God, I love that man...
But how did he forget Handsome Jack's number 1 style tip:
You wear your lab coat under your vest, but over your shirt, but under your jacket.
Following on from Dameon's tweet, Anthony Burch has confirmed he wrote a few scenes for ep 3 of Tales:
This is an interesting develop… morement because he recently left Gearbox/the Borderlands franchise, so it was unclear whether or not that meant Tales, too.
If voice acting is starting now I figure the episode will be released at the end of the month. That's good to see updates, the constant complaining from a lot of fanbase was extremely annoying last time tbh
If voice acting is starting now I figure the episode will be released at the end of the month. That's good to see updates, the constant complaining from a lot of fanbase was extremely annoying last time tbh
Following on from Dameon's tweet, Anthony Burch has confirmed he wrote a few scenes for ep 3 of Tales:
This is an interesting develop… morement because he recently left Gearbox/the Borderlands franchise, so it was unclear whether or not that meant Tales, too.
I thought the exact same thing and practically started hyperventilating, but I think it's just how they refer to their episodes...
Any rough estimates on when TT might release Episode 3?
Could it come faster than normal to make up for the extra long wait time for Episode 2, or was that already made up for when they released both Atlas Mugged and the Sword in the Darkness the same month?
Any rough estimates on when TT might release Episode 3?
Could it come faster than normal to make up for the extra long wait time for Epis… moreode 2, or was that already made up for when they released both Atlas Mugged and the Sword in the Darkness the same month?
Not directly related to Tales, but here's a fun/short video that IGN just uploaded with Dameon Clarke.
Men's Style Tips with Borderlands'… more Handsome Jack
Dameon also played some Handsome Collection during his visit to IGN and answered fan questions, but they've yet to upload videos of those yet. With any luck, maybe they'll talk about Tales a bit in those!
I always knew Jack wore a ton of layers, but I didn't even notice that this one was a freaking lab coat until you pointed it out.
I'm surprised he didn't sweat to death before the Vault Hunters killed him. :P
((super late response but hi!!))
I'm guessing the same thing. 100, lesgo!
I always knew Jack wore a ton of layers, but I didn't even notice that this one was a freaking lab coat until you pointed it out.
I'm surprised he didn't sweat to death before the Vault Hunters killed him. :P
The only ship that matters! :P But seriously, this is freaking hilarious.
I. I kinda want something like this to happen now. Pfffft. There's just so much funny shit they could do with this whole Jack AI thing.
The voice acting started almost 10 days ago.
Oh come on, it can't be that bad. If he wrote the scenes with Brick or added Claptrap, I'm all for that.
We might have a chance to see Tales in April, but that's less likely so if it doesn't happen, I'm all for May
Danny St. John confirmed?
Believe in M5
Wait...He said ''Tales 103''
TFTB Season 2 confirmed?!?!
I thought the exact same thing and practically started hyperventilating, but I think it's just how they refer to their episodes...
Nah, man - F17 all the way!
F17 will be always in my heart. But things have happened. It's time to move forward.
Yeah, I know...but the dreams won't ever be interrupted...
"Jack, you are dead. Deal with it"
Just replace Jack with F17. I feel like a horrible person right now. Buhuhuu ;;___;;
That's how they refer to episodes since S&M
1 - the season
0 - because tt wants to
3 - episode
bruh it isnt my first rodeo
I was searching everywhere for this gif, thanks HJ, it will come to use!
I totally stole it from @Deadpoolian's Tumblr! ^_^
So it was in Deadpoolian's Tumblr! I knew it was on Tumblr somewhere but forgot whose tumblr it was xD
Haha, I kinda went crazy with gifing Jack when the episode first released. Just so many great quotes/expressions!
Yanno, if you guys ever have any gif requests, just let me know! I'd be happy to make some reaction gifs and whatnot for forum use.
Yesssss my otp XD This is hilarious
(Thanks to the artist for that haha)
if it was season 2 was 203 so nope.
I can totally imagine Angel facepalming behind the camera. XD
Any rough estimates on when TT might release Episode 3?
Could it come faster than normal to make up for the extra long wait time for Episode 2, or was that already made up for when they released both Atlas Mugged and the Sword in the Darkness the same month?
Is there something wrong with that?
They better make up the time.. I can't fucking wait! XD
Give me end of April.. I have a two week vacation then.. Going to need it!
By the way, I was watching this and I thought "Damn, I'm sure Rhys was used to watch those Handsome Jack videos and he followed all the tips."
Because, y'know, he's totally "obsessed" with Handsome Jack. xD
Don't trust the FAQ, please xD
He means if he says 103 instead of Episode 3, it indicates that there is/will be another Season in the future.
You don't like Anthony Burch's writing?
New episodes USUALLY come out every 4-6 weeks, which in Telltale's language means once per 10 episodes.
I'm actually not much of a fan of Burch's writing, I didn't find borderlands 2 particularly funny, but any news is good news I guess
Game Theorists made a video we can enjoy while waiting Handsom Jack theory video
I demand somebody put that line in a game lol omg! XD
Oh no...
Handsome Jack is going to strangle somebody isn't he? ;_;