The maester is a red herring

It seems almost too obvious that the maester is the traitor and I don't think it will end up being him. I think it's going to end up being Lady Forrester because she wants to ensure Ryon's safety at Highpoint and because we've already seen her talk to the Whitehills behind Rodrik's back


  • The mother would be a twist but one I wouldnt buy, she's hysterical and wants to protect her family but she hates the whitehills more than anything. Not to mention she would be screwing her own family and for most the plan was to rescue ryon why would she ruin that plan?

  • edited March 2015

    Agree that the maester is too obvious. If it's him, the player won't feel anything, and this whole series seems to be about people you trust kicking you in the nads.

    I still think it makes 0 sense that Lady Forrester would scurry off and reveal the plans to save her son to the people holding her son. The only times I remember her circumventing a MC is dispatching Malcom to get Asher if Ethan declines, and figuring out what it would take to have Ryon at Ethan's funeral. The first choice was solid, the second one didn't really cost anyone anything. Everyone keeps saying she's crazy...well Lord Whitehill is kind of the whole reason her family is in this position to begin with. If she were to do something stupid, it would be trying to kill him when they go to Highpoint, not putting Ryon in even greater danger.

    I think it's Duncan, partially because the maester has been kind of been sniffing after his business for a while. If the maester isn't the traitor, imo, it make sense for it to be Duncan and the maester was actually trying to figure out what's going on. OTOH, Royland's constant bravado could be a perfect cover that he's been with the Whitehills all along.

  • Plus 1. exactly what i was thinking.. It cant be duncan, because the whitehills would know all about the North Grove.. I dont think it's Royland either because of how furocious he is when you tell him to take gryf. (he owns a few whitehills before he gets his leg kicked in case nobody else chose that option)

    The mother would be a twist but one I wouldnt buy, she's hysterical and wants to protect her family but she hates the whitehills more than a

  • edited March 2015

    I think she'd defy the plans to save Ryon because of the risk involved. If the rescue mission/ getting rid of Gryff was unsuccessful, Ryon would be killed and the Whitehills and the Forresters would go to war, risking the lives of her remaining children.Plus, I think the feeling that your own Mother betrayed you instead of just your maester would definitely make for a better plot

    The mother would be a twist but one I wouldnt buy, she's hysterical and wants to protect her family but she hates the whitehills more than a

  • I also think Lady Forrester is the traitor.
    She's just too damn annoying whining about her little unicorn Ryon.
    Please make them both die, TTG.

  • The only way I'd be truly surprised was if it was Talia or Bowen.

    Which are basically 99% impossible, but yeah.

  • If you choose to expell Gryff first, she refutes you.

    I think she'd defy the plans to save Ryon because of the risk involved. If the rescue mission/ getting rid of Gryff was unsuccessful, Ryon w

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