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  • Alt text

    So everyone, Pie was kind enough to draw a picture of my newest OC, her name is Jayne.

    She will be appearing in my next story after Devils and Demons is finished; her role is simple: she is Nick's true love. Do with that info what you will, all will be explained in the next story...

    Atm, Jayne is just a regular Fable; she can be feisty and has a fiery temper when she gets annoyed or angry. Jayne is the victim of a very abusive relationship, and she has a lot of trust issues as a result. She also believes that no one but her abusive boyfriend will love her, so she hasn't left him. He also provides the roof over her head...

  • So you settled on the name Kieron then? It's a good name!

    I'm liking the insanity of wonderland, and the mystery surrounding that Hospital back in the 'real world'

    Looking forward to more dude! XD

    (Also, nice shout-out to Weyland Smith with that sword)

    Tetra posted: »

    Hard Times Part 2 The man closed the door and sat to the right of the door. He looked up and saw the clear night sky with the bleeding mo

  • Yeah we are planning to be moved into the new place by at LEAST June or July. I could stay here in my hometown but the drive is 3 hours. XD

    You guys are planning to move to San Fran if possible? Refresh my memory a bit because I forgot.

  • Hey man, no problem. Glad you like her. :3 Her story is so sad, though. :'(

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So everyone, Pie was kind enough to draw a picture of my newest OC, her name is Jayne. She will be appearing in my next story after Devil

  • edited March 2015

    I can't wait to see what Nick looks like!! XD

    Yes, her tale is a sad one, but it gets better...

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Hey man, no problem. Glad you like her. Her story is so sad, though.

  • Damn lol XD alright I'll have to change her character then, that's a set back XP

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    "No Tetra you're wrong and stupid! You need to pick up where you left off with the Fables comic instead of reading Devil Survivor Manga Slap

  • A set back? :/

    Tetra posted: »

    Damn lol XD alright I'll have to change her character then, that's a set back XP

  • Glad you like the name Hazza! :)

    Wonderland to me is a lot of fun to write so for the insanity and weird shit flows rather easy when writing this story!

    Glad to hear so Hazza! :D

    I do remember Weyland he was a really cool character!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So you settled on the name Kieron then? It's a good name! I'm liking the insanity of wonderland, and the mystery surrounding that Hospita

  • Nick in Wonderland would be scary as shit... Just saying :P

    Weyland the Smith... The best at his job! XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Glad you like the name Hazza! Wonderland to me is a lot of fun to write so for the insanity and weird shit flows rather easy when writing this story! Glad to hear so Hazza! I do remember Weyland he was a really cool character!

  • I like to write stuff in advance, I literally have the next three parts of this story already written on my desk in one of my folders XP Apparently when I'm sick I think of a lot of ideas XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    A set back?

  • Yeah even I don't want think about Nick there XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Nick in Wonderland would be scary as shit... Just saying :P Weyland the Smith... The best at his job! XD

  • You write it down? You don't type it down??

    Tetra posted: »

    I like to write stuff in advance, I literally have the next three parts of this story already written on my desk in one of my folders XP Apparently when I'm sick I think of a lot of ideas XD

  • edited March 2015

    Alt text

    Hades, sitting beside the fireplace, watched the flames devour the logs. They were enticing; the colors captivated the God of the Underworld as his mind became consumed with Viviana and her apperance before him. He was feared. The darkness his loyal companion and the fearful souls of the sinners his fuel to ignite the passion within. Men spoke of his name and knew no good could come out of such a man with a black heart and eyes only looking for ways to create havoc and chaos in the afterlife.

    Yet, here was this little girl with hair golden like the sun and eyes green like the trees surrounding her home that did not show terror or concern.

    Their first encounter occured during her first birthday. He was impressed to see his beloved beast protect her siblings and family. Since that day, however, Hades found himself confused and and feeling emotions he had not thought possible. His assistant Valeo assured him it was shock rather then emotions for the young child. Hades agreed and left it at that. But her image haunted his thoughts and actions. Hades needed to see Viviana for himself without the ribbon pulled. He had to know-was she the reincarnation of his long love Persephone?

