Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • I remember events like Gren burning his arm, and the Alpha thing :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Hey thanks, man. LOL It seems like a Robert song. Glad you are caught up and not too confused. If you ever are, just let me know.

  • Yeah this autocorrect thing will be the death of me. lol I'm glad you know what in God's holy name I was trying to say. lol I do trust ya' and so far, its been wonderful. :3

    Looking forward to Fayde's return to Fabletown and what that will bring.

    Great to know I've 'saptured' the Smiths perfectly. XD XD Kidding of course. I know you trust me entirely in writing their dialogue now - wh

  • Folker Territory; Wolf Council offices

    Alt text

    Katie and Malcom searched the cell that once housed Mary Smith. It broke Katie's heart seeing one of her family members locked away for something horrific as to what she attempted to do to her brothers. All those souls lost to the greedy and vengeful hands of Mary Smith. Katie could feel the resentment dwelling inside of her. The urge to change into her Wolf form, comb the streets of these cities and find Mary; snatch
    her in between her jaws and crush the woman's skull like a nut. Watch her life slip away.

    But these twisted and vengeful thoughts made Katie sick and disgusted with herself. She took an oath. A vow to watch over this town and rebuild. Be something the previous members were not-generous, kind and understanding. Katie paused for a moment.

    "You alright, Katie?" Malcom dusts off his hands. "You look pale. Perhaps you should-"

    Katie shakes her head. "No. I'm fine. Let's continue our search. See if she left clues or the perpatrator that assisted her escape."

    "You still think someone from the outside helped her?"

    "Like I said, Mary was a very astute person; she managed to learn several languages within three years and from what my mother and grandparents say, was top of her class. She graduated Magna cum laude in her University. But something technical like this...was never Mary's strong point. She could barely figure out her GPS in the car, let alone breaking out of a prision I THOUGHT could contain her...."

    "Katie, this isn't your fault." Malcom noticed the look of defeat on Katie's face. "These things happen. We-"

    "I'm tired of THINGS just 'happening', Malcom. You heard Emily and I yesterday. Tired of fighting. I have thirteen girls that need their mother. Parents who have been fighting for their rights even before we were born. This world-the world you see outside these walls-was nothing. Even with their once leaders, the people that lived here were puppets attatched to strings. Decimus controled their EVERY move and thought. I want to rid of all that remains and start fresh. Mary is not allowed to be a part of these changes. She made her decisions long ago to seperate herself from us...."

    Malcom watched Katie collect her things and peer up the stairs. "Nothing is here, Katie...."

    "I know." Katie begins walking towards the doors. "We're going to have to simply stick to finding her then. I do not want word getting out just yet. There is no need to start a panic. I'll send several troops out into the city. Call Peter and Ethan and make sure they have the necessery material inregards to Mary. If any suspicious actions begin to take place, I want to know about it immediatly. Do you understand, Mr. Johnson?"

    "Yes ma'am." Malcom locks the door behind him. "I will contact you if any of us finds something."


    Katie steps outside of the large building. Malcom follows behind and watches his leader whistle twice and stand on the curb. Looking up, a creature with paper thin wings flies in between the buildings, glides towards Katie and lands before her. Jersey graces his skull against Katie's arm; she scratches under his chin, kisses his head and mounts his back.

    She craddles the stack of papers and salutes to Malcom. Returning the gesture, Malcom observes Katie gently kick the side of Jersey's rib cage and with this, the creature leaps into the morning air and heads for Fabletown. Shaking his head, Malcom returns to his office and prepares for the secret search of Mary Smith.

    Holly nearly ran into her daughter while Lily carried her purple Hippo and crossed in front. The little girl was chasing her uncle Ethan's cat; the thing used to belong to a Witch, so it was capable of taking the rough 'play' from the child's hands. When Lily was a baby, she'd climb the animal as if it were a mountain; pulls its fur, tail and whiskers and like a trooper, the cat sat back and took the abuse. Several times, as her true form, Lily chewed on its ears and front paws. Once, the cat snarled, hissed and struck Lily in the face.

    Peter nearly changed and devoured the Cat until Holly controlled Peter and pointed out Lily had crossed the boundary. Now, she was careful with her plays and interactions with the creature.

    "Come back, Black Sabbath! Come back!" Lily trailed after the Cat. "I want you and Mr. Hippo to have a tea party!"

    Holly chuckles. "EASY, Lily Faith Porgie! Mommy has hot coffee in her hands. Watch were you are going, baby."

    "Okay mommy! Sorry!"

    Black Sabbath rolled its eyes, ran into the little girl's bedroom and allowed Lily to chase after it. Holly smiled, pushed open her bedroom door and found Peter preparing for another day. He received a call from Malcom, indicating he needed to head over to the Business Office as soon as he
    could. Ethan was already there; Michelle took a cab and the two would meet up and get a head start to the paper work. Peter was not too worried about Mary. Like Emily mentioned, she'd bee a fool to try and send hints to her whereabouts. Holly places the coffee cup on the table, closes the
    door and wraps her tiny arms around Peter's chest.

    "You look handsome, Peter. No need to take so much time looking the part."

    "Hm, coming from the woman that takes TWO hours just to get ready."

    Holly kisses the back of Peter's shirt. "Don't be an ass, Peter."

    "I'm not, baby." Peter turns and grabs Holly. "I don't mind waiting on you..."

    As the two passionatly kiss, Black Sabbath pushes the door open and jumps on the bed. Lily, now in her true form, chases after the Cat. Her form was a Troll, only with more hair and Wolf senses. Lily could see in the dark, howl like a Wolf and track anything down like one. The mighty bundle of fur, claws and teeth leaps onto the bed, nearly causing Black Sabbath to fly off and land on the ground.

