House Forrester Will Fall

After this episode, I honestly can't see any way in which this house will survive.


  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited March 2015

    The writers will find a way.

  • The North Grove is the only hope for them surviving.

    Even then, GoT won't have a happy ending. Maybe the Whitehills will partially get destroyed, but we won't get any revenge on Ramsay or Roose.

  • North Grove - Cotter and the wildlings betray Gared and take the ironwood for themselves.
    Asher - Will fail to get back to Westeros and will did without seeing his family
    Mira - Executed or sent back home
    Wedding - Replicate the Red Wedding and the garrison of troops will murder Eleana Glenmore and the Council as well as Rodrik.

    I don't see how House Forrester will live.

    The North Grove is the only hope for them surviving. Even then, GoT won't have a happy ending. Maybe the Whitehills will partially get destroyed, but we won't get any revenge on Ramsay or Roose.

  • That is all speculation, so change it around, and you can see how they could prevail.

    HarjKS posted: »

    North Grove - Cotter and the wildlings betray Gared and take the ironwood for themselves. Asher - Will fail to get back to Westeros and wi

  • "Ironwood doesn't burn easily, but the Forresters have a way."

  • It's just worrying. I don't want House Forrester to fall, but I don't see how they can rise at this point.

    That is all speculation, so change it around, and you can see how they could prevail.

  • Harj = Erik CONFIRMED

    Stop surfing the internet and light your torches on the wall.

  • We know House Forrester survives, they're in a book taking place after these events.

  • Yes, but those are the books which aren't canon with the show.

    TellTale will probably follow it anyway, since it's the only official Forrester lore anyway, but there's no guarantee. Only a very high likelihood.

    Flog61 posted: »

    We know House Forrester survives, they're in a book taking place after these events.

  • edited March 2015

    They'll probably pull through, and flock under Stannis' banner next season.

  • ...How did you know?

    Harj = Erik CONFIRMED Stop surfing the internet and light your torches on the wall.

  • Episode 6 title should tell you enough.

  • Ironrath itself might fall, but maybe not House Forrester's people. I'm still betting on us marching with Stannis in a season 2

  • We don't know how they'r doing though. They could be the new lords of Ironrath and Highpoint or they could be running away from place to place like noble hobos trying to survive (Stark 2.0)

    Flog61 posted: »

    We know House Forrester survives, they're in a book taking place after these events.

  • edited March 2015

    If i can stop that Forrester House's will prevail! XD

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