Daenerys and Asher

I'm assuming Daenerys interrogating Asher next episode is going to be similar to Mira's run-in with Cersei in episode 1. I've been trying to work out what she might ask him. Here's what I've come up with:

Daenerys: Who are you and what do you know of Drogon?

  1. [I'm from House Forrester in Westeros]

  2. [I'm the sellsword who found your bloody dragon]

  3. [I'm at your command]

  4. (Silence)

Asher 1: I am the second son of Lord Gregor Forrester of Ironrath in the North, Your Grace.

Daenerys: You're from Westeros? That's good to know. Go on.

Asher 2: I'm just a lowly sellsword, Khaleesi. I don't know why, but that black dragon of yours has it in for me.

Daenerys: Drogon is a good judge of character. Perhaps you were merely reckless. You seem like the type. Where is he?

Asher 3: (kneeling) I am your servant, Mother of Dragons. My sword is yours. I can see why so many of the men praise your beauty -

Daenerys: If you're trying to charm me, then stop. I get enough of that with Daario Naharis sauntering about. Where is Drogon?

Silence - Daenerys: Well? It's all right, you can speak freely.

Asher: We came across your dragon on the way from Yunkai.

Daenerys: Tell me what happened. But do not presume just because you are talking to a young girl, that I will believe any tale you spin.

  1. [We were just unfortunate]

  2. [He burnt one of my companions.]

  3. [He attacked us for no reason!]

  4. (Silence)

Asher 1: We stumbled into the wrong cave and paid the price. My companion was hurt, but it could have been a lot worse.

Daenerys: I'm truly sorry that this has happened to you. But...

Asher 2: He burnt one of my companions pretty badly. Beskha/Malcolm's arm may never heal properly.

Daenerys: If I can compensate you in any way, I will. But...

Asher 3: The bloody thing attacked us for no reason! Can't you keep the fucker under control?

Daenerys: You'll keep a civil tongue in your head while addressing me, Asher Forrester.

Silence - Daenerys: Croft said your friend was badly burnt. How did that happen?

Daenerys: Drogon would not have attacked unless he was provoked.

  1. [I disturbed him accidentally]

  2. [He did not like my sword]

  3. [The Lost Legion attacked him]

  4. (Silence)

Asher 1: I'm sorry, Your Grace. I didn't even realise he was there, until it was too late. Perhaps I startled him.

Daenerys: He has been a bit aggressive lately. And it seems you were very lucky.

Asher 2: Well, I was just trying to defend myself! Not that my sword was much use once he'd flung it out of reach.

Daenerys: You drew your sword on him?! You seem like a foolhardy man, but I would not have thought you that foolish. Perhaps the Wise Masters of Yunkai have paid you to try to kill him.

Asher 3: Some men from the Lost Legion attacked him. It wasn't me. It -

Daenerys: The Lost Legion? Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.

Silence - Daenerys: If you do not explain to me precisely what happened, I'll be forced to assume you attacked Drogon. Perhaps you're here to attack me.

Daenerys: Why exactly were you in Yunkai?

  1. [We were just looking for work]

  2. [We captured a former slave owner]

  3. [Just passing through]

  4. (Silence)

Asher 1: Work's been hard to get lately. And sellswords have to go where the work is. Yunkai's as good a place as any

Daenerys: Then, are you working for the Wise Masters? Because it would be very stupid to come here, if you are. You may continue.

Asher 2: Some of the slaves have put bounties on their former slave owners. We captured one called Bezzaq zo... er, anyway, we caught him and... well...

Daenerys: And you handed him over alive? (Asher looks at the floor) I'll take that as a 'no'.

Asher 3: A sellsword life is a nomad life. We were just passing through.

Daenerys: That's not much of answer. Should I assume you just do not wish to tell me? Will you tell me why you left Yunkai, then?

Silence Daenerys: I'm growing impatient, Asher Forrester. Will you tell me why you left Yunkai, then?

Asher: We got into some trouble with a company of sellswords called the Lost Legion. They were working for the Wise Masters. They'd been chasing us for miles, when we came across Drogon in a cave.

Daenerys: And I trust this Lost Legion aren't going to cause any trouble for me, now that you've led them here... Well, as long as Drogon is not hurt, I guess I need not be unduly concerned. But rest assured, if he is hurt, there will be further questions that need answering and not quite so amicably as these. Tell me where he is.

  1. [Of course, Your Grace]

  2. [I will, if you consider my request]

  3. [Release the Hellhounds to me and I will]

  4. (Silence)

Asher 1: Of course, Your Grace. I'll take you to the cave where we saw him as soon as you wish.

Daenerys: Thank you, Asher... Is there anything I can do for you in return?

Asher 2: I'll show you where I found him. But if it please you, I have a favour to ask of you first.