    "Lily, baby-what are you doing?"

    Lily peeks over. "Playing...."

    "You know the rules, little lady. Out."

    Lily pouts; she does as she's told, though, carrying her Hippo behind. Holly smiles, kisses Peter one last time and chases after her daughter. Black Sabbath looks over, grooming his right paw and sighs.

    "That child is a ball of energy, Peter."

    "Yes but YOU don't help it, either. Next time, I might JUST let her get you...."

    "Oh Mr. Porgie, I'm quite shocked with that answer. You know, Ethan would not be pleased knowing you allowed his neice to maul his cat until it became nothing but bits of fur and bone."

    "Yeah, well, Ethan would eventually get over it. TRUST me..."

    Black Sabbath sat in the window and watched Peter grab his coat, keys and shoes. Right away, Peter flew out of the bedroom and headed for the door. He kisses both Holly and Lily before heading down the stairs. He struggled to get his shoes on and almost tumbled down the steps but managed to gain his footing and finish dressing. He hails down a cab, climbs inside and heads for the Business Office.

    Overhead, he could have sworn he saw the Jersey Devil; the young woman riding his back with the shoulder length hair gave it away. None of the mundies seemed to notice the Fable heading towards the Woodlands.

    Yeah, Peter thought to himself, while fixing his cuffs. The talented twosome of Fabletown.

    Michelle is sitting on Ethan's desk, while Penkle and Charming send the 'Scouts' through the city of Fabletown. When Peter and Ethan took over the Business Office and all that remained, they come across a large chest, deep in the caves and walls of the Woodlands. Penkle told the history
    behind the chest; it contained secret lookout soilders that were often used as spys during wars and battles back at the Homelands. They were locked away for centuries and perssumed 'dangerous' and 'unstable.' Curious got the best of Peter when he unlocked the chest and found hundreds of Scouts.

    They looked like tiny Imps, each with a different style of wing and power. But they possesed one thing: the ability to disguise themselves and lurk in the open without anyone detecting them. Since releasing them from their prison, the Imps were forever in debt to Peter and the Fables that
    needed their assistance. Today, they were is desperate need.

    Penkle and Charming sent several groups around Fabletown and the Folker community alike. Slowly, the groups returned with little or no information. Michelle carefully uses a map to pinpoint certain locations in Fabletown. Without warning, Jersey enters the open window; his wings create a large gust of wind, that cause all the papers and some of the Scouts to circle in a Tornando like motion and land in various places.

    Michelle glares over, her neatly pulled back hair now a mess. "Really, Katherine? Look at what Jersey has created-a mess and all the information scattered along the floors and-"

    "He didn't mean to, Michelle." Katie jumps of of Jersey's back and tosses him a Biscuit. "Just relax. I'll pick them up."

    Michelle straightens out her hair. "Well, you better. Ethan will NOT be pleased to see such a mess and-"

    "Ethan." Katie chuckles, carefully picking each paper up. "He needs to take that big ol' stick out of his ass and relax."

    Penkle and Charming nod in agreement. Michelle tosses a pen at each of the men. "Do not encourage her, you two. And besides, from what I've been told, you are just as concerned about Mary's escape then what you're leading on. I should have known she was not secure with you Folkers and-"

    "EXCUSE me?" Katie growls and steps immediatly before Michelle. "US Folkers? Check your facts, sweetie-I'm also a Fable, too and I did what I THOUGHT was best for ALL of us."

    "And look where it led us, Katherine. Mary has escaped and now, you and the others think someone from the outside helped with her escape. If any blood is spilled, this shall be your fault."

    "Alright, enough." Ethan walks back into the office, followed by Peter. "Both of you need to remain focused on the issue and not create more troubles. I just got off the phone with Malcom. He and several other members to the Council are looking up every possible suspect that could have taken part in helping Mary escape. So far, nothing has happened. Where ever she is, Mary is keeping a distance."

    Peter takes out his phone. "We need music...."

    "Oh come now, Sheriff." Charming slams his desk drawer shut. "What we need to do is formulate a plan of action, should this woman strike and not alone."

    Peter holds up his finger. "Relax, Charming. I'm aware of what is happening but YOU and the others need to see where Deputy Mayor Ethan, Katherine and I stand. We grew up around this woman and although she harmed many Fables and Halfers alike, I do agree that she is not capable of creating a war with her own hands. For the moment, she is temporarily in hiding and when I catch wind, she shall be taken down."

    "And Grendel is off WHY?"

    "Do not fret about Gren." The music continues to play against Peter's words. "I promised him today off but tomorrow, I will have him in place. My grandfather, John Smith, will also be a part of this plan; he knows the Folker lands just as well as my sister. Malcom has his plan set in action. The Scouts are searching the streets of Fabletown; you and Penkle or gathering information from other worlds to see if she DID escape and is wandering alone somewhere. Snow White is also secretly assisting us with these actions. I have her overlooking the books for any magic that Mary could have used for not only her escape but masking her smell so I can not find her."

    Charming does not say another word, as he returns to the papers. Suddenly, three Imps fly into the office, carrying a large object. It appeared to be in the shape of a hand. Ethan snatches the object out of the hands of the winged creatures and examines it. It was indeed an arm. The others gathered around Peter; he lit a cigarette and carefully looked at the gold item. It was crafted with care. Detail on each finger, down to the lines in the palm and knuckles.

    "Where did you get this?"

    A red Imp answers. "Twas' brought to us."

    "By who?"

    "At first, we thought it was a pawn in the missing suspect's whereabout but upon further inspection, the figure was spiritual and without a word, gave us this item. Said it was for Grendel."

    "Grendel?" Ethan looks over. "OUR Grendel?"

