Is it possible the traitor situation isn't quite as dire as it seems?

A somewhat optimistic thought:

Gwyn does know about what Rodrik plans to do in regards to saving Ryon/expelling Gryff, so there's obviously something fishy going on. But here's a thought: What if Duncan is the 'traitor,' but he actually didn't tell Ludd Whitehill anything. Just Gwyn, who makes it seem more dire than it is. Perhaps he wants Rodrik to stay cautious and lay low until Gared finds the North Grove, and not make any stupid risks.

Mind you, he'd have to have gotten a message out pretty fast to leak the plan to Gwyn, seeing as he tells you about the meeting immediately afterwards. I suppose the two of them would have had to plan something like this beforehand. Bit of a gamble, so I'm not entirely certain.

More fuel: He's the one who always tells Rodrik about Gwyn's meeting. Regardless of your Sentinel. Royland and Duncan have been used interchangeably thus far, but not here. And, he's pretty quick to sucker up to Gryff.

Well...there's my crackpot theory for the day. There is no inside man. Not really.

Feel free to poke holes in it. I need to replay the episode.


  • Actually somewhat plausible though it would be a bit odd if submitting was already waht the player was doing

  • True.

    Maybe Duncan just doesn't trust Rodrik to continue to act as such.

    thatguy787 posted: »

    Actually somewhat plausible though it would be a bit odd if submitting was already waht the player was doing

  • How about this. Whoever the traitor is has the Forrester's best interest at heart? Let's say that the traitor tell the Whitehills about their plan to establish that they are a trustworthy source of information.

    What if the traitor begins feeding false information? Feeding the enemy with false information would mean that you are controlling them and direct them into a position that is most desirable such as giving them an opening to save Ryon or capture Gryff?

  • edited March 2015

    Also a good thought.

    I have an inkling suspicion we're being too optimistic though, GoT and all. Maybe they'll surprise us. :S

    How about this. Whoever the traitor is has the Forrester's best interest at heart? Let's say that the traitor tell the Whitehills about thei

  • Bit too optimistic for GoT, but its not a bad idea at all. If Duncan reveals that he was doing this only to eventually fuck the Whitehills over that'd be a very interesting twist.

  • Yeah, I'll be a wee bit surprised if I'm right. Who knows though, the Forresters have been doing pretty bad the whole series, maybe there will be some defied expectations and at least one thing won't go quite as badly as it could have.

    Bit too optimistic for GoT, but its not a bad idea at all. If Duncan reveals that he was doing this only to eventually fuck the Whitehills over that'd be a very interesting twist.

  • I really enjoy the idea that whomever this Traitor is, is only trying to establish a "trustworthy" connection with the Whitehills so they can eventually feed them false information to give the Forrester's the upperhand.

    But man, in the GOT universe such positive thinking is basically a miracle from the old gods and new. If anything, this traitor most likely trying to help the family/house by trying to give into the Whitehills but will eventually give away too much information and put themselves in a worse situation than they are already in (which I don't even wanna imagine)

    WORST CASE, traitor is actually a traitor and has some bone to pick with someone and wants the Forrester's 6 feet deep and the house destroyed.

  • edited March 2015

    Rodrik just isn't capable physically. He's been trained well and you can see he would be as good as Gregor, perhaps better.
    It's kind of frustrating actually lol, if Rodrik could pick up a sword there would be no Whitehill threat, atleast internally. (I think?)

    True. Maybe Duncan just doesn't trust Rodrik to continue to act as such.

  • Them Whitehills got a sort of "traitor" themselves in Gwyn, let's not forget that.

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