Daenerys: You are a bold one, Asher Forrester. But if it is within my power, I will try to help you, as a sign of gratitude.

Asher 3: The fact is, I'm in need of an army. And you owe me for what that beast did. So, what if, I tell you where Drogon is, and you let the Hellhounds break their contract with you. I'm sure your dragon is worth more than a hundred men.

Daenerys: Are you trying to ransom my dragon to me, Asher Forrester? A dragon is not a goat for you to barter with!

Silence - Daenerys: Do you mean to keep me from one of my children? Or were you just lying about Drogon, so you could see me? I understand you're in need of soldiers. Why should I even consider helping you?

Asher: My family are in trouble back in Westeros. I need an army to defend them. Lives are at stake. I've spoken to Croft and he's willing to give me 100 of his Hellhounds, except for his contract with you.

Daenerys:You presume too much, Asher Forrester. These men have sworn their swords to me. Why should I let you take my soldiers?

  1. [It would only be 100]

  2. [I can make better use of them]

  3. [They're more useful to you in Westeros]

  4. (Silence)

Asher 1: You have thousands of soldiers at your command. Eight thousand Unsullied alone. Would you really miss such a small company?

Daenerys: 100 men are enough to decide whether you win or lose a war. One man is enough, if he is the right man.

Asher 2: Have the Seconds Sons even fought for you yet? All they seem to be doing is marching and drinking. I can put them to better use.

Daenerys: When the time comes, my soldiers will fight. And they will be fighting to free slaves. Thousands of them. Do you think your family is more important than people who are owned like cattle for life?

Asher 3: What good are thousands of soldiers here in Slaver's Bay, if you want to take the Seven Kingdoms? You need loyal men in Westeros
ready to support you when you arrive. There's a big difference between an 'invasion' and an 'uprising'. Which do you want the history books to say?

Daenerys: You make a fair point. But you want me to release these men from their contract. Then the Hellhounds would be loyal to you, not me.

Silence - Daenerys: I don't enjoy having my time wasted. You must not really need these men at all.

Daenerys: In any case, you are getting ahead of yourself. I'm not sure why I should even trust you? For all I know, everything you've said to me has been a lie. I don't know you or your motives. You could be a Meereenese spy.

  1. [I'm not a spy]

  2. [How do I prove I'm trustworthy?]

  3. [I'm not stupid]

  4. (Silence)

Asher 1: I swear to you, I'm not, by all the gods.

Daenerys: I'll admit, I'm inclined to believe you.

Asher 2: What do you need me to do to prove you can trust me?

Daenerys: I'm sure, I'll think of something.

Asher 3: If I was your enemy, I wouldn't just stroll into a camp full of thousands of soldier like this. I'm not an idiot!

Daenerys: That remains to be seen.

Silence - Daenerys: Although, you're not doing a very good job of it, if you are.

Daenerys: Is there anyone here who can vouch for you?

  1. [My uncle]

  2. [Jorah Mormont]

  3. [One-Eyed Croft]

  4. (Silence)

Asher 1: My uncle Malcolm and my mother are Branfields, Targaryen loyalists sworn to your father during the rebellion. Their family were killed and their house and lands taken away, because they stayed true to the crown and fought for the Targaryens, right up until their deaths. There aren't many left who could make that claim.

Daenerys: Your uncle's family were brave and honourable... but you are not your uncle. And if he were truly that loyal to the Targaryens, then he would be fighting for me, not you.

Asher 2: I heard Ser Jorah Mormont is your closest adviser. As a fellow sellsword, exiled from the North, he and I are kindred spirits. His home at Bear Island is just across the water from Ironrath and I met him once when I was a little boy. I'm sure if you let me talk to him, he would vouch for me.

Daenerys: Ser Jorah is busy scouting in preparation for when my armies siege Meereen. But I'll be sure to pass on your regards.

Asher 3: If you trust a filthy rogue like One-Eyed Croft, then you can trust me. He and I have fought side-by-side for years.

Daenerys: What makes you think I trust One-Eyed Croft? A man's loyalty is not true loyalty, if you have to pay him for it.

Silence - Daenerys: I asked you a question! If you're telling the truth, then I feel for you, but I need answers.

Daenerys: I'm sorry, Asher Forrester. I will not break my contract with the Hellhounds. But perhaps there is another way... If you were to join the Seconds Sons, I could put you in charge of a company of a hundred men. Then they would still serve me and I could order them to go with you to Westeros to prepare for my arrival. In the meantime, if they were to help you defend your home, then we would both benefit from the arrangement. You would still need to hire a ship and keep them fed, of course, and I would be trusting you without proof of your loyalty, but I am willing to consider this alliance, if you are. I will let you think about it, while you take some of my men and go find Drogon.