    "Again, WHO gave this to you!?" Peter growls slightly, holding the arm in the Imp's face. "WHO gave you this and-"

    "A Koi fish, sir. It was glowing with golds and yellows. It was floating when it handed us this arm...."

    The golden arm was the one that was torn from Gren's body. Peter and Ethan moved the fingers and noticed a marking on the wrist. Small letters created a quote. After reading the message, Peter finishes his cigarette and points to Michelle. She already knew what to do.

    "Call Gren. We'll be making another visit...."

    'Only the dead have seen the end of war.'

    Alt text

    (Because Jersey got mentioned and I'm in a ridiculous good mood today and seeing the Jersey Devil paint his daughter's nails....XD)

    If you have any questions, you know the drill. :3 Leaving for San Fran tomorrow morning! :D :D I will try and add more chaps if I can. Looking forward to seeing this awesome city!

  • First off, I love these pictures. The quads are too precious and I love them so much! Also, Jersey in the second made me go DAWW over and over. I saved it. Hope you don't mind. :3 I just love your cute family pictures like this. :D :D HEY, what is your DA, btw?

    Now, to the story. I loved Katie and Malcom's section. I always liked Malcom and its great seeing these two working together. :D I hope Mary does not cause too much trouble for the Fables and Folkers alike. That bit with Jersey, too. I hope they had a spell so no mundies would see them. XD

    Lily Faith. <3 CUTE name, dude, for that cat! lol I'm surprised Peter has not eaten the smartass. Wish I had a magical cat.

    Jersey and his biscuit. lol I was seriously waiting for Michelle and Katie to throw down, bro. lmao I love your ideas for Fables and what not; its a damn shame FABLES is coming to an end, cause I'd so write to Bill and have him hire you. The Imps in the chest. What they were used fo. How awesome is that! :D 'Scouts' as you called them . :3 OH man.....that arm.

    The Koi Fish was Calla, Gren's mom! OHHHHH how exciting! I wonder what that means, the golden arm and what that will do to the others and the situation. I loved this! Can't wait for more! This is getting really good! Also, can't wait to see what you have planned for the quads!!!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Folker Territory; Wolf Council offices Katie and Malcom searched the cell that once housed Mary Smith. It broke Katie's heart seeing

  • Ah, that's a good point. ;)

    Looking forward to seeing where you go with the story! :)

    Sorry to hear you're getting sick - hope you're feeling better soon!

    Haha. XD

    Tetra posted: »

    What Cheshire did was very courageous indeed. Hey it's Alice's mind, it's up to her what happens For the most part yes, and this was jus

  • It sounds like they're making their own stories with each other now, which is pretty awesome. XD Emily and Gren seem always happily destined for each other; but maybe Robert and Katie or Penelope will hit it off. :D It's a brilliant Sims world you have there. XD

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Oh, you don't even understand the half of it XD I've seen Emily Porgie and her siblings in the park while playing other families, socializin

  • Rose taking the slice of chocolate cake from under Nancy's nose was brave! Unless she was allowed to, of course. :D

    "The hell it is!" Gina almost spilled her milk on the carpet. "There's still more to that Fayde girl than she's letting on, I know it."

    Gina is certainly the feisty one! It's strange seeing Mary as a child knowing what she becomes, but she stood up for Lyla so she's not all bad. :)

    John and Nancy took a seat on the couch with Rose and Tez. Harmony, on the other hand, continues to enjoy her chocolate dessert on the recliner chair.

    Harmony knows where her priorities lie. XD And Nancy totally has John in line - got to respect that. The clearing of the air, so to speak, between everyone at the end makes for a pleasant wrapping up. :)

    Finally, that ending and Rose saying about the surprise - the fangirl in me is so hoping for a dragon ride with Tezoth. I know that's probably not going to happen, but, yeah. XD

    Fayde is back! I also tried my best in explaining previous plot holes that may have been unexplained in past chapters, if you get what I'm s

  • When reading the first half of this last night I could hear wind chimes outside - they're a good sound and, although perhaps unnervingly ethereal at first, they're a comforting sound to announce Calla's arrival. What Calla has to tell Gren is somewhat obscure, but perhaps therein lays the key for Gren and Emily and everyone else to be able to overcome any hardships that lie ahead, because they will have to rely on themselves to figure things out. Or maybe not, it's just a theory. :P

    Gren noticed a touch of gray near the middle. Age and time was finally catching up to his brother.

    Know how this feels - already got a streak of grey. XD

    That little bit of tension seems to be persisting around the brothers; there are many ways things could go, events that could occur. Really makes you wonder what's going to happen next! :D

    Hope you all have a good time in San Francisco! :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Gren awoke to the sound of chimes outside his bedroom door. The sun was poking over the tops of the mountains. Emily was fast asleep, her bo

  • edited March 2015

    Rutley, with red paint that's not red paint on his neck? Very suspicious. And Jonathan was rather curt in his visit, to say that Belinda is doing him such a favour by providing the ring. Makes you wonder about his honour (which seems like a really old fashioned thing to say XD).

    Going great! :D

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    The ring had fit like a glove. It always had, as if it were meant to adorn Belinda's long slender fingers. She watched it shimmer, the magic

  • As the man says to Alice, you need to get some rest, Tetra. :) This is a very engrossing beginning and personally, I'm glad to see more of Alice and Wonderland. Not least for the fact that it's showing her mental health, which I guess is something I would be interested in. XD Anyway, even though you've yet no name for this Man, it does make him all the more mysterious - along with his plain proficiency for cooking - and makes it strange why he would be kept so long for tests. Then, there's the business with him being in Wonderland, and the armed forces that are also present.

