Boromir vs. Ned Stark
I like Ned. I really do. But Boromir, Son of Gondor, would kick your ass.
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I like Ned. I really do. But Boromir, Son of Gondor, would kick your ass.
For sure Ned. All men played by Sean Bean must die.
Considering we're talking about TV Ned Stark here, he takes the win, considering he was one of the best fighters in westeros during roberts rebellion and how he held his own againts Jamie Lannister, Westeros' best fighter...
But he wasn't that good. During Robert's rebellion, he was alright, but nothing really special. There were many better fighters than him (Robert, Rhaegar, Ser Barristan, Arthur Dayne). He's the type of warrior which requires for the enemy to concentrate to fight, but nothing more. Plus, it wasn't mentioned that he was one of the best fighters, as much as I remember.
He stood his ground against Jaime, even though that's rubbish. In no way Ned is a better fighter than Jaime, and he wouldn't be able to fight him for so long in no way. Ned is a better leader, I think, a better tactician. That fight was purely show things.
Boromir hasnt even fought anything better than an urkhai in combat, in which he nearly failed in that too before getting shot like 20 thousand times.
Again, it doesnt matter if Ned isn't a better fighter than Jamie, the fact he stood his ground and was on the tip of winning before being stabbed in the back of the leg means an admirable feat. and will, contribute againts his lotr clone
Well, Boromir was a great leader - don't forget, he defended his city for years against the Orcs. He always inspired his fellow soldiers to fight, and he was pretty capable himself. We can't forget that Uruk-hai was a completely new race at the time, and they were extremely strong - even Aragorn barely won against him!
Yes, that was an impressive fight, but it only counts if we look into show's Ned - in books it didn't even happen, if I remember correctly.
Nonetheless, I respect your choice
Bean-lar Morgulis? Is that a thing?
The Uruk-hai were supposed to be stronger than men, and were basically just fighting machines. I don't think it's a slight to Boromir that he never went up against anything better than that. It's also not really a bad thing that he was killed by them, considering it was one man vs a ridiculous amount of well trained fighters. Wasn't exactly fair at all. Even then he managed to kill quite a lot of them before falling.
Not saying whether he would be better than Ned or not, but Boromir was pretty bad ass...
Boromir curb stomp, to be honest.
In terms of fight? Boromir would win. Ned Stark is a smart warrior but when it actually comes to the fight, he isn't that good. Not as good as Jaime or Robert was (in his prime).
In terms of character? Ned Stark. Boromir was power hungry and lost until his last few moments.
Thank you for the respect.. but f rom the picture above, OP seems to be making it Show NED and not Book NED. Which is kinda of a big difference... it also doesnt make it very clear wether this fight is meant to be 1 on 1 or not, or the characters being able to use their full abilities to their advantage.. like leadership.. charisma and stamina etc.
Agreed. Even if Boromir came as a triator... even though I wouldn't class him as that .. as a Child I found that scene pretty badass and wished he never died ... but alas..
I agree while Urkai-hai maybe stronger than a man. we dont know to what extend.. Stronger than an average man? or stronger than man's best fighter? cause that'd be important to know wether they'd match Jamie or not.
I think this is just a likeability contest
Boromir would win btw.