Tyrion's trial (Oberyn vs The Mountain)

Could we see it? In game, I mean or do you think thats off the table. You have to admit they copped the fuck out at the Purple Wedding and it disappointed me greatly. I would love to see Oberyn in game and would see how Telltale handles brutality. Mira could be in the crowd or a spectator or witness.

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  • I don't think so...There's just too much involved. Telltale would have to pay for Oberyn's VA, not to mention everyone present, Tywin, Cersei, Jaimie, etc. Too expensive.

  • The best you'll get is it getting mentioned in conversation. Telltale making an Oberyn and Gregor model as well as arena scenery when they don't even have to? Don't get your hopes up

  • Mira will be probably locked in the cell or at least away from the castle during the time this happens.

  • I think that by the time that happens, Mira won't be in King's Landing anymore.

  • We didn't see the either wedding so I highly doubt we'd see something this involved.

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    Skiba7671 posted: »

    We didn't see the either wedding so I highly doubt we'd see something this involved.

  • I highly doubt it unfortunately, it was an impressive fight. I really wish Oberyn hadn't been killed off, he was shaping up to be an interesting character and he could've had so much potential =(.

  • I don't know why everyone wants to see these major events from the show telltale should just focus on the Forresters story the only reason we got to overhear Joffereys death and be at the wedding is because this event affects Mira.

  • I actually liked how they brought in the wedding. Would've been awesome if Mira would've actually sit in the audience but I thought it was quiet clever :)

  • I have to disagree it didn't seem to have any presence and we missed the good parts

    gwendog posted: »

    I actually liked how they brought in the wedding. Would've been awesome if Mira would've actually sit in the audience but I thought it was quiet clever

  • Well thing thing is that for non-book readers/show watchers, Joffrey's death would have no impact on them because they didn't know him as the prick "King" that fans of the original source material do. And on top of that, Jack Gleeson (Joffrey's actor) retired from acting, so there was no way they could have him voice Joff.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I have to disagree it didn't seem to have any presence and we missed the good parts

  • I'm not so sure about the fight scene though I think the trial will be an interesting thing. I think Cersei will give you the option to testify against Tyrion in exchange for some coin for Ironrath.

  • They could have taken audio from the show instead of him having him personally do it. One gaming company (can't remember who did it) did something similar for a Scarface game where they had Pacino voice Tony for a few seconds then some random dude for the actual game

    Well thing thing is that for non-book readers/show watchers, Joffrey's death would have no impact on them because they didn't know him as th

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