    Viviana had the same features Persephone had: dimples, radiant smile, caring personality and not a single ounce of fear. Viviana's laughter caused Hades to become insane and lose control for mere moments. Over the years, he carefully watched the little girl grow and become more beautiful with each passing age. He began to care for her....

    Viviana often found herself taking walks and collecting various objects. Flowers, rocks, seashells and even some odd looking twigs that peeled away from the trees and landed on the ground. Hades found this opportunity one afternoon while the siblings played outside.

    It was a rather warm spring day and Viviana found herself by the tiny creek just a few drops from her home. Her feet dipped in the water as she found Jade and Amber colored stones. Hades sat in the brush and darkness, trying not to make a single sound. He knew of the ribbon's power and the invisible shield it created to keep her soul on Earth. It was placed there with care by the woman whom managed to escape and with help, assassinate his Cerberus. Now, the child had the ability to transform into the three headed monster and seemed to mock Hades secretly because of it. Viviana carefully placed the stones in her basket and took tiny steps further down the bank.

    Hades noticed the young girl was out of sight. He had time before her siblings or parents came searching. Popping out of the brush, the God lands before the little blonde haired girl; she did not seem to be fearful of the man but instead plucked a nearby Daisy and gave Hades the flower was a gift. The flower immediatly turned into a weed upon the touch of his fingers.

    "That's okay." Viviana takes one of the stones from her basket. "Here-you can have this one. It's my favorite. It almost looks like the moon."

    "How are you not frightened of me, child?" Hades kneels before Viviana. "How do I not create emotions resulting in tears and petrified screams? Surely you know of me and what I am capable of?"

    "I know who you are but my friend Vivian and mommy said not to fear you because I have protection. And besides-I like your little friend with wings. He's cute."

    Valeo, still hiding in the brush, huffs and throws his hands in the air. "Cute?! CUTE!? Did that little parasite say-"

    "Bite your tongue, Valeo or so help the wrath that I shall bestow upon thee for speaking such words."

    Viviana chuckles and skips back towards her home. Hades did not follow but only watched as the little girl returns to her siblings and joins in their childish games. He could have easily taken her; the ribbon was a mere hurtle before him and if Hades wanted to, he could snap the ribbon from the girl's neck and take what belonged to him. But he never did and instead, appeared to challenge Viviana and the guardian behind the ribbon.

    Hade peered long into the flame as he held that same stone. Valeo's wings were the only noise that carried on in that room. The longer he looked, the more the reds, yellows and oranges became Viviana and the truth behind her image. Tossing the glass of Burbon into the fire, Hades kneels before the fire and clings to the brick structure.

    "Why must you haunt my very existence, ridicule my very name and create these foul thoughts and images into my brain? I am Hades, the God ofthe Underworld. I've encountered many vile and ruthless beings in my time; Gods have feared me, mortals intimidated yet YOU of all people have managed to make me crumble like the stones walls of Rome. Lose sleep and become driven to madness....To care..."


    Hades continues to glare at the fire. "I've have more than enough times to snatch the girl. I could have easily taken Viviana but something is holding me back, Valeo..."

    "Red won't be happy you're-"

    "I'm no longer working beside that wretched woman. She has lied and guided me away, thus her ability to grab it all for herself has been in reach several times. No, Valeo. WE are on our own once more, for I am Hades, God of the Underworld and no Fable, mundy, Folker OR Halfer
    shall stand in my way. Let God and thee be the only witness to my words. Fetch me the Cahriot, Valeo. I have some visiting to do."

    Emily held the golden arm in her grasp; her slender fingers seemed so small compared to the behemoth object. Against the light it flickered and twinkled like the burning stars hanging in the evening sky. The message finally written along the wrist. Peter stood in the kitchen, smoking his third cigarette. The room was thick and heavy with tensions; Peter noticed both the Grendel brothers eyes the mysterious arm entirely out of gold. Robert seemed to be biting at the bit, fingers wrapped along the edges of the counter and brow covered in a thin sheet of sweat.

