Thoughts on the ice dragon

We all know that the sixth episode of "Game of Thrones - A Telltale Game Series" carries the title "The Ice Dragon". Now in Episode 3 - "The Sword in the Darkness", Gared notices the quote on Duncan Tuttle's map; "The North Grove... beneath the watchful eye of the Ice Dragon." and states "Bloody ice dragon! Gods be good, now that I would love to see." Do you think the ice dragon, mentioned by the quote is symbolic or that it means the honest to the old gods actual ice dragon from George R. R. Martin's children's novel?


  • edited April 2015

    That'd be a pretty big deal, finding a real ice dragon. Jon Snow's future buddy!

    Could be just a giant dragon's head made of ice, though.

  • There's quite a few things it could be:

    • An actual ice dragon, as in the creature
    • The Ice Dragon constellation
    • some sort of land form
    • A human character who is named (or whose title is) "The Ice Dragon"
  • edited April 2015

    I doubt they'd reveal an actual ice dragon in the game, more likely a statue or landmass shaped like on. If there does turn out to be an ice dragon in the book/tv series, my bet is it's currently hibernating inside the Wall. Meaning it won't wake up until the Wall falls, or possibly the Wall falls because it wakes up.

  • If it actually turns out like that, I'd be like: "Sheesh, Mister Martin, reading "Attack on Titan" lately?"

  • Well what's is ice dragon?
    Dragon from ice.

  • Does something like that happen in 'Attack on Titan'? I haven't read it. I'm just basing the theory on the fact that:

    1) The Wall is going to need to come down at some point, probably in the epilogue of book 6, because that's the only thing holding the White Walkers at bay. And they're not much of a threat if they never actually make it into the Seven Kingdoms.

    2) The Wall is supposedly imbued with magic and spells, and dragons are creatures of magic.

    3) There are two magic horns mentioned in the books, the dragon binder horn which supposedly controls any nearby dragons and binds them to your will, and the Horn of Winter, or Horn of Joramun, which was used to wake the giants supposedly, and if blown will somehow make the Wall collapse.

    So what if the two horns basically do the same thing i.e. awaken and/or summon the nearest dragon.

    Not to mention, the guy that Euron got to blow the dragonbinder horn at the Kingsmoot died afterward, because the power of the horn burnt out his lungs. So maybe, only people with Valyrian (read Targaryen) blood can use the horns without dying and it only works for them. Which means if the popular theory is correct, that won't be a problem for Jon Snow, or Daenerys obviously, (or Tyrion, possibly for that matter, but that's a different theory). Perhaps the White Walkers have had the Horn of Winter all along, but they haven't been able to use it to bring down the Wall, because they need someone specific to blow it. Benjen couldn't do it. They needed Jon Snow.

    Then again, the Horn of Winter may be linked to Stark blood instead, and not have anything to do with dragons, meaning Benjen could blow it as well, I don't know.

    If it actually turns out like that, I'd be like: "Sheesh, Mister Martin, reading "Attack on Titan" lately?"

  • In Talia Forrester's song, at one point it goes: "... / Mance, sound the horn of winter's past, / Call starving giants forth, / ..." It could possibly be foreshadowing.

  • Gared said that he wanted to wield a sword like Lord Forresters one day (well if you choose the dialogue option, but I bet you he still has that fantasy). Perhaps the 'Ice Dragon' is a sword forged in ironwood and preserved in ice, giving literal meaning to the phrase 'Iron From Ice' and Gared may now wield that sword.

    Beneath it or surrounding it, could be a vast grove of ironwood.

  • So, would it be like the weapons the Whitewalkers are using, since they are made from ice or ice-like? Or do you mean a sword made from the material like the obsidian dagger? After all, it is also called "frozen fire" or "dragonglass", so maybe that's the ice dragon right here?

    HarjKS posted: »

    Gared said that he wanted to wield a sword like Lord Forresters one day (well if you choose the dialogue option, but I bet you he still has

  • Yeah, perhaps it was forged from the First Men.

    So, would it be like the weapons the Whitewalkers are using, since they are made from ice or ice-like? Or do you mean a sword made from the

  • It could be the wildling's name to some sort of constellation, or peculiar type of tree, or even a mountain or a hill as far as we know. I dount it will be an actual dragon, but maybe, i dunno, it is the skeleton of a dragon dead ages ago? We'll have to wait and see.

    Maybe the ice dragon is actually Coldhands

  • Very good theory!

    HarjKS posted: »

    Gared said that he wanted to wield a sword like Lord Forresters one day (well if you choose the dialogue option, but I bet you he still has

  • I personally believe that we are going to get an honest to god Ice Dragon and here's why. This wasn't just made up for the game, it was mentioned on three separate occasions in book 5 A Dance with Dragons, as being a story Old Nan used to tell Jon Snow. But that's not the biggest hint, in the World of Fire and Ice lore book that came out in October, in the Shivering Sea section, it talks for great lengths about the Ice Dragon. It's supposedly lives in the coldest regions of the known world, is three times the size of Balarion the Black Dread, the largest known dragon in history. It has the same pale blue eyes that the White Walkers possess, it's wings are translucent, and it breaths pure ice cold enough to turn a human into an ice block within a heartbeat. They also melt when killed, and have supposedly been seen by at least 50 unique Houses. Also it's worth mentioning that in the 80s George RR Martin wrote a children's book called the Ice Dragon, and the publisher claims it takes place in the world of Westeros. So with all that said, I got a feeling it's not going to be a sword or a person guarding the North Grove, but an actual Ice Dragon, a creature of legend up there with Giants, Children of the Forest, and White Walkers, and we all know those three are real, so why not Ice Dragons?

