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  • First off,'ve been crying? :'0 Whatever is going on, we are all here for you. I've mentioned this before but if you ever need to talk or get something off your chest, I'd be more than happy to hear you. I may not GET back in time but I do care and listen, man. I hope it gets taken care of, dude. -virtual hug and brofist- :)

    I honestly think this little dust off to the suggestions to make this thread better is wonderful and there are no added-ons from me. :) This thread has been a wonderful and positive place from the beginning and all of you are some fantastic people. I agree with every single one of these, especially #1, #2 & #3. I TRY my hardest to commenting and reading other stories on here; I sometimes get behind but eventually, catch up. :)

    Great ideas, Dragon. THINK JJ's idea was a lot like #2's, actually. Not sure....

    Anyways, great suggestions to make this place even more awesome. Hope you feel better, man. I'm here, if you need to chat. :3

    Before I start, I wanted to point out that I have been crying (or felt the urge to cry) while feeling miserable in the past few days - mainl

  • Hard Times Part:Six

    Night had begun to show as the moon has shown his face in the sky before Kieron and the others could make it to the lake. The trees grew faces by breaking their own bark, blood seeped out of the trees and animals began to surround the trees. Kieron and the others his until the animals left. When the animals left Kieron and the others leaned on the trees for support for their sleep. Alice and Azaria had one tree while Kieron and the kitten had another, although the kitten slept on Kierons chest. Alice poked Azaria.

    "I bet you wish that was you huh?" Alice giggled

    "Alice I'll kill you" Azaria smirked

    "Oh come on I'm just having a bit of fun. Plus if I die this whole place will dissapear and neither you or Kieron will live. Actually it'll be like you had never existed in the real world. You're just erased." She said

    "So we really do have to keep an eye on you huh?" Azaria said

    "Who knows maybe we'll leave earlier than expected." Alice said

    "I hope so." Azaria said.

    Alice looked over at Kieron who was out cold. "How does he go to sleep so quick?" She said

    "He's most likely still tired from the fight." Azaria said

    The kitten on Kierons chest was laying down with his paws over his eyes.

    "And how come he gets the adorable kitten?" Azaria said

    "Who knows, I used to have one too. But...he died" Alice said

    "How did it happen?" Azaria asked

    "I...don't want to talk about it." Alice said sadly.

    "I get it we all have something we don't want to talk about." Azaria said

    "I miss my little boy." Alice said

    "I'm sure you do, we'll get back to them soon. But crying won't get us closer." Azaria said

    "You're right. Thanks." Alice said

    "No problem." Azaria said

    The two then said goodnight and fell asleep. Kieron however wasn't really asleep, but the kitten was showing him of events that are going to unfold in the future.

    Kittens vision...

    Kieron and an army of the resistance against wonderlands new king had been fighting for quite a while. The sky was dark with red clouds, the moon had blood pouring out of it's mouth and his eyes were caved out with one hanging on its face. Kieron had blood all over his armor, the battle was a massacre. The castle was dropping bombs around the battlefield. Kieron noticed Azaria fall in one of the craters the explosives left. He began to run and help her when an explosive had thrown him in with her. The crater was too big to reach out of even if boosted. Kieron heard the sound of kamikaze goblins, he turned to Azaria. The blood on his armor began to shine and it gave his body magical properties, he made a blood shield and gave it to Azaria. She began to hit Kieron and called him a jack ass for doing so, he heard the goblins getting closer. He grabbed her and used his body as protection. The last thing he heard was an explosion when he woke up....

    The next morning...

    When Kieron opened his eyes he thought he was already dead. But he was still in the woods with Azaria and Alice with no castle in sight. The kitten stretched and rubbed it's face on his cheek. He pet the kitten and stood up. The two women were still asleep when he woke up. It was odd when he stood up the blood on his clothes were gone and his body felt comepletely healed. Was the vision partly true? We're his true abilities tied to blood? He didn't know and didn't have any to test it with. He shook his head and pet the kitten again. It was time to go hunting.

    In the castle of wonderland...

    The commander had walked into the throne room.

    "What'd you find?" The king asked

    "We found her your majesty. She's with your childhood friend. Kieron." He said

    "Kieron hmm. This will be interesting then. We must start preparing for war then. The resistance will probably be contacting him soon." The king said

    "Shouldn't we just kill him now?" The commander said

    "For now no. If he joins the resistence, you have my orders to kill on sight. For now leave him be." The king said

    "Yes your majesty." The commander said leaving.

    When the commander left a silhouette of a floating man appear behind the king.

    "Could this Kieron be a better ruler than you?" The silhouette spoke.

