Unpopular Opinions Thread - Game of Thrones Edition



  • Didn't care for Ned, made all the wrong choices.

    Robb was fine, but just as dumb as his dad.

    Don't really care for Stannis.

  • Telltale's GoT is becoming boring. Not very likeable characters, dull graphic, grim locations. I don't feel I want to replay 3rd episode. TftB is much more interesting game.

  • I love the Ironborn and hope the Greyjoys kick some ass.

    Also Daenerys is my least favourrite character and i hope to see her dead soon enough, even if i know she's the scripted protagonist and winner of the series.

    Also fuck Jon Snow. His actor is terrible, the character is dull and boring, and i sure hope he dies soon

  • i sure hope he dies soon

    You might get your wish soon :/

    Endrik posted: »

    I love the Ironborn and hope the Greyjoys kick some ass. Also Daenerys is my least favourrite character and i hope to see her dead soon e

  • edited March 2015

    k den

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Telltale's GoT is becoming boring. Not very likeable characters, dull graphic, grim locations. I don't feel I want to replay 3rd episode. TftB is much more interesting game.

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    I don't care about Duncan, even as Gared. Royland is much better.

  • Asher is...okay. Not the greatest. He's okay.
    I hope Dani doesn't get the throne, I don't think she can handle it.

  • I don't like Elaena Glenmore. I mean, at all.

  • I don't know how others think but I really like Talia, so I really needed to stop Ramsay as Ethan.
    Also I couldn't care less about Ryon. He's just a pain in the ass - just like his stupid mother.
    Moreover I sold my brother for stealing because fuck him, I already know he stole from me too :D

  • I don't care for Stannis, I think he and his story are boring.

    I liked Joffrey, I think he was an interesting character to read about/watch.

  • Game - I really don't care about Ryon.

    Show/books - Arya's storyline bores me.

  • edited March 2015

    If they miraculously weathered all the troubles that had earned them, I'd hate it too. Fortunately, they didn't. Forewarn the most powerful woman in the realm that you're going to overthrow her? You get killed. Tell a nation of cultist vikings that you're leaving your land undefended? You get invaded. Break a vow to marry a notoriously dishonourable vassal's daughter? You get killed. Break with the oaths, traditions, and de facto purpose of the organisation you were narrowly elected to lead and propose to use them as a private army? Yeah.

    Besides, those that didn't die are taking a turn in another, less wholesome direction.

    I hate how George made the Starks White Knights

  • edited March 2015

    I would be perfectly happy to find out that R + L does not = J. In fact, I won't be particularly bothered if Jon's parentage is never resolved.

  • And I would use a spoiler tag for this, my friend.

  • Oh, I don't think so. There's still a lot more to him than we know. Besides, his actor is hot! Whoops.

    i sure hope he dies soon You might get your wish soon

  • edited March 2015

    I really hate Lady Forrester. I mean even if she isn't what some people think she is, there's something about her that bothers me. For example, I could understand that she wanted to have Ryon with them at the funeral, but she should have understood why it was important to not show any weakness in front of an ally instead of scolding the lord of the house for his pride.

  • edited March 2015

    The Show:
    1. I think all of the Stark's storylines (Ned, Robb and FUCKING BRANDON) are terribly boring and I was actually glad when Ned died because it meant not having to put up with his shit anymore
    2. Arya is a bitch for not giving the hound a quick death (still love her though, excellent character development)
    3. Catylin is a bitch for making Jon's life miserable when he was A KID and for killing that poor girl at the red wedding. God, I fucking hate her
    4. The Red Lady/ Baratheon storyline is even more boring than the Stark's
    5. Daenerys' storyline in the show is not going anywhere, has long overstayed it's welcome and is just outright boring
    6. Kit Harrington is a terrible actor with two facial expressions: sad and indifferent

    The Game:
    1. I don't like Asher's storyline for the same reason I don't like Dani's: NOTHING HAPPENS IN IT. Though Asher's bits are at least funny. I quite like him as a character actually
    2. I prefer Finn over Cotter

  • I remember Finn mentioned that one day Jon Snow will make Gared his bedwarmer, that's why he is so helpful. I laughed so hard.

    The Show: 1. I think all of the Stark's storylines (Ned, Robb and FUCKING BRANDON) are terribly boring and I was actually glad when Ned die

  • Game: I couldn't care less about Talia, and think her funeral song was ok– bordering on mediocre at best. If I could have her switch places with Ethan, I would in a heartbeat. I don't care much for Asher either. He's a stand-in for the 'bad boy with a heart of gold' archetype, but has no actual personality beyond that.