  • "The North Grove... beneath the watchful eye of the Ice Dragon." I can't see how this quote can be linked to the sword. It is most likely a statue of dragon from ice.

    HarjKS posted: »

    Gared said that he wanted to wield a sword like Lord Forresters one day (well if you choose the dialogue option, but I bet you he still has

  • It'll be really hard pulling off an actual Ice Dragon due to canon reasons. I'm still convinced its more of a constellation or something along those lines.

  • Duncan told Gared, the North Grove is a "protected" citadel, filled with "great knowledge and power". I believe the "protection" refers to the ice dragon, since the map mentions its "watchful eye". As for the knowledge and power, I imagine them having to do with the children of the forest and possibly the three-eyed crow and Bran Stark because the map tells Gared to "hear the weirwood's whisper".

    I personally believe that we are going to get an honest to god Ice Dragon and here's why. This wasn't just made up for the game, it was men

  • It could be the Ice Dragon constellation, but that would seem rather disappointing, because if I was Telltale, I would fully go with the option of making an Ice Dragon.

    It'll be really hard pulling off an actual Ice Dragon due to canon reasons. I'm still convinced its more of a constellation or something along those lines.

  • True, I haven't the faintest idea what the actual power of the North Grove is, or how it will in anyway help House Forrester, all I know is, it's very likely guarded by a mythical beast thought by most to be a child's tale, hopefully if its the guardian, Gared doesn't have to fight it, but chances are he likely will, good luck with that.

    Duncan told Gared, the North Grove is a "protected" citadel, filled with "great knowledge and power". I believe the "protection" refers to t

  • Don't get me wrong, I would love for it be an actual Ice Dragon! I'm just not sure if they will be able to do it due to canon reasons. I guess it all depends on what they intend on actually doing with said dragon - kill it? Have Gared keep it as a pet? Just escape it and have it stay chilling wherever it's been the last few centuries?

    It could be the Ice Dragon constellation, but that would seem rather disappointing, because if I was Telltale, I would fully go with the option of making an Ice Dragon.

  • On another note, I believe in the connection of Jon Snow to Daenerys Targaryen and conclude, that Jon Snow and the ice dragon are somehow connected. I have a theory, that Jon Snow survives his wounds by the ice dragon's magical bond, finds the ice dragon and joins Daenerys Targaryen who reunited with her dragons to support the prince that was promised.

    I personally believe that we are going to get an honest to god Ice Dragon and here's why. This wasn't just made up for the game, it was men

  • edited April 2015

    well in the wiki it says the ice dragons is a type of dragon, possibly like how a Golden Retreiver is a type of dog. The Forresters would be so OP if they hauled him back to Ironrath and burn down (can they burn down, or freeze?) Highpoint and potentially the Dreadfort

  • Cotter mentioned he has experience in sneaking past giants. He also said, he is also looking for the North Grove and proclaimed, he can "guide" Gared. I believe Cotter will end up trying to distract whatever is guarding the North Grove and like Kenny from the "Walking Dead" ends up with his status unknown.

    Don't get me wrong, I would love for it be an actual Ice Dragon! I'm just not sure if they will be able to do it due to canon reasons. I gue

  • I think it will most likely turn out to be a constellation of stars that is called the 'Ice Dragon' after reading this thread.

    But...bloody Ice Dragon! Now that I would love to see!

  • I don't see how it's going to be conflicting with the canon, it is already there in the background, and whatever the North Grove contains, I believe the Ice Dragon is little more then a protector, so it probably would be fought, maybe killed (which if that's the case, then sign Gared up for Squire of the century) and that's it, but then again maybe it will be more important then that, I mean an entire episode named for it? That's would be like calling an episode of the Walking Dead just Troy, it defeats the point, so I suppose in the end I have no idea.

    Cotter mentioned he has experience in sneaking past giants. He also said, he is also looking for the North Grove and proclaimed, he can "gui

  • Eh, I don't know about that, maybe, but I myself am personally betting on something far closer to home and less mythical playing a key part.

  • Yeah, I had a feeling that it's way too romanticised to be a part of the "A Song of Ice and Fire" universe. It was less of a theory and more like wishful thinking...

    Eh, I don't know about that, maybe, but I myself am personally betting on something far closer to home and less mythical playing a key part.

  • "Beneath the watchful eye of the Ice Dragon..."

    It could mean that the Ice Dragon was once wielded beforehand when the Forresters were in great peril and used by a great warrior to defend the North Grove, in hopes that it would secure the safety of the Forresters future. Thus the Ice Dragon was a weapon used to protect House Forrester and The North Grove, and is still under its protection, giving meaning to the phrase "Beneath the watchful eye of the Ice Dragon..."

    BeklopptPoE posted: »

    "The North Grove... beneath the watchful eye of the Ice Dragon." I can't see how this quote can be linked to the sword. It is most likely a statue of dragon from ice.

  • True, it sounds good, but if I know Game of Thrones, they love to take the romanticized aspects of fantasy storylines and subvert it, case in point, unborn son of murdered king is also murdered.

    Yeah, I had a feeling that it's way too romanticised to be a part of the "A Song of Ice and Fire" universe. It was less of a theory and more like wishful thinking...

  • I mean, a flying dragon made out of ice would cause worthy attention that would have been brought up in the show, I figure thats the main problem canon-wise. I don't know much lore about it, maybe its on the smaller side? Like I said, its just something we have to wait and see to really know more than anything

    I don't see how it's going to be conflicting with the canon, it is already there in the background, and whatever the North Grove contains, I

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