    "He's nothing but trash." The king said

    "But he was your childhood friend yes?" The silhouette asked

    "Such things are not needed. If he becomes a bother he will be dealt with." The king replied

    "I see." The silhouette said and faded.

    "So Kieron...the battle for wonderland is about to begin...may the best man win." He said getting up from his throne and went to his chamber.

    That's it! Will probably post another part later since I don't have classes today! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know! :D

  • Sorry for what you are going through Dragon, if you need someone to talk to, or provide some satire I'm here atleast once a day. "Remember: the time you feel lonely is the time you most need to be by yourself. Life's cruelest irony.”

    As for this idea, I feel it will be a breath of fresh air. Perhaps it could a good idea to add to the OP for newcomers.

    Before I start, I wanted to point out that I have been crying (or felt the urge to cry) while feeling miserable in the past few days - mainl

  • Wow! 20! I remember being 20! XD XD Have a great day, Hman! :D Don't get into trouble now.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Happy 20th Birthday to me

  • I want a shirtless Bigby for my birthday....or Gren. Or both. XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Have a great day!

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned
    edited April 2015

    You're really bringinng these characters to life. I'm curious about Michelle; her BG is not as bad as Georgie's but it's enough for a young woman and her daughter to stay out of trouble? Whatever it is, its bad. She will not talk about her past or even stay around long enough to talk to Ethan. :( I'm like Dragon when he states Michelle is an interesting character. I want to know more about her. And knowing that asshole ex is going to be released! >:(

    I love Rosie. She's actually one of my favorites. She's developed into her own. She's so caring and loving. Nothing like Carla or her brothers....

    SPEAKING of brothers, holy shit! :0 So, Carla JUST killed her own sister AND son!? WTF is wrong with this bitch!? This is a warning? Message to everyone!? Oh hell no! I hope Rosie goes to Gren and he is just determined to kick Carla's ass! I hate her now. Out of all the villians you have made, Carla is your best one because she knows so much about this family and city....I just hope nothing bad happens.

    Great, dude. Can't wait for more. :3 Also, have fun at the doctor's today! -crosses fingers Tams is pregnant.- XD XD XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The Woodlands. Late... "Pretty insane stuff, huh Ethan?" Side by side, Michelle and Ethan take a stroll to a nearby Hotdog cart. The s

  • I thought we already did?! XP

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Omg can we start calling Dragon 'Thread Master' all the time? Lmao XD

  • I don't plan on doing anything stupid, but you never know :P

    Either way, thnx man! XD

    JJwolf posted: »

    Wow! 20! I remember being 20! XD XD Have a great day, Hman! Don't get into trouble now.

  • Thnx EMMY! :D

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Happy Birthday man! I would insert a meme, however the internet is currently acting weird and I'm lucky to be able to write this comment XD

  • 2 was actually one of my ideas, too. :) These are all great ideas and a fresh way to remind everyone here and the new people. I'm sorry to hear you've been down, though. Like the others before me, I'm here if you need a shoulder to cry. Whatever it may be, I hope you take care of it. :) We love ya', oh mighty thread leader. :D

    Perhaps it could a good idea to add to the OP for newcomers.

    Stone made a great point here. Great idea. :)

    Before I start, I wanted to point out that I have been crying (or felt the urge to cry) while feeling miserable in the past few days - mainl

  • Thnx dude :)

    MasterStone posted: »

    Happy birthday Hazzah!

  • Gren, hate to say but, Nick would END you...

    Plus, I have something you will never have: British Charm XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Hey, no problem man Emily appreciates the much love, too. Also- looks over Oh snap.... And when you get bored of him I'll be waiting Gren: DAFUQ.....

  • I know that feeling of crying all too well man, like pie said we are all here to help and provide whatever support we can man!

    These ideas are really good although I think I have most of these down but I will admit that I'm not very good at the third one as I don't really know what to say or what to ask (If this makes sense) but from now on I'll try and do better and look for more things to ask about and show support more so I do apologize for this everyone. :(

    I like these ideas Dragon and I will try and work on the third one man!

    Before I start, I wanted to point out that I have been crying (or felt the urge to cry) while feeling miserable in the past few days - mainl

  • Oh man this chapter started out so happy too. Rosie and Erica were quite cute, cooking together and having a ball. Ugh that father should stay in jail so Michelle and Emily don't have to be bothered with him any longer. It's good to see Ethan and Rosie are there to help Michelle too. And poor Joey man...RIP. Awesome job man! I am wildly curious to see what happens next! :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The Woodlands. Late... "Pretty insane stuff, huh Ethan?" Side by side, Michelle and Ethan take a stroll to a nearby Hotdog cart. The s

  • edited April 2015

    Oh dude, I'm sorry to hear that :( I'm a good listener so if you wanna talk then I will do whatever I can to help ok :)

    I think it's better for me to bullet point my thoughts on each idea:

    • 1 - I am a guilty person to this point, as I haven't yet commented on Dragon's or EMMY's stories. I guess my starting so late has caused me to skip them because I don't really know what's going on...

