A unique take on the "Traitor"....

What if there is no Traitor and it was a trap or just whitehill's fucking with you do we have any real proof to lead us to believe other wise?


  • edited March 2015

    Well, they do know the Forresters' plan, of which only a couple of people knew about, so, yeah, so far the traitor story seems plausible.

  • I agree. I thought at first that the Traitor could be made up, as Lady Forrester can suggest, to "cause dissent within the House." But then again, Gwyn couldn't actually know any of their plans without insider information, so it's a big possibility.

    Lingvort posted: »

    Well, they do know the Forresters' plan, of which only a couple of people knew about, so, yeah, so far the traitor story seems plausible.

  • Alt text

    Just kidding x)

  • Yeah, but knowing the plan isn't that hard. I mean, without meta-gaming, and knowing that she will say the plan is whichever one you picked, any person with any knowledge of the situation could guess you wanted to 'Expel Gryf from Ironrath' or 'Save Ryon from Highpoint'

    Lingvort posted: »

    Well, they do know the Forresters' plan, of which only a couple of people knew about, so, yeah, so far the traitor story seems plausible.

  • I disagree. Those two are way too directly named/mentioned to be a coincidence or a lucky guess on Gwyn's part.

    Duruial posted: »

    Yeah, but knowing the plan isn't that hard. I mean, without meta-gaming, and knowing that she will say the plan is whichever one you picke

  • What if Ryon is the traitor? I mean, maybe Lady Forrester is trying to communicate with him, and comfort him, not realizing that his communications can easily be co-opted by the Whitehills for intelligence purposes?

  • Alt text

    Sorry, I just had to xD

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Just kidding x)

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    This take isn't unique at all. Part of the reason for the choice of plans that Rodrick chooses is specifically to show that Gwyn knows about their plans which could only happen if it was leaked by someone on the council......or a really good spy, but I can't see them going with the latter reason.

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    And even if we're using meta-gaming, it still shows that obviously this isn't a 'no traitor' situation.

    Lingvort posted: »

    I disagree. Those two are way too directly named/mentioned to be a coincidence or a lucky guess on Gwyn's part.

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