    "Where the fook did ya' get this, Peter?"

    "The Scouts told us a Koi Fish gave it to them. They thought it was a pawn to distract them but when the fish spoke of Gren-"

    Both Peter and Ethan glance over at Gren. Wearing a white tank top, dark jeans and brown boots, the Fable sat crooked on the chair and glared at the item. He did not appear to be angry or have too much concern for the golden arm. He rubbed the little knub where is previous arm once housed. Since that afternoon, Gren swore he felt ten times better and stronger. The arm was his past; a huge reminder of what he'd done all those centuries ago before coming to the mundane lands and an anchor weighing him down. Gren turned to face his older brother. Robert tilted his massive head and simply gave a slight nod.

    "I don't want it."

    Peter was astounded to hear these words. "But...its clearly meant for you. The Scouts said-"

    Gren stands up, heads to the sink and fills a cup with water. "I don't give a fuck what those fuckin' little Imp things said. I don't want this. I got rid of the other and I sure as hell don't want that piece of shit..."

    Emily places the arm on the table and walks over to her husband. The clicking sound of her heels againts the wooden floor is the only sound in the room.

    She wraps her arms around Gren's waist and pulls him close. He could instantly smell the powerful aroma of Flowers dripping off of Emily's body.


    "I don't want that thing right now, Emily. Please..."

    Emily responds with a gentle kiss against his back. The tension against her lips was answer enough for the young woman as she gathered the arm in her hands and took the object away from the others. Liam and Viviana run into the kitchen and notice the shiny new item in their mother's hands. Liam pokes one of the fingers, examing the mysterious figure. Viviana is taken back by the glorious beauty of the colors.

    "Cool! An arm! Who's it for, mom?"

    "No one, love. Ya' uncle Peter and his silly gifts. Ya' know that."

    "Ah man. This thing looks so awesome! Does his shoot laser beams through the fingers or turn into a Helicopter on command?"

    Emily chuckles, roughly playing with his hair. "My word, ya' have quite the imagination their, love."

    They greet their uncles first; Peter, Ethan then finally Robert as they raced to the pantry and pulled out four bags of chips. Gren turns and watches his children gather the snacks into their arms. They both embrace their father and return to the outside world; Seraphina and Chloe meet their siblings half way into the hall, grab their bags and run back towards the meadow.

    Gren takes out his pack of smokes and heads for the front porch. Robert immediatly follows his brother; Ethan and Peter, although quietly observe the brothers, stood their ground in anticipation. They would be barrier, should a heated argument occur. Taking a seat in the chairs
    out front, the Grendel brothers sit in silence and enjoy their Marlboro reds.

    "Fuck, these are harsh, Gren."

    "This ain't nothing. TRY smoking the shit Emily used to smoke. Now THOSE were cigarettes. I like that harsh tobacco taste."

    Robert pulls out a gray can of chew. "Mind if I-"

    Gren laughs. "The fuck? THIS is too fuckin' much but that is perfect."

    "I like the Chew, Gren. It has just enough flavor and the right amount of tobacco to it."

    "That's fucking sick, dude. Don't you have to fuckin' spit that shit out into a cup?"

    Robert holds up a plastic red cup. "Why I ALWAYS keep this with me. I remember one time, when RJ was still small, he almsot drank this thinking it was soda. Before the rim even touched his lips, the boy was already fucking gagging and making this sour look. I didn't notice it until he placed it back and ran to the sink for water. He never did that again and thought twice before picking up MY cups."

    Gren chuckles, exhaling a large cloud of smoke. "How is RJ?"

    "Busy." Robert takes a second to spit. "He has that tattoo shop. Took some courses here at the community college for a bit. Dating off and on but nothing major. He's a good kid that one. Real good..."

