The GoT Forum poll stats/results!

edited April 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Hi again,

I'm finally back with the results and I got quite a nice number of responses (close to 100), which always helps.

The results page for PART ONE (general Telltale/GoT stuff):

The result page for PART TWO (in-depth Game of Thrones stats/opinions):

Below is a text-only run down on the stuff included in the poll if you don't want to/can't check 'em out in (a very clear) graph form:


GENDER: 76% male, 23% female, 1% unspecified.

AGE: 55% for 17-25, 33% for under 17, 9% for 26-34 and 3% for 35+.

-Little does the M-rating do in reality, it seems. XD

REGION: 48% Europe, 40% North America, 5% South America, 3% Asia, 2% Australia, 1% Africa.

GoT FAMILIARITY: 41% show/books, 40% just show, 15% neither, 3% just books.

PLATFORM: 61% PC/Mac, 9% Mobile device, 10% PS4, 9% PS3, 6% Xbox One, 4% Xbox 360.

-No question about the master race, apparently.

TTG TITLES PLAYED: 94% TWD, 86% TWAU, 68% TFBL, 19% Jurassic Park, 17% Back to the Future, 15% Monkey Island, 11% Sam & Max.

-No love for the oldies...

FAVORITE TTG TITLE: 35% TWD, 30% GoT, 15% TFBL, 14% TWAU, 2% Monkey Island, 2% Sam & Max.

*edit: read 'Back to the Future' on 'Monkey Island' but none chose it nor Jurassic Park as their favorite.

TTG QUALITIES APPRECITED (ranking): #1 Writing (4,5 pts.), #2 The choice system (3,4 pts.), #3 Voice acting (3,1 pts.), #4 Adapted franchises (2,4 pts.), #5 Graphics (1,7 pts.).

-In case someone thought graphics made the games, this looks pretty conclusive to me.


PLAYABLES RANKED: #1 Rodrik (3,8 pts.), #2 Garred & Mira both (3,1 pts.), #3 Asher (2,6 pts.), #4 Ethan (2,3 pts.).

-Can't blame Ethan for getting replaced now, can we?

COUNCIL TRUST RANKED: #1 Duncan & Ser Royland both (3,2 pts.), #2 Lady Forrester (2,1 pts.), #3 Maester Ortengryn (1,5 pts.).

-In sentinels we trust.

ATTITUDE TOWARDS WHITEHILLS: 42% diplomatic, 34% aggressive, 24% deceptive/submissive.

KING'S LANDING ALLIES RANKED: #1 Coal boy Tom (4,5 pts.), #2 Tyrion Lannister (3,0 pts.), #3 Handmaiden Sera (2,7 pts.), #4 Lord Morgryn (2,4 pts.), #5 Lady Margaery (2,4 pts.).

FINN OR COTTER: 75% Cotter, 25% Finn.

-Thieves ftw.

BESKHA OR MALCOM: 53% Uncle Malcolm, 47% Beskha.

-Thieves almost ftw.

WHITEHILLS/ENEMIES LIKABILITY RANKED: #1 Gwynn Whitehill (5,0 pts.), #2 Cersei Lannister (3,9 pts.), #3 Unknown Forrester Council traitor (3,5 pts.), #4 Ramsay Snow (3,1 pts.), #5 Gryff Whitehill (3,0 pts.), #6 Lord Whitehill (2,5 pts.).

-No love for Ludd.

SHOW CAMEO CHARACTERS RANKED BY LIKABILITY: #1 Tyrion Lannister (5,0 pts.), #2 Jon Snow (4,3 pts.), #3 Daenerys Targaryen (3,1 pts.), #4 Margaery Tyrell (3,0 pts.), #5 Ramsay Snow (2,9 pts.), #6 Cersei Lannister (2,8 pts.).

-note: Daenerys has had the least time on-screen as of Episode 3 (almost none).

GAME'S QUALITY SO FAR: 56% Excellent, 36 % Good, 6% Ok, 2% Disappointing.

Note: the order in which answers were ranked was explained in the poll itself and is reversed here for the results only because it's easier to see this way.

Thank you all for participating once again, hopefully you got something out of it, the stats seem interesting to me at least. :)



  • 35% TWD, 30% GoT, 15% TFBL, 14% TWAU

    I'm suprised TWAU fell to the last place. I mean, both GoT and TFTB aren't even finished yet.


    11% Sam & Max

    Alt text


    2% Sam & Max

    Alt text

  • edited April 2015

    I actually liked TWAU most (especially the first part). Could be that it started to lose some momentum as the quality lowered towards the end.

    fallandir posted: »

    35% TWD, 30% GoT, 15% TFBL, 14% TWAU I'm suprised TWAU fell to the last place. I mean, both GoT and TFTB aren't even finished yet.

  • TWAU is my second favourite, I haven't noticed any lack of entertainment, but yeah, it's all about the taste.

    Finnisher posted: »

    I actually liked TWAU most (especially the first part). Could be that it started to lose some momentum as the quality lowered towards the end.

  • The Wolf Among Us has dropped from my second favorite to my fourth. It was an extremely fun game to play with interesting characters and universe, but like @Finnisher said I felt like the quality of the game towards the end is kinda low compared to how Telltale's other games have been.

    fallandir posted: »

    TWAU is my second favourite, I haven't noticed any lack of entertainment, but yeah, it's all about the taste.

  • Hey Shub, little off-topic, but what your favourite then?

    The Wolf Among Us has dropped from my second favorite to my fourth. It was an extremely fun game to play with interesting characters and uni

  • edited April 2015

    Or NB folks.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    NB? What's that?

    Flog61 posted: »

    Or NB folks.

  • Game of Thrones with Walking Dead Season 1 following

    fallandir posted: »

    Hey Shub, little off-topic, but what your favourite then?

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