    • 2 - I hadn't noticed this, but it is a very good point to bring up!

    • 3 - I agree fully with this, though sometimes everything you want to say has already been said by another person. But constructive criticism is always there...

    • 4 - I do this already :P And I shall start doing so for Dragon and EMMY with their work. It is unfair for me to not read their stuff, and for them to read mine...

    • 5 - Definitely! We're all friends here, no malicious stuff has been passed around from what I've seen, but we certainly do look out for each other in a way.

    • 6 - This 100%. Helping others to improve is always what writers should do for other writers...

    So now you guys know what I think and the things I haven't done, I shall make an effort to rethink my time on this thread...

    Before I start, I wanted to point out that I have been crying (or felt the urge to cry) while feeling miserable in the past few days - mainl

  • He adds mustard, ketchup, sauerkraut, red onions, chili peppers and hot, bubbly nacho cheese.

    Oh yeah! XD

    Damn, this chapter hits you hard doesn't it?

    So, how old are Erica and Rosie? Erica his the mind of a 4 year old, but clearly is older than I thought...

    Erica's father. The man was due to be released in two days for good behavior.

    Excellent... Nick will have his methods perfected by then...

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The Woodlands. Late... "Pretty insane stuff, huh Ethan?" Side by side, Michelle and Ethan take a stroll to a nearby Hotdog cart. The s

  • Kieron can use Blood Magic? Well Frau Totenkinder, you're not the only one! Haha!! XD

    This really sets up the plot for the future, Azaria must have the hots for Kieron surely :P

    I look forward to more! XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Hard Times Part:Six Night had begun to show as the moon has shown his face in the sky before Kieron and the others could make it to the l

  • Oh yes! Although for now he's not very experienced with it but he does have blood magic! ;)

    You never know I have a bunch of other characters I have yet to introduce but you could be right! :p

    Glad you are Hazza!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Kieron can use Blood Magic? Well Frau Totenkinder, you're not the only one! Haha!! XD This really sets up the plot for the future, Azaria must have the hots for Kieron surely :P I look forward to more! XD

  • But doesn't Blood Magic require human sacrifice like in the comics? :/

    Awesome! XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Oh yes! Although for now he's not very experienced with it but he does have blood magic! You never know I have a bunch of other characters I have yet to introduce but you could be right! Glad you are Hazza!

  • Different kind of blood magic but sort of the same. He can use the blood on him or around him to gain magical properties. :p

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    But doesn't Blood Magic require human sacrifice like in the comics? Awesome! XD

  • Ah, now that is pretty cool! XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Different kind of blood magic but sort of the same. He can use the blood on him or around him to gain magical properties.

  • Yes, I have been crying - after bottling my feelings up inside for whom knows how long... I'm doing better compared to how I felt before, though. I'll send you and the others a message about it later.

    Thank you for caring, and the compliments. :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    First off,'ve been crying? :'0 Whatever is going on, we are all here for you. I've mentioned this before but if you ever need t

  • A fantastic suggestion. I'll be sure to include this list in the OP and a message to you too!

    MasterStone posted: »

    Sorry for what you are going through Dragon, if you need someone to talk to, or provide some satire I'm here atleast once a day. "Remember:

  • Stone does have his moments. XD I'll let you know later, thank you!

    JJwolf posted: »

    2 was actually one of my ideas, too. These are all great ideas and a fresh way to remind everyone here and the new people. I'm sorry to hea

  • If you have trouble with the third idea, no worries! Just focus on typing more than 5 words if you're going to comment. :)

    Tetra posted: »

    I know that feeling of crying all too well man, like pie said we are all here to help and provide whatever support we can man! These idea

  • I would appreciate you doing so for 1 and 4. :) Don't think too hard now, focus on the ones you can do best!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh dude, I'm sorry to hear that I'm a good listener so if you wanna talk then I will do whatever I can to help ok I think it's better f

  • Of course. I already ask Pie for background on his stuff, and if the Authors are already willing to answer questions, then why shouldn't I inquire?

    I hope you're doing ok, man :)

    I would appreciate you doing so for 1 and 4. Don't think too hard now, focus on the ones you can do best!