    "I saw him the other day at a coffee shop when I was headin' to work but he seemed like he was in a fuckin' rush."

    "Yeah." Robert sighs. "Seems like these past few months, we've all been in a rush some form or another. Gren-"

    "Yes Robert?"

    "That arm. You know its for you....right? I mean, there is no denying that fucking thing. Maybe-"

    Gren begins to speak. "I know its for me. I see it. You saw it-we all fuckin' saw it. But I don't want it. I'm sorry. Maybe this was a mistake on mom's part. I made my choice by tossing that thing into the fire that night. YOU saw it as a challenge. Maybe at the moment it was but to me, it was the removal of all that people saw. Associated me with. Weakness and the fuckin' inability to let go of the past. I'm fuckin' tired of being reminded of what I was in the Homelands. Who I'm NOT. You, SAY what you want but the truth is fuckin' right there before my eyes. YOU'RE dad's favorite. You always WERE his favorite."


    "Just, let me talk Robert. Please" Gren continues. "I'm not fuckin' stupid. He even admited to me some time ago that he never loved me. Mom was the one to give me the nurture and affection I needed. I was not the 'perfect' son in dad's eyes. The only reason why he fuckin' tolerates me now is because the kids and he's dying. That's it. Other than that, you fuckin' think he'd be coming by later for a visit? Hasn't done that in centuries..."

    Robert was stunned to hear these words. He knew the awful truth behind their father's 'love'. Gren, out of the five boys, was the only one Thomas could not comprehend and accept. Several times he tried leaving Gren alone in the forest back in the homelands; secretly hoping and praying the boy would wander off and Thomas could fabricate a lie about Gren's sudden disapperance and the anguish it caused him to see this youngest boy missing. Tragically, Robert was forced to believe in the web of lies their father spun and just like before, blamed Gren for everything. Now, centuries later, the brothers sat on the porch.

    "Maybe that arm is meant for a reason, Gren. Mom was...." Robert had to pause when he spoke of Calla. "Mom never DID things like this without a reason. You of all people should know this."

    "I know." Gren tosses the burning end onto the ground. "I also know that arm was the reason she became that fuckin' tree. Took my place. Remaind back at the homelands..."

    "What will you do with it?"

    Gren sighs. "I'm not sure, Robert. I just-"

    Chloe and Seraphina run around the corner. They both appear to be startled. Panting, the girls climb the stairs and head over to Gren.

    "Daddy, daddy, daddy!" Chloe pulls on Gren's jeans. "There is this strange man by the tire swing."

    "Strange man? Where is Viviana? Where is Liam!?"

    "Back there!" As Chloe points, Gren takes off towards the swing. "We were playing over there and-"

    The sliding glass door opens; Emily, wiping her hands with a towel notices Robert and Gren, both in thier forms, running down the hill and heading for the tree. Terrified, she begins to call each of the children; Chloe and Seraphina respond just as Peter and Ethan turn into their Wolf forms. Both the girls become petrified with fear. They had never seen such towering Wolves before. Peter aims his noise to the house.

    "Get inside! We'll go after them! We-"

    Peter and Ethan notice their sister's eyes. They were transforming into a dark color. Ivy plants grew along her wrist, legs, arms and torso. The bow magically appeared in her hands. The girls, standing with awe and curiosity, watched their mother weild the arrow and head towards the tree. Vivian was not too far behind; Chloe noticed the guardian trailing behind her mother.

    "Vivian!" Chloe waves, catching her attention. "What is my mommy doing?"

    "You girls stay here, you hear me? Just...stay here..."

    Ivy vines circle Emily's body as she continues to chase after Gren and Robert. Ethan remains behind with the girls. Peter follows the trail of cool mist and ice left from vivian. Up ahead, Gren and Robert continued charging. The horrible images filling Gren's mind of all the possible people it could be. He did not, however, take into sonsideration one person.

