Will Tryion still ask for his favour?

Is it likely Tyrion will still ask of our favour in his prison cell? It's possible , however telltale could give us the option of declining the offer - since we have no incentive to work with Tryion anymore. If he does ask a favour, what will it be?


  • He could write a letter to Mira asking for that favor but I doubt he'll be able to use his little pink cock

  • I don't know, but I will help him, I'm starting to think that Margaery's gonna do nothing to help us or our family, so screw her and my promise.

  • edited April 2015

    I'll wager we'll have to decide between trying to help Tyrion [to no avail of course], or testifying against him per Cersei's request.

    It'll be, honor vs opportunity. Cersei could promise to help with the Ironwood in exchange for Mira's testimony,with a few threats in-between.

    The downside of taking up her offer would be feeling really, really shitty for doing that to Tyrion. I know I would feel like the most evil handmaiden in Westeros.

  • Alt text

    Tyrion will remember that

    Pride posted: »

    I'll wager we'll have to decide between trying to help Tyrion [to no avail of course], or testifying against him per Cersei's request. It

  • Yeah, was I the only one who wanted to scream at Margaery when she had the gall to say "all I've ever tried to do was help you!" REALLY!

    JMOREL posted: »

    I don't know, but I will help him, I'm starting to think that Margaery's gonna do nothing to help us or our family, so screw her and my promise.

  • I think @Pride is right. I think what will happen is this:

    Tyrion will call on us as a witness in his trial. We will of course get the option to either agree, agree but after some hesitation or reluctantly agree. Then Cersei will most likely find out about it and try to make us betray Tyrion most likely with some kind of offer of help.

    I really really hope that we can actually decide what we actually say when up on the stand (I know it won't make a blind bit of difference in the story plot) however it will make a difference to how we play Mira. Either we betray Tyrion = Tyrion is still found guilty or we try to help him =Tyrion still found guilty, but Mira at least tried to do the right thing and also help out the one person who at least tried to give her a chance to help her family.

    If I had to choose I would back Tyrion every time, seeing Cersei and Margarey's reaction would just be the cherry on the top! I know I know I may as well be signing my own (or rather Mira's) death warrant, but hey I've already survived one assassination attempt! Only this time I'll already be armed!

  • I doubt he'll be able to use his little pink cock

    Alt text

    Clemenem posted: »

    He could write a letter to Mira asking for that favor but I doubt he'll be able to use his little pink cock

  • Aww did he plow your field Norren?

    I doubt he'll be able to use his little pink cock

  • I doubt he'll be able to use his little pink cock

    ummm...what? and why?

    Clemenem posted: »

    He could write a letter to Mira asking for that favor but I doubt he'll be able to use his little pink cock

  • I'm not that familiar with the show, but has their been a trial for Tyrion? If their is, I don't think Mira will be there or do a favor for him regarding the trial since it would conflict with the show.

  • no. But I plowed your mom

    Alt text

    Clemenem posted: »

    Aww did he plow your field Norren?

  • At this point its all about my family. If Cersei gives Mira the opportunity to betray Tyrion and testify against him in exchange for some kind of boon, like I dont get know, getting the damn Whitehills to back the hell off, then I'm gonna take it. Sorry Tyrion but this is Westeros, and times are shitty.

  • Its a joke from the show. Oberyn jokes about how when first born Cersei was so heated about her mother's death she nearly squeezed a then infant Tyrion's penis off

    DoubleJump posted: »

    I doubt he'll be able to use his little pink cock ummm...what? and why?

  • Cersei could promise

    Promise is not included in Cersei's vocabulary.

    Pride posted: »

    I'll wager we'll have to decide between trying to help Tyrion [to no avail of course], or testifying against him per Cersei's request. It

  • It would make sense kind of, if it were to be cannon then your testimony will mean jack shit as per the show/book.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    I'm not that familiar with the show, but has their been a trial for Tyrion? If their is, I don't think Mira will be there or do a favor for him regarding the trial since it would conflict with the show.

  • 'Tryion"


    Tyrion man.

  • I doubt it, and even then I wouldn't accept it. It would be a very dumb thing to do, especially when Ironrath is in desperate need for some cha-ching from the Crown.

  • What exactly would a favor from Mira do for Tyrion? With the position he's in I doubt Mira could give him something he would want.

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