    Great start! :D

    Tetra posted: »

    So contemplated on whether starting another case or another story, and right now I have more of a story idea then another case idea. This st

  • I love wind chimes and I know a few people find then annoying to say the least but it fits Calla and what she has to say. I will not go too much into detail about what will happen in the future with Gren, Emily, the quads and even Robert and the others. Right now, the main concern is Mary and that will be resolved fairly quickly, so that I will continue on with my plans for the story. :) You ARE right about the Fables needing to rely on themselves. They can only give you pieces. How you put it together is all on that person...

    Well, look at that-Percy and Robert DO have somehting in common. XD Nah, but all joking asside my family has that issue, too. It skipped me but my brother has it...

    There is tension right now between the brothers. That Alpha mentality. Gren swears he does not want it but like robert stated, by throwing his arm into that fire, this indicated a challenge. It comes and goes; they will not always act like this but until Thomas dies and his place is taken, this will continue. They don't MEAN to. Just how their species acts.

    Much appreciation, Noir! I'm looking forward to the trip!!

    LupineNoir posted: »

    When reading the first half of this last night I could hear wind chimes outside - they're a good sound and, although perhaps unnervingly eth

  • 'Only the dead have seen the end of war.'

    That is an excellent quote!!!!

    I have no idea who Penkle is, and is Charming the full Mayor or what? :/

    Again I find myself disappointed in something though: Jersey is a pet to Katie it seems...

    Hmmm, these Porgie women have way too much power over their men >:(

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Folker Territory; Wolf Council offices Katie and Malcom searched the cell that once housed Mary Smith. It broke Katie's heart seeing

  • I love it myself, too. Fits very well with the current story and issues at hand.

    Penkle is a Troll. Kind of like what Bufkin was to Snow White and Charming is only half Mayor.

    Jersey is a pet to Katie it seems...

    Sadly, this is false. Jersey, Gren, Johann, etc are not slaves to their significant others. What made you think this-because Katie rode him to the office and she gave him a biscuit? I'm starting to think you are offended by women holding SOME slice of the power. I apologies if this topic offends you but I never once stated the Porgie women were as such.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    'Only the dead have seen the end of war.' That is an excellent quote!!!! I have no idea who Penkle is, and is Charming the full M

  • Ok I get it :)

    Yes, that behaviour has made me think that...

    I'm not offended; I am not one-sided with relationships, but this 'power' is just odd to me... You know what, I don't wanna explain it. It'll take me way too long :/

    I'll happily talk about it in a PM though

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I love it myself, too. Fits very well with the current story and issues at hand. Penkle is a Troll. Kind of like what Bufkin was to Snow

  • Well, at least you are honest with me about it. I think BOTH sides to the relationship should have the power. TRUST me....there have been times where Jersey did some things to Katie. Same went for Gren.

    PM me about it, man. :) Glad there were no hard feelings.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ok I get it Yes, that behaviour has made me think that... I'm not offended; I am not one-sided with relationships, but this 'power' i

  • I'm not comfortable explaining it publicly...

    To anyone reading this thinking Hazza is some kind of sexist prick or a guy who believes that the man should have the power; it isn't true. But for some reason I don't wanna explain my 'ideas' of how a relationship works on this thread.

    Man, I feel like a fucking tool right now :/

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Well, at least you are honest with me about it. I think BOTH sides to the relationship should have the power. TRUST me....there have been ti

  • Already I'm interested!!!

    Looking forward to more dude XD

    Tetra posted: »

    So contemplated on whether starting another case or another story, and right now I have more of a story idea then another case idea. This st

  • I really do need it XD. Alice in Wonderland is so much fun to write, I don't know why but when it comes to Wonderland it's rather easy to do :p. Ah that's good! I still haven't named him so for now he'll have to stay mysterious XD.

    Glad you liked it Lupine! :D

    LupineNoir posted: »

    As the man says to Alice, you need to get some rest, Tetra. This is a very engrossing beginning and personally, I'm glad to see more of Ali

  • Glad you liked it Hazza! :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Already I'm interested!!! Looking forward to more dude XD

  • Thanks again. :) :)

    I was thinking on making another pic for her, so expect that sometime soon!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Yeah this autocorrect thing will be the death of me. lol I'm glad you know what in God's holy name I was trying to say. lol I do trust ya' and so far, its been wonderful. Looking forward to Fayde's return to Fabletown and what that will bring.

  • She was allowed to, guess the way I've written it made it seem like Rose had to be all sneaky about it. XD

    I'm going to be honest with you, you're completely spot-on with your end prediction!

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Rose taking the slice of chocolate cake from under Nancy's nose was brave! Unless she was allowed to, of course. "The hell it is!" Gi

  • edited March 2015

    Ok, I'll explain it cuz it isn't that weird at all:

    I believe that a relationship requires both parties to give equal amounts to it, there is no dominant one all the time, though I tend to lean towards the man being the 'man' of the relationship. Of course, I understand that woman should have the power sometimes, otherwise that's unfair to them...

    But a relationship where a woman walks all over her man, I can't agree with it, same with if a man controls his woman too much. My Parent's are the likely reason for my ideology:

    They were in love once, but now they're just plain 'civil' and I use that term lightly. I view relationships like the ones depicted in fiction.

    I know that 'true love' and 'happily ever afters' exist, just like how some couples work and others are made for each other:

    Chad and Tammy, from what little I know, they're made for each other.

    Bigby and Snow, they work like a clock. The difference is that Bigby and Snow will likely argue about decision making more than others, plus they come from very different backgrounds. BUT, they make it work!

    The point I am making is that I am quite a puritan with relationships...