    Before the brothers could engage in battle with the mysterious man, they were stunned to see him playing with Viviana and Liam. Wearing a black Hanes teeshirt, blue jeans and black converse, their brother Isaiah remained until he noticed his towering brothers. Viviana chuckles, pointing to Isaiah.

    "DADDY! Look! It's uncle Isaiah!"

    Gren's eyes immediatly filled with tears. He had not seen his brother since the wedding. " it-"

    "Grendel. Robert. It's great to see you both."

    Emily, Peter and Vivian catch up to the others; upon her arrival, Isaiah notices Emily's powers and the bow in her hands. He beams.

    "What are you....what the fuck-Isaiah...."

    "Well, glad to see you're still the same, Gren. Let's take this conversation inside, for you two are not the only ones seeing mom...."

    Any questions, you know the drill. :3 San Fran has been wonderful. I love this city already. So much to do. We found 3 places so far but things can change between now and then. I'm so excited and ready for this change! Wanted to post an image stating summer was here but....NOT sure if its

  • He would make the place look like a paradise if he went all Harbinger on it XP

    Tetra posted: »

    Yeah even I don't want think about Nick there XD

  • Wanted to post an image stating summer was here but....NOT sure if its appropriate....

    Porgie girls in skimpy bikini's? PM me that pic man!!! XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Hades, sitting beside the fireplace, watched the flames devour the logs. They were enticing; the colors captivated the God of the Underworld

  • Nice little mention to Weyland there. He was a pretty rad dude in the comic. I'm liking this Kieron character (nice name, btw!) and the ongoing adventures you have planned for Wonderland and Alice. Feel bad for her state at the moment, what with her missing the family and all. :( Also loving the Elf idea, too. HUGE fan. :D

    Your last story was wonderfully done and this one has been nothing but wonderful, too. I look forward to more, man! Also, San Fran has been great and we did find 3 places we like so far. :3 Hope all is well with you. man! :D

    Tetra posted: »

    Hard Times Part 2 The man closed the door and sat to the right of the door. He looked up and saw the clear night sky with the bleeding mo

  • Sure man. I mean, its not BAD but I'm not sure anymore what's appropriate these days. XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Wanted to post an image stating summer was here but....NOT sure if its appropriate.... Porgie girls in skimpy bikini's? PM me that pic man!!! XD

  • I had to mention the cool blacksmith for his handiwork! Thanks Pie! Her state of mind is rather troubling! Glad you like the idea, maybe I'll just make the woman an regular elf, so I won't have to change a lot of her background story and present story.

    Thanks Pie, I'm glad you like the story! :D That's awesome! Although I'm sure it can be a pain sometimes it does sound like a lot of fun to look around a city! Sighs if only traveling was free, I'd go everywhere! I'm doing better still a bit sick but not as sick as I thought I would be. :p

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Nice little mention to Weyland there. He was a pretty rad dude in the comic. I'm liking this Kieron character (nice name, btw!) and the ongo

  • Thought the suit he made for beast was badass, so I can see why you'd make a shoutout to the man. :) After being in THAT Wonderland (hell actually) not surprised she has the mind of a petrified individual. Hopefully she can recover enough to go home. I'm sure whatever you choose to do, be it Elf or not, will be wonderful. :) (Secretly hoping for the Elf....XD)

    Its been iinteresting to say the least but exciting, too. Never been to San Fran, so its was fun. I agree. If I could travel, I'd so do it. Well, not now....plane rides with a 2 month old is no beuno. XD XD Glad you're feeling better, dude. :D Least you don't have the Strep throat. Going around....

    Tetra posted: »

    I had to mention the cool blacksmith for his handiwork! Thanks Pie! Her state of mind is rather troubling! Glad you like the idea, maybe I'l

  • Dang, Viviana has no fear at all! Very brave little girl! And Gren has grown strong mentally as well! The willpower of this man is really good! Whenever you mention Hades I get pictures of the one from Hercules XD And Isaiah is back too although I'm getting a very mysterious vibe from him. It's like my boojum senses in the first Alice game...weird.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Hades, sitting beside the fireplace, watched the flames devour the logs. They were enticing; the colors captivated the God of the Underworld

  • Very interesting chapter dude! Although you need to explain to me how Hades 'works' like how does he affect the Afterlife?

