If you could save just one... who would you chose?



  • Fair enough :> Althrough I would disinterestedly help any child who is in danger, rather than blame myself long after a kid got hurt/died on my own eyes. It might be personal, because the life put me in that situation for real, but nvm, people do have their own reasons.

    Klionheart posted: »

    Ah, sorry, thought this was about later. Well, to be fair, we didn't know Shawn much either. Also I'd think one other reason for people t

  • Well, it's apparently pretty clear who the most liked character is...

  • Yeah, Gryff Whitehill.

    That1Guy posted: »

    Well, it's apparently pretty clear who the most liked character is...

  • Ser Royland.

  • Alt text

    Yeah, Gryff Whitehill.

  • Royland! Or Talia cause I'd feel bad.

  • Talia easily.

  • Ser Royland Degore.

  • I think most people are saying Talia because she is still a child.

  • Either Talia or Ryon

  • "RYON"

    Well he's young and can grow up to be as badass as his brothers, or he can be even better then his brothers

  • Ethan For-- fuck me in the arse

  • Talia is smart and is the closest to Rodrik out of everyone listed (including Ryon). I don't have much fate that Ryon will survive regardless, so I would choose Talia first and then Duncan because he knows about the Gwyn situation.

  • Ok....this is tough...only because you put Ryon in...but I would chose Talia.

    When you talk to Ryon when he is carving his sword, he says something that freaks me out O.O
    Crys Words- "Well...you are a tyrant in the making.."

    So yeah...Talia :3

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