    Now you all know :P

    Anyone wanna question me? lol

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I'm not comfortable explaining it publicly... To anyone reading this thinking Hazza is some kind of sexist prick or a guy who believes th

  • Trouble Below, 2

    So far so good, Etan, Nick along with Dan, Ella and Marcelo fought their way through and finally made it to the lair were Ashlyn is being held. There, the boss Wendigo waited there, hovering his clawed fingers over her body. “Too late, this girl belongs to me now. She in a few movements see will be WENDIGO. We will then dine on all of your corpses!” It then leaps in front of everyone and challenges them to one final duel. Ashlyn begins to awaken and is in utter confusion, thinking how the hell she got down here.

    They are surrounded, more Wendigo pour into the room blocking all exit's. Ella ready her knife, Dan ready his sword, Marcelo breaths fire. They're ready to 'Get er done'. After a short awkward stare down, one them the Wendigo's fall from the ceiling, which Dan cut's in half. Blood splashes onto Ella face and she angrily wipes of the disgusting liquid. “Omg, Dan watch it!” She then uses her power granting her immense agility and begins to cut down as many as she can.

    Etan and Nick also manage to slay a few but their fun is cut a abrupt end, when the boss stops then both in their tracks and let's out an irritating wail. “ Ahhhgh! My wife doesn't even scream this loud when we make love..!” Etan covering his ears so his ear drums wouldn't burst. Nick forcing himself through the Wenigo's echoes rips a large pipe out of the ground and smacks the screaming beast into the wall. It struggles to get of from that powerful blow, anything else would of too. “God these things are annoying, I should of broken this thing neck and we would of never been in this mess..” Nick turns around and dust himself off. Etan warns Nick and he turns back around and is bitten multiple times.

    “I won't let you take her from me. You will never have my bride!” Ella comes to Nick's rescue and stabs the beast several times in the back. It's screams then smack her away into a group of incoming Wendigo's hoping to catch an easy meal. Marcelo set's ablaze the group, but normal they would of burned... They immediately healed. “Fuck” he thought and continue to fight off as many before they could get too close to Ella. Dan was also in a tough pickle, he was back into a corner. His sword wasn't going to save him this. These Wendigo were much powerful than the recent ones. Their wounds healed contentiously, it was no use. He was left with limited choices, so the student to a dive into the body of water behind him.. it was deep like a lake. The Wendigo's stood on the tip of the land and waited..

    With no word they saw the bubbles and they knew he was gone. So they moved on to finished off the rest. Nick manage to break free of the boss. It retreats to higher ground and let's out another wail, but this time it summons more Wendigo's. The whole room is crowded. “Everyone group up!” Etan shouted, now him, Nick, Ella, and Marcelo were surrounded again and potentially screwed. The Wendigo boss began to laugh like a utter maniac, then signaled his minions to finish them off.


    Coming crashing through the wall, Tez and Rose riding on his back arrived just in time. The red dragon descended down onto the battle and greeted everyone including the Wendigo boss. “Hi.... Uhh.... did I come at the right time..?” The Wendigo boss yelled again “KILL THEM ALL” an his minions proceed to attack everyone. As the boss retreated, their power began to diminish making it easier for them to be killed. “Where's Dan?!” Ella though looking around and fearing that they already got to him. The boss returned to the alter and pick up Ashlyn who awoken and scratched the beast with her wolf claws. It over powered her and began to carry her way towards the body of water where Dan met his apparent end.

    “Let me go! Let me go! Help!”

    Ashlyn's cries for help got the attention of the others. They attempt to rescue her but is block off by MORE incoming Wendigo. Nick has had enough of these creatures, so puched the ground with his fist sending out a massive shock wave around him, knocking the Wendigo's on their feet. Etan look's at Nick telling him that he had no Idea he could do that. Nick tells him he's full of surprises. Then finally, Marcelo and Tez finish off the Wendigo with their dragon breath leaving nothing but charred remains and ashes.

    Now the Wendigo boss begins to board a stone ferry boat along with Ashlyn who continues to try to break free. Everyone else rushes to her rescue but the Wendigo uses some kind of magic to prevent them from going any further. “COWARD!” Nick waving his fist angrily at the Wendigo. It laughs and gives everyone the middle finger while holding Ashlyn on it's shoulder. Then suddenly the water began to move viciously causing the ferry to rock back and forth. It makes the Wendigo boss uneasy and as he look around, he see's the giant shadow of what ever is under the water.

    A towering aquatic creature begins to rise above the surface of the water. It head resembling a dragon with some fish characteristics. It's body strong with several fins poking out from the sides, it's claws sharper than one can imagine, a massive tail and truly intimidating eyes. It's roar echoed through the underworld causing rubble to rain from the sky. This, was the son of the the Scottish cryptid in all it's glory. “Is that Dan....?” Ella as he gazed upon the startling creatures glory. Nick yelled out, “HOLY SHIT! He really is Nessy's, son!”. Then Wendigo boss began to panic as the Dan's massive tail came down onto the ferry and split it in half.

    The attack sent Ashlyn and the Wenidgo flying in separate directions in the air. Dan caught Ashlyn with his tail and caught the Wendigo with his jaws. He crunched and threw the creature to the ground at the feet of the others. In a bloody mess, it was at the mercy of Nick and Etan. It began to cough up blood and gunk from it's body, and had the nerve to laugh and insult them. “Haha...., congratulations... you stopped me.. You temporarily won over the hunger... You think that it will go away... it won't... More Wendigo's will come, and when they do.. We will devour everyone at this miserable academy... You walking meat on-trays!!”

    Nick approaches the Wendigo, he looks at Etan and everyone then takes another look at the creature and thinks to himself:




  • Loved this chapter dude!!!! XD

    All action, OC's are all badass, sheer perfection in a bottle!!!

    Nick was excellent, I love the powers you've given him cuz Nick does have quite a lot of hidden potential with his Black Magic...