    Also you repeated yourself at one point, you wrote 'Liam and Viviana run into the kitchen' twice in different sentences, just pointing that out :)

    I can't wait to see more of this! XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Hades, sitting beside the fireplace, watched the flames devour the logs. They were enticing; the colors captivated the God of the Underworld

  • Yeah Wonderland can do mystical things and being nice and dandy is not one of them XD I'll have to think about it :3

    That's good that it's exciting. Oh yeah that would definitely end in tears, not only for the baby but I'd imagine it'd start spreading! XD The only thing left to go is this pesky cough that comes to haunt me every three minutes, but yeah headaches and stuffy noses are the absolute worst to me! Thankfully when that was going around in my house I was here in my dorm.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Thought the suit he made for beast was badass, so I can see why you'd make a shoutout to the man. After being in THAT Wonderland (hell actu

  • That image is no worse than others you've posted up! You should post it dude.

    Although Emily looks kinda slim :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Sure man. I mean, its not BAD but I'm not sure anymore what's appropriate these days. XD

  • Viviana is too much like her mother when it comes to certain situations. And Gren has to stay strong for his family; normally he'd crawl into a dark, damp bar and drink it away but not this time. :3 LMAO My fiancee said the same thing, too. XD XD I did for a bit, too. lol I can assure you this: Isaiah is nothing to worry about, although I can see WHY he would be. :)

    BTW, I recall Boojum. I loved him!

    Tetra posted: »

    Dang, Viviana has no fear at all! Very brave little girl! And Gren has grown strong mentally as well! The willpower of this man is really go

  • It was for a friend. He didn't like how, ummm, 'thick' I had previously made Emily. Made me sad but he paid for the image, so to make him happy, had to change it..... I know what you mean. I like my thick Emily. :'(

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    That image is no worse than others you've posted up! You should post it dude. Although Emily looks kinda slim :P

  • Ahh I see :P

    Yeah, 'thick' Emily is better Emily. Curves in all the right places dude, that's the way forward with the Porgie babes XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    It was for a friend. He didn't like how, ummm, 'thick' I had previously made Emily. Made me sad but he paid for the image, so to make him happy, had to change it..... I know what you mean. I like my thick Emily.

  • LOL I changed it. Just noticed it. lmao

    Well, Hades in my story is the God of the Underworld, were all the Fables who have committed sin go when they die. I need to draw him just there is a visual to him as well. He's a very greedy man who wishes to have the largest kingdom known to Fables.

    Glad this chap works, man. Have a lot planned for them all. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Very interesting chapter dude! Although you need to explain to me how Hades 'works' like how does he affect the Afterlife? Also you repea

  • Need to show my friend this comment just to prove him a point! Love my thick Oh yes. The Porgie girls took after their mother....:)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ahh I see :P Yeah, 'thick' Emily is better Emily. Curves in all the right places dude, that's the way forward with the Porgie babes XD

  • That is true! XD Grens a good man! This Hades is interesting though, he's not afraid to fight what's in front of him. At lest that's what I'm getting vibes of XP. Gotcha, I'll take your word for it! :)

    Most boojum encounters went like: Alice about to do some platforming when suddenly a boojum appears and does a really loud scream mid jump it then scares Alice and causes her to fall and start the whole lever over, the player squints their eyes and says "well played boojum...well played."