  • Alright, man. You may not think it but I care a lot about you guys. You've become my 2nd family. I'm happy to hear you're doing better. Hopefully after reading the message, I may help more. :)

    Yes, I have been crying - after bottling my feelings up inside for whom knows how long... I'm doing better compared to how I felt before, though. I'll send you and the others a message about it later. Thank you for caring, and the compliments.

  • It's a terrible thing knowing he's coming out of jail but I have many plans for that. Michelle would indeed be lost without Ethan or Rosie. :) Glad to hear ya' like it, man! :D

    Tetra posted: »

    Oh man this chapter started out so happy too. Rosie and Erica were quite cute, cooking together and having a ball. Ugh that father should st

  • The only way, my good man. XD

    Rosie is 29 (she's a year younger than the quads, who are 30) and right now, Erica is 11; her mind is still trapped as a 3 or 4 year old.

    I have plans for that fool....>:D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    He adds mustard, ketchup, sauerkraut, red onions, chili peppers and hot, bubbly nacho cheese. Oh yeah! XD Damn, this chapter hits

  • I had a feeling that kitten was going to be more than just 'DAAAAWS' for pie. It's really neat seeing that he and Kieron are connected in a way that allows him to see these visions. Also, Alice's control on the world and if anything happens to her, those within her dreams will vanish with her as well.

    Also, ghe battle for Wonderland; Alice and her traveling companions have a lot on their hands at the moment but seeing how Alice has the ability to invision these things, I have a feeling she and the others wqill imagine some awesome weapons or soilders. >:D

    Great work on this whole wonderland thing, man! :D

    Tetra posted: »

    Hard Times Part:Six Night had begun to show as the moon has shown his face in the sky before Kieron and the others could make it to the l

  • edited April 2015

    Since when were the quads 30 years old?! :O

    Did I miss something? You're on about Gremiy's quads right??

    Can Nick be the one to kill him? PLEASE?! XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The only way, my good man. XD Rosie is 29 (she's a year younger than the quads, who are 30) and right now, Erica is 11; her mind is still trapped as a 3 or 4 year old. I have plans for that fool....>:D

  • edited April 2015

    LMAO! XD Georgie and Lyla's quads are 30. My bad, man! No, Gremily's quads are not 30 yet. They are 5 right now. :D

    I have a wonderful plan for this fool. Ethan will be the one to handle him but it will be bitter sweet for him....

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Since when were the quads 30 years old?! :O Did I miss something? You're on about Gremiy's quads right?? Can Nick be the one to kill him? PLEASE?! XD

  • Oh ok!!! :P

    I'll still write that bitter-sweet chapter where Nick makes Erica's Dad his bitch, and gives Michelle and Erica a little surprise afterwards :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    LMAO! XD Georgie and Lyla's quads are 30. My bad, man! No, Gremily's quads are not 30 yet. They are 5 right now. I have a wonderful plan for this fool. Ethan will be the one to handle him but it will be bitter sweet for him....

  • Ah yes the kitten has a very dark presence than just being cute :3 There will be more visions, but they'll get more and more twisted as Kieron makes new friends along the way. Being in this wonderland is a great gamble indeed, but anyone can run and leave Alice for dead whenever they please which is quite unsettling.

    Ah yes the battle for wonderland will be a great one, with Alice she can raise an army at the snap of a finger, and there is already a resistance against this king. She will definitely play a hand but keep your mind open about her mental state as the story goes on ;)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I had a feeling that kitten was going to be more than just 'DAAAAWS' for pie. It's really neat seeing that he and Kieron are connected in a

  • I tried to add different kinds of magic to my stories. Never thought about blood magic, seemed a little creepy lol. Other than that your take on Alice in Wonderland interesting.

    Tetra posted: »

    Hard Times Part:Six Night had begun to show as the moon has shown his face in the sky before Kieron and the others could make it to the l

  • I think Kieron is calling the shots now. XD Anyone able to leave Alice at will is a bit chilling, considering things are a little shaky at the moment. I knew the kitten was a bit undettling; its always the quiet and cute ones you need to watch for. XD

    Man the battle for Wonderland. I look forward to see what really goes on in that mind of hers.

    Tetra posted: »

    Ah yes the kitten has a very dark presence than just being cute There will be more visions, but they'll get more and more twisted as Kieron

  • (I'm currently drunk from my night at the Pub)

    Reading these comments is strange in my current condition :P

    I probably shouldn't read anything in case I get too emotional...

    (Again, I'm drunk, it's 1:20am, and I wanna go to bed!)

  • You are welcome, young storyteller. :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Thank you, Thread Master

  • Why are you asking him? You should be asking me. ;)

    Just kidding, all of you are welcome to do so if you wish. I wouldn't mind. XD

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Omg can we start calling Dragon 'Thread Master' all the time? Lmao XD

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