    Now, I choose:

    Alt text

    MasterStone posted: »

    Trouble Below, 2 So far so good, Etan, Nick along with Dan, Ella and Marcelo fought their way through and finally made it to the lair we

  • Oh man talk about intense!

    Hmm this is a tough one we could spare him in the off chance that these other Wendigos are more peaceful than this one and not start a war...or we could kill him and potentially start an all out war...Normally I'd say kill him but I think sparing him might be the better option.

    MasterStone posted: »

    Trouble Below, 2 So far so good, Etan, Nick along with Dan, Ella and Marcelo fought their way through and finally made it to the lair we

  • edited March 2015

    That picture lol.

    Thanks, the story is nearly over to unfortunately.. But I have a few things to throw in for the finale.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Loved this chapter dude!!!! XD All action, OC's are all badass, sheer perfection in a bottle!!! Nick was excellent, I love the powers you've given him cuz Nick does have quite a lot of hidden potential with his Black Magic... Now, I choose:

  • I look forward to the finale either way :)

    I was gonna post a picture of Buddy Christ from Dogma saying "Finish Him!" but I had no luck :P

    MasterStone posted: »

    That picture lol. Thanks, the story is nearly over to unfortunately.. But I have a few things to throw in for the finale.

  • Yes :D

    She was allowed to, guess the way I've written it made it seem like Rose had to be all sneaky about it. XD I'm going to be honest with you, you're completely spot-on with your end prediction!

  • Well, there could be a few things that 'red paint' might'll find out fairly soon, if you've not figured it out just yet. Jonathan is still very mysterious in is reasoning and what he's up to. Lets just say, you may not know who the bad guy is until the end.

    Thanks :)

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Rutley, with red paint that's not red paint on his neck? Very suspicious. And Jonathan was rather curt in his visit, to say that Belinda is


    The Quads; They're the cutest bunch of rascals I have EVER seen! So, I guess going by how all of this unfolded, how old would you say Mary and Junior's kids would be in comparison to all of Jersey and Katie's girls, little Josiah, and whoever else is in the mix?

    PLUS: Jersey doing the girls' nails XD I literally love that one so much, I think I might save it to my computer XD I LOVE the way the girls all look, and the addition of color makes the picture a million times more awesome! You should do that more often, man! Gosh, I gotta start catching up on this reading soon; I've just been even busier than usual, I haven't even been able to get out a chapter every day like I used to. Now that I have time, I think I'll go write one real quick XD I might also go on sims and make Fayde, as promised to Dragon, and possible more people's OC's if I can. Hope all is well with you, the missus, and baby Emily <3

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Folker Territory; Wolf Council offices Katie and Malcom searched the cell that once housed Mary Smith. It broke Katie's heart seeing

  • edited March 2015

    Hey thanks a bunch, Ems. :3 The quads are indeed something special to me. Like Georgie and Lyla's quads when they were little like this. :) Well, Gremily's quads are five years old right now; Katie and Jersey's 1st litter are 11, 2nd litter 10 and 3rd litter 9 years old. Yeah....did NOT seperate having their kids. XD Little Josiah is 6 years old; Lily Faith, who is Peter and Holly's daughter is the same age as the quads.

    Then we have Mary and Junior's 6 hell spawns-er, I mean ANGELS....George just turned 13, Sheila is 10 years old, the twin girls Aubrey and Sophia are 7 and finally, Haylee and Damien are 4. I TRY to color my pics when I have the time; I honestly thought it looked like poo but its nice to know it DOES look nice. :3

    I'm actually looking forward to more of your Sims! I know what you mean about being busy; the 3 of us are actually in San Fran looking at apartments. :3 We are all doing wonderful! :D Hopefully you're doing pretty damn good yourself, too! :3

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    LET ME JUST SAY (I haven't read the chapter yet) THAT THESE PICS YOU'VE DRAWN! THEY'RE FANTASTIC! The Quads; They're the cutest bunch of

  • edited March 2015

    "Oh bollocks!" A frustrated voice sounded from nearby. Belinda stood in the lobby of the apartment building, waiting for Sophie to come downstairs so they could go out on town today. In her mind, she replayed last night's encounter over and over again, her heart fluttering at every notion of Jonathan's face or eyes. She clutched a pocket-book in one of her hands and held the rim of her sunhat with the other. Despite the cold, the sun shone down brightly today, and Belinda felt the need to be prepared for it. She turned her attention to the voice that had spoken, curious as to who it belonged to.

    "What's wrong, Mr. Cartwright?" Mayor Rutley asked, his arms folded speculatively. He was always an intimidating sight, and Belinda wondered if he remembered last night's encounter.

    "I just did inventory this morning, and I figured maybe I counted wrong or something of that manner, so I counted over about two more times..."

    "Get to the point?" Rutley did not sound amused. Belinda shied away when she saw the Mayor's face glance at her, his expression growing with impatience. In her gut, she felt her insides wrench, almost as if she were bracing herself for Mr. Cartwright's answer.

    "We're missing two magical objects. The Ring of Dispel, and the Dagger of the Cardinal Winds."

    "Hmph. Isn't the treasury guarded twenty-four seven?" Rutley asked. His voice had lowered so most people couldn't hear them, but Belinda was still able to listen, now perched on a nearby sofa.

    "Well yes, Mayor Rutley, but that's the thing. I don't think the night-shift was covered last night. I'll go over to Mr. Vanhan's room and ask what was wrong.."

    "Well you had better, before I blow my top Mr. Cartwright. And if those objects aren't found within this week, I swear on whatever god you worship that you'll be demoted back to your old position quicker than you can say 'But Mayor Rutley'!" And with that, Mayor Rutley turned on one heel and flounced away. It was in that moment that Sophie appeared, a mixture of excitement and nerves bundled into one expression.