Asher: Thank you, Your Grace. (he turns to leave)

Daenerys: One other thing... it's all very well for you to join the Second Sons, but if my men are to fight for your family, I'll need something more. You will need to swear fealty to me on behalf of the Forresters. And that fealty to house Targaryen will need to stand when I return to the Seven Kingdoms. Will you swear fealty to me?

A. [The Forresters are yours]

B. [No, I can't]

Asher A: (kneeling) The Forresters are yours, Your Grace.

Daenerys: Good. But take care to uphold this vow. I will help you however I can.

Asher B: I'm afraid I can't speak on behalf of the Forresters, Your Grace.

Daenerys: A shame. But I understand. We will discuss this further when you return.

Daenerys: You may leave me.

  1. [You honour me, Your Grace]

  2. [Your beauty is unmatched]

  3. [You truly are the rightful Queen of Westeros]

  4. (Silence)

Asher 1: You honour me, Your Grace. I hope we will speak again soon.

Daenerys: (smiles, nods and turns away)

Asher 2: You are as beautiful as you are gracious and wise, Your Grace.

Daenerys: You have severely underestimated me if you think I will bend to flattery, Asher Forrester. You can go.

Asher 3: You will make a fine queen when you sit on the Iron Throne. If you don't mind me saying.

Daenerys: Thank you, Asher. Hopefully I can be a fine queen before then as well. The throne does not make the queen, after all.

Silence - Daenerys: Wipe that ridiculous grin off your face and go. You've taken up enough of my time.


  • It's all very interesting and well thought out I applaud you for it. But there's not much attitude coming from Asher and he say's "your grace" with every option he's being too respectful for my liking and theres no "your dragon attacked without reason!!" option. (don't get me wrong I love Daenerys I just want to play Asher with more attitude)

  • Fair enough.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    It's all very interesting and well thought out I applaud you for it. But there's not much attitude coming from Asher and he say's "your grac

  • edited March 2015

    That dick Asher still has may come in handy
    . And by that I mean it may come into Daenerys's hands

    Alt text

  • edited March 2015

    There should be a fourth option for every answer: [Asher grin].
    Bam, instant army+ship+rightful place on the iron throne.

    Seriously though, I can see it happening like that. But I don't think the maybe biggest decision in the game (swearing your allegiance) would be just... thrown into your face like that at the start of the episode. You know what, I'll take that back. Seems perfectly reasonable. I don't think we'll really have a choice though. Convincing Croft to come with you anyway maybe? Offer him a part of the ironwood? We won't be able to come back without support that's for sure. I also think I've read somewhere that the Forresters are supporters of Stannis, don't quote me on that one though. Maybe get an army from him?

    It also seems weird that there's no advisor, you know, advising her, seeing as she isn't the greatest tactical genius.

  • edited March 2015

    Croft Block

    That dick Asher still has may come in handy . And by that I mean it may come into Daenerys's hands

  • I read this and realised how much I hate her as a character. Good display, though.

  • edited March 2015

    When I read the title I was like #Dasher

  • Alt text

    When I read the title I was like #Dasher

  • Your Grace

    Alt text

  • There is a line in the books that states the Forresters are one of the northern clans that start working for Stannis when he heads south, which is why I put that allegiance to Dany thing in there, to cause friction in the future. If it gets out that Asher as allied them with Daenerys, then Stannis definitely won't want to support them. Stannis won't be around for a while though, so I don't think he's going to be able to help them with the Whitehills in the foreseeable future.

    You're right it is weird that she doesn't have an advisor, but that's because all of her advisors are characters from the show. Meaning Telltale would have to pay another actor from the show to lend there voice and likeness, an expense I'm sure they'll avoid if they can.

    Daniel354 posted: »

    There should be a fourth option for every answer: [Asher grin]. Bam, instant army+ship+rightful place on the iron throne. Seriously thou

  • It's easy to forget sometimes, but then she opens her mouth again and it all comes rushing back.

    I hope she stays in Essos.

    JohnKersky posted: »

    I read this and realised how much I hate her as a character. Good display, though.

  • I just laughed so hard when I saw this LMAO

  • It's weird, when I wrote her dialogue, I wasn't even trying to make her sound bitchy or anything. It just came out that way automatically.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    It's easy to forget sometimes, but then she opens her mouth again and it all comes rushing back. I hope she stays in Essos.

  • Added silence options.

  • Your ideas are really great troublesome-birdsong, I can totally see things playing out like this.

    Theres just something about Dany and her plot that makes me so annoyed. Im so glad that Tyrion is there now, something to look forward to in her chapters.

    It's weird, when I wrote her dialogue, I wasn't even trying to make her sound bitchy or anything. It just came out that way automatically.

  • :D

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Your ideas are really great troublesome-birdsong, I can totally see things playing out like this. Theres just something about Dany and he

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