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Viviana is too much like her mother when it comes to certain situations. And Gren has to stay strong for his family; normally he'd crawl int

  • That he is. :) I have plans for THIS Hades, though and you are wise to trust me. XD

    Oh that boojum caused many plays where I'd curse and scream. Or laugh. lol One time it scared me so bad, couldn't tell who's scream was louder-mine or his. lol

    Tetra posted: »

    That is true! XD Grens a good man! This Hades is interesting though, he's not afraid to fight what's in front of him. At lest that's what I'

  • Moving there for a change of scenery or a job relocation or what? If you don't mind me asking. XD

    And when you do move there, I'm secretly hoping that you get one of those cool hillside homes. I always wanted to see one of those - should you decide to post pics of it.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Yeah we are planning to be moved into the new place by at LEAST June or July. I could stay here in my hometown but the drive is 3 hours. XD

  • That's interesting cuz in my stories, Death sends good Fables to the Afterlife, and the bad ones go to the Abyss. The Abyss is located within Death's very body, and not even he wishes to go there... It is a place filled with nothing but nightmares.

    The Harbingers can banish souls of the people they kill to the Abyss as well (if they want to), and Death MUST comply! He does all of this in his head all the time, so whenever you see Death in my stories, he is technically still at work :P

    I SO want Nick and Death to meet Hades now!!!!! XD

    And I may have to use Hades at some point... If you don't mind of course?

    pudding_pie posted: »

    LOL I changed it. Just noticed it. lmao Well, Hades in my story is the God of the Underworld, were all the Fables who have committed sin

  • Why would you want to make Emily slimmer?! Then again, I prefer women with curves in all the right places... Everyone's different :P

    Lyla Smith... Without her there is nothing :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Need to show my friend this comment just to prove him a point! Love my thick Oh yes. The Porgie girls took after their mother....:)

  • edited March 2015

    If I read correctly, you described Tezoth as a red dragon? He's a black dragon, though. I'm just saying this to further correct you for future parts.

    Btw, I'm going to choose the Spare option.

    MasterStone posted: »

    Trouble Below, 2 So far so good, Etan, Nick along with Dan, Ella and Marcelo fought their way through and finally made it to the lair we

  • edited March 2015

    It seems I really need to play American McGee's Alice...

    Do I play the first one or Madness Returns though? :/

    @Tetra and @pudding_pie any suggestions for me guys????

    pudding_pie posted: »

    That he is. I have plans for THIS Hades, though and you are wise to trust me. XD Oh that boojum caused many plays where I'd curse and scream. Or laugh. lol One time it scared me so bad, couldn't tell who's scream was louder-mine or his. lol

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned
    edited March 2015

    Lyla Smith... Without her there is nothing :)

    Amen to that, Hman. Georgie has some good genes himself! XD XD

    @pudding_pie Next time, dude, draw Paul a stick. :P Emily needs her curves! I saw that, no, no! :( I and Gren do not approve!! lol

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Need to show my friend this comment just to prove him a point! Love my thick Oh yes. The Porgie girls took after their mother....:)

  • So basically I should play the first one :P

    The two games obviously follow the same story so I'll start with the first one... What consoles are they on?

    I have a PS3 and a PS4, also a Wii XD

    Tetra posted: »

    If you have a lot of patience for very....very tedious platforming for a good story play the first one. If you want to skip that and then you can go straight to the second one.

  • If you have a lot of patience for very....very tedious platforming for a good story play the first one. If you want to skip that and then you can go straight to the second one.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    It seems I really need to play American McGee's Alice... Do I play the first one or Madness Returns though? @Tetra and @pudding_pie any suggestions for me guys????

  • Next time, dude, draw Paul a stick

    HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Dude, you have no idea how big my smile is right now!!

    Oh man, JJ you have made my day with that!! XP

    JJwolf posted: »

    Lyla Smith... Without her there is nothing Amen to that, Hman. Georgie has some good genes himself! XD XD @pudding_pie Next time

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned
    edited March 2015

    Finish him! FINSH HIM!!!

    Meanwhile, as the others fought the Wendigo, Robert Grendel continued to sing, while Porgie and Lyla makeout in the Janitor's closet XD

    MasterStone posted: »

    Trouble Below, 2 So far so good, Etan, Nick along with Dan, Ella and Marcelo fought their way through and finally made it to the lair we

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