Which choice do you wish to make that wasn't in the game?

edited April 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Here's the choices I wanted to do that weren't in the game.

[Punch Gryff again] Episode 3

[Smack Lord Ludd when asked to kiss his ring] Episode 2

[Execute Britt by removing his head] Episode 3

[Convince Lord Gregor to come with you] Episode 1

[Keep Ramsay behind the Gates] Episode 1

[Ethan gets killed and Ramsay takes Talia if you don't kneel] Episode 1


  • [Kill Gryff and Lord Whitehill]

  • edited April 2015

    [Asher Grin] Instead of "..." for ever dialogue option as Asher

  • I am fucking dying right now lmao

    Poogers555 posted: »

    [Asher Grin] Instead of "..." for ever dialogue option as Asher

  • We need to petition Telltale to do this for the next three episodes.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    [Asher Grin] Instead of "..." for ever dialogue option as Asher

  • Give Mira the option of leaving King's Landing.

  • [Tell Margaery off]

    Seriously though.

  • This game needs more [Hug] choices. I've only managed to hug Elissa, Talia, Ryon and Sera so far, and that isn't enough for me. Here is the list of characters I wish I could hug: Duncan, Royland, Ortengryn, Erik, Bowen, Cotter, Finn, Frostfinger, Jon, Tom, Tyrion, Morgryn, Beshka, Malcolm, Croft, Ludd, Gryff, Gwyn, Norren. I'd also wish I could hug Tazal, Damien, Britt and all Whitehill soldiers, but only if they are okay with this (they probably aren't).

  • edited April 2015

    I'd want a choice to:

    • not kill Britt
    • take only one of Erik's fingers instead of three
    • not fight Finn, or not tell him about the North Grove ( I guess "..." will have to do)
    • decide where exactly I can hide the guard's knife and/or decree

    Also would like to have more time with Bowen, just to make sure the first big choice of the game actually meant something, even just an extra scene more. A choice to keep Ethan alive would have also been nice, though I know it had to happen for the story.

  • Poison all 20 of the Whitehills stationed at Ironrath. That choice in episode 1 where it was to starve them out or get them drunk, there should've been a 3rd option, poison their bread.

    Then I'd spread a weird rumor how Ironrath is haunted and anyone who goes there mysteriously disappears....

  • Talk with the sentinel you did not pick and win their favour back.
    To use the healing items on Britt you got in episode one.
    Give Mira option of hugging Tom and someone sees.

  • {Ride Drogon across the Narrow Sea and free Ironrath than just take over the Seven Kingdoms for giggles}

  • Well, I was so impressed that they included "You fuck potatoes?" which I think is by far the best enabler line. I do wish Mira had more options with Margeary in episode 3, cause even a tiny bit of explaining could probably fix it.

  • [ask the Glovers for help, since the Forresters are their bannerman, and they must protect their own bannermen]

  • That reminds me... when is Gared going to use those healing items? Because they are still in my inventory sitting about.

    sunfell posted: »

    Talk with the sentinel you did not pick and win their favour back. To use the healing items on Britt you got in episode one. Give Mira option of hugging Tom and someone sees.

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