So... about them Sellswords...

Can anybody versed in ASOIAF tell me why it is a good idea to have Malcolm wander about in Essos to find mercenaries instead of ... I dunno ... coming back to Westeros and looking around in the neighborhood? I mean, you wouldn't need a whole sellsword company like the Second Sons to drive off the handful of Whitehill men and guard Ironrath, right? And it's not like they could afford more than a couple of men anyway, if at all. Or is there some kind of mercenary special offer in in the Free Cities?


  • Thats the point of Mira she's trying to get money for the sellsword army

  • He had to get Asher. Might has well gotten Essos sellswords.

  • edited April 2015

    Right, the whole plan still seems so forced and complicated. It's not like they would need all too experienced fighters, as seen with Gared vs. three Bolton/Whitehill guys. Plus, now they're being followed and wanted dead by Tazal's men. Plus, you have to ship the mercs back to Westeros. That's a lot of unnecessary gold and time wasted, if you ask me. This isn't what noble houses in Westeros normally do, when they need hired fighters, or is it?

    He had to get Asher. Might has well gotten Essos sellswords.

  • it's more than the Whitehills...they have to deal with the Boltons.

  • I'm just realising that I don't really get what House Forrester pursues at all. Today the Whitehills, tomorrow the Boltons, and the day after? They gonna need to sell a lot of Ironwood then...

    it's more than the Whitehills...they have to deal with the Boltons.

  • do you recall episode 2? Lady Elissa telling Rodrik, all the other houses are afraid to stand up against Whitehills and the Boltons (dont remember word by word) but not the Glenmores.

    rousseau posted: »

    Right, the whole plan still seems so forced and complicated. It's not like they would need all too experienced fighters, as seen with Gared

  • The intention was to bring Asher back as well as rallying forces from Essos instead of Westeros so the Whitehills/Boltons wouldn't be alarmed and plus i'm fairly sure all the large sellsword companies are in Essos

  • day after is the Lannisters....youre right they need tons of $$ to supply this war.

    rousseau posted: »

    I'm just realising that I don't really get what House Forrester pursues at all. Today the Whitehills, tomorrow the Boltons, and the day after? They gonna need to sell a lot of Ironwood then...

  • Ok, I see, it's probably the bit about not alarming the Whitehills. Can't see how they want to pull this off in secrecy with enemy forces probably controlling the harbours but whatever.

    The intention was to bring Asher back as well as rallying forces from Essos instead of Westeros so the Whitehills/Boltons wouldn't be alarmed and plus i'm fairly sure all the large sellsword companies are in Essos

  • edited April 2015

    when "bringing back asha" was brought up i missed the "are you fucking kidding me?" dialog option.

    even with the show shrinking down the world it seemed kind of ridiculous that malcolm would find one specific sellsword somewhere in slaver's bay just like that. as dangerous as essos was presented there was a good chance he would just die on his quest.

  • the Boltons don't necessarily have to be enemies.

    Yes, Ramsay is a murderous psycho, but even him agreed to give a chance to both houses and see which one handles the ironwood supplies better.
    Roose is a lot more practical, and he's going to be back in the north soon. To him, this is two minor vassal houses competing for control of their own local doesn't need to escalate beyond that unless one of the two sides does something really stupid...and on that note, ruining the sources of Ironwood doesn't really count as a clever move on the Whitehills' part.

    King's Landing? They care even less, again, unless someone screws up. Looking at you this time, Mira...

    This mess can stop at the Whitehills if the Forresters play their cards right...

    rousseau posted: »

    I'm just realising that I don't really get what House Forrester pursues at all. Today the Whitehills, tomorrow the Boltons, and the day after? They gonna need to sell a lot of Ironwood then...

  • edited April 2015

    None of the other houses want to get involved in the conflict between the Forresters and Whitehills. The Boltons are backing the Whitehills, so other minor houses are dissuaded from taking sides with the Forresters. If they stay neutral, they risk nothing.

    A sellsword army from Essos is completely divorced from the politics. They have no vested interest in who wins or loses. It's going to cost them a lot of money, which is what Mira needs to do. The Forresters can't bargain with shares or supplies of Ironwood, which is useless to the mercs. They need straight cash. If Mira doesn't get the money, then their gamble on the sellswords falls apart.

    rousseau posted: »

    Right, the whole plan still seems so forced and complicated. It's not like they would need all too experienced fighters, as seen with Gared

  • I know. And it was kinda comical how Mum Forrester explained it to Ethan: "Asher knocked out that miller boy's teeth. You gonna need him in this war." Erm... on the contrary, bringing him back is an unnecessary provocation towards the Whitehills, let alone an extreme effort. And we could rather do with Malcolm's help in Ironrath, no?

    2rational posted: »

    when "bringing back asha" was brought up i missed the "are you fucking kidding me?" dialog option. even with the show shrinking down the

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