    "You're ready to go?" Belinda asked, trying her best to fake a smile. Her insides were on fire, with anger and guilt- But she didn't steal a dagger, just the ring. It made her wonder if it really were an accident that the night shift wasn't covered...

    "I'm ready when you are, Miss," Sophie replied. Belinda stood and the women trodded out, their shoes crunching in freshly fallen snow. Jonathan was right when he'd said snow was coming last night. The girls headed east, toward the bridge that went over the Thames that brought them to the shopping district of London.

    "You clumsy, barmy woman!" Rutley yelled across his mahogany desk. He paced back and forth behind it, occasionally glancing out the wide windows that viewed the river flowing by and the constant movement of London's city life. His arms were crossed and his face was red with anger, barely able to contain it all in front of the woman in his office.

    "Look," The woman, who had a strictly American accent, said. "I did what you told me to do. I hypnotized the Vanhan guy, told him it wasn't his night to patrol or whatever, and I slipped in and grabbed the dagger. What else did ya want me to do?"

    "I told you to be careful, Mirah!" He was fuming, still pacing back and forth as she sat contently across a leather divan. Her hair cascaded down her back and over her shoulder, a wave of light chestnut brown that shone in the light that filtered in through the windows. Her dress was peculiarly tighter than the style most other women wore in this era, and was a deep deep strawberry red. Rutley stopped pacing, placing his fists down on the table and looking at her from across the room sternly.

    "I was careful, you accusational asshole! I wasn't the one who snatched your damn ring or whatever."

    "Then who else could have done it? You were the only one in there last night!"

    "Don't be too sure of that..." Mirah's lips curled into a devilish smile. "I think you'll find that a multitude of residents could have gone in and took what they pleased. Particularly, one with brown hair and a dress..."

    Rutley froze, his eyes still full of fire. "What did you say?"

    "A girl," Mirah said plainly. She lifted from the coffee table, a thin wine glass filled with a red substance. It wasn't wine. "I saw her with it when I was lurking in the shadows."

    "And you didn't think it good to tell me until now?" Rutley's anger rose, if that was even possible. "For Christ's sake, Mirah! I keep you a secret around here on purpose!"

    "Oh please," She replied. "I could very well go and find someone much more attractive and friendly than you to do their bidding for. You're just lucky the sex is amazing, or else I'd have been gone years ago. You don't get to yell at me like this for nothin'."

    Rutley exhaled, rubbing his face angrily. "Would you be a little quieter? These walls are paper thin, might I remind you."

    "You're just afraid your bitch wife can hear my voice." She sipped the glass again. "Rutley, when are you gonna leave her and marry me?"

    He scoffed, looking away from her gaze. "We're getting off topic, Mirah. Look, I need you to find the girl. Find her, get the ring, and slit her throat. We can't have people stealing, or knowing that you exist. Not yet, at least."

    Mirah rolled her eyes. She set her glass down and sat up, brushing the wrinkles in her dress. "I suppose I will do so, then. And what about your treasury guy?"

    "Make him believe he found the poor girl dead somewhere, and deem it a suicide. Make it seem like he found the ring on her when it happened." He said it with little pity or regret. Mirah stepped across the room and came from behind him, wrapping her thin bare arms around his torso lovingly. Her red plastered lips touched the surface of his neck, pressing down softly at first. It left a red mark, right over an old scar of Rutley's that was shaped like two little incisor marks.

    "As long as I get paid when it's all over," She whispered in his ear, "Then it's a deal."

    Dun dun dun! I bet you didn't see that coming! I hope you liked it, I had some time to write today so I did ^-^ Been super busy working lately, haven't had time to do much of anything XD At least I don't work on Sundays, so tomorrow I have time to relax. Hope everyone's been doing well, I know I've been pretty good.

  • Cool! You should draw some of the older ones maybe, I really love Junior and Mary's squad of demon spawns XD I love all of these children to bits and pieces XD Man, Georgie and Lyla have a hell of a lot of food and gifts to make during the holidays XD

    I love making sims, and I'm absolutely ecstatic to know everyone loves seeing them :) Good luck on apartment shopping; I know it can be hard some times. I'm doing well, just a little extra tired every now and again XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Hey thanks a bunch, Ems. The quads are indeed something special to me. Like Georgie and Lyla's quads when they were little like this. Well

  • Greetings from the motel room of Pie here in lovely San Fran, Cali. We found 3 apartments so far but can I tell you what...this city has some wacky parking methods XD

    Alt text

    Brotherly love from the Grendel brothers. New Chap up soon :)

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned
    edited March 2015

    I miss you!

    I love this image! :D Poor Isaiah. His face! XD I'm wondering how their relationship will pan out over the course of the future chapters. I love it! My Robert is so handsome! <3 Glad to hear you're having a great time! Glad you found some possible places! :D BTW, you're a jerk for sending that picture of you and the Shrimp! >:( lol See you Sunday night!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Greetings from the motel room of Pie here in lovely San Fran, Cali. We found 3 apartments so far but can I tell you what...this city has some wacky parking methods XD Brotherly love from the Grendel brothers. New Chap up soon

  • You guys are planning to move to San Fran if possible? Refresh my memory a bit because I forgot.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Greetings from the motel room of Pie here in lovely San Fran, Cali. We found 3 apartments so far but can I tell you what...this city has some wacky parking methods XD Brotherly love from the Grendel brothers. New Chap up soon

  • I know it's fake, but this picture is still unsettling in some ways, lol.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Loved this chapter dude!!!! XD All action, OC's are all badass, sheer perfection in a bottle!!! Nick was excellent, I love the powers you've given him cuz Nick does have quite a lot of hidden potential with his Black Magic... Now, I choose:

  • edited March 2015

    Hard Times Part 2

    The man closed the door and sat to the right of the door. He looked up and saw the clear night sky with the bleeding moon, other than the bleeding mon he found the night peaceful. He looked at his clothes, he had on a black jacket with a white shirt on, he also had baggy dark navy pants with black shoes. He had a weapon with him, it was a long sword. The sword was crafted by a man named Weyland but he's never met such a man before. He took a bit to think about tomorrow's plan. He figured when they left they could head up the mountain and to the mountain village to ask for questions. It was just the matter of getting up the mountain alive that he needed to think of. After thinking of a plan he began to close his he closed his eyes he began to hear crying. He opened the door quietly and saw Alice crying in her sleep, against his better judgment he woke her up.

