    Lingvort posted: »


  • Unlikely.

    Ya huh

  • This. And not that I wouldn't like the game, but the show and the books are just epic.

    Many of you say that the show's storylines aren't connected but that is just because it is such a huge story and we've seen only the first 4 of 7 seasons. And in this season many of those storylines will overlap and affect to each other more than before. Of course this game that concentrates to just one family and much smaller story will have the storylines more connected to each other from the start.

    If the game is about Forresters surviving and finding the North Grove, the books and the show are about the huge wars for the Iron Throne and the Westeros surviving against the Others/White Walkers. There is the difference.

    fallandir posted: »

    Books >>>>> TV Show >>>>> Game Sorry folks.

  • I agree.

    Show <<<<< Game <<<<< Books.

    is master race

    Lingvort posted: »


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