    Show: I liked Dany in the beginning, but her character and storyline have gotten rather stagnant. I like her on principle, but I'm secretly rooting for the Lannisters or Littlefinger just for the intrigue. Stannis is an entitled manchild, whose insecurity becomes more cringeworthy every episode. And aside from the fact that Kit Harrington seems have lost all movement in his face, Jon Snow's storyline is so boring 70% of the time. I know his death was important for Dany's character dev, but I also kind of wish Viserys was still around; he was creepy and fun to watch.

  • edited March 2015

    Done. But nothing's really spoilled by that post, as it remains a theory. One put together shortly after the first book was released, no less. If at this point they haven't hinted at it sufficiently in the show they probably never will.

    rousseau posted: »

    And I would use a spoiler tag for this, my friend.

  • Omg, that's hilarious. xD I'll need to try to trigger this line on my next playthrough!

    JohnKersky posted: »

    I remember Finn mentioned that one day Jon Snow will make Gared his bedwarmer, that's why he is so helpful. I laughed so hard.

  • Right, no offence. I just felt you were walking on thin ice there. Btw, i'd find it rather annoying as well, if R and L would be J's parents. This would come too close to a fairy tale for my taste.

    Done. But nothing's really spoilled by that post, as it remains a theory. One put together shortly after the first book was released, no less. If at this point they haven't hinted at it sufficiently in the show they probably never will.

  • edited March 2015

    I never wanted Gared anywhere near the nights watch and I cant wait to leave them at the first chance I get, Part of the reason I gave Britt a nudge off the wall.

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  • Everything is Brans fault.

    Everything is Catelyn's fault.

  • Talia's song was awful, my ears bled ._.

  • YES

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Talia's song was awful, my ears bled ._.

  • YES

    fallandir posted: »


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    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Talia's song was awful, my ears bled ._.

  • Alt text


  • edited March 2015

    Two things that have been said already:
    Few things which have been sad before, in seperate comments:

    Show 1: Dany's scenes/story are/is very hit and miss. I'm not sure if it was season 2 or 3, but for one of them the whole story was just her and her crew wandering around the dessert! ...and I don't like the dragons, and the awkward 'being the parent' scenarios with Dany.

    Game 2.game: Talia's song felt really out of place. The lyrics were basically a literal summary of what had been happening. On the topic of music, the music when it changes over to Asher (sort of ritual drums with the 'bouncy sounds'), seems very un-GoT to me, I always have to re-immerse my self into the game's atmosphere when ever it comes on, it's distracting more than anything.

               3. I look forward to Mira scenes more than Asher's and Gared's. Admittedly this might be more down to the situations and decisions they each are in and have to make more than the characters personalities.  Definitely think Mira has some of the better decisions to make, in terms of difficulty and engagement, and having to predict the repercussions.
  • edited March 2015

    Couldn´t care less if Malcolm died (I felt a little bad for leaving him but that´s more out of guilt).

    Not sure how popular or unpopular this is but Talia is my favourite NPC and like the only character I trust in the whole game.

    I don´t get why Sera is so disliked.

  • "I enjoyed when Boltons killed Gared's father."

    Why did you enjoy THAT? We didn't know anything about the guy. He was just some random pig farmer. That's a strange thing to enjoy.

    I enjoyed when Boltons killed Gared's father. I didn't want to punch Finn in the face I totally enjoyed kissing Lord Whittehills ring and bending the knee in front of Ramsey I wouldn't like to be a person who poured whine to Joffrey.

  • "Ned Stark is a warlord rapist"

    Huh? Where did you get that?

    Clemenem posted: »

    I have understanding of Joff and Ram I think Ethan is weak Ned Stark is a warlord rapist Drogo is the ultimate warrior and fuck Dan

  • Agreed. He is a selfish little twat who got a ton of people killed because he wanted to marry Talisa. Pathetic. Not a lick of honor. It's hard to believe he's Ned's son.

    Jack1575 posted: »

    Robb Stark was one of the worst kings the North has ever seen.

  • I agree with the last one.

    I would like to see Littlefinger sitting on (or behind) the Iron Throne at the end of the song. Oberyn was not as cool as people say he was. I don't really want sex in this game.

  • Yeah, but look where it got them. They aren't traditional "white knights". They've been torn to shreds worse than any house.

    I hate how George made the Starks White Knights

  • Lol. Or the Fabio of Game of Thrones.

    Extremely handsome. The Legolas of Game Of Thrones.

  • edited March 2015

    Agreed on both points. Dany can't handle her dragons either. She has no idea what she's doing with them. She needs to be trained by someone who understands these creatures. She's in over her head.


    She ends up being taken away and held prisoner by Drogon in a cave.

    JazzyTheMan posted: »

    Asher is...okay. Not the greatest. He's okay. I hope Dani doesn't get the throne, I don't think she can handle it.

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