    "Hey." He said

    The man was still expressionless, Alice noticed tears going down her face she wiped them off. "What are you doing?" She asked

    "You were crying I was curious why." He asked

    "It' family, I miss Hans and my little boy." She said

    "Oh, I'm sorry." He said.

    "It's alright." She said

    He got up and began to walk out the door. He opened his mouth but Alice interrupted him. "I should get to bed right?" She said smirking.

    "Yes, but my name is Kieron." He gave a small smile.

    "Kieron?" She asked

    "Well that's what I named myself, the doctors said I should." He said

    "Oh that's right, you've been there all your life...why?" She asked

    His face became dark and he turned away and walked out and closed the door.

    "I guess I hit a soft spot." She said laying down.

    Kieron sat outside he put his hand on his forehead. "I wish I knew why too..." He thought. He shook his head and closed his eyes.

    The next morning...

    Kieron woke up early and made breakfast for the both of them. He tried to be as quiet as possible to not wake Alice, but failed to do so. Alice stretched and got out of bed.

    "Morning." She said

    He nodded and kept cooking, Alice seems to have not taken notice that he was cooking. He started to put the final touches on the food when she came to the realization that he was cooking.

    "Where did you get this food!?" She was surprised.

    "I went hunting at dawn." He said

    Alice looked at the meal. He had scrambled eggs, bacon and milk. All normal food that was from wonderland.

    "Where did you get this food?" She asked

    "There's a village not far from here, so I bought some ingredients." He said

    Alice looked confused. "There aren't many humans in wonderland, so where did they all come from?" She asked

    He shrugged, and continued to eat...he looked up at her. "You should eat, if you still want to shower before we leave." He said

    None of this made sense to Alice...Instead of asking more questions she finished up her food.

    "There's no bathroom here where do I shower?" She asked

    "There's a waterfall near here, that's what I used."

    "And where exactly? Near here doesn't really help." She said

    Kieron began to give specific instructions to where the waterfall was located. After gaining this information she took off to the waterfall. On the way there what would have been weird for most people was completely normal to her. Giant snails, half whale half dog animal, monkeys that are multicolored drinking alcohol, flies that looked like mirrors, and fairies that would insult you with very VERY harsh words. She got to the waterfall and began to take her shower. "What is going on here?" She thought. After a while she rinsed her face, when she opened her eyes the water from the lake and waterfall turned blood red. She looked to the lake, and saw a skeleton point up to the top of the waterfall, when she looked up she saw nothing but the blood red water running. When she looked back there were two looked like her little boy and the other looked like a little girl she's never seen before...

    "Mommy!!!" They yelled.

    "H-Hello there..." She replied cautiously

    With that answer the kids face began to twitch, repeating mommy over and over their skin began to peel away like tape. Blood began to spurt their eyes rolled out of their sockets their bodies couldn't sustain themselves and they fell into the river of blood. Alice was horrified but when the lake caught on fire, she began to scream histarically. Her body froze as the flames began to climb the river. As the flames were about reach her she was picked up by what seemed to be a dark elf. Due to high stress though she passed out.

    After a while Kieron began to get worried as they needed to get moving and Alice had been gone for a long time. He grabbed his sword and went outside. Just as he looked outside he saw a dark elf running with Alice in her arms. He began to run when a sharp pain began to run through his head. He fell and held his hand out towards the dark elf and Alice but they too fell and lost consciousness....

    Somewhere else....

    "Test of the teleporter to and from Wonderland comeplete...move the test subjects back to their rooms until awoken...." A deep voice echoed

    "Yes sir!" A man said

    Three workers moved Alice, Kieron, and the dark elf back to their room. They placed them on their beds and left....

    That's it! Any questions or comments let me know! Or if anyone can answer my question please do! That question is are there any dark elves in fables? I know elves are mentioned in one of the comics so I'd assume that dark elves would also somewhere be in fables (assuming is a bad thing I know XD). If not please feel free to yell at me like "No Tetra you're wrong and stupid! You need to pick up where you left off with the Fables comic instead of reading Devil Survivor Manga Slap" And then I'll happily apologize and change it XD. I believe that is it. So I hope you guys are having a awesome weekend, Pie awesome to see you are finding good apartments in San Francisco man!

    EDIT: Sorry it does seem like I was wrong so I do apologize, so for the time being the dark elf will be known as just an elf until I can think of another creature to take her place XP

  • I know what you mean...

    Even though it's just red paint she's pushing him onto :P

    I know it's fake, but this picture is still unsettling in some ways, lol.

  • edited March 2015

    "No Tetra you're wrong and stupid! You need to pick up where you left off with the Fables comic instead of reading Devil Survivor Manga Slap"

    Yes that is exactly what I will say to you! And no, Elves are only ever mentioned in Fables, we haven't met or seen any ever in the entire series...

    Tetra posted: »

    Hard Times Part 2 The man closed the door and sat to the right of the door. He looked up and saw the clear night